Monday, 28 February 2011
Sunday, 27 February 2011
What's on in Old Buckenham
Diary dates for March
Tuesday 1 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon
Wednesday 2 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 2 Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Thursday 3 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 4 Crib drive, Village Hall, 2pm
Friday 4 Ruby and her horses, Village Hall, 7pm for 7.30pm
Saturday 5 Debating Society, Church Rooms, 10am
Sunday 6 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 7 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 8 Roadside collection of textiles, from 9am
Thursday 10 Breckland Flower and Garden Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 10 Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.45pm
Monday 14 Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Wednesday 16 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 16 Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Friday 18 'One Stop Bus' outside Village Shop, 10am to 12 noon
Saturday 19 Allotment Society, Church Rooms, 10.15am
Sunday 20 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 21 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Monday 21 Fete meeting, Village Hall, Memorial Room, 7.30pm
Thursday 24 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Thursday 24 New Buckenham Silver Band, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Saturday 26 Village quiz, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Wednesday 30 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Tuesday 1 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon
Wednesday 2 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 2 Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Thursday 3 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 4 Crib drive, Village Hall, 2pm
Friday 4 Ruby and her horses, Village Hall, 7pm for 7.30pm
Saturday 5 Debating Society, Church Rooms, 10am
Sunday 6 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 7 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 8 Roadside collection of textiles, from 9am
Thursday 10 Breckland Flower and Garden Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 10 Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.45pm
Monday 14 Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Wednesday 16 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 16 Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Friday 18 'One Stop Bus' outside Village Shop, 10am to 12 noon
Saturday 19 Allotment Society, Church Rooms, 10.15am
Sunday 20 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 21 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Monday 21 Fete meeting, Village Hall, Memorial Room, 7.30pm
Thursday 24 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Thursday 24 New Buckenham Silver Band, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Saturday 26 Village quiz, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Wednesday 30 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Friday, 25 February 2011
Councillors' thoughts
February parish council meeting
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 3 March in the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. So here is the blog editor's version of the February minutes so that you can be better informed if you should consider going along to the next meeting.
There were six members of the public at the February parish council meeting. Apologies for non attendance were received from Stephen Thorley.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting in January were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Adrian Joel said that under 'Doe Lane meeting notes' it said that 30 people attended the meeting. He stated that only 30 people were invited to attend the meeting. Tom Johnson commented on an article in the circulation folder showing the legal aspects of gritting pavements and asked for it be put in the next village newsletter. Adrian Joel asked if a volunteer had been found to cut the playground grass. Mike Craven-Romain replied that one had come forward and he was discussing the matter with him.
Allotments. It was agreed after consultation with the allotment holders that the allotment sizes would be reduced to conform to the one acre overall size of the plot. The landowner is also currently drawing up a lease with the Parish Council for the land. The allotment holders had asked for all copies of correspondence between the Parish Council and the landowner and after discussion it was agreed that this would not be made available. The Parish Clerk is to write to all allotment holders on the new size of the allotments and also to OBAS regarding the decision not to make available the correspondence between the land owner and the Parish Council. Breckland Council had awarded the Parish Council a grant of £1,000 for the allotments. The total cost of the fencing and water supply would be £1,919 plus £176 for fitting.
Amenity area. Adrian Joel said that he had obtained a copy of the original planning application for an amenity area opposite the village shop. He then recommended that a working party of four be set up consisting of two parish councillors and two members of the public. Adrian Joel and Gerald Norton agreed to join this working party. Tom Johnson raised the matter of the cost of the project and the Parish Clerk said it would have to be precepted for over the coming years starting in financial year 2012/13.
Planning applications. The Parish Clerk read out two letters objecting to the proposed erection of two dwellings in Harlingwood Lane. Carol Marshall raised some concerns over what she thought were inaccuracies in one of the letters and gave a detailed response to them. Derek Smalley also raised some points regarding access and that the application was outside the building envelope. Tim Ing also raised some concerns over the development. A vote was taken which resulted in four for the application and five against with one abstention. Adrian Joel said that Breckland do take into account the views of the Parish Council and he had asked that the original application be sent to committee for decision. This application would be heard by committee in mid-February and the Parish Council could send a representative to speak on it.
