Monday, 30 May 2011

What's on in June

 Diary dates for June
Wednesday 1     Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Thursday 2        Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 3              Crib drive, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 4         Debating Society, Church Rooms, 10am
Sunday 5           Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 6       Roadside clothing collection from 9am
Monday 6          Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 7          Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon
Wednesday 8    Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Thursday 9       Breckland Flower and Garden Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 9       Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.45pm
Friday 10          'One Stop Bus' outside Village Shop, 10am to 12 noon
Sunday 12         Askew Agricultural Museum, open 2pm to 5pm
Sunday 12         Old Buckenham windmill, open 2pm to 5pm
Monday 13        Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Tuesday 14        Village Fete meeting, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Wednesday 15   Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Sunday 19          Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 20        Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Wednesday 22   Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Thursday 23      Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 25   Cheese and Wine party, 1 Mill Lane Cottages, 6.30pm
  Monday 27          Buckenham Pre-school open event, 3.15pm to 4.30pm

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Parish Council report for May

May parish council
The attendance was that for the Annual Parish Council Meeting (see previous post). No apologies for absence had been received.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting in April were agreed.
Matters arising from the minutes. Adrian Joel said the allotments had the water installed and available now, also a tree had to be removed from the site by the land owner. He said some allotment holders would like to see water further down the site. A liaison meeting will be held soon and amendments to tenancy agreements will need to be made to include water charges. The question of funding for the war memorial was raised and the clerk said it would be dealt with by a meeting of the trustees of the Former Highway’s Surveyors Land after the Parish Council meeting. Adrian Joel then raised the matter of the old play area photos and said that Roger Wilson may display them if he can get some help and there is a need to agree a place to display them so they are available to residents.
Adoption of accounts. The accounts were agreed.
Governance and Accountability statement. The Annual Governance and Accountability statement relating to the accounts signed as the council had fully complied.
Play Area. A quote had been received from Playdale to carry out the annual inspection of the play area for £195, the benefit being that any faults founds could be fixed straightaway. ROSPA would charge a similar amount but would need to schedule another meeting to fix any problems. The Parish Clerk asked for the council’s permission to allow Playdale to carry out the inspection, this was granted. Adrian Joel gave details of a recent accident involving a child on a piece of equipment but the Parish Clerk said he had no details of the incident as he has an accident record book for the play area. The meeting was informed that some more fencing was broken but Mike Craven-Romain said he had fixed the problem.
Planning decisions received from Breckland. Crown Lane Cottage. Installation of two wind generators. Permission granted.
Tall Trees, New Buckenham Road. Installation of a small wind generator. Permission granted.
Ragmere Farm. Erection of single-storey extension and rear including garaging rebuild and rear building range connected. Permission granted.
Cart Lodge, Cake Street. Ground floor single storey extension, glazed door to replace window in kitchen west elevation. Permission granted. 31 Oaklands. Demolish existing wall and erect new wall. Permission refused.
Cart Lodge, Cake Street. Ground floor single storey extension, glazed door into kitchen replace window on west elevation and internal alterations. Permission granted.
Old Dairy Farm. Minor material alteration to planning permission Permission granted.
Doe Lane meeting notes. Adrian Joel gave out copies of the notes to the new councillors and asked them to read them and consider two items for discussion at next month’s meeting. The item to be put on the June agenda.
Youth Council. Adrian Joel said he had spoken to Breckland on the matter of starting a youth council. He said he had a DVD for the working party showing how to start a youth council and asked if they would look at it. It was explained that the purpose of a youth council was a liaison between the young of the village and the Parish Council.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel said that he was pleased to be re-elected as District Councillor and looked forward to serving residents for the next four years. The Buckenham ward had the highest turnout of voters in Breckland at 53.7%. He then said Cotman Housing Association have applied to the Homes and Communities Agency for a grant to build the fifteen new homes in St Andrews Close. They should have an answer by July this year and he will keep the Parish Council and residents updated on the situation.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tim Ing said he wanted the new Parish Council to be a receptive and pro-active council, listening to the community and working together to take the village forward. Derek Smalley welcomed the four new councillors and hoped they would all work together to take the Parish Council forward and support the Chairman and Parish Clerk. He then said Homewatch was having a meeting in May and he hoped to have more on ‘cold calling’ in the village. They also hope to get more areas in the village covered by the Homewatch scheme and set up a village co-ordinator for the scheme. He also raised the matter of setting up a bulk oil purchasing scheme in the village. He said he would continue to supply welcome packs to new residents in the village. The meeting was then informed that the Village Hall car park was being used as a skid pad by youngsters. He then asked if stone picking was going to take place on the recreation area after ground maintenance had taken place. Carol Marshall gave an overview of the present situation regarding the recreation area. She said they would need to purchase new goal nets as the proposed second hand ones were not suitable. They have a quote for £500 for ground maintenance and one for £516.99 from the original contractor but the best one was for £400 and asked if the Parish Council would agree to this. This was agreed unanimously. They also have three quotes for MUGA and they will discuss the matter of the village hall using the area for its fete at their next working party meeting. Jonathan Kemp said the business plan for the recreation area would hopefully be ready for the next Parish Council meeting. Tom Johnson suggested the Parish Clerk send a letter to the person who failed to get elected suggesting her as a first alternative if a new parish councillor is required. The Parish Clerk is to arrange. Tom Johnson then said as the road past the play area now had tarmac laid on it, the Parish Council should try to get a permanent 20 mph speed limit introduced (the Parish Clerk to write to Highways on the matter). Tim Ing asked if a letter could be sent to Carriageman thanking them for the free gate on the allotments, the Parish Clerk is to arrange.
Highways. The matter of a water leak in Crown Road was raised.The Parish Clerk explained that he had contacted Anglian Water who said they have no pipes there so it was not their problem. The Parish Clerk to write to Highways on the matter. Adrian Joel said the local highways engineer had done a great job since taking over and he would go thank him personally. Sarah Windle raised the matter of speeding vehicles in the winter at Crown Road and Ragmere Road. The traffic sign at Grove Road/Ragmere Road has graffiti on it and the Parish Clerk agreed to write to Highways on the matter.
Parish Clerk’s report. An email was read out from the Allotment Society asking for new amendments to the tenancy agreements before their AGM on Tuesday 24 May. The Parish Clerk gave details of new councillors’ training courses, he will circulate details to all new councillors to see what dates were best for them to attend. He then read out a letter of a claim for ruined plants suffered by an allotment user (totalling £45.45) when allotments were adjusted in size and asked for council’s permission to pay, this was granted.
The Green. Tim Ing said a meeting would be set up as soon as possible between Old Buckenham Green Right Proprietors (OBGRP) and the Parish Council to find a way forward for the maintenance of the Green. John Frost suggested having a survey of the Green. Tim Ing and Sarah Dye would arrange a meeting with OBGRP to resolve some of the outstanding issues.
Items for next agenda. Recreation Area and Youth Council.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be at 7.30pm on Thursday 2 June in Old Buckenham Village Hall.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Parish AGM

