Thursday 20 April 2023

Forthcoming Old Buckenham walks

Why not join in?

The Old Buckenham Women's Institute have arranged a couple of walks in the village on Friday 28 April. They are offered to support 'Women Walk the World Day' (which actually takes place on Sunday 30 April).

If you would like to take part please meet outside All Saints Church between the Church Rooms and the Children's Playground so as to be ready to set off at 10.30 am.The shorter walk of about 2 miles will go through the churchyard and the Stud, out to Abbey Road, along the track past the B&B, then back along the footpath to the Stud and the church.. The longer walk of about 4 miles will go out past the windmill to Stacksford, then towards Hammonds Farm, take the footpath across the bridge and then along the Permissive path across Banham Moor and back along Sandy Lane and Mill Road to the Green and the Church. 

Everybody is welcome to join in. Please encourage any friends, male or female, and well behaved dogs to participate. They  are inviting all who take part to make a voluntary donation of £2 (more if you wish). All donations will go to the Projects Fund of ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World).

Let's hope for a really good turnout and really good weather.

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