Diary dates for July
Thursday 1 Meeting on settlement boundaries, Villge Hall, 7.30pm
Thursday 1 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 2 Mobile Police Station outside village shop, 9am to 10.30am
Friday 2 Crib Drive, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Sunday 4 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 5 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Monday 5 Village Fete meeting, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Tuesday 6 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon
Tuesday 6 Ladies Fellowship, Church Rooms, 2pm
Wednesday 7 Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Wednesday 7 Luncheon Club Outing
Thursday 8 Breckland Flower and Garden Club at Carleton Rode, 12 noon
Thursday 8 Social and Wine Circle al fresco at 1 Mill Lane Cottages
Friday 9 Netgamers, Village Hall, 7pm to 9pm
Saturday 10 Cream teas at 26 Hargham Road, 3pm to 5pm
Saturday 10 Keith Skipper concert, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Sunday 11 Askew Agricultural Museum, open 2pm to 5pm
Monday 12 Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Wednesday 14 Request Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Wednesday 14 Cheese and Wine evening at 1 Mill Lane Cottages, 7pm
Sunday 18 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Wednesday 21 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Thursday 22 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Monday 26 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Friday 30 Mobile Police Station outside village shop, 9am to 10.30am
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Monday, 28 June 2010
All the July news

The July newsletter is now available
You can pick up your copies all around the village. The newsletter editor apologises for the caption under the photo on the front cover. He meant to say that the play area had moved into the twenty-first century (or had moved out of the twentieth century). But he got it wrong!
Friday, 25 June 2010
Thursday, 24 June 2010
What was talked about in June
Parish Council in June
Norman Cawston chaired the meeting on Thursday 3 June and three members of the public were present. Apologies were received from Stephen Thorley.
The minutes of the May council meeting were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Gerald Norton raised the matter of the village hall toilets and asked for a commitment from Parish Council to enable the village hall to get other funding. The Parish Clerk will write to the Village Hall committee confirming the support of the Parish Council for the project.
Annual Parish Meeting proposals. Adrian Joel said an open meeting should be arranged to update villagers on the Attleborough expansion. Tim Ing supported this view along with other councillors and the Parish Clerk is to arrange to invite Mr Middleton of the project to a meeting in September.
Standing Order review. It was agreed that the working party would consist of Norman Cawston, Tim Ing and the Parish Clerk and that a suitable date within two weeks would be arranged to carry out the review.
Allotments update. Adrian Joel said that twenty people had attended the open meeting and that 18 allotments were required and that this would require approximately two acres of land. The Parish Clerk had written to a number of people where possible sites had been identified to try to acquire land. To buy land would cost between £6,000 and £12,000 an acre so it was hoped that land could be rented or leased from the owners. Eight members of the public and three councillors were on the working party. Adrian Joel, Carol Marshall and Derek Smalley would be attending a seminar on allotments on Monday 28 June at Sprowston Parish Council offices.
Planning applications. Phoenix House, Fen Street. Single extension to rear. There were no objections from the Parish Council.
Tower Lodge. Replace existing roof. There were no objections from the Parish Council.
4/5 Chattergate. Porch at front and new front window. There were no objections from the Parish Council but the comment made that the front window be of frosted type.
Planning decisions by Breckland. 44 Hargham Road. Erection of double garage. Refused.