Annual General Meeting
The parish clerk and all the newly elected parish councilors (except Akis Chrisovelides) were present on Thursday 12 May along with eleven members of the public.
Election of chairman. It was agreed unanimously that Tim Ing would be chairman.
Election of vice-chairman.Adrian Joel was elected to this post (agreed with nine for and one against).
Appointment of working parties.The following areas of responsibility were agreed:
Play area.
Sarah Dye
Recreation area.
Jonathan Kemp, Carol Marshall and Adrian Joel
Adrian Joel, John Frost and Carol Marshall
The Green.
Tim Ing
Derek Smalley, Paul Boggia and Sarah Windle
Emergency Plan co-ordinator.
Sarah Windle
Village Hall.
Tom Johnson
Youth Council.
Carol Marshall, Adrian Joel and Derek Smalley
Amenity area.
Adrian Joel and John Frost
Attleborough Task Force.
Tom Johnson
South Norfolk Action Panel (SNAP).
Derek Smalley.
Chairman’s annual report. Tim Ing said that several major achievements have been completed within the year including the play area at a cost of £75,000 of which the Parish Council donated £5,000 from its reserves. He thanked the Play Area working which had committed to over 2,000 man hours to complete the project. Also the allotments had been set up in a very short period of time and were now being used. The Recreation Area is still being worked on and four more benches had been provided for the Green. The village had also won first place in the Pride of Breckland Award Scheme being the best village in its category in the whole of Norfolk. The Parish Council had received a £500 award under the scheme and was seeking suggestions as to how best spend the money. He thanked all the parish councillors for their hard work during the year.
Parish Clerk’s annual report.The Precept meeting for the financial year 2011/12 was held in October 2010 and the precept was set at £12,656 which equates to a 3.5% increase on the previous year. The increase was due to grants being given to the Village Hall, a total of £1700 towards repairs. All Saints Church received £500 to assist with the felling of a dangerous tree. Without these grants the precept would have decreased by 15%. As Responsible Finance Officer the Parish Clerk will be putting forward budget proposals for the financial years 2012/13 and 2013/14 at the current level of expenditure and, if possible, even a reduction in the budget expenditure for recommendation by the Parish Council. The Parish Council are fully aware of the harsh economic times for a large part of the villagers who are on fixed incomes. The Parish Council will therefore ensure strict financial and monetary controls are effected at all times and that all expenditure is within budgetary limits. During the year ending March 2011 the Parish Council received grants totalling £47,419 for the play area, recreation area and the allotments. In addition Breckland also contributed approximately £894 towards the Community Car Scheme. Expenditure for the year totalled approximately £73,535 (net of VAT) from a total income of £71,009. All these figures are subject to audit. The Parish Council gave grants from it reserves of £5,000 to the play area and £5,000 to recreation area. The Parish Council also carried out a full review and adopted new standing orders which bring it into line with current legislation along with a risk assessment of all its assets. The Parish Clerk would like to take this opportunity of thanking the parish councillors for their hard work and commitment to their responsibilities as councillors and for the support they have given over the past year.
After the Annual General Parish Council Meeting closed, it was followed by the monthly parish council meeting.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

