Saturday, 14 December 2013

Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle

Meet, drink, listen and enjoy

Many years ago, when everybody seemed to be producing homemade wine, Old Buckenham had its own Wine Circle who met regularly to try out each others wine and to have wine tasting competitions with other local groups. Eventually this 'craze' for home brewing faded away and the Wine Circle closed down.
Fifteeen years ago, however, it was reformed under the longer name of Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle with more emphasis on the social side, meeting every month and with a very wide range of speakers. Wine was still drunk by many people coming to the meetings to listen to the talks but other participants were happy with non-alcoholic drinks. Virtually none of the present members are makers of homemade wine or beer.
Funded by a £1 'sub' for all those coming to each meeting and a regular raffle each time, the Social Circle aims to just provide an opportunity for villagers and other local people to meet, talk and hear about interesting subjects.
This year's AGM took place on Thursday 12 December in Old Buckenham Church Rooms. Alison Hannah agreed to be the chairperson with Alistair Monkhouse continuing as secretary/treasurer and Peter Warren and Ron Brewer as the two other committee members. The treasurer reported the there had been a small loss over the last twelve months but it was agreed that the subs would remain at £1 a meeting and that more effort would be put into getting new people to come along to the meetings. There was a wide-ranging series of talks organised for 2014 with subjects such as aerial photography, Colman's mustard, water towers and the local airfield included in the programme.
The AGM was followed by a social evening consisting of an entertaining quiz, some seasonal readings and a meal of fish and chips.
The first meeting of 2014 will be on the subject of cider and apple juice (possibly with samples to taste) and given by village resident Steven Fisher. All are welcome. Just come along to the Church Rooms at around 7.30pm on Thursday 9 January and the talk will start at 7.45pm.

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