Eel Farm, Fen Road. Re-occupation of annexe. Application withdrawn.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported that South Norfolk District Council had withdrawn from a proposed shared services scheme which could have reduced costs for both councils. Breckland Council were now looking at alternative ways to achieve cost savings. The Local Development Framework proposed changes to boundaries will be consulted during the period of Wednesday 16 June to Friday 30 July. Copies of the intended changes will be sent to Parish Councils to display on notice boards and will also be available at Breckland Council offices and on their web site at breckland.gov.uk.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Adrian Joel was concerned that the notice board near the village shop had not yet been repaired. The Parish Clerk reported that he had spoken to the person responsible who had said that it would be repaired. Gerald Norton said that last year’s fete was a success, that another would be held this year and asked if the Parish Council could sponsor the event to the amount of £50. There were no objections to this suggestion and the Village Hall Committee should submit an invoice for the amount. Derek Smalley said he had circulated a draft newsletter of Parish Council news to all councillors. Various councillors expressed views on this and it was suggested that he talk to Ron Brewer on the matter and report back at the next meeting. Carol Marshall said she had attended a funding fair in Swaffham during May and was told that funding would be going to the local school who are attempting to gain Sports Status. She had a meeting with the head of the school and hoped to do a joint venture with them. She also informed the meeting that the recreation grass had been cut. She then raised the matter of bat boxes which could be purchased with the vouchers the Parish Council had won in a competition. Mike Craven-Romain had attended a Community Car Scheme meeting at Breckland Council which gave details of a host of new regulations affecting such schemes. Breckland will pay for all costs and the new regulations would come into force in September. He also stated that the children’s play area should be completed within a week.
Highways. Carol Marshall said there had been two accidents recently at the Dam Brigg crossroads (the junction of the B1077 and B1113) and it seemed that the accidents are caused by people coming from Banham in excess of the speed limit. The Parish Clerk to write to the County Highways on the matter and see if they have any suggestions as to how the junction can be made more safe.
The Green. Tim Ing said that at a recent meeting Mike Read had been elected chairman of the Green Rights Proprietors. The plinths for the benches on the Green had been put down. The Green Rights Proprietors were still pursuing legal action against the Ox & Plough over unpaid fees. Concerns have been expressed by residents over possible new charges introduced for access and parking on the Green. Tim Ing then raised the matter of the Scouts resuming the litter picking on the Green.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council would be on Thursday 1 July at the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Norman Cawston chaired the meeting on Thursday 3 June and three members of the public were present. Apologies were received from Stephen Thorley.
The minutes of the May council meeting were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Gerald Norton raised the matter of the village hall toilets and asked for a commitment from Parish Council to enable the village hall to get other funding. The Parish Clerk will write to the Village Hall committee confirming the support of the Parish Council for the project.
Annual Parish Meeting proposals. Adrian Joel said an open meeting should be arranged to update villagers on the Attleborough expansion. Tim Ing supported this view along with other councillors and the Parish Clerk is to arrange to invite Mr Middleton of the project to a meeting in September.
Standing Order review. It was agreed that the working party would consist of Norman Cawston, Tim Ing and the Parish Clerk and that a suitable date within two weeks would be arranged to carry out the review.
Allotments update. Adrian Joel said that twenty people had attended the open meeting and that 18 allotments were required and that this would require approximately two acres of land. The Parish Clerk had written to a number of people where possible sites had been identified to try to acquire land. To buy land would cost between £6,000 and £12,000 an acre so it was hoped that land could be rented or leased from the owners. Eight members of the public and three councillors were on the working party. Adrian Joel, Carol Marshall and Derek Smalley would be attending a seminar on allotments on Monday 28 June at Sprowston Parish Council offices.
Planning applications. Phoenix House, Fen Street. Single extension to rear. There were no objections from the Parish Council.
Tower Lodge. Replace existing roof. There were no objections from the Parish Council.
4/5 Chattergate. Porch at front and new front window. There were no objections from the Parish Council but the comment made that the front window be of frosted type.
Planning decisions by Breckland. 44 Hargham Road. Erection of double garage. Refused.
