Thursday 24 June 2010

What was talked about in June

Parish Council in June
Norman Cawston chaired the meeting on Thursday 3 June and three members of the public were present. Apologies were received from Stephen Thorley.
The minutes of the May council meeting were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Gerald Norton raised the matter of the village hall toilets and asked for a commitment from Parish Council to enable the village hall to get other funding. The Parish Clerk will write to the Village Hall committee confirming the support of the Parish Council for the project.
Annual Parish Meeting proposals. Adrian Joel said an open meeting should be arranged to update villagers on the Attleborough expansion. Tim Ing supported this view along with other councillors and the Parish Clerk is to arrange to invite Mr Middleton of the project to a meeting in September.
Standing Order review. It was agreed that the working party would consist of Norman Cawston, Tim Ing and the Parish Clerk and that a suitable date within two weeks would be arranged to carry out the review.
Allotments update. Adrian Joel said that twenty people had attended the open meeting and that 18 allotments were required and that this would require approximately two acres of land. The Parish Clerk had written to a number of people where possible sites had been identified to try to acquire land. To buy land would cost between £6,000 and £12,000 an acre so it was hoped that land could be rented or leased from the owners. Eight members of the public and three councillors were on the working party. Adrian Joel, Carol Marshall and Derek Smalley would be attending a seminar on allotments on Monday 28 June at Sprowston Parish Council offices.
Planning applications. Phoenix House, Fen Street. Single extension to rear. There were no objections from the Parish Council.
Tower Lodge. Replace existing roof. There were no objections from the Parish Council.
4/5 Chattergate. Porch at front and new front window. There were no objections from the Parish Council but the comment made that the front window be of frosted type.
Planning decisions by Breckland. 44 Hargham Road. Erection of double garage. Refused.
Eel Farm, Fen Road. Re-occupation of annexe. Application withdrawn.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported that South Norfolk District Council had withdrawn from a proposed shared services scheme which could have reduced costs for both councils. Breckland Council were now looking at alternative ways to achieve cost savings. The Local Development Framework proposed changes to boundaries will be consulted during the period of Wednesday 16 June to Friday 30 July. Copies of the intended changes will be sent to Parish Councils to display on notice boards and will also be available at Breckland Council offices and on their web site at
Parish Councillors’ reports. Adrian Joel was concerned that the notice board near the village shop had not yet been repaired. The Parish Clerk reported that he had spoken to the person responsible who had said that it would be repaired. Gerald Norton said that last year’s fete was a success, that another would be held this year and asked if the Parish Council could sponsor the event to the amount of £50. There were no objections to this suggestion and the Village Hall Committee should submit an invoice for the amount. Derek Smalley said he had circulated a draft newsletter of Parish Council news to all councillors. Various councillors expressed views on this and it was suggested that he talk to Ron Brewer on the matter and report back at the next meeting. Carol Marshall said she had attended a funding fair in Swaffham during May and was told that funding would be going to the local school who are attempting to gain Sports Status. She had a meeting with the head of the school and hoped to do a joint venture with them. She also informed the meeting that the recreation grass had been cut. She then raised the matter of bat boxes which could be purchased with the vouchers the Parish Council had won in a competition. Mike Craven-Romain had attended a Community Car Scheme meeting at Breckland Council which gave details of a host of new regulations affecting such schemes. Breckland will pay for all costs and the new regulations would come into force in September. He also stated that the children’s play area should be completed within a week.
Highways. Carol Marshall said there had been two accidents recently at the Dam Brigg crossroads (the junction of the B1077 and B1113) and it seemed that the accidents are caused by people coming from Banham in excess of the speed limit. The Parish Clerk to write to the County Highways on the matter and see if they have any suggestions as to how the junction can be made more safe.
The Green. Tim Ing said that at a recent meeting Mike Read had been elected chairman of the Green Rights Proprietors. The plinths for the benches on the Green had been put down. The Green Rights Proprietors were still pursuing legal action against the Ox & Plough over unpaid fees. Concerns have been expressed by residents over possible new charges introduced for access and parking on the Green. Tim Ing then raised the matter of the Scouts resuming the litter picking on the Green.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council would be on Thursday 1 July at the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

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