Alteration and extension to dwelling in St Andrews Close. No objections were raised, this being agreed with nine for and one abstention.
Breckland Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel informed the meeting that Breckland had agreed a balanced budget for 2011 and it will be recommended to full council on Thursday 24 February. There will be a zero increase in Breckland’s share of the council tax (the council tax will remain at £64.05 for a band D property). Also Old Buckenham Parish Council have been awarded a grant of £1,000 for the allotments to go towards the cost of fencing and water supply provision. The new Cotman houses in St Andrews Close are moving forward with the transfer of land from Breckland Council now close to completion. It is expected that Cotman Housing Association will apply for HCA funding for the scheme some time in the spring/summer. The National census will take place during 2011 and census forms will be sent in the post on Monday 7 March.
Chairman’s report. Norman Cawston said that he had attended a meeting with the Green Rights Proprietors and that Tim Ing would give a fuller report.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Adrian Joel raised the matter of the Doe Lane meeting notes of last August. The item is to be put on the March agenda. Adrian Joel also raised the matter of Quality Council status and asked for the clerk’s opinion on the matter. The clerk gave a detailed response with his final comment being that there was no real benefit for the Parish Council as a whole and they should wait for the Localisation Bill which promised to devolve certain powers to Parish Councils. Carol Marshall said she had a meeting with Peter Whear of the High School regarding the Recreation Area. The school had funding of approximately £20,000 (not the £100,000 that they had hoped for) and so had no plans for the outside projects to date. Carol Marshall said the Recreation Area working party would now go ahead with a multi-sports project. They will soon be meeting to agree on the groundwork required before installation of any equipment and they hoped to order equipment for a football area very soon. Johnathan Kemp said that they would have a launch date of Saturday 2 April for a football area with two goals with netting installed at a total cost of £411.50. The Parish Clerk advised the working party to carry out a full risk assessment on the project before the launch date. Johnathan Kemp said a long term plan was being drawn up to put together the other facilities for the recreation area and Carol Marshall would be putting forward some grant applications to go towards the funding and getting the required quotations for equipment. She would also obtain a copy of the lease from the village hall. Gerald Norton said that the Village Hall Committee had raised the matter of funding for the replacement of the stage lighting and that the Old Buckenham Players were hosting a performance on Friday 4 March to raise some funds. Derek Smalley said his first items had appeared in the village newsletter and he was pleased that a volunteer had come forward to cut the grass at the play area. He also said that he had attended a meeting of Attleborough Community Team with Mike Bartlett and it was a good meeting. Over three thousand signatures had been raised and 358 of them were from Old Buckenham residents following action by Terry Cracknell and Mike Bartlett. The Parish Clerk is to send a letter of thanks to both of them. Derek Smalley then raised the matter of establishing ‘No Cold Calling Areas’ within the village following a recent incident involving an elderly resident and two cold callers. The item is to be put on the March agenda. Tim Ing asked if the scouts were doing any litter picking on the Green at the present time. Mike Craven-Romain said they were not during the winter months. It was also reported that premises had burglaries committed during daytime hours in Old Buckenham and also that heating oil had been stolen. It was recommended that residents be more vigilant in these matters. Tom Johnson said a meeting will be held regarding the Attleborough Expansion Plan on Tuesday 1 March. He also raised the matter of a meeting at Breckland Council on Wednesday 2 March for people who wish to become Parish, District and/or County Councillors.
Parish Clerk’s report. The Clerk said that the grit bin for the schools had been delivered to them and both schools had paid their contribution towards the cost of the bin.
Highways. Tom Johnson said that in the circulation folder there was a map of the gritting routes for Old Buckenham and asked if we could get alterations and additions to them. The Parish Clerk said the Parish Council would have to make a submission to Norfolk County Council Highways to alter next year’s routes. He explained the difficulty of another Parish Council who for years had tried to get additional roads gritted but without success due to the limited resources of the County Council.
