Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Old Buckenham newsletter awaiting delivery

 Boxes of delight

Over 600 printed copies of the March newsletter have been sitting in the editor's house for two days now awaiting an insert from the Parish Council. Once the documents arrive they will have to be inserted and then distribution can begin.

Sunday, 25 February 2024

Showing and telling in Old Buckenham

 Sharing their talents

It was “Show & Tell” at Old Buckenham WI following their annual meeting last Thursday. Six members revealed their passions outside the WI and they could not have been more wide-ranging. From the diversity of eggs from her smallholding, to the tradition of crocheting a beautiful blanket for grandchildren, a revised version of a knitted blanket created for a son and now a grandson, some of the 456 gardening books, beautiful applique on clothing, extraordinary patchwork and the newly discovered talent for sewing, it showcased the talent in our village Woman's Institute.
A new committee has been voted in, The new appointments are President Christine Long, Treasurer Lesley Passfield and Secretary Betty Stacey. They look forward to another year of activities, demos, talks and competitions and outings and of course those lovely home-made cakes and biscuits!

Friday, 23 February 2024

More Theatre in Old Buckenham

The Hollyhock Trilogy

Old Buckenham Village Hall is delighted to welcome back fEAST Theatre one of the region’s leading touring theatre companies with a brand-new show called The Hollyhock Trilogy. fEAST is touring to lots of venues across Norfolk this spring and luckily they will be stopping off in Old Buckenham on Sunday 17 March for a matinee performance.

Written by Rob John (The Canada Boys/Rosa Mendoza) The Hollyhock Trilogy presents three strange but poignant love stories. A woman reveals an unrequited passion for her postman, an aging trapeze artist dreams of the beautiful woman who dropped him and a chance remark about hollyhocks changes the lives of two strangers for ever.

Author Rob says he wants to take the audience on three separate but connected journeys while John feels it is a show about people in love but it’s also a show about story-telling; the magic of sitting down in a darkened room and listening to a story.

Starring Owen Evans (The Nimmo Twins/Canada Boys) and Dawn Finnerty (The Canada Boys/Rosa Mendoza), fEAST Theatre promises that ‘these darkly funny tales of lonelinessand lust are guaranteed to warm the coldest winter evening.’

Sunday 17 March at 2.30pm and tickets are £10, paid in cash at the door on the night please. So avoid disappointment by reserving your place in the audience by contacting or ringing either 07880660444 or 01953 861336.

Friday, 16 February 2024

Latest from Old Buckenham Parish Council

Parish Council February minutes

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is altered at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 1 February at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were Councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Pete Twissell, Stan Burton, Steve Gowers, Lesley Evison, David Taylor and Doug Irons. Ali McWilliam had sent her apologies for not being able to attend. Also present were Clerk Jonn Hicks and fifteen members of the public. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4 January were approved (6 in favour).

Financial matters. The Community account balance now stands at £22674.54. Payments for approval (6 in favour) were £1246.86 which included £106.75 to the community car drivers, allotment rent of £450, stationary and postage £43.50, Clerk and RFO salary £510.34, hire of Methodist Chapel £15 and purchase of St George flag £115.27.

Councillors’ reports. Stan Burton said that he has the Christmas tree lights stored in his barn and they can remain there for the year. Steve Gower reported that the Speed Watch training will be in the Methodist Chapel on Friday 16 February. Doug Irons said that he has sent content to the web designers and was awaiting their reply.

Naomi Bailey reported that she and the Clerk attended a meeting in January regarding this year’s maintenance of the footpath between the Primary School and Chapel Green School. It was agreed that the Parish Council will cut the grass, Primary School will cut and maintain the hedge and Chapel Green School will maintain the footpath surface.

Green Report. The Chair, Stan Burton, Lesley Evison and the Clerk attended a meeting in the Methodist Church in January with members of the Green Working Party John Fernihough and Sarah Dye. Naomi Bailey set out the rules of a working party to all and it was agreed by everyone to re-start this with everyone aware of how the working party should work and who is permitted to attend. It was agreed by all that Suggitt Farm Services will continue to cut the Green three times a year at the cost of £500 per cut, Stuart Barker to remain as the village handyman at the same price as last year. Any other works that need performing will only proceed once a job card has been issued by the Clerk and approved by the Parish Council to avoid any confusion. It was also pointed out that any work carried out on or around the Green are subject to insurance and risk assessment being provided to the Parish Council as well as a method statement before any works commence.

Action Log updates. Doug Irons and Steve Gowers to look at rebooting the action log with a different format.

Planning. To consider planning applications and to receive Breckland District Council’s decisions made on any planning applications received before the meeting. All planning applications are available for viewing on the Breckland District Council planning portal and all Parish Councillors have been asked by the chair to view the new applications in advance of the meeting.

New planning applications. Westward, The Green, NR17 1RR. Proposed change of use of existing barn and outbuildings to a single residential dwelling (3PL/2023/1204/F). Proposal to support was approved (5 in favour, 1 abstain).

Crown House, Stacksford, NR17 1PD. Demolition of outbuilding. Erection of 2no. single storey extensions and a cart shed with storage above (3PL/2024/0060/HOU).
Proposal to support was approved (6 in favour).

Chestnuts, Mill Road, NR17 1SG. Horse Chestnut trees, target prune the trees to clear the overhead utilities and bracing from the telegraph pole. T3 Scots Pine tree, Prune back the upper laterals overhanging the roof line and functioning chimney of the dwelling "Chestnuts2” by no more than 2.0m (TRE/2024/0018/TCA). Proposal to support was approved (6 in favour).
Planning decisions by Breckland. Grange Road from Stacksford Lane to Hargham Road, Stacksford  (3PL/2023/1025/EU). Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing Use (CLUED) for the use of the dwelling known as Stacksford Grange in breach of the agricultural occupation condition attached to planning permission 3PL/1988/1300/O.

Traffic issues. Numerous members of the public attended the meeting to voice their concerns with traffic issues around the village. It was accepted that this needs addressing so a meeting has been called at the Memorial Room on Saturday 24 February at 10am. The clerk will invite the NCC Highways officer and Steve Askew to attend to try and answer questions from the public.

Concerns were raised by public around the large amount of flooding in the village in recent weeks. Clerk to speak with Highways regarding ditches that need cleaning and Ron Brewer has put a piece in the village newsletter asking residents to ensure drains and any ditches on their property are kept clear

Public participation. Adrian Joel reported that a former Parish Council member Derek Smalley has died. He also reported that the community car scheme is looking for new drivers.

Items for next agenda. These will include updates on Solar Farm and flooding update

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 7 March at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Looking at April in Old Buckenham

 Doing different

Have a fun quiz evening in April

Sunday, 4 February 2024

From Old Buckenham Almshouses

From the Trustees of the Almshouses

The Robert Cocks Almshouses Charity donation tin in the village shop was recently counted and a lovely £52 was donated this time. All money raised is being saved to go towards their re-roofing project. Thank you to everyone that contributed and to Krishna for allowing the tin to be there. A new donation tin has taken its place!