Monday 28 February 2022

Another Old Buckenham newsletter

Read your March issue

The weather has been sunny so many of the volunteer distributors will have been round putting this March issue through your letterbox in time for the start of the new month. 

This particular issue contains a couple of thousand words from the eulogies given at John Askew's funeral service in February. The following words that were not able to be included because of space limitations but tell you a lot about the man.

"I always remember when driving with dad around the village, he would put his hand up to acknowledge everyone he met whether he knew them or not. “Who is that?” I would ask, “I don’t know” came the reply. “Why are you waving to them then?” I would ask. “I might get to know them” he said. I remember us regularly passing a particularly sour-faced gentlemen out walking his dog. Every day without fail, dad would put his hand up only to be met with a stony face. This went on for days until one morning the gentleman reacted with a slight nod which over the next few times grew into a fully reciprocated raising of the hand with a smile. I never knew who the man was and neither did dad, but he would even pull up and have a brief word as time went by.

And this was the measure of the man, always willing to offer the hand of friendship, never bore a grudge and was always willing to see the best in people. Many of you here will have your own special memories of our father John. In the many cards, letters and verbal tributes the family have received since dad’s passing there is one adjective which reoccurs time and time again, and that word is lovely. “He was a lovely man.

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