The Green. Tim Ing said that he had a recent meeting with Green Rights Proprietors (GRP) and they were not happy with the state of the Green. He had, with Norman Cawston, held discussions for the future maintenance of the Green and suggestions had been put forward. The GRP were going to check the status of the Green to see if grass cutting could take place before the hay making season. The Parish Council have been asked to put in writing proposals for the future maintenance of the Green before Tuesday 22 February so it can be discussed by the GRP at their meeting. Tom Johnson asked if a list of the current Green Rights Proprietors was available yet. Tim Ing said that the GRP was trying to be compile one. Thanks were given by the Parish Council to Tim Ing and Norman Cawston for their work on taking the whole matter of the Green forward. Carol Marshall said she now had a plan where bat boxes could be installed on the Green.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 3 March in the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. So here is the blog editor's version of the February minutes so that you can be better informed if you should consider going along to the next meeting.
There were six members of the public at the February parish council meeting. Apologies for non attendance were received from Stephen Thorley.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting in January were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Adrian Joel said that under 'Doe Lane meeting notes' it said that 30 people attended the meeting. He stated that only 30 people were invited to attend the meeting. Tom Johnson commented on an article in the circulation folder showing the legal aspects of gritting pavements and asked for it be put in the next village newsletter. Adrian Joel asked if a volunteer had been found to cut the playground grass. Mike Craven-Romain replied that one had come forward and he was discussing the matter with him.
Allotments. It was agreed after consultation with the allotment holders that the allotment sizes would be reduced to conform to the one acre overall size of the plot. The landowner is also currently drawing up a lease with the Parish Council for the land. The allotment holders had asked for all copies of correspondence between the Parish Council and the landowner and after discussion it was agreed that this would not be made available. The Parish Clerk is to write to all allotment holders on the new size of the allotments and also to OBAS regarding the decision not to make available the correspondence between the land owner and the Parish Council. Breckland Council had awarded the Parish Council a grant of £1,000 for the allotments. The total cost of the fencing and water supply would be £1,919 plus £176 for fitting.
Amenity area. Adrian Joel said that he had obtained a copy of the original planning application for an amenity area opposite the village shop. He then recommended that a working party of four be set up consisting of two parish councillors and two members of the public. Adrian Joel and Gerald Norton agreed to join this working party. Tom Johnson raised the matter of the cost of the project and the Parish Clerk said it would have to be precepted for over the coming years starting in financial year 2012/13.
Planning applications. The Parish Clerk read out two letters objecting to the proposed erection of two dwellings in Harlingwood Lane. Carol Marshall raised some concerns over what she thought were inaccuracies in one of the letters and gave a detailed response to them. Derek Smalley also raised some points regarding access and that the application was outside the building envelope. Tim Ing also raised some concerns over the development. A vote was taken which resulted in four for the application and five against with one abstention. Adrian Joel said that Breckland do take into account the views of the Parish Council and he had asked that the original application be sent to committee for decision. This application would be heard by committee in mid-February and the Parish Council could send a representative to speak on it.
Alteration and extension to dwelling in St Andrews Close. No objections were raised, this being agreed with nine for and one abstention.
Breckland Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel informed the meeting that Breckland had agreed a balanced budget for 2011 and it will be recommended to full council on Thursday 24 February. There will be a zero increase in Breckland’s share of the council tax (the council tax will remain at £64.05 for a band D property). Also Old Buckenham Parish Council have been awarded a grant of £1,000 for the allotments to go towards the cost of fencing and water supply provision. The new Cotman houses in St Andrews Close are moving forward with the transfer of land from Breckland Council now close to completion. It is expected that Cotman Housing Association will apply for HCA funding for the scheme some time in the spring/summer. The National census will take place during 2011 and census forms will be sent in the post on Monday 7 March.
