Friday, 30 October 2015

November events in Old Buckenham

Diary dates for November

Sunday 1   Rededication service, All Saints, 9.30am

Sunday 1   Wargames Club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm

Monday 2   Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Tuesday 3   Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon

Wednesday 4   Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm

Thursday 5   Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Friday 6   Firework display, High School field, gates open 6pm

Sunday 8   Remembrance service, OB Airfield, 11am

Monday 9   Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm

Wednesday 11   Luncheon Club outing

Thursday 12   Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm

Thursday 12   Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.45pm

Saturday 14   November Market, Church Rooms, 11am to 2pm

Monday 16   Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Wednesday 18   Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm

Friday 20   Attleborough Surgeries flu clinic, 2pm to 6pm

Saturday 21   Fawns Baby and Toddler Group, Church Rooms, 10am

Saturday 21   Bingo, Church Rooms, 2pm

Sunday 21   The Mikado, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Wednesday 25   Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Thursday 26   Beauty and the Beast, High School, 7.30pm

Thursday 26   Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Friday 27   Beauty and the Beast, High School, 7.30pm

Saturday 28   Beauty and the Beast, High School, 3.30pm and 7.30pm

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Old Buckenham November newsletter

Copies have been taken around
Many Old Buckenham residents will get a copy delivered once the Six Villages newsletter is available on Thursday afternoon. Otherwise you should find a copy in the church, the two pubs, the shop, etc.
Have a good read.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Old Buckenham quiz night

James Bond takes the lead
There were just seven teams entered into the village quiz this autumn and there was a definite James Bond theme to many of the questions. Some teams were obviously more knowledgeable on this area, apparently being able to list loads of film titles, singers of theme tunes and makes of car while others were left scratching their heads.
The winners were The Grey Area with 63 points who won the trophy. They were followed by If Only and Santa's Little Helpers who both had 56 points. Then came the Preschoolers and Sheep Dip. The Wagtails along with the WI and Associates took the final two places, each managing 48 points.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Birthday celebrations for Old Buckenham WI

Party time
This year the national Women's Institute is celebrating the fact that its first meeting in the UK was way back in 1915. Old Buckenham's present WI was formed a mere 48 years ago so it held its birthday party tonight in Old Buckenham Village Hall. There was plenty of homemade food to eat, wine to drink and some entertainment on the subject of  'Autumn'.
Proceeding finished with the cutting up of the iced birthday cake, washed down with a small glass of sherry. Only two years to go until the big party.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Beauty and the Beast in Old Buckenham

Old Buckenham High School production in November
Just click on the poster to see it at a larger size

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Harvest festival at All Saints, Old Buckenham

Celebrating the harvest
Today has seen the harvest festival celebrations at All Saints Church in Old Buckenham. The church has been decorated with flower arrangements as well as displays of fruit and vegetables.
Following the morning service a 'bring and share' meal was held in the Church Rooms when everyone could meet, chat, eat and drink.

Activities for all ages in Old Buckenham

Tea, cake and bingo
First there is something for the younger children, parents and grandparents. ‘Fawns’, the Old Buckenham Baby and Toddler Group, will be having a family café as a fundraiser on Saturday 21 November in the Church Rooms, Old Buckenham. You are invited to go along and enjoy tea and cake with them.
There will also be craft activities for children, face painting and a sale of pre-loved toys.
On the same day there will be an afternoon of prize bingo, also in the Church Rooms on Saturday 21 November and starting at 2pm. There will be refreshments and a raffle and the event will be to raise funds for All Saints church. All welcome.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Quiz time in Old Buckenham

Get your team organised
The next village quiz in Old Buckenham will be in the Village Hall on Saturday 24 October starting at 7.30pm. It is for teams of up to six people and the cost is £1 per person.
To book a place and enter a team, please call 01953 860866 or 01953 860692.
You'll need to bring along your own drink, glasses and nibbles.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

More about Old Buckenham fireworks

Some spectacular sights
Looking for somewhere to go to see a professional firework display this year? Want to support our village at the same time? Then why not come along to Old Buckenham High School on Friday 6 November! Organised by the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust, the evening will include an amazing firework display by Gala Fireworks (for the third year running), a barbecue (with burgers and sausages supplied by Tony Perkins), hot soup, beer and mulled wine. There will be a ‘Kid’s Stall’ selling glow sticks, etc, (please - no sparklers). 
Advance tickets at reduced prices are available from the village shop until Tuesday 3 November or you can pay on the gate, prices are shown on the poster below. No unaccompanied children will be admitted. 
Tempted? Gates open at 6pm on Friday 6 November.  See you there.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Father Christmas at Old Buckenham Windmill