Eel Farm, Fen Road. Re-occupation of annexe. Application withdrawn.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported that South Norfolk District Council had withdrawn from a proposed shared services scheme which could have reduced costs for both councils. Breckland Council were now looking at alternative ways to achieve cost savings. The Local Development Framework proposed changes to boundaries will be consulted during the period of Wednesday 16 June to Friday 30 July. Copies of the intended changes will be sent to Parish Councils to display on notice boards and will also be available at Breckland Council offices and on their web site at breckland.gov.uk.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Adrian Joel was concerned that the notice board near the village shop had not yet been repaired. The Parish Clerk reported that he had spoken to the person responsible who had said that it would be repaired. Gerald Norton said that last year’s fete was a success, that another would be held this year and asked if the Parish Council could sponsor the event to the amount of £50. There were no objections to this suggestion and the Village Hall Committee should submit an invoice for the amount. Derek Smalley said he had circulated a draft newsletter of Parish Council news to all councillors. Various councillors expressed views on this and it was suggested that he talk to Ron Brewer on the matter and report back at the next meeting. Carol Marshall said she had attended a funding fair in Swaffham during May and was told that funding would be going to the local school who are attempting to gain Sports Status. She had a meeting with the head of the school and hoped to do a joint venture with them. She also informed the meeting that the recreation grass had been cut. She then raised the matter of bat boxes which could be purchased with the vouchers the Parish Council had won in a competition. Mike Craven-Romain had attended a Community Car Scheme meeting at Breckland Council which gave details of a host of new regulations affecting such schemes. Breckland will pay for all costs and the new regulations would come into force in September. He also stated that the children’s play area should be completed within a week.
Highways. Carol Marshall said there had been two accidents recently at the Dam Brigg crossroads (the junction of the B1077 and B1113) and it seemed that the accidents are caused by people coming from Banham in excess of the speed limit. The Parish Clerk to write to the County Highways on the matter and see if they have any suggestions as to how the junction can be made more safe.
The Green. Tim Ing said that at a recent meeting Mike Read had been elected chairman of the Green Rights Proprietors. The plinths for the benches on the Green had been put down. The Green Rights Proprietors were still pursuing legal action against the Ox & Plough over unpaid fees. Concerns have been expressed by residents over possible new charges introduced for access and parking on the Green. Tim Ing then raised the matter of the Scouts resuming the litter picking on the Green.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council would be on Thursday 1 July at the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Checking out the changes
See the new maps
Now that Breckland Council have redefined the village settlement boundary, there will be a meeting at 6.30pm on Thursday 1 July in the village hall before the normal Parish Council meeting. Maps showing the changes to the settlement boundary will be available and parish councillors on hand to answer any questions that you may have.
Now that Breckland Council have redefined the village settlement boundary, there will be a meeting at 6.30pm on Thursday 1 July in the village hall before the normal Parish Council meeting. Maps showing the changes to the settlement boundary will be available and parish councillors on hand to answer any questions that you may have.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Drumming up support
It’s our Fete
Plans for the summer fete to be held on Saturday 4 September are now well and truly under way. So far the attractions for the day will include Punch & Judy, Morris dancers, the DGAS Drummers, an art show, barbecue and teas as well as the usual stalls and exhibitors. There may be more, so watch this space.
The committee is still rather low in numbers and are eager to welcome any new members with new ideas. Please support the event by coming along to the next meeting which is on Monday 5 July starting at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Memorial Room. If you are unable to attend this meeting but could possibly help on the evening before or the morning of the fete please phone David on 861261 and let him know.
Plans for the summer fete to be held on Saturday 4 September are now well and truly under way. So far the attractions for the day will include Punch & Judy, Morris dancers, the DGAS Drummers, an art show, barbecue and teas as well as the usual stalls and exhibitors. There may be more, so watch this space.
The committee is still rather low in numbers and are eager to welcome any new members with new ideas. Please support the event by coming along to the next meeting which is on Monday 5 July starting at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Memorial Room. If you are unable to attend this meeting but could possibly help on the evening before or the morning of the fete please phone David on 861261 and let him know.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Local generosity
Friday, 18 June 2010
Just 'One Day'
Breckland Flower and Garden Club
Old Buckenham Village Hall was packed with members and visitors who all appreciated Lee Berrill's demonstration entitled 'One Day'. Travelling from Northampton Lee explained the inspiration behind each of his designs – “I bought this large pot because I knew one day it would come in useful; one day I shall use those unusual anthuriums in an arrangement”, etc. Amongst his designs he depicted a traditional summer display which included a wide variety of pink flowers, yellow and orange lilies and gerberas tumbling from a large urn placed on its side and a modern design featuring foliage and anthuriuims placed around a bamboo container.