Chairman’s report. Norman Cawston said that he had attended a meeting with the Green Rights Proprietors and that Tim Ing would give a fuller report.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Adrian Joel raised the matter of the Doe Lane meeting notes of last August. The item is to be put on the March agenda. Adrian Joel also raised the matter of Quality Council status and asked for the clerk’s opinion on the matter. The clerk gave a detailed response with his final comment being that there was no real benefit for the Parish Council as a whole and they should wait for the Localisation Bill which promised to devolve certain powers to Parish Councils. Carol Marshall said she had a meeting with Peter Whear of the High School regarding the Recreation Area. The school had funding of approximately £20,000 (not the £100,000 that they had hoped for) and so had no plans for the outside projects to date. Carol Marshall said the Recreation Area working party would now go ahead with a multi-sports project. They will soon be meeting to agree on the groundwork required before installation of any equipment and they hoped to order equipment for a football area very soon. Johnathan Kemp said that they would have a launch date of Saturday 2 April for a football area with two goals with netting installed at a total cost of £411.50. The Parish Clerk advised the working party to carry out a full risk assessment on the project before the launch date. Johnathan Kemp said a long term plan was being drawn up to put together the other facilities for the recreation area and Carol Marshall would be putting forward some grant applications to go towards the funding and getting the required quotations for equipment. She would also obtain a copy of the lease from the village hall. Gerald Norton said that the Village Hall Committee had raised the matter of funding for the replacement of the stage lighting and that the Old Buckenham Players were hosting a performance on Friday 4 March to raise some funds. Derek Smalley said his first items had appeared in the village newsletter and he was pleased that a volunteer had come forward to cut the grass at the play area. He also said that he had attended a meeting of Attleborough Community Team with Mike Bartlett and it was a good meeting. Over three thousand signatures had been raised and 358 of them were from Old Buckenham residents following action by Terry Cracknell and Mike Bartlett. The Parish Clerk is to send a letter of thanks to both of them. Derek Smalley then raised the matter of establishing ‘No Cold Calling Areas’ within the village following a recent incident involving an elderly resident and two cold callers. The item is to be put on the March agenda. Tim Ing asked if the scouts were doing any litter picking on the Green at the present time. Mike Craven-Romain said they were not during the winter months. It was also reported that premises had burglaries committed during daytime hours in Old Buckenham and also that heating oil had been stolen. It was recommended that residents be more vigilant in these matters. Tom Johnson said a meeting will be held regarding the Attleborough Expansion Plan on Tuesday 1 March. He also raised the matter of a meeting at Breckland Council on Wednesday 2 March for people who wish to become Parish, District and/or County Councillors.
Parish Clerk’s report. The Clerk said that the grit bin for the schools had been delivered to them and both schools had paid their contribution towards the cost of the bin.
Highways. Tom Johnson said that in the circulation folder there was a map of the gritting routes for Old Buckenham and asked if we could get alterations and additions to them. The Parish Clerk said the Parish Council would have to make a submission to Norfolk County Council Highways to alter next year’s routes. He explained the difficulty of another Parish Council who for years had tried to get additional roads gritted but without success due to the limited resources of the County Council.
The Green. Tim Ing said that he had a recent meeting with Green Rights Proprietors (GRP) and they were not happy with the state of the Green. He had, with Norman Cawston, held discussions for the future maintenance of the Green and suggestions had been put forward. The GRP were going to check the status of the Green to see if grass cutting could take place before the hay making season. The Parish Council have been asked to put in writing proposals for the future maintenance of the Green before Tuesday 22 February so it can be discussed by the GRP at their meeting. Tom Johnson asked if a list of the current Green Rights Proprietors was available yet. Tim Ing said that the GRP was trying to be compile one. Thanks were given by the Parish Council to Tim Ing and Norman Cawston for their work on taking the whole matter of the Green forward. Carol Marshall said she now had a plan where bat boxes could be installed on the Green.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Greener Breckland
Pride in Breckland awards
The Village Recycling and Environment Group (VERG) is one of the finalists in the Greener Breckland category of the Pride in Breckland Awards 2011. Members of VERG will be going off to a presentation ceremony to be held at RAF Marham on Friday 18 March. Then they will hear how well they have done in competition with the other finalists. We wish them luck.
This is the 500th post on the Old Buckenham blog. Another milestone passed...
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Farming as it used to be
Askew Agricultural Museum
Go back in time and visit your local museum in Old Buckenham.
Openings in 2011 of the Askew Agricultural Museum are between 2pm and 5pm on the second Sunday of each month
So the dates for your diaries are:
Sunday 10 April
Sunday 8 May
Sunday 12 June
Sunday 10 July
Sunday 14 August
and Sunday 11 September.
