Saturday, 28 May 2011

Parish Council report for May

May parish council
The attendance was that for the Annual Parish Council Meeting (see previous post). No apologies for absence had been received.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting in April were agreed.
Matters arising from the minutes. Adrian Joel said the allotments had the water installed and available now, also a tree had to be removed from the site by the land owner. He said some allotment holders would like to see water further down the site. A liaison meeting will be held soon and amendments to tenancy agreements will need to be made to include water charges. The question of funding for the war memorial was raised and the clerk said it would be dealt with by a meeting of the trustees of the Former Highway’s Surveyors Land after the Parish Council meeting. Adrian Joel then raised the matter of the old play area photos and said that Roger Wilson may display them if he can get some help and there is a need to agree a place to display them so they are available to residents.
Adoption of accounts. The accounts were agreed.
Governance and Accountability statement. The Annual Governance and Accountability statement relating to the accounts signed as the council had fully complied.
Play Area. A quote had been received from Playdale to carry out the annual inspection of the play area for £195, the benefit being that any faults founds could be fixed straightaway. ROSPA would charge a similar amount but would need to schedule another meeting to fix any problems. The Parish Clerk asked for the council’s permission to allow Playdale to carry out the inspection, this was granted. Adrian Joel gave details of a recent accident involving a child on a piece of equipment but the Parish Clerk said he had no details of the incident as he has an accident record book for the play area. The meeting was informed that some more fencing was broken but Mike Craven-Romain said he had fixed the problem.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Crown Lane Cottage. Installation of two wind generators. Permission granted.
Tall Trees, New Buckenham Road. Installation of a small wind generator. Permission granted.
Ragmere Farm. Erection of single-storey extension and rear including garaging rebuild and rear building range connected. Permission granted.
Cart Lodge, Cake Street. Ground floor single storey extension, glazed door to replace window in kitchen west elevation. Permission granted. 31 Oaklands. Demolish existing wall and erect new wall. Permission refused.
Cart Lodge, Cake Street. Ground floor single storey extension, glazed door into kitchen replace window on west elevation and internal alterations. Permission granted.
Old Dairy Farm. Minor material alteration to planning permission Permission granted.
Doe Lane meeting notes. Adrian Joel gave out copies of the notes to the new councillors and asked them to read them and consider two items for discussion at next month’s meeting. The item to be put on the June agenda.
Youth Council. Adrian Joel said he had spoken to Breckland on the matter of starting a youth council. He said he had a DVD for the working party showing how to start a youth council and asked if they would look at it. It was explained that the purpose of a youth council was a liaison between the young of the village and the Parish Council.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel said that he was pleased to be re-elected as District Councillor and looked forward to serving residents for the next four years. The Buckenham ward had the highest turnout of voters in Breckland at 53.7%. He then said Cotman Housing Association have applied to the Homes and Communities Agency for a grant to build the fifteen new homes in St Andrews Close. They should have an answer by July this year and he will keep the Parish Council and residents updated on the situation.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tim Ing said he wanted the new Parish Council to be a receptive and pro-active council, listening to the community and working together to take the village forward. Derek Smalley welcomed the four new councillors and hoped they would all work together to take the Parish Council forward and support the Chairman and Parish Clerk. He then said Homewatch was having a meeting in May and he hoped to have more on ‘cold calling’ in the village. They also hope to get more areas in the village covered by the Homewatch scheme and set up a village co-ordinator for the scheme. He also raised the matter of setting up a bulk oil purchasing scheme in the village. He said he would continue to supply welcome packs to new residents in the village. The meeting was then informed that the Village Hall car park was being used as a skid pad by youngsters. He then asked if stone picking was going to take place on the recreation area after ground maintenance had taken place. Carol Marshall gave an overview of the present situation regarding the recreation area. She said they would need to purchase new goal nets as the proposed second hand ones were not suitable. They have a quote for £500 for ground maintenance and one for £516.99 from the original contractor but the best one was for £400 and asked if the Parish Council would agree to this. This was agreed unanimously. They also have three quotes for MUGA and they will discuss the matter of the village hall using the area for its fete at their next working party meeting. Jonathan Kemp said the business plan for the recreation area would hopefully be ready for the next Parish Council meeting. Tom Johnson suggested the Parish Clerk send a letter to the person who failed to get elected suggesting her as a first alternative if a new parish councillor is required. The Parish Clerk is to arrange. Tom Johnson then said as the road past the play area now had tarmac laid on it, the Parish Council should try to get a permanent 20 mph speed limit introduced (the Parish Clerk to write to Highways on the matter). Tim Ing asked if a letter could be sent to Carriageman thanking them for the free gate on the allotments, the Parish Clerk is to arrange.
Highways. The matter of a water leak in Crown Road was raised.The Parish Clerk explained that he had contacted Anglian Water who said they have no pipes there so it was not their problem. The Parish Clerk to write to Highways on the matter. Adrian Joel said the local highways engineer had done a great job since taking over and he would go thank him personally. Sarah Windle raised the matter of speeding vehicles in the winter at Crown Road and Ragmere Road. The traffic sign at Grove Road/Ragmere Road has graffiti on it and the Parish Clerk agreed to write to Highways on the matter.
Parish Clerk’s report. An email was read out from the Allotment Society asking for new amendments to the tenancy agreements before their AGM on Tuesday 24 May. The Parish Clerk gave details of new councillors’ training courses, he will circulate details to all new councillors to see what dates were best for them to attend. He then read out a letter of a claim for ruined plants suffered by an allotment user (totalling £45.45) when allotments were adjusted in size and asked for council’s permission to pay, this was granted.
The Green. Tim Ing said a meeting would be set up as soon as possible between Old Buckenham Green Right Proprietors (OBGRP) and the Parish Council to find a way forward for the maintenance of the Green. John Frost suggested having a survey of the Green. Tim Ing and Sarah Dye would arrange a meeting with OBGRP to resolve some of the outstanding issues.
Items for next agenda. Recreation Area and Youth Council.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be at 7.30pm on Thursday 2 June in Old Buckenham Village Hall.

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