June is coming early

More for you to read
The June issue of the Old Buckenham village newsletter is ready to read a few days earlier than usual. All the latest news including the local parish and district council results.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Is this progress?

So what has the village got now?
How have things changed since the Domesday survey?
There is just one shop remaining in Old Buckenham but it still has the post office and a full off-licence. It has now changed its allegiance to Londis. All the other shops have gone, the last one twenty years ago.
There are still two pubs. The Ox and Plough and the Gamekeeeper (the new name for what was the White Horse).
There are no garden centres or nurseries, no garden machinery and repair shop or antique shop. There are no garages and the nearest place to buy petrol is now in Attleborough, some four miles away.
In the last month a fish and chip van has started coming to the village one day a week. There are two chances on a weekday to catch a bus into Norwich and a Flexibus service now exists that can be booked in advance to get to Attleborough or Diss.
No working phone boxes exist. To go to the doctor or dentist it is still necessary to go into Attleborough, Wymondham or Diss. A community car service, run by volunteers, is helpful for these journeys for those without their own transport.

Monday, 23 May 2011

Only 25 years ago...

What the Domesday project told us
Twenty-five years ago the BBC Domesday project collected basic information from all over the country, often from schoolchildren and local organisations. The entries for Old Buckenham make interesting reading today. Those living in the village now  might like to compare this description with what exists now.

In Old Buckenham there are four shops:
Whelan's sell frozen food, bicycles, 
confectionery, and does dry-cleaning 
and hairdressing.  Mr. Oliver's is the
butchers.  Spar sells groceries, has a
full off-licence and Post Office.    
Bloom's sells groceries, hardware,   
drapery, footwear, frozen foods and  
green-grocery. There are two pubs, the
White Horse and the Ox and Plough.   
The village also has a Garden Centre 
and two nurseries. There is also a   
Garden Machinery and repair shop.    
There are two garages which sell     
petrol and do repairs and an Antiques
shop. There is a Fish and Chip van   
which comes round 4 times a week.    
There is a once daily bus service    
to Norwich.  There are 3 bus stops, 2
telephone boxes and 6 post boxes. For
a doctor or dentist we have to go to 
Attleborough, Wymondham or Diss.