There is adequate parking for any vehicle.
Charges are £3 per adult (children under 16 are free but must be accompanied by an adult).
Parties, schools, etc, are encouraged and special openings can be arranged.
Phone 01953 860324 or 01953 860506 for more details.
The museum is situated at Scales Farm, Hargham Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PE.
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Old Buckenham gardening event
Plants and things horticultural
The annual Gardening Event at Old Buckenham Village Hall will be on Saturday 7 May between 10am and 1pm. If anybody would like to have a stall of anything garden related please contact Alison on 860692.
Please note the change of date from the usual weekend.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Keep the Green tidy
Litter picking
It has been some years since Mr Snelling kept our Old Buckenham Green and surroundings spotlessly clean of litter and it is evident that a replacement is urgently needed. The Scouts are picking litter half a dozen times a year during their normal meetings, when the evenings are lighter and after events taking place on the Green. The Parish Council would like to see local residents involved too, perhaps making it a regular social occasion, thereby getting some exercise and fresh air and maybe finishing up at the Church Rooms for a well earned cuppa and piece of cake. If anybody would like to take this idea forward, or even a someone willing to formally take on this clearing duty for a small remuneration, please speak to any parish councillor
It has been some years since Mr Snelling kept our Old Buckenham Green and surroundings spotlessly clean of litter and it is evident that a replacement is urgently needed. The Scouts are picking litter half a dozen times a year during their normal meetings, when the evenings are lighter and after events taking place on the Green. The Parish Council would like to see local residents involved too, perhaps making it a regular social occasion, thereby getting some exercise and fresh air and maybe finishing up at the Church Rooms for a well earned cuppa and piece of cake. If anybody would like to take this idea forward, or even a someone willing to formally take on this clearing duty for a small remuneration, please speak to any parish councillor
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Flowery childhood memories
Flower and Garden Club
Childhood memories were stirred when Judy Barham demonstrated at February's meeting of the Breckland Flower and Garden Club in Old Buckenham village hall. Contrary Mary's garden with silver bells and cockle shells, nutmegs and pears growing in the nut tree. Pink lilies and carnations rocked the baby to sleep in a wicker cradle and Incy Wincy Spider climbed over tulips and chrysanthemums. Purple tulips and orange roses were the choice for Old Mother Hubbard and her many children. Cinderella was the final arrangement - a wonderful pink and white display with two placements containing lilies, roses and lisianthus.
The competition was for a depiction of a child's book (with title card). The New Hands class was won by Susan Thurlow, the Old Hands was won by Shirley Penfold (who also received the trophy for best exhibit) joint second were Sylvia Briggs and Ursula Jackson with Pat Wells third.
The table show winner was Ann Dent for her house plant. Second was Sally Westrup and Sylvia Briggs was third.
The March meeting will be the Annual General Meeting, to be followed by a talk and slides from Thorncroft Nurseries (clematis). The competition title is 'Spring has sprung - a petite arrangement (25cm height, width and depth)'.The table show is for a pot of spring bulbs.
So come along to Old Buckenham Village Hall on Thursday 10 March for a 2pm start. Visitors are always welcome. For further details contact Sally on 788712 or Pat on 457305.
Childhood memories were stirred when Judy Barham demonstrated at February's meeting of the Breckland Flower and Garden Club in Old Buckenham village hall. Contrary Mary's garden with silver bells and cockle shells, nutmegs and pears growing in the nut tree. Pink lilies and carnations rocked the baby to sleep in a wicker cradle and Incy Wincy Spider climbed over tulips and chrysanthemums. Purple tulips and orange roses were the choice for Old Mother Hubbard and her many children. Cinderella was the final arrangement - a wonderful pink and white display with two placements containing lilies, roses and lisianthus.
The competition was for a depiction of a child's book (with title card). The New Hands class was won by Susan Thurlow, the Old Hands was won by Shirley Penfold (who also received the trophy for best exhibit) joint second were Sylvia Briggs and Ursula Jackson with Pat Wells third.
The table show winner was Ann Dent for her house plant. Second was Sally Westrup and Sylvia Briggs was third.
