Sunday 25 September 2011

Affordable housing moves nearer

Housing in St Andrews Close
The long awaited new development of fifteen 'affordable' houses will begin the spring of the next year now that the land transfer between Cotman Housing Association and Breckland Council has taken place. Other works will be carried out to areas near the site before the actual development starts.
It will be some twelve months before they are ready to be occupied but all the applicants will come from the Breckland Key Select scheme which is the housing register. If you have a housing need and either live in the village of Old Buckenham or have a local connection to the village you should consider applying to the register. This can be done by going online at you do not have access to a computer then you can telephone the Breckland housing team on 01362 656833.
Should you have any concerns about the development then please contact the enabling team at Breckland Council on 01362 656238.

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