Friday, 31 May 2013

A busy June in Old Buckenham

Diary dates for June

Saturday 1 Roadside textile collection from 9am

Sunday 2 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm

Monday 3 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Monday 3 Pre-school open event at the Pre-school, 3.30pm to 4.30pm

Tuesday 4 Textile collection, Village Hall car park, 8.15am to 9am

Tuesday 4 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon

Wednesday 5 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Wednesday 5 Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm

Thursday 6 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Friday 7 Crib, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Saturday 8 Nepalese evening, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Sunday 9 Windmill open, 2pm to 5pm

Sunday 9 Askew Agricultural Museum open, 2pm to 5pm

Monday 10 Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm

Thursday 13 Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm

Thursday 13 Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.45pm

Monday 17 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Wednesday 19 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Wednesday 19 Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm

Saturday 22 Old Buckenham Airshow at Airfield

Saturday 22 1940s Hangar Dance, Airfield, 7pm

Sunday 23Old Buckenham Airshow at Airfield

Thursday 27 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Saturday 29 Evening Garden Party, 1 Mill Road, 6.30pm

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

June in Old Buckenham

Yet another newsletter makes an appearance
The June issue of the Old Buckenham village newsletter is now out and about in the village. Each copy contains a copy of the schedule for the Old Buckenham Produce Show to be held on Sunday 8 September.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Old Buckenham discusses localism

Localism and local cider
Localism was the theme for the May meeting of Old Buckenham WI.
Decisions had to be made about the WI resolution for this year. Every year a new campaign is promoted by the WI to enhance community life and this year the subject was the decline of our high streets and town centres. The discussion centred on the habit of supermarket shopping (quick and convenient) and online buying (usually cheaper). Most members abstained from voting on the resolution as it was thought that this campaign was not worth fighting. Mary Portus has better media coverage.
To relax, the WI had invited Steven Fisher along to tell his audience all about cider making. With samples in hand, members sat back and listened to Steven telling the history of cider making in this country. He started with the Celts fermenting crab apples to produce a drink, two thousand years ago. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries farm workers were partly paid in cider at harvest time. Government legislation forced many small cider makers to close during the Victorian era. But there has been a resurgence of the boutique cider and apple juice maker in recent years. Being organic and with health giving properties who could resist buying a bottle or two from Old Buckenham’s own cider maker.
Lastly there was the opportunity to buy garden plants which had been donated by members to help raise funds for the Old Buckenham WI. Many members went home with apple juice, cider and a plant or two after a very sociable evening. 
At the June meeting David Morton will be telling members about the history of Buckingham Palace.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Old Buckenham Airshow

Only a month to go

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Hangar dance in Old Buckenham

Get out that 1940s gear
The Old Buckenham Airshow is spread out over two days this year and on the Saturday evening there will be a 1940s hangar dance. There will be three bands providing the music and various  types of food available as well.

Feel free to turn up in your 1940s outfits if that is your scene. More details on

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Nepalese evening in Old Buckenham

Hear more about Nepal

If you have read previous posts (see 16 April) you will have heard about David Hannah and his recent trip to Nepal. Here is a further message from David:

I have returned from my trek in Nepal, with Sheila, and have a few stories to tell. I would like to thank all of you who have either sponsored me (on behalf of St Martins Housing Trust) or taken an interest in our progress, it was all very supportive. As a way of showing my appreciation I’d like to invite anyone who is interested to a Nepalese evening of slides and talk at the Village Hall on Saturday 8 June at 7.30pm. Entry is free and there will be a bar plus tea, coffee and cakes. In order to help with catering it would be helpful to know whether or not you are coming. Please ring 07770 403269.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Chasing dreams in Old Buckenham