The March meeting will be the Annual General Meeting, to be followed by a talk and slides from Thorncroft Nurseries (clematis). The competition title is 'Spring has sprung - a petite arrangement (25cm height, width and depth)'.The table show is for a pot of spring bulbs.
So come along to Old Buckenham Village Hall on Thursday 10 March for a 2pm start. Visitors are always welcome. For further details contact Sally on 788712 or Pat on 457305.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Have your say
Start of Debating Society
At an exploratory meeting held on Saturday 29 January it was agreed to establish an Old Buckenham and District Debating Society. Meetings of the Society will be held on the first Saturday of each month between 10am and noon in the Church Rooms (although the venue may vary occasionally).
As a start various issues were suggested as a basis for discussion, for and against, and voted upon. The potential subjects included whether the expenditure cuts are occurring too fast, should forests be sold off, should Attleborough expand to Bunns Bank, AV electoral reform, how welcome are the events in Tunisia and Egypt, the implications of Wikileaks, more regulation of banks, the legalisation of prostitution, reforms in the NHS and whether multi-culturalism is working.
The first meeting will be held on Saturday 5 March at 10am in the Church Rooms. As a start two or three of the above issues will be discussed, those chosen depending on the views of those attending.
From April onwards the format will be one subject per meeting. Arguments for and against will be put by two speakers to be followed by general discussion, questions and answers, and then a vote. Remember that the subjects mentioned earlier are just some possible issues and any further ideas are welcome. Contact Tim on 860388 if you need further information.
At an exploratory meeting held on Saturday 29 January it was agreed to establish an Old Buckenham and District Debating Society. Meetings of the Society will be held on the first Saturday of each month between 10am and noon in the Church Rooms (although the venue may vary occasionally).
As a start various issues were suggested as a basis for discussion, for and against, and voted upon. The potential subjects included whether the expenditure cuts are occurring too fast, should forests be sold off, should Attleborough expand to Bunns Bank, AV electoral reform, how welcome are the events in Tunisia and Egypt, the implications of Wikileaks, more regulation of banks, the legalisation of prostitution, reforms in the NHS and whether multi-culturalism is working.
The first meeting will be held on Saturday 5 March at 10am in the Church Rooms. As a start two or three of the above issues will be discussed, those chosen depending on the views of those attending.
From April onwards the format will be one subject per meeting. Arguments for and against will be put by two speakers to be followed by general discussion, questions and answers, and then a vote. Remember that the subjects mentioned earlier are just some possible issues and any further ideas are welcome. Contact Tim on 860388 if you need further information.
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Fleece to fibre
Spinning around
Pauline Bott came to the Social and Wine Circle meeting in February to talk about “From fleece to fibre and beyond”. The Church Rooms in Old Buckenham were festooned with items varying from alpaca fleeces to finished clothes, rugs and wall hangings. Pauline explained that her hobby of spinning (and making things from what she had spun) was something that she had just ‘picked up’. It had come in useful in the days when she worked as a coach driver as she could get out her spinning wheel to keep her occupied while waiting to pick up passengers for their return journey.
It was a therapeutic hobby, first ‘carding’ the fibres from a fleece and then turning this wool into thread. She estimated that it took her around three hours to make an ounce of woollen thread so producing a jumper that took some 26 ounces of wool was quite an undertaking. She sometimes dyed her own fleeces using natural materials such as onions, walnuts and broad beans to get the colours.
Members of the Social and Wine Circle were invited to have a go at hand carding and at using a spinning wheel to produce some thread – with varying levels of success. Then it was a chance to ask questions and to handle some of the exhibits including fleeces from llama and several breeds of sheep, wool of various colours as well as the items made from them.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Why not become a parish councillor?
May elections
With elections for members of Old Buckenham Parish Council taking place early in May, readers may be interested to know that Breckland District Council is holding a course at Dereham on Wednesday 2 March for prospective candidates. If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and wish to attend this course then you need to contact Breckland on 01362 656870.
With elections for members of Old Buckenham Parish Council taking place early in May, readers may be interested to know that Breckland District Council is holding a course at Dereham on Wednesday 2 March for prospective candidates. If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and wish to attend this course then you need to contact Breckland on 01362 656870.