You can read more about the Old Buckenham of (not very) long ago by visiting the BBC website.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

It runs in the family

Fun for all, thanks to Old Buckenham Players
The blog editor would like to thank Geogette Vale from Wymondham Players for this review of “It Runs in the Family” performed by  Old Buckenham Players in the Village Hall on Thursday 19, Friday 20 and Saturday 21 May.
Heartfelt congratulations to Old Buckenham Players for a wonderful performance of “It Runs in the Family”, a good old traditional farce by Ray Cooney, with all the trimmings of misunderstandings and cover-ups. They were not afraid to play up to the knicker jokes and the window-ledge dramas.
It was slick and fast but I could still hear every word. The actors showed throughout that they could all master the timing for laughs and there were lots of one-liners which need full concentration to get just right.
The play is set in a hospital in the early 1980s, with a background story of a boy finding out that his real father is a pillar of society who cheated on his wife. Judging by recent news reports this story will still have relevance in the future too.
Laurence Barnett’s strong direction was clearly evident, with lots of nice visual gags added in. It was well cast with no weak links. The lead double act of Tom Key and Chris Morter, playing Dr David Mortimore and Dr Hubert Bonney, were a real treat to watch. Jennie Harrison and Sharon Butcher were also good foils as Mrs Mortimer and Nurse Tate, the lover of 18 years (and nine months) ago.
Playing young Dr Connolly gave Sam Mann the chance to show that he has got just what it takes – great promise there. Josh Francis was Leslie, the18 year old punk with a range of volatile emotions, and the pompous Sir Willoughby-Drake was played steadily and firmly by Malcolm Robertshaw. Margaret White certainly did not disappoint as Matron – not too much “Carry-on film” but very much her own comedy character.
We all enjoyed the performance of Richard Crawley playing Bill – the old man confused when it suits but coming up with well placed truths. Josh Lincoln as the Police Sergeant gave a mature comedic performance, They always say you know you are getting older when policemen look young! It was a shame that the role of Sister was such a small part as I am sure Francesca Izzo would have been able to carry a larger role. At the end of play we were treated to Chris Allen’s delightful dippy old lady.
The behind-the-scenes preparation was clearly evident too. The set worked well, with lots of doors to rush in and out of and it’s not easy to get hold of hospital trolleys and nurses uniforms in sizes to fit big blokes!
All in all, a good choice of play with a great cast and the audiences loved it.
Profits from these performances will help finance the improvement of the stage lighting system in the Village Hall. It is in urgent need of replacement, this latest show was nearly cancelled as some equipment started melting during the last rehearsals...

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Hilarious play

Players have everyone laughing
Last night Old Buckenham village hall was full of fun and hilarious laughter when the Old Buckenham Players put on their second night of Ray Cooey's 'It runs in the family'. If there are any tickets left for tonight then go along and see it.
So take a bow everyone.
It is hoped to include an independent review of the performance in the next few days.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Looking after others

Pact with animals
George Rockingham was the latest speaker to talk to members of Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle. At the May meeting in the Church Rooms he gave an impassioned talk about the People for Animal Care Trust charity that he and his wife set up some fifteen years ago. Their animal sanctuary, now situated at Woodrising near Hingham in Norfolk, is one of the largest in the country.
PACT rescues, rehabilitates, and where possible re-homes, neglected, injured and abandoned animals. Their specialty is 'problem animals', victims of physical or mental abuse. The animals are coaxed back to health, overcoming their distress and restoring their dignity. Many are re-homed. In most cases these poor creatures would have had no option other than euthanasia. In all cases the philosophy is 'What is best for the animals?’ and PACT has a strict ‘no kill' policy.
Running the sanctuary now costs around £700 per day and this money is raised in many ways. They have nearly 10,000 people on their mailing list and run five charity shops with more to be opened.
During 2010 they rescued and re-homed dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rodents, ducks and geese. Other animals were added to their ever-growing resident population including rabbits, chickens and donkeys.
The next Social and Wine Circle meeting will be on Thursday 9 June when Patrick Thompson will be back to tell more about “Catering the royal way”. All are welcome at the Church Rooms for the meeting that starts at 7.45pm.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Passionate demonstration

