Sunday, 19 April 2009

Your fete in your hands

Village fete in September
As there is no fete planned to be held on the Green this year, the Village Hall Management Committee have been approached to hold a similar event on the grounds at the front of the building (or inside if wet) on Saturday 5 September.
The committee are very pleased to co-operate but, taking into account their average age which is well above retirement, they are desperately seeking assistance in the planning, particularly from younger members of the community.
Stallholders will be charged £5 a table, with an additional charge for extra space, with all their takings/profits retained by them. It has now been confirmed that the Gray Fairground will be in the village that weekend.
A raffle will be held with the funds raised being for the kitchen refurbishment.
An open meeting will be held on Wednesday 13 May in the Memorial Room at the Village Hall commencing 7.30pm. Please come along as a supporter, a prospective stallholder, ideas person, an individual or a member of an organisation, to help make the event in August a success. There is a need for young bodies and young ideas to maintain our village community spirit - visitors welcome of course. Please make the effort.
The information from the meeting will be reported on this blog and in the next newsletter but please come along and take part in this meeting if you can.

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