Friday, 11 February 2011
Another book sale
Any unwanted books?
The Village Environment and Recycling Group (VERG) is planning to have another book stall at the Old Buckenham village fete this year. Last year £100 went to church repairs but it has not yet been decided which village project should be supported this year. This is an early confirmation to answer all those queries about whether books should be saved. Ring 452716 any time you need to get rid of books urgently, though if you can keep them in store for a bit longer it would be appreciated. Boxes will be provided for contributions nearer the time, as usual.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Future of village hall
Younger people needed
Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the Old Buckenham Village Hall will take place on Wednesday 6 April starting at 7.30pm. Your attendance, if over 18 years of age, is important to ensure the future of the largest village asset. The existing committee are fully aware that, because of their average age, decisions are probably made that are not always in the best interest for the future of the hall or its users. Please make a note of the date now and ensure that you attend the AGM if at all possible and add some new ideas.
Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the Old Buckenham Village Hall will take place on Wednesday 6 April starting at 7.30pm. Your attendance, if over 18 years of age, is important to ensure the future of the largest village asset. The existing committee are fully aware that, because of their average age, decisions are probably made that are not always in the best interest for the future of the hall or its users. Please make a note of the date now and ensure that you attend the AGM if at all possible and add some new ideas.
Monday, 7 February 2011
Cricket in Old Buckenham
Digging out the 'facts'
A recent comment on something posted on this blog a couple of years ago queried the often quoted fact that the soil for the Old Buckenham cricket pitch came all the way from Australia.
The following is taken from an article on village cricket in the 'Sporting life' booklet in a series on the history of Old Buckenham. But of course if you know better...
The first record of cricket being played at Old Buckenham is in 1817 when the local newspaper reported that several persons who had long resisted the threats and entreaties of the inhabitants were convicted before a magistrate at Larlingford and fined for playing cricket on Sunday October 2nd on Old Buckenham Green. Odd references to cricket appear in the press in the following years but the earliest recorded match is that against Attleborough in 1865 which Old Buckenham won.
In 1906, however, cricket in Old Buckenham became of great importance for in this year a Lionel Robinson, an immensely wealthy Australian stockbroker from Melbourne who had offices in London, bought the Old Buckenham Hall estate from Prince Frederick Duleep Singh (whose guardian in this country was none other than Queen Victoria). This was a factor which must have brought Lionel Robinson to the notice of the top social circles to which he aspired. He had a passion for cricket and in addition to rebuilding Buckenham Hall in an extravagant style, he erected splendid stables for a racing stud and sought to create a first class•cricket ground in the middle of his shooting estates.
Robinson‘s cricket ground was specially and scientifically constructed with clay from a lake on the estate. The clay was bound together with chickenwire netting and covered with fine turf specially imported from Australia. He aimed to create a cricket square as fast as those common in Australia and to stage first class cricket matches upon it. He employed a Archie MacIaren, a famous county gentleman cricketer and former English captain before the First World War, as his cricketing manager and provided him with a house on the estate. Archie was also a well known cricket correspondent for the press and particularly in the specialist 'Cricketer' magazine. At Old Buckenham he set about the task of developing cricket of the highest order.
A recent comment on something posted on this blog a couple of years ago queried the often quoted fact that the soil for the Old Buckenham cricket pitch came all the way from Australia.
The following is taken from an article on village cricket in the 'Sporting life' booklet in a series on the history of Old Buckenham. But of course if you know better...
The first record of cricket being played at Old Buckenham is in 1817 when the local newspaper reported that several persons who had long resisted the threats and entreaties of the inhabitants were convicted before a magistrate at Larlingford and fined for playing cricket on Sunday October 2nd on Old Buckenham Green. Odd references to cricket appear in the press in the following years but the earliest recorded match is that against Attleborough in 1865 which Old Buckenham won.
In 1906, however, cricket in Old Buckenham became of great importance for in this year a Lionel Robinson, an immensely wealthy Australian stockbroker from Melbourne who had offices in London, bought the Old Buckenham Hall estate from Prince Frederick Duleep Singh (whose guardian in this country was none other than Queen Victoria). This was a factor which must have brought Lionel Robinson to the notice of the top social circles to which he aspired. He had a passion for cricket and in addition to rebuilding Buckenham Hall in an extravagant style, he erected splendid stables for a racing stud and sought to create a first class•cricket ground in the middle of his shooting estates.