Breckland Flower and Garden Club
The demonstration at May's meeting in Old Buckenham Village Hall was well attended when Ann Colby presented her title 'Feel the Passion'. Her love of garden flowers led her to becoming a demonstrator and her enthusiasm for colour was enjoyed by all members.
The competition for a continental design was won by Shirley Penfold (who was awarded the trophy for best use of garden plant material) with Margaret Smith and Sally Westrup in joint second place.
In the table show the winner was Joy Tunmore with Margaret Smith second and Shirley Penfold third.
Next month's meeting will take place on Thursday 9 June at Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 2pm when Jane Steel (a national speaker) will give her talk ' My Claim to Fame'
The competition will be for an arrangement with the title 'Television Celebrity' to have a title card with the trophy being awarded for best use of colour. The table show will be for 'The First Rose of Summer' - a stem from your garden.
Visitors to this meeting will be made most welcome. Further details available from either Pat on 457305 or Sally on 788712.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Old Buckenham recycles books

Start sorting now
The Old Buckenham Village Environment and Recycling Group (VERG) is hoping that those "must read" books that you have are being steadily transferred to the "for the bookstall" piles or boxes, to enable them to raise a lot of badly needed cash for the new stage lighting system in Old Buckenham village hall. If anyone has taken to reading e-books and now has a lot of redundant paper volumes then VERG would be delighted to reuse them for you. They are also hoping to have another donation of brand new ‘but not passing quality control’ books at super bargain prices.
The VERG bookstall will be at the village fete, inside the hall at the stage end, on Saturday 3 September from 2pm to 5pm.
Those "must read" piles will need replenishing so come and get a good supply for the winter and, as a result, look forward to the Old Buckenham Players new productions with updated, and safe, lighting. Whilst the importance of getting children enjoying books right from the beginning of life is being stressed as never before, VERG hope to have plenty for the lower age ranges and at very low prices for children to browse.
Boxes to receive your books will be placed outside the post office/village shop nearer the event but those books that must be got rid of before then can be collected now. Make the arrangements by ringing 452716.

Friday, 13 May 2011

The last post

There have been problems with the blogger system so two posts written since last Sunday have yet to appear on the blog for all to see.
We just have to wait...

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Ready, get set and go

   Now part of the Get Set
Students and teachers at Old Buckenham High School can celebrate as they have been officially welcomed in to London 2012’s Get Set network, in recognition of their commitment to the Olympic and Paralympic values. To celebrate the London games, Old Buckenham High School is holding an ‘Olympic Day' and students will be coached in various Olympic events ranging from fencing to archery.
The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) awarded the High School a plaque and a certificate to acknowledge their involvement in the London 2012 education programme. They now join schools and colleges across the UK as members of the special London 2012 community – the Get Set network - and will receive access to exclusive competitions and 2012 Games related opportunities over the coming years. 
As Sebastian Coe, chairman of LOCOG, said when London won the right to host the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games there was a clear promise to use the power of the 2012 Games to inspire young people.
The headteacher at Old Buckenham High School, Peter Whear, feels this wonderful accolade is another example of the school “achieving excellence together” and makes all at the school incredibly proud.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Pretty posting

The flowers are out again all around the postbox in Ragmere Road, Old Buckenham.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Old Buckenham election results

Who has been chosen?
The results of the elections for our District councillor and members of the Old Buckenham parish council have now been declared.

The result for the district councillor to represent Buckenham ward is at

The basic details are
Tim BORNETT 127 votes
Roger FRYATT 95 votes
Adrian JOEL 520 votes (elected)
This is from an electorate of 1392 giving a turnout of just over 53%.

The parish council results are on the Breckland Council website

The votes cast were:

Paul BOGGIA 260 votes

Akis CHRlSOVELlDES 170 votes

Sarah DYE 210 votes

John FROST 332 votes

Timothy lNG 239 votes

Adrian JOEL 415 votes

Tom JOHNSON 173 votes

Jonathan KEMP 203 votes

Carol MARSHALL 230 votes

Joanne PEAKS 158 votes

Derek SMALLEY 177 votes

Sarah WINDLE 188 votes

All are therefore elected to the Old Buckenham parish council apart from Joanne Peaks.