In the flower arranging competition the winner of the old hands class for an 'Special occasion arrangement' was Shirley Penfold and the trophy for best use of colour was presented to Margaret Smith.
In table show competition for 'the first rose of Summer', Shirley Penfold was first, second was Sylvia Briggs and third Ann Dent.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 8 July and will be a Summer Garden Lunch to be held at the home of Joy Tunmore, Roseville, Mile Road, Carleton Rode – 12 noon for 12.30pm (cost to members £5). The competitions will be for a buttonhole (to be worn) and three sweet peas. A trophy will be awarded for the most imaginative entry. There will also be a tombola, a plant stall and a plant identification quiz.
Further details from Sally on 01953 788712 or Joy on 01953 789410
Old Buckenham Village Hall was packed with members and visitors who all appreciated Lee Berrill's demonstration entitled 'One Day'. Travelling from Northampton Lee explained the inspiration behind each of his designs – “I bought this large pot because I knew one day it would come in useful; one day I shall use those unusual anthuriums in an arrangement”, etc. Amongst his designs he depicted a traditional summer display which included a wide variety of pink flowers, yellow and orange lilies and gerberas tumbling from a large urn placed on its side and a modern design featuring foliage and anthuriuims placed around a bamboo container.
In the flower arranging competition the winner of the old hands class for an 'Special occasion arrangement' was Shirley Penfold and the trophy for best use of colour was presented to Margaret Smith.
In table show competition for 'the first rose of Summer', Shirley Penfold was first, second was Sylvia Briggs and third Ann Dent.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 8 July and will be a Summer Garden Lunch to be held at the home of Joy Tunmore, Roseville, Mile Road, Carleton Rode – 12 noon for 12.30pm (cost to members £5). The competitions will be for a buttonhole (to be worn) and three sweet peas. A trophy will be awarded for the most imaginative entry. There will also be a tombola, a plant stall and a plant identification quiz.
Further details from Sally on 01953 788712 or Joy on 01953 789410
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Playground part two
Action stations!
The youngsters were soon all over the new equipment while someone made sure the little duck was lonely no more.
The slightly older ones were having a go on everything as well and were keen to get in the photograph when the local press arrived.
The entertainment was a further attraction giving the children (and adults) the chance to sit and watch some magic and the ever-popular Punch and Judy.
More pictures to come...
Monday, 14 June 2010
Playground part one
The start
All was calm to start with, the no parking cones in position and the ribbon tied on to the entry gate ready for the opening ceremony.
Inside the nearby Church Rooms the refreshments were laid out ready and the large celebration cake was waiting to be eaten.
Kerry gave the opening speech to thank everyone who had made this project possible and then the ribbon holding the gate shut was ceremoniously removed to let everyone in.
More photos to come later...
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Hundreds come to re-opening
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Friday, 11 June 2010
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Nearly playtime
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Just one day in Old Buckenham
The sun has been shining all day and these few photographs show what has been going on.
A new concrete base awaits a seat so we can all sit and enjoy view across the Green.
The children's playground just needs those final touches to be added.
The birdlife rests on one of the village ponds.
Visitors come along to the Environment Day exhibits in the village hall.
There is plenty of activity at Old Buckenham airfield.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Soon be time for the party
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Read before the July meeting
Parish affairs
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council is this week on Thursday 3 June. Here is a report of the Parish Council in May.
These notes of the parish council meetings are prepared by the editor of the newsletter from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended later at the next month's meeting.
Eight members of the public were present at the May meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council. Norman Cawston was in the chair and apologies were received from Carol Marshall.
The minutes of the April Parish Council meeting were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Adrian Joel raised the wording of the new standing order and asked for it to be amended. The Parish Clerk said it would be best to amend it when the review of all standing orders was being done by the working party.
Village Emergency Plan. It was proposed by Tim Ing and seconded by Adrian Joel that the plan be adopted and this was agreed unanimously.
Footpath in Cake Street. Tim Ing said that the matter had to be raised with Highways as they would have to fund the project. Tim Ing and the Parish Clerk are to speak to Norfolk County Council Highways on the matter.
