Sunday, 16 January 2011

Flower and Garden Club

Ladies meeting

At the first meeting of the New Year, Malcolm Howes introduced members to some of the famous ladies who had connections with Norwich. There was Julian who was an anchoress of the 14th Century and lived in a cell at St Julian's Church; Amelia Opie a writer poet and composer of the 18th century; Sarah Siddons actress and inventor of the tonic sol-fa system; Harriet Martineau and Elizabeth Fry who were both social reformers.
The results of the flower arranging competition were Old Hands won by Sylvia Briggs and New Hands won by Susan Thurlow.
In the table show Shirley Penfold was first, Ann Dent second and Sally Westrup third.
The February meeting will take place on Thursday 10 February at Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 2pm when Judy Barham will demonstrate her arrangements to the title 'Childhood'. For the flower arranging competition the subject will be a child's book (with a title card) and the table show will be for any houseplant.
If you require any further information please contact Pat on 01953 457305 or Sally on 01953 788712.

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