Look who is coming
Old Buckenham Windmill is very pleased to confirm that Father Christmas has again agreed to visit them despite his busy schedule. He will be bringing his famous elves and is looking forward to meeting as many children as he can on Sunday 13 December. As usual the mill will be decorated and filled with festive entertainment, crafts and the ever popular mulled wine and mince pie stand.
The mill will be open to all from 11am but to meet Father Christmas and receive a special present booking is essential. The cost is £8 per child and all proceeds will go towards the new sails fund. To book please call Father Christmas’ Old Buckenham representatives, Tom and Christine on 01953 860691.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Breckland Flower and Garden Club

Less can be more

In spite of beautiful 'gardening weather' many members attended the October meeting when Dulcie Lofting demonstrated her title 'Simplicity'. She brought with her a varied selection of autumn-coloured foliage from her garden and with small number of flowers she created six stunning designs proving that 'less can be more'. She encouraged members to pick from the garden, or use just one bunch of bought flowers, to compose our arrangements.
In the competitions Sylvia Briggs won the Old Hands Class, Sandra Sandford was first in New Hands and also winner of the monthly cup. The table show was won by Ursula Jackson.
Next month’s meeting will be held on Thursday 12 November in Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 2pm. The demonstrator will be Vicke Hease and her title 'That's what it's for!'. The competition will be for an arrangement in a favourite container - the monthly cup being awarded for the best use of garden plant material. The table show subject will be for a 'Dried and/or preserved collection'.
Further details from Christine on 01953 454528 or Sally on 01953 788712.

Two members of the Club are arranging a charity event, in aid of a dementia support group in Wymondham, to be held at Carleton Rode Village Hall on Friday 27 November, doors opening at 6.30pm. Joy Tunmore and Christine Hewson will be demonstrating with Christmas in mind. Tickets are£7 each and tea/coffee and nibbles will be available. Contact 
Christine on 01953 454528 for more details.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Latest from Old Buckenham Parish Council

October Parish Council meeting

The following report has been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a future date.

Thirteen members of the public attended the October meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council along with Stephen Askew (Norfolk County Council Council councillor). All members of the parish council were there apart from Ben Devlin.
Declaration of interest of items on agenda. These included Terry Cracknell in a planning application, Graham Hart in the Play Area and Adrian Joel on planning applications in general.
Public recess. One resident raised the matter of empty houses in Old Buckenham and what had Breckland Council done about them. Also that school buses were using Crown Road/Banham Road and causing problems for other road users. Three residents spoke against the Harlingwood Lane planning application and two residents spoke in favour of the application. Another resident raised the matter of the precept meeting and also suggested a 'correspondence and other business' item on future agendas. Stephen Askew raised matters concerning NCC Highways and said that NCC representative Mr Bygraves was willing to attend a future parish council meeting. Also the Village Hall car park resurfacing was raised under the Town and Parish Partnership Scheme. A resident raised the matter of illegal road signs on B1077 and asked that they be removed.
Minutes of September Parish Council meeting. SNAT should read SNAP. Sarah Hornbrook had suggested an awards evening under the four year plan. With these amendments the minutes were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. The Parish Clerk gave a response to a question on the creation of a Parish Council website. Steve Milner will liaise with Graham Hart to create a Parish Council website. Following a question on the hedge at Harlingwood Lane, the Clerk informed the meeting that NCC Highways would be inspecting the hedge and writing to the owner of the property.
Allotments. Adrian Joel said new agreements were due to be sent out in October and there would be no increase in plot rents.
Four year plan. Adrian Joel distributed a list of suggestions including new footpaths in village, encouragement of younger people to be involved with the Parish Council, better use of internet and social media by the Parish Council, closer ties with the Green Right Proprietors, use of the BT telephone kiosk, more use of the Green as a recreational facility, a new noticeboard, expansion of the recreation area, alternative methods of transport within the village, possible music festival on the Green, free wi-fi within the village, a bandstand to be erected, an annual social event and an Old Buckenham awards ceremony.
Play Area. Adrian Joel reported on the safety report being carried out by Playdale Ltd on the play area. A quote had been given for £2,143.13 plus vat for necessary safety work. The Parish Council would be seeking a grant from Breckland Council (under section 106 arrangements) for the amount of £1,250. Graham Hart commented on fencing repairs including the possibility of metal fencing and also CCTV on the area. The play area is currently being mis-used by teenagers and the police have been called on occasions. A letter to be sent to High School on the matter and Tom Johnson to raise the matter with police at the next SNAP meeting.
Planning applications. Poplar Pigs, Doe Lane. 150KW solar panels on two barn roofs. No objections. This was agreed with 8 for and 2 abstentions.
47 Fen Street. Timber Home Office. Application withdrawn.
The Cart Lodge, Cake Street. Erection of new dwelling and garage with creation of access to Harlingwood Lane. After detailed discussions this was agreed with 5 for, 1 against and 4 abstentions. 

