Saturday 7 March 2009

What's on the agenda?

Meet your parish councillors
You are reminded that the Annual Parish Meeting of Old Buckenham will be held on Friday 20 March in the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. This is the chance for villagers to find out what their parish councillors have been doing during the last year.

The Agenda is expected to be:
1. Welcome by the Chairman of the Parish Council Norman Cawston.
2. Notice to convene the meeting.
3. To confirm the minutes of the annual parish meeting held on 28 March 2008.
4. Matters arising from that meeting.
5. Chairman’s annual report on the activities of the Parish Council.
6. Financial report on the Parish Council’s accounts.
7. Open forum with reports from Robert Ziman (Community car scheme), Old Buckenham Green Right Proprietors, Den Packham (Village Hall Management Committee), Ron Brewer (Village Newsletter), Joan Jenkins (Charity matters) and Mike Bartlett (Village Hall funding).
8. Norfolk County Councillor’s report (John Baskerville).
9. Breckland District Councillor’s report (Adrian Joel).
10. Councillors’ reports.
11. Electors’ comments on the above reports.
12. Any other Parish issues.

Refreshments will be served at the end of the meeting.

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