Friday 19 June 2009

Are we proud of our community?

We have been judged
Old Buckenham had been entered into the Pride in Norfolk Community Awards this year and has managed to get in the top four of the entries for villages with a population of between 1000 and 2500 inhabitants.

A panel of three judges, Susan Warr of the Norfolk Federation of Women’s Institutes, Sue Sansby from CPRE Norfolk and Tony Nash representing the Norfolk Association of Local Councils, visited the village today. They were looking to find out how friendly and dynamic the community is, how it provides facilities for both the young and the elderly, and what else it gets up to. They wanted to know why we thought our village was so special and had conversations with a small group of villagers to see if they could find out.
Now it is just a matter of waiting to see how we compared with the other three villages in our category. The newsletter editor managed to get a photo of the judges when they dropped in to the local pub for a spot of lunch – at least they were looking cheerful.

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