Thursday, 13 June 2013

Old Buckenham Parish Council in June

Parish council deliberations
These notes were written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Richard Middleton of the Attleborough Development Working Group and ten members of the public attended the Parish Council meeting on Thursday 6 June. All councillors were present apart from John Frost, Sarah Dye and Akis Chrisovelides who had sent their apologies.
There was a public recess with the meeting suspended to allow members of the public to ask questions.
Minutes of AGM. These were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Minutes of the May Parish Council meeting. Carol Marshall said that under planning application 3pl/2013/0232 it should read “seconded by Steve Milner” not by Carol Marshall. Steve Milner said it should read that the applicant should, when submitting a full planning application, consult with neighbours before submission. With these amendments the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Neighbourhood Plan. Adrian Joel said this was a plan to assist development and he referred to a booklet on the matter which had been circulated to all councillors and which explained how it worked. Breckland Council are currently compiling a Local Plan which will include the views of the parish councils on how they see the future development of the village and will be produced following full consultation with the residents. He said he was personally against a Neighbourhood Plan for the village based on the facts that the residents’ views would be sought under the local plan. The cost of producing a neighbourhood plan, which could be in excess of £20,000, had time constraints and required getting enough suitably qualified people to contribute time and effort. A full discussion took place with councillors expressing views. Then Tim Ing suggested deferring the matter until the September meeting so that the Parish Council could get some feedback from residents.
Village Hall broadband. Tom Johnson, who represents the Parish Council on the Village Hall committee, gave costings of proposed broadband wifi internet access for the village Hall. Cost would be £408 per year. Steve Milner, Jonathan Kemp and Tom Johnson spoke on the matter of supporting the idea of the village hall having internet access. Tom Johnson then asked that the Parish Council pay for the facility. The Parish Clerk explained that the Parish Council could not pay for something that was not an expense for its normal activities but suggested the Village Hall ask for a grant at the next precept meeting to cover the costs for the year 2014/15. In the meantime the Parish Council could give a grant to cover some of the cost for the current year up till the end of March 2014. The Parish Clerk also explained that because of changes in precept funding from next year it could not guarantee that a grant would definitely be given. Tom Johnson proposed that the Parish Council award a grant of £100 towards this year’s cost, this was seconded by Jonathan Kemp and agreed unanimously.
Planning applications. Old Buckenham Cricket Club. Construct a three-bay garage to store ground equipment. There were no objections from the parish council but the comment made that builders need to respect the track leading to the site and make good any damage.
Tower Lodge, Banham Road. Replacement of cedar cladding to roof from cedar shingles to lead. No objections, this was agreed unanimously.
The Finches, Cake Street. Extensions including alterations to roof and new integral garage. No objections, this was agreed unanimously.
Midway Rose, Fen Street. Proposed alterations and extensions. No objections, this was agreed with 6 for and 2 abstentions.
Eel Farm, Fen Road. Variation of condition 8 on previous planning application to allow renting of annexe. No objections, this was agreed with 7 for and 1 abstention.
Planning decisions received. The Hermitage, Abbey Road. Extensions and internal alterations. Permission granted.
Park Farm, Abbey Road. Erect new steel frame and clad grain store adjacent to existing buildings. Permission granted.
Adrian Joel then raised the matter of Banham Poultry moving to New Buckenham and Bunns Bank and said he wanted Old Buckenham to be able to comment on the application as it could impact on Old Buckenham. He then informed the meeting of new amendments to planning which will allow small extensions to properties without having to get full planning application. They have to consult with neighbours and, as long as there are no objections, they just have to inform Breckland Council on what they are doing.
Chairman’s report. Tim Ing said that, along with Adrian Joel and Derek Smalley, he attended a recent Town and Parish Forum at Breckland Council’s office. The meeting covered topics relating to the New Code of Conduct, the Breckland Local Plan, Breckland’s Training Services and what courses they offered, the financial outlook for Breckland including what was being done to balance the budget and what holiday activities they would be providing in the school holidays. It was a very useful meeting.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported that the 14 new Cotman homes in St Andrews Close would soon be started and a ceremony would be held next month to mark the turning of the first sod on Tuesday 16 July. The homes would be for rent and will come under the Local Connection Scheme which entitles people from Old Buckenham, those who work in Old Buckenham, those who have relatives in Old Buckenham and who are currently on the housing list to have priority. The Planning Inspectorate public enquiry on the Shrubland development was held and they refused permission for the development. Both he and Tim Ing had attended the two meetings to speak on behalf of the Parish Council. David Spencer, the Assistant Planning manager of Breckland, is leaving in August to join the Planning Inspectorate. Adrian said that David had been a good supporter of Old Buckenham over the past ten years particularly over planning policies and the Local Development Framework.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Jonathan Kemp said that the OB 2000 Trust is supporting a summer barbecue on Saturday 6 July at the village hall and asked if they could use the picnic tables from the recreation area, this was approved. Carol Marshall raised the matter of who is responsible for the grass cutting at the Almshouses. Tim Ing said he would deal with the matter. Also the play area and the recreation area had both had their Annual Inspections combined as this would save costs.
Highways. Adrian Joel raised the matter of the potholes at Highbank Cottages and theParish Clerk said he had reported the matter to Highways but would follow up on it again. Steve Milner raised the matter of a problem drain and would supply its exact location to Parish Clerk to get Highways to look at it. It was noted that grass verges in the village had been cut but also that some junctions of the Green needed the grass cutting, Tim Ing said he would deal with this.
The Green. Tim Ing suggested parts of the Green which could not have the grass cut could be turned into wild flower meadows. There will be a new tenant in the Ox & Plough from Monday 17 June.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 4 July at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

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