Saturday 7 February 2015

Bishop of Norwich visits Old Buckenham

Handing over money raised for St Martin's Housing Trust
You could tell that something important was happening in the Church Rooms today by the number of photographers taking pictures of the group outside the door.

Every year the people of Old Buckenham raise money for the St Martin's Housing Trust, known to many as the Norwich Night Shelter. Many of the volunteer collectors had gathered in the Church Rooms to hand over cheques to the representative from St Martin's. The surprise this year was that the person handing over the main cheque was the Rt Rev Graham James, the bishop of Norwich. He had done his own piece of collecting by doing an hour-long session with a collecting bucket before Christmas while standing outside a big local supermarket. He therefore welcomed the opportunity to hand over a cheque for £27,749.43 to Colin Bland (chairman of the Trustees) which was followed by further cheques for £1,000 from the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust and £543 from the collection made at the Christmas Eve carol service in All Saints Church.

Raising a total of over £29,292 was a tremendous achievement for one small Norfolk village.

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