Breckland Flower and Garden Club

Members and guests enjoyed David Wright's demonstration 'Forever Chasing Dreams' at May's meeting. Visiting Holland, taking up riding, passing a driving test and an impossible dream were all interpreted with pristine foliage and flowers which included roses, stocks, veronica, green Anastasia chrysanthemums and carnations. Torvil and Dean's Olympic dream included sprayed aspidistra leaves, cocoa spathes (for ice skating blades) and pink germinis. David had dreamed of seeing Phantom of the Opera for over 20 years and his design included burgundy roses and deep red carnations which, together with a mask, were inspired by the programme cover.
In the monthly competitions the Old Hands class was won by Sylvia Briggs and New Hands by Alison Vivian who also won the monthly trophy. Alison had further success in the table show - tying first with Jean Shave.
June's meeting will take place on Thursday 13 June at 2pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall. John Bridge will be giving a talk called 'Chaos and Curry'. The competitions will be for an arrangement for a Summer lunch table - the monthly trophy being awarded for the best use of colour. The table show is for the ‘First rose of Summer’.
Visitors are always welcome to these meetings. Further details from Sally on 01953 788712.
A coach outing to Colchester and Green Island Gardens, Ardleigh, is being organised for Friday 16 August leaving Old Buckenham at 9am.The cost will be £20 including entrance to the 20 acre garden. If anyone would like further details please contact Sheila on 01953 888710.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Battlelines drawn in Old Buckenham

Wargaming with Boudica
Members of the Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle gathered at the Church Rooms last night to hear about Boudica and her battles with the Romans. The speaker, Chris Cope, explained both the history and the myths of lady who in AD60 had led a revolt in which up to 100,000 Celts had battled against their Roman rulers. While the Roman governor Paulinius was up in Angelsey, Boudica's Celts had attacked and burnt down much of Colchester, London and St Albans. But at the final battle of Watling Street the better trained and equipped 15,000 Romans overcame the much larger number of Celts and Boudica lost her life.
All this history was brought to life with Chris' demonstrations of the shields and swords used by the Roman soldiers. He had also brought along the hundreds of model figures that he uses when re-enacting the final battle while wargaming with a group of fellow enthusiasts in New Buckenham.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Old Buckenham WI

Magic, reading and greyhounds

At the April Group Meeting (this is the meeting shared with five other local WIs) the audience were entertained by professional magician Steve Short. His talk centred around the life of David Nixon (most members were old enough to remember him from his TV programmes) and Steve followed this up with some magic of his own.
At the normal monthly meeting, members were pleased to welcome Amanda Cockburn from the Primary School who had chosen Old Buckenham WI members as recipients of "Me Before You" by Jojo Moyes as part of "World Book Night".
Then everyone welcomed Fleck and Grizzly (two retired greyhounds) with their owners. The speakers talked about the work of the charity formed in 1975, currently with 70 branches in the UK. The life span of a greyhound is 12 to 14 years and most racing greyhounds retire at the age of 4 to 5 years. Consequently many years are spent in retirement along with the many greyhounds that do not make the grade for racing. It costs £750 to re-home each greyhound and there is always a long list waiting to be re-homed.
Old Buckenham WI gives an annual bursary of £150 to a member attending a course at Denman College (the WI's own college in Oxfordshire) and this year the recipient is Alison Frank who can use the money towards a course any time during the next twelve months. Alison is now busy studying the programme - there is so much choice on offer.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Old Buckenham Parish Council May meeting

Latest parish council minutes
This report has been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
All the parish councillors attended apart from Jonathan Kemp who had sent his apologies. Three members of the public were also present.
There was a short public recess when the meeting was suspended to allow members of the public to ask questions.
Minutes of April Parish Council meeting. These were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. There were no matters arising from these minutes.
Adoption of accounts. The accounts for the year ending March 2013 were unanimously approved and adopted by the council.