There was a turnout of just over 51% from an electorate of 1030.

Go back in time

Milling and farming history
Sunday 8 May provides a chance to see something of the rural heritage of Old Buckenham. The Old Buckenham windmill re-opens to the public for the first time for a couple of years between 2pm and 5pm.
The Askew Agricultural Museum is also open at Scales Farm from 2pm to 5pm on Sunday 8 May so why not get a double dose of hetitage on a sunny(?) afternoon walk?
For those of you who need a satnav to find your way around then NR17 1SG should get you to the Mill and NR17 1PE to the Museum.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Pictorial Breckland

Busy April meeting for WI
Old Buckenham Women’s Institute were delighted to welcome Trevor Burlingham to their April meeting. His talk was entitled ‘A walk through Breckland’ and was enhanced by some excellent photography. He described the flora and fauna of the "brecks" and made mention of the Scots pines which were planted some 100 to 150 years ago to act as hedges. Two ancient paths cross Breckland, the Icknield Way and the Peddars Way. Flint, of course, features in many Breckland's buildings, especially in a lot of the churches.
Trevor took his audience on a journey through the "pingo" trail - these are ponds surrounded by mounds of earth or gravel formed through pressure from a layer of water trapped between newly-frozen ice and underlying permafrost during the Ice Age. The walk is known officially as the Great Eastern Pingo Trail - an eight mile walk starting at what used to be Stow Bedon railway junction. He also mentioned the fact that four villages in the area (part of the Stanford Battle area) were taken over by the military during the last war. Wild flowers abound throughout the area and the Army do a lot of conservation work.
After the usual break for tea and chat, Susan Hunter reported on her recent visit to Norwich for the Annual Meeting of the Norfolk Federation. She was pleased to report that the recently formed WIs in the heart of Norwich are thriving - it certainly seems that the formation of WIs in cities has taken on in a big way. This year there were three main speakers at the meeting. Barbara Stevens (Chief Executive of Dementia UK) told the meeting of the work of Admiral Nurses who provide support for carers and family members. The second speaker was Professor Stephen Holgate from Southampton University who gave members an insight into new advances in treating conditions such as cancer and dementia. The third speaker, Deb Jordan, is the co-owner of Pensthorpe which is well known to many television viewers through its broadcast of the BBC Springwatch series.
Two of the Old Buckenham members - Pat Shearing and Barbara Ives - gave their reports on a recent visit to Denman College, the WI’s own college in Oxfordshire. Pat said she had a wonderful time on her four-day course studying Georgian England: an age of elegance. The course included one day spent in Bath. Barbara Ives’ course involved her in making silver jewellery and members were able to admire the wonderful items she had made during her course. Both of them recommended a visit to Denman College. The Old Buckenham WI gives an annual bursary of £150 to a member attending a Denman course and, in the draw held this year, this year's bursary recipient was Nancy Hunt who can use the money towards a course any time in 2012.
The WI had entered the recent Norfolk-wide ‘Cator Cup’ competition held at the Norfolk Show Ground. This year the theme was ‘A Night at the Movies’ and Old Buckenham had chosen to portray the Ascot scene from ‘My Fair Lady’. They came joint 8th out of 39 entries and the entry was re-created at the meeting for members to see.
The speaker at the next meeting on Thursday 23 June in Old Buckenham village hall will be Charles Garland and the title of his talk is ‘From Vicar's son to BBC producer’.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Watch them fly in

Visit Old Buckenham airfield
On Sunday 8 May there will be a ‘Fly-in’ at Old Buckenham Airfield that villagers might like to go along to see. Vans RV aircraft will be free from landing charges on that day.
This event is open to everyone and visitors are welcome to come by foot, by cycle or by road. There is free entry and food and drink are available all day.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Is this modern art?

It is just a stack of picnic tables on the recreation area being set up behind Old Buckenham village hall.