Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Old Buckenham Parish Council in July

Discussions at July meeting
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Three councillors (Ben Devlin, Mike Farrington and Rona Boggia) were unable to attend and had sent their apologies. Eleven members of the public also attended.
Minutes of June Parish Council meeting. Terry Cracknell said he had expressed an interest in being included on the Personnel sub-committee and Sarah Hornbrook said that her name had been spelt incorrectly. With these amendments it was agreed that they be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Adoption of new standing order. Steve Milner said that at the last meeting it was voted to review the quorum of the Parish Council to a majority of the current serving parish councillors but he had not invoked suspension of a standing order. He then proposed that standing order 25b be suspended. This was seconded by Jonathan Kemp and agreed with 5 for and 2 against. He then proposed that the quorum of the parish council will be a majority of the current serving parish councillors, this was seconded by Jonathan Kemp. Adrian Joel said we would be the only parish council that had more than three as a quorum and we could carry on a meeting with four. Terry Cracknell said what would be the practical difference between four and six? Steve Milner replied that at a recent meeting a vote was taken and agreed with only two people and at a subsequent meeting a number of councillors said that it was not right that a small number of people could make a decision. The vote on Steve Milner’s proposal was taken with five for and two against. Steve Milner then proposed suspending standing order 9b so he could put an item on agenda without the necessary seven days notice. This was agreed unanimously. Steve Milner said that the Tour of Britain was coming through Old Buckenham in September and that grants were available for people to organise events around the tour. He proposed that the Parish Council be an umbrella organisation to Tours of Britain Organising Committee, this was seconded by Jonathan Kemp and agreed unanimously.
Neighbourhood Plan. The item was deferred to the September meeting.
Car Parking outside play area and pub. Ben Devlin had removed the plastic matting from the area and it now needed to be taken to the rubbish tip. Terry Cracknell said that Paul Boggia had put a lot of hard work into it and he had spoken to the Green Right Proprietors who said they would like the surface to be grass. He suggested making a grant application to the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust and that some individuals would be willing to make a contribution to the work and cost. Terry Cracknell to make a personal application for a grant.
Co-option of a new parish councillor. This was deferred to the September meeting and the Parish Clerk is to advertise the vacancy.
Planning applications. Corner of Crown Road and Grove Road. There were no objections from the parish council to the discharge of conditions 3, 4 and 5 of the previous application.
Keele Cottage, The Green. Erection of two semi-detached houses, partial demolition of existing. Following discussion with various councillors, it was proposed by Steve Milner that there were no objections. No seconder was found so it was proposed by Sarah Hornbrook and seconded by Jonathan Kemp to object to this application, this was agreed with four for, one against and two abstentions.
Redroof, Cake Street. Single-storey extension to front of bungalow, changes to internal layout and provision of first-floor attic bedrooms. There were no objections from the parish council.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. None.
Chairman’s report. Steve Milner said there is no update available on Chapel Road School as they are still sorting out the estate of John Alston. The Tour of Britain cycle race will pass through Old Buckenham at around 1pm on Saturday 12 September, coming in on the B1077 from Attleborough and then turning on to Crown Road. Lots of events are being organised including two morning bike rides. After the main race some roads around the Green will be partially closed and four cycle races will take place. The ‘365 project’ has now reached the halfway stage and the participants will be holding exhibitions of the photos taken to date. On Saturday 22 August the Village Hall will have a music evening sponsored by Jenny and David Sallnow featuring Chicory Tip who have had ‘top ten’ hits in the past. Terry Cracknell volunteered to take over the welcome pack scheme and he was asked to contact the previous job holder Derek Smalley who can inform him how the system works. Steve Milner said Stacksford Garden Services no longer exists. He would continue to do the maintenance at the play area but he needed volunteers to help weed the area either Saturday or Sunday mornings, preferably early before children and mums start using it.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel said up to April 2015 all houses built were required to make a payment to Breckland Council for children’s play and outdoor sport. Under new regulations this is now only payable on developments of more than ten properties. Money from the scheme was pooled and Old Buckenham, Banham, New Buckenham and Kenninghall were put together for any of the villages to draw money for either play or outdoor sport. The amounts available are £3,200 for children’s play and £8,480 for outdoor sport. Breckland Council are giving residents the chance to find out more about what can go into their black recycle bins and encourage them to use brown waste garden bins when a Breckland Environmental Waste Officer will be at the village fete to try to sign people up. Breckland had also joined up with a national environmental charity to launch a new campaign aimed at reducing dog fouling in the district. The “We’re watching you campaign” was successfully piloted by Keep Britain Tidy last year at sites across the country. It is aimed at dog walkers who do not pick up after their dogs. Breckland Council will soon roll out a small number of signs at carefully selected sites in each of the district’s five market towns and surrounding areas. Dog owners should pick up after their dogs and dispose of the bags properly. Residents can report instances of litter and dog mess to the council by using the “report it” button on Breckland’s website.
Parish Councillors reports. Sarah Hornbrook said she had found someone who will advise the Village Hall on best energy efficiency methods and hopes to have some information for the September meeting. Carol Marshall raised the matter of the litter bin on Recreation Area which was completely fouled and needed to be disposed of and Terry Cracknell said he would arrange something. Jonathan Kemp said the OB 2000 Trust had organised a party at the Village Hall which was a great event enjoyed by many. Adrian Joel asked if councillors had thought anymore about his four year ideas plan, the item will be put on the September agenda. He then said the noticeboard on the village shop is in terrible condition and needs to be replaced. The Parish Clerk said cost would be anything between £600 and £1,000 .It was suggested that someone in village could work on and improve the existing notice board. Adrian Joel also raised question of plant thefts from the allotments and asked Tom Johnson to raise the matter at the next SNAP meeting. Tall grass at Puddledock Corner is causing blocked views and needs to be cut back, the Clerk will write to the owner on the matter. Tom Johnson said the Village Fete would take place on Saturday 4 July and the next film show at the Village Hall will be on Friday 7 August. It was pointed out that someone was living in a caravan down by Old Buckenham Hall Lake Grounds, the Clerk will look into the matter. The question of potholes in St Andrews Close with white paint around them was raised. The Clerk explained they are part of a programme for repair and hopefully the repairs will be carried out in the next six to eight weeks. The Parish Clerk is to write to Cotman Housing on the proposed road widening scheme that was promised at the new housing development in St Andrews Close.
Parish Clerk’s report. None.
Highways. On their last visit, vehicles for the fair all came down Hargham Road. As they are coming back in September, could they be asked to use proper routes into village? The meeting was informed that weight restriction on vehicles does not apply to fairground traffic. It was suggested that the road leading down to the children’s play area should have some proper children signs, the Clerk to speak to Highways on the matter.
The Green. None.
Public recess. The meeting was suspended to allow member of public to ask questions. Notes on what was discussed will be posted on this blog in the next couple of days.

There is no parish council meeting in August. The next meeting will be on Thursday 3 September at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

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