Wednesday, 28 June 2023

July Old Buckenham Newsletter

 It's going round now

As well as the usual reports from the parish council and the village hall, you can read about the forthcoming produce show, a new parish councillor, the yard sale at the end of July and an open evening at the WI.

Sunday, 25 June 2023

Celebrating in Old Buckenham

 Gathering of friends and relations

Here are some photographs of those who gathered at 1 Mill Cottages yesterday to help Barbara and John Frost celebrate their golden wedding anniversary.

We had the chance to see lots of wedding day photographs, look at the original wedding and bridesmaid dresses as well as the bills from the florist and the cake maker (both about £12). 

We also had plenty to drink and a constant supply of various  things to eat!

Saturday, 24 June 2023

Fifty years ago in Old Buckenham

 It was a serious occasion in those days

Our best wishes to the couple in this photo taken outside All Saints Church exactly fifty years ago. Have a great day and keep smiling...

Friday, 23 June 2023

Old Buckenham and medieval life

 Entertaining history

On Thursday 23 June the Old Buckenham WI meeting was all about medieval toys and games. The speaker, Rosie Wilkin, was dressed as a medieval inn keeper’s wife which was based on a 14th century costume with lots of layers and a headdress.  

After playing a medieval game called ‘Nine Men’s Morris', Rosie explained in detail about what it was like in the ‘tavern’ which in those days started off in a room in a house before it evolved into an ale house. People drank beer instead of water as the water was not very hygienic. The beer was brewed with yeast from the air and stored on bushes!  This was then used to make the beer or bread. Mead was made from honey. These ale houses supplied a meal and entertainment, sometimes of dubious reputation.

The audience were shown lots of toys including dice made from clay and knuckle bones which were used in ‘jacks'. Also balls made with fabric, dolls made from rags, table top skittles, quoits, spinning tops and whipping tops and lots more. 

Then Rosie explained how her costume was layered and made so that she could ‘squat’ to go to the toilet which is what people did in those days! The outside layer was a surcot which had slits in so that she could reach her purse inside. The next layer was a kirtle and the chemise is against the skin. Then she demonstrated her headdress and took off the layers to show everyone. These were worn by all ladies after Christianity evolved and were reminders of what a nun wears on her head. A really interesting interactive talk.

Then it was time to have tea and cake and carry on with the business of the Women's Institute.  A very educational evening.

Thursday, 22 June 2023

Exploring Old Buckenham

 Have you walked down the runway?

The Runway is the name given by some people to the long straight well-lit road that leads to Chapel Green School. Saturday is the time for their annual fete and is your chance to see the school if you have never been before. Lots of stalls, plenty for the children to do and a big raffle.

Why not give it a try. You can park in the village hall car park if you prefer and walk from there. Saturday 24 June between 12 noon and 4pm.

Saturday, 17 June 2023

Latest from Old Buckenham

 Parish Council minutes

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 1 June at Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were Councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Ali McWilliam, Doug Irons, Pete Twissell, Steve Gowers (once elected), Paul Phillips, David Taylor and