Village Hall toilets. The Village Hall was looking for a grant of £1,000 from the Parish Council towards the cost of the refurbishment of the Village Hall toilets. The Clerk explained that the Village Hall would have to apply for a grant in writing before the end of September so it could be considered at the precept meeting in October. If successful the grant would be paid in April 2011 but, if urgent, the Parish Council could make a loan during the current year against any future grant.
Adoption of accounts. The Parish Clerk said the accounts for the year ending March 2010 had been circulated and they now had to adopt them by law so they could be sent to the Government Auditor. The accounts were agreed unanimously. The Parish Council Chairman and the Parish Clerk signed the annual return.
Annual Governance statement. The Parish clerk read out the requirements of the annual governance statement and said that the Parish Council had complied with it fully and the return had to be signed accordingly. It was proposed that the Annual Governance Statement be signed by the Parish Council Chairman and this was agreed unanimously.
Acceptance of fence quote. Mike Craven Romain asked for the quote for £1650 (including vat) for fencing to the play area to be accepted as it was the lowest of the three quotes. This was agreed unanimously.
Adoption of parish councillors. Terry Cracknell and Mr Bayfield withdrew their nominations so Tom Johnson and Derek Smalley were both co-opted on a unanimous vote. They then signed acceptance of office forms.
District Councillor’s report. At a joint meeting between Breckland Council and the Local Development Framework Task & Finish group, Site Specific policies were discussed and a proposed development plan agreed. This plan is being put out to public consultation for a six week period from Monday 24 May. Details of the consultation will be announced and publicised in the village newsletter and on the Old Buckenham blog.
Parish Councillors' reports. Mike Craven Romain said their was a large pothole in Hargham Close, Adrian Joel is to liaise with Breckland Council on the matter. Stephen Thorley raised the matter of the existing Parish Council vacancy and Parish Clerk said he would advertise the vacancy in the village newsletter. Adrian Joel said that he had organised a meeting of the allotment working party for Saturday 15 May at the Church Rooms. He was hoping interested parties would attend and they would get ideas for where possible land was available. Gerald Norton asked if the Parish Council could pay the recreation area rent by standing order to the Village Hall. The Parish Clerk advised that it was not a policy favoured by government auditors and that a single full payment each year was the best way. He then raised the matter of the state of the Village Hall car park which for repairs the committee only had £1,300. They had two estimates to properly repair the area with a cost of approximately £20,000. A rough repair would be approximately £10,000 and he hoped the Parish Council would be able to help with funding. He also raised the matter of the road leading up to the village hall which is in poor repair. Gerald Norton also said that lorries entering the school churned up the area.
Highways. There are a lot of potholes around the Green. The Parish Clerk informed the meeting that he and Kerry Talbot had toured the village with a Highways’ representative pointing out all the potholes. Unfortunately, because of budget constraints, Highways were concentrating on A roads first followed by B roads and then village roads. The Parish Clerk is to write to the County Councillor and involve him in trying to get some action on the matter. Also the Clerk will put an item in the newsletter giving a telephone number and email address of Highways and ask residents to report pot holes directly to them.
The Green. The Parish Clerk advised the Parish Council members not to discuss the Green as they had a 1/39th share of the Proprietors Rights and it could be necessary to find out if this breached the question of a prejudicial interest. The Parish Clerk will be obtaining advice on the issue.
Any other business. Adrian Joel raised the possibility of having two public recesses during the meetings. Norman Cawston said that one is enough because, if a serious issue is raised, the meeting can always be suspended to allow members of the public to speak.
The next meeting of the Old Buckenham parish council will be on Thursday 3 June at the Village Hall and starting at 7.30pm.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council is this week on Thursday 3 June. Here is a report of the Parish Council in May.
These notes of the parish council meetings are prepared by the editor of the newsletter from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended later at the next month's meeting.
Eight members of the public were present at the May meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council. Norman Cawston was in the chair and apologies were received from Carol Marshall.
The minutes of the April Parish Council meeting were signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from the minutes. Adrian Joel raised the wording of the new standing order and asked for it to be amended. The Parish Clerk said it would be best to amend it when the review of all standing orders was being done by the working party.