Stone Cottage, Fen Street. Erection of garage block and bedroom over. No objections but provision to be made to tie the application to existing dwelling.
Planning application decisions from Breckland. The Chalet, Harlingwood Lane. First floor side extension, rear single storey extension. Three dormer windows and internal alterations. Approved.
Chairman’s report. Steve Milner said the Tour of Britain Cycle Race was a great day organised on the day by Old Buckenham Cycling. Old Buckenham Cycling want to start a cycling legacy and hope to organise another cycling event next year. They also hope to bring Old Buckenham into the national cycling network. The play area has problems with teenagers at night and after school. Steve Milner is compiling an information sheet for residents showing how the Parish Council works and aims to have them put in various locations around village so residents can obtain copies. The Personnel Committee will be meeting soon to carry out the Clerk’s appraisal and he asked councillors for any input they had concerning the appraisal.  Old Buckenham is connected to the 
broadband superfast highway but cannot reach half the village so he will be raising the issue with BT.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel said the government has agreed to resettle up to 20,000 Syrian refugees over the next four and half years but Breckland Council has not been informed by government whether any will be settled in Breckland. The Home Office will make councils aware of what support is needed and Breckland Council will offer help if required. Breckland are to trial kerbside collections of electrical items, free of charge, in selected villages including the central part of Old Buckenham. The items will be recycled, repaired and re-used. Explanatory leaflets will be placed in wheelie bins and the collection will be on Wednesday 14 October. The Local Plan Development Scheme indicative timetable is: public consultation November/December 2015, publication April/May 2016, submission to Secretary of State July 2016, anticipated Inspector’s report November 2016 and anticipated adoption in December 2016.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Carol Marshall said another piece of fencing on the Recreation area has been lost, also the telephone box by Rod Alley pond has a pane of glass missing. Sarah Hornbrook said the Primary School is embarking on a Forest School Programme which will teach children outside skills and asked if any financial assistance was available from the Parish Council. The Clerk responded that some funding may be available from general reserves depending on what amount is requested. Item to be put on the November agenda. Jonathan Kemp said the Neighbourhood Plan Working Party will hold a meeting in the next four weeks. Adrian Joel said the British Legion no longer exists in the village and they used to organise the Remembrance Day parade in November. The Clerk to contact police on closing the road on the day of the service. Terry Cracknell said two new residents have been given welcome packs but they need updating and he is working on it. He asked Steve Milner what funds had been accumulated from the Tour of Britain day. Steve Milner said £1,200 profit was made; £100 was given to the scouts and the remainder is with the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust. They hope to provide some cycle racks and some funds to be given to the Green Right Proprietors when they get charitable status. Terry Cracknell said the Parish Council should complete outstanding tasks rather than take on new ones and not completing existing tasks. He also suggested a social meeting of the Parish Council which he was happy to arrange in the future. Rona Boggia asked to be kept informed of any meeting regarding the new school. Tom Johnson said that Friday 16 October was a film night at the Village hall showing ‘Little Chaos’. He then raised matter of the entrance to the new affordable housing development and Adrian Joel responded on the matter. The question of trees on the Green blocking road signs was raised and it was agreed the matter would be raised with the Green Right Proprietors.

The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 5 November in Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Fireworks in Old Buckenham

A poster for you to read

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Old Buckenham Women's Institute

Two talks in one month
There were two meetings involving Old Buckenham Women's Institute during September.
On Thursday 17 September it was a Group Meeting when neighbouring WIs get together to share an evening’s entertainment. They had a most enjoyable time watching Rachael Duffield transform herself layer by layer into Queen Elizabeth 1. This was followed by a game of 'Windmill', an Old Buckenham version of Beetle.
On the following Thursday 24 September, the normal monthly meeting involved Rose Marie Stevenson and her husband Paul givng a most interesting talk about The Landmark Trust. This is a British building conservation charity founded in 1965 by Sir John and Lady Smith to rescue buildings of historic interest or architectural merit and make them available for holiday rental. The organisation now owns over two hundred properties and has Prince Charles as their patron. Illustrations of any of the properties were shown, several of which the speakers had spent enjoyable holidays.
The WI will have their Birthday Party in October, the Annual Meeting is in November and during December they will enjoy Christmas lunch at Breckland Lodge.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Photos of All Saints, Old Buckenham

Pictures wanted

David Hannah is attempting to put together a collection of photographs showing the of 'Past and Present' of All Saints Parish Church in Old Buckenham . Do you have any photographs that you would be happy to share with him? These could show anything to do with the Church, ie working parties, weddings, worship, restoration projects, etc. He would be happy to scan and return the photographs to you. You can contact David on 07770 403269.