Sunday 1 November 2009

Will there be fireworks?

The next Old Buckenham Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 5 November in the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.
These notes of the parish council meetings are prepared by the editor of the newsletter from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended later at the next month's meeting.
If you wish to read the full, unedited minutes, then they are posted on the notice board outside the village shop prior to the next parish council meeting.
There were four members of the public present at the October meeting of the Old Buckenham Parish Council and there were no apologies for absence from the council members.
Minutes of the May, June and July meetings were all agreed to be true and accurate records of the meetings. One item from the meeting in May was to be put on the November agenda.
Concerning the minutes of the September meeting, Carol Marshall said that under section 8 it should read "property two doors down" (not at the property). With this amendment the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the September minutes. Tim Ing said that he had a quote for the benches for the Green at a cost of £190 plus VAT for each bench which are made from recycled materials. Also an application had been made to Old Buckenham 2000 Trust for a grant. The council hoped to put four benches on the Green. He also said that he had attended the presentation with Norman Cawston to receive the award for being runner up in a community award scheme. The prize included £40 in garden centre vouchers.
The Green. Tim Ing said there was a Green Rights Meeting being held on Tuesday 6 October and he would be attending. Carol Marshall asked that tree management on the Green be raised at the meeting as the trees were getting untidy.
Planning applications. Homestead, The Green. Rear extension. No objections from parish council (agreed with 8 for and 1 abstention).
Southview, Fen Street. Erection of oak frame 2 storey cart lodge with playroom above. Matters to be put on the November agenda and the parish clerk to arrange an extension with Breckland.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel said the Breckland Council Policy Core Strategy had been approved as “sound” by the Government Inspectors. The Strategy is expected to come into force in January 2010. The Local Development Framework Task and Finish group has started to look at site specifics. They recently looked at Watton and East Harling and Old Buckenham will be looked at in the New Year under Settlement Boundaries. Attleborough Town Council is considering introducing parking charges in the town. Members of the public were encouraged to attend a meeting about this at Connaught Hall in mid-October. Breckland’s planning applications will be live on Breckland’s website from Tuesday 27 October. The public will be able to view planning applications online as well as the comments made by parish councils and members of the public. Cotman have submitted their grant application for the new houses in St Andrews Close and are waiting a decision.
Parish Councillors' reports. Stephen Thorley attended the Attleborough Task Force meeting in September along with Adrian Joel. The objective of the task force is to facilitate the area-based and multi-agency working in Attleborough to get together the public and local community groups to discuss and implement possible improvements for the area. At the September meeting Breckland ‘s Principal Planning Policy officer raised the points that 4000 new homes had been agreed for the Attleborough/Snetterton corridor area and this could create 2,000 jobs but is dependant on the outcome on the Core Strategy report which was with the Government inspectors and their report is due early November. They will also offer a view whether the preferred option of development south of the railway line is the best way forward, or whether land north of the A11 will be included. Also being considered is whether the Snetterton aspect of the development is deliverable. The Parish Council’s watching brief will include the areas of Infrastructure, Services and Recreation and Leisure. Stephen Thorley will report back after the next scheduled meeting in early November.
Adrian Joel said the hedge at Castle Hill needs to be cut back, parish clerk to arrange. He also said that he had written to the Chairman suggesting inviting the new temporary Headmaster to a meeting. Councillors suggested waiting till a permanent appointment had been made at the school. Liz Taylor said that a recent garage sale for the recreation area had raised £415.02 and that Robert and Denise Ziman had donated £50. She thanked all who had taken part in the fund raising and suggested that the recreation area needed to have its own cheque book.
KerryTalbot said the play area site is now cleared and levelling was due to start in the next week. They have applied to Breckland Council for up front funding but they need a letter of support from the Parish Council showing the support and confirming a contribution of £3,900 (the parish clerk to arrange). They had received funding of £5000 from the Grassroots Foundation and total funding at the bank now stood at £16,388.
Norman Cawston said a trustee was needed to sit on the Old Buckenham United Eleemosynary Charities. Adrian Joel agreed to serve for the three-year period.
Clerk’s report. The clerk informed meeting that he had written to Zurich Insurance to get cover for the new fence at the recreation area and obtaining public liability cover for the area. He had also received a letter from Government auditors on the accounts for 2008/9. He had agreed that the accounts would be with them by early October. Breckland Council was holding an Open Forum evening for parish councillors on Thursday 29 October and councillors were invited.
Freedom of Information Act Model Publication Scheme. The parish clerk had produced a Model Publication Scheme which showed how members of the public could obtain information from the Parish Council under the Freedom of Information Act. It was agreed unanimously that it be adopted by the Parish Council,
Transfer of funds to Special Reserves. The parish clerk said that he wished to simplify the funds held by the Parish Council so that they could be easily identified for future purposes in the accounts.
It was unanimously agreed to transfer £962.92 from general funds to Old Buckenham United Eleemosynary Charities. To transfer from general funds to Old Buckenham Just Play £16,388.60. To transfer £3,089.04 from general funds to Old Buckenham Parish Council (Recreation Project). It was also agreed that the project name be changed and for the working party to have their own cheque book account with a minimum of two authorised signatories.
Parish Council accounts. The parish clerk said he had produced a set of amended accounts for the year ending March 2009. It was agreed unanimously that they be adopted and forwarded to government auditors. The parish clerk said that following the departure of the previous Internal Auditor Robert Ziman, he had a replacement available who was a Mrs Carole Porter.

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