Village Emergency Plan. It was proposed by Tim Ing and seconded by Adrian Joel that the plan be adopted and this was agreed unanimously.
Footpath in Cake Street. Tim Ing said that the matter had to be raised with Highways as they would have to fund the project. Tim Ing and the Parish Clerk are to speak to Norfolk County Council Highways on the matter.
Village Hall toilets. The Village Hall was looking for a grant of £1,000 from the Parish Council towards the cost of the refurbishment of the Village Hall toilets. The Clerk explained that the Village Hall would have to apply for a grant in writing before the end of September so it could be considered at the precept meeting in October. If successful the grant would be paid in April 2011 but, if urgent, the Parish Council could make a loan during the current year against any future grant.
Adoption of accounts. The Parish Clerk said the accounts for the year ending March 2010 had been circulated and they now had to adopt them by law so they could be sent to the Government Auditor. The accounts were agreed unanimously. The Parish Council Chairman and the Parish Clerk signed the annual return.
Annual Governance statement. The Parish clerk read out the requirements of the annual governance statement and said that the Parish Council had complied with it fully and the return had to be signed accordingly. It was proposed that the Annual Governance Statement be signed by the Parish Council Chairman and this was agreed unanimously.
Acceptance of fence quote. Mike Craven Romain asked for the quote for £1650 (including vat) for fencing to the play area to be accepted as it was the lowest of the three quotes. This was agreed unanimously.
Adoption of parish councillors. Terry Cracknell and Mr Bayfield withdrew their nominations so Tom Johnson and Derek Smalley were both co-opted on a unanimous vote. They then signed acceptance of office forms.
District Councillor’s report. At a joint meeting between Breckland Council and the Local Development Framework Task & Finish group, Site Specific policies were discussed and a proposed development plan agreed. This plan is being put out to public consultation for a six week period from Monday 24 May. Details of the consultation will be announced and publicised in the village newsletter and on the Old Buckenham blog.
Parish Councillors' reports. Mike Craven Romain said their was a large pothole in Hargham Close, Adrian Joel is to liaise with Breckland Council on the matter. Stephen Thorley raised the matter of the existing Parish Council vacancy and Parish Clerk said he would advertise the vacancy in the village newsletter. Adrian Joel said that he had organised a meeting of the allotment working party for Saturday 15 May at the Church Rooms. He was hoping interested parties would attend and they would get ideas for where possible land was available. Gerald Norton asked if the Parish Council could pay the recreation area rent by standing order to the Village Hall. The Parish Clerk advised that it was not a policy favoured by government auditors and that a single full payment each year was the best way. He then raised the matter of the state of the Village Hall car park which for repairs the committee only had £1,300. They had two estimates to properly repair the area with a cost of approximately £20,000. A rough repair would be approximately £10,000 and he hoped the Parish Council would be able to help with funding. He also raised the matter of the road leading up to the village hall which is in poor repair. Gerald Norton also said that lorries entering the school churned up the area.
Highways. There are a lot of potholes around the Green. The Parish Clerk informed the meeting that he and Kerry Talbot had toured the village with a Highways’ representative pointing out all the potholes. Unfortunately, because of budget constraints, Highways were concentrating on A roads first followed by B roads and then village roads. The Parish Clerk is to write to the County Councillor and involve him in trying to get some action on the matter. Also the Clerk will put an item in the newsletter giving a telephone number and email address of Highways and ask residents to report pot holes directly to them.
The Green. The Parish Clerk advised the Parish Council members not to discuss the Green as they had a 1/39th share of the Proprietors Rights and it could be necessary to find out if this breached the question of a prejudicial interest. The Parish Clerk will be obtaining advice on the issue.
Any other business. Adrian Joel raised the possibility of having two public recesses during the meetings. Norman Cawston said that one is enough because, if a serious issue is raised, the meeting can always be suspended to allow members of the public to speak.
The next meeting of the Old Buckenham parish council will be on Thursday 3 June at the Village Hall and starting at 7.30pm.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Four extra pages
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