Annual Governance Statement. The Parish Clerk read out what items were covered in the statement relating to the accounts and it was agreed that the statement be signed.
Neighbourhood Plan. Adrian Joel had a booklet on neighbourhood plans and Tim Ing read out how a plan is constructed and exactly what it is. Adrian Joel gave details of what funds would be available from Breckland Council from any new development in the village if a Neighbourhood Plan is in existence or if one is not. The Village Plan must look at what is required in the next 18 years to tie in with Breckland’s Local Plan. All councillors are to look at the booklet and come back for further discussion at the June meeting.
Old Buckenham website. Steve Milner gave details of a major upgrading of a village website. He is now the ‘webmaster’ and has carried out a programme of updating the site. He especially wants to expand the Parish Council section and suggested that all councillors write a small biography of themselves and what responsibilities they have on the Parish Council. He also wanted residents to be more involved and be able to contact the Parish Council through the website. Adrian Joel thanked Steve Milner for all his work on upgrading the website.
Authorisation to change bank mandate. The Clerk explained that in order for online banking to happen for the Parish Council he would need to be added to the list of authorised signatories. It was agreed unanimously that the Parish Clerk be added to bank mandate.
Planning applications. Derek Smalley informed the meeting that the applicant had lodged an appeal against the decision on their application for alterations and extension of existing stables at Roughlands, Grove Road. This was originally agreed for personal use only and they now wanted to change it to business use. The Parish Clerk is to write to the Planning Inspectorate outlining the Parish Council’s objection to the change of use.
Park Farm, Abbey Road. New grain storage to replace existing silos. There were no objections except that the two existing silos need to be demolished as new facilities are replacements and not additional. This was agreed with nine for and one abstention.
Vine Cottages, 64 Fen Street. Installation of a ground array of photovoltaic solar panels. The parish council had no objections, this was agreed with nine for and one abstention.
Willow Farmhouse, The Green. Two-storey four-bedroom detached house and detached cart lodge for three cars. Tim Ing sought the views of councillors. It was then proposed that there were no objections, this was agreed with five for, two against and three abstaining.
21 Fen Street. Remove door and replace window with patio door. No objections, this was agreed unanimously.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. None.
Chairman’s report. Tim Ing asked if there should be another litter picking session on the Green this year. Councillors reported that the Green was in a very tidy condition. It was also reported that John Hicks had cut the grass and repaired the fence at the play area and had done a marvellous job.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Adrian Joel said the gate on the recreation area was left open and suggested a sign be put up asking for people to close the gate after them. Allotments are now fully taken. Tom Johnson suggested having broadband internet access with WiFi in the village hall. It would cost approximately £408 per year, item to be put on June agenda for further discussion. Steve Milner reported that the Speedwatch team had recently held a meeting to review its activities. They had carried out 13 sessions with 11 cars exceeding 36mph and they had been reported. They also discussed ways in which the group could be more effective. It was suggested putting speeding signs on private land in the village. Steve Milner would bring costs of this suggestion to June meeting. Derek Smalley attended a SNAP meeting in April. The new policing team were introduced, a poster showing the officers and their respective areas has been put in the Village Hall and the village noticeboard. Complaints were registered on Old Buckenham’s behalf, one was inconsiderate parking at Oaklands and again dangerous driving/parking at Abbey Road by parents dropping off or collecting schoolchildren. The local officers said they would keep an eye out and visit the schools to drop off some safety leaflets.
A further point raised was regarding getting the SAM2 (a mobile speed indicating sign) deployed at the Attleborough end of the village speed limit to warn drivers of their speed when entering the 30mph limit. The police initiative for the next period was “hardening attitude to crime”. In this context it was suggested any suspicious behaviour in the area be reported and logged with the police by phoning 101. Derek Smalley was invited to attend a meeting of the working group to discuss Attelborough’s proposed Neighbourhood Plan and its impact on surrounding parishes. Of particular interest at this first meeting was Attleborough’s request to include a strip to the south of Bunn’s Bank within their proposed plan for commercial use as the northern side is already used for this purpose. Although it does fall within Old Buckenham Parish boundary, this area has already been put forward by the owner, Kevin Edwards, for commercial use. Any expansion development within Attleborough is going to have an effect on Old Buckenham and other surrounding parishes because of increased use of the B1077. Derek Smalley felt it will be wise to engage with the Attleborough Development Working Group to represent the views of the village and have our voice heard. He sought the approval of the parish council to having a representative from Old Buckenham to champion our views and agree in principle for the inclusion of the strip of land mentioned before within Attleborough’s Neighbourhood Plan.
Highways. Adrian Joel said he had received a report of road damage in Fen Street outside Highbank Cottages, the potholes had been reported by Parish Clerk to Highways.
The Green. Sarah Dye said maintenance work had been carried out by the new contractor on lots of areas and the Green was now looking very nice. Tim Ing reported that two trees on the Green need replacing.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 6 June in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Old Buckenham Parish Council AGM

Election of officers for 2013/2014
Before the normal monthly meeting in May, Old Buckenham Parish Council held their Annual General Meeting.
It was agreed unanimously that Tim Ing would continue as chairman. Steve Milner was elected unanimously as vice-chairman.
It was also agreed that all councillors would remain in their current positions on working parties so there would be no change from last year.
None of the policy documents needed reviewing this year but the Parish Clerk recommended that the play area have a risk assessment carried out during their annual inspection.
Tim Ing said there were no changes to the annual report he gave to the Annual Parish Meeting and similarly there were no changes to the Parish Clerk’s Annual report.