Thursday 21 April 2011

Village Hall AGM

The village hall matters
There was a better attendance at the Old Buckenham Village Hall AGM in April this year with 16 members of the general public attending as well as seven members of the existing Village Hall management Committee.
Apologies were received from Pauline Cattermole, Sheila Freake, Joan Jenkins, Terry Cracknell, Bev Giles,and Beryl Watts.
The minutes of the 2010 AGM were agreed and signed by the chairman, Dennis Packham, as correct. The Chairman mentioned the repairs to the toilets and the car park resurfacing that had been completed in the last year and thanked all those concerned.
In his chairman’s report Dennis thanked Michael Bartlett carrying out the chairman’s duties during his recent stay in hospital.
The meeting discussed various forms of heating for the hall with many suggestions from Brian Parish who also mentioned the Carbon Trust and the new technologies available. The cost would be the main problem. The question of small loans from the village to be paid back over 5 years was suggested but these could not be gift aided. Gift aiding is available for charities but not for loans. Roof insulation was also discussed. Heating would be a main concern for 2011.
The treasurer, Jill Emms, presented the accounts and supporting figures. Questions were raised regarding comparisons with 2009/10. Jill mentioned the loss of various hirers over the past three years. Recycling profits were also down because price per tonnage had decreased. The hall was still owed money from the Parish Council for car park, recreational area and toilet repairs. This money would be paid over in May.
Fund raising was discussed. Alison Frank reported that the annual Garden Event had not been so popular with entries because of the later date in May rather than April. Alison was thanked for her work during the year for fund raising.
David Hannah reported a good, if late, response from the village for the fete on Saturday 3 September. It had been decided that all profits should be given to the village hall, ring fenced for the lighting project.
There was an election for three officers from the community as independent representatives. Pat Shearing, Richard Crawley and Gerald Norton were elected unopposed. Ron Brewer made the comment that all organisations should be encouraged to have a representative.
In general discussion Michael Bartlett mentioned the sub-committee for the lighting project which has been meeting with input from various advisers. It is now awaiting estimates for the cost of the work that needs doing. Adrian Joel suggested contacting the Norfolk Foundation which will have new funding in June of up to £2,000 per project. However it will be on a matched funding basis. Ron Brewer said that the new kitchen had been much admired. There were other comments in agreement even though it had been a most expensive project for the Village Hall.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked Jill Emms for all her work during the year. He also thanked the caretaker and minute secretaries. Michael Bartlett mentioned the other responsibilities that Jill undertakes and wondered whether it was time to think about paying a small sum for a booking clerk. Gerald Norton thought that the Parish Council could put the Village Hall on the precept. He felt that if a poll were to be taken, most of the village would support the suggestion.

The provisional date for the next Village Hall AGM is Wednesday 4 April 2012.

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