Robinson‘s cricket ground was specially and scientifically constructed with clay from a lake on the estate. The clay was bound together with chickenwire netting and covered with fine turf specially imported from Australia. He aimed to create a cricket square as fast as those common in Australia and to stage first class cricket matches upon it. He employed a Archie MacIaren, a famous county gentleman cricketer and former English captain before the First World War, as his cricketing manager and provided him with a house on the estate. Archie was also a well known cricket correspondent for the press and particularly in the specialist 'Cricketer' magazine. At Old Buckenham he set about the task of developing cricket of the highest order.
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Easter lilies
On Easter Day each year, All Saints, Old Buckenham commemorates the lives of loved ones who have died and they will be continuing the tradition this year. Flower arrangements in the church at Easter will comprise of lilies, each in memory of departed relatives or friends. If you would like to contribute to this event could you please let Revd Alistair Monkhouse have your donation before Sunday 10 April together with the name of the person to be remembered. In the event that you have not subscribed before then Alistair will also need to know the year of birth and date of death of that person.
It is estimated that each lily will cost in the region of £3. Any additional monies received will go towards a lasting memorial.
Anyone wishing to contribute should please send their cheque, made out to Old Buckenham PCC, with details of the deceased to Revd Alistair Monkhouse, ‘Wildwood', Mill Road, Old Buckenham, Norfolk, NRI7 ISG.
Friday, 4 February 2011
Luncheon Club say thank you
Meal for helpers
The first Luncheon Club meeting in February was a chance to thank all those other people who help to make the running of this service possible, particularly by providing transport each fortnight to get the members along to the village hall for their meal.
Over forty people sat down in Old Buckenham Village Hall for a beautifully cooked roast beef dinner. Organiser Bridget Burton took the opportunity after the meal to mention all the different people who had helped throughout the last year. There were those who had raised funds for the Club, those drivers who pick up the diners each time, all the cooks and the other helpers who put out the tables and chairs, serve the meals and wash up afterwards. In return Barbara Parker thanked everybody on behalf of the club members and Mike Bartlett said how much the guests had appreciated being invited to take part.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Growing up in the wrong place
Going, going, gone
When the churchwarden at All Saints Church, Old Buckenham, asked the District Council's tree officer for advice on pollarding a very large poplar tree that was rather near the church building, he was advised that it would be better to remove the tree completely.
So over the last couple of days the professional tree surgeons have been at work. The blog editor has been around with his camera and has managed to record the final moments of this arboreal giant.
When the churchwarden at All Saints Church, Old Buckenham, asked the District Council's tree officer for advice on pollarding a very large poplar tree that was rather near the church building, he was advised that it would be better to remove the tree completely.
So over the last couple of days the professional tree surgeons have been at work. The blog editor has been around with his camera and has managed to record the final moments of this arboreal giant.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
All about Epic
Open to all
Old Buckenham WI opened their January meeting to anyone in the village who was interested or had participated in the study by the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer (EPIC). The EPIC survey was started in 1993 to examine the relationship between dietary intake and the incident of cancer and other diseases such as diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Stephanie Moore, a Senior Research Assistant on the investigation, aided by Elliott Grigg, came to tell us particularly about EPIC-Norfolk. Norfolk was chosen as the ideal county for the survey being a good mix of towns and rural areas and therefore many different occupations, with lots of older people and also a stable population. Attleborough Surgery was approached and many of our audience participated in the study. They have been contributing information about their diet, lifestyle and health through questionnaires and through health checks carried out by EPIC nurses since 1997.
EPIC-Norfolk, with over 30,000 participants in the county when it started, is just one part of a Europe-wide study looking at the connection between diet and cancer.
On a less serious note members said how much they had enjoyed their Christmas lunch at the Stag and also how they had recently visited the Theatre Royal in Norwich to see Fiddler on the Roof. A surprise interval drink and nibbles provided by Terry Cracknel to celebrate his birthday made the evening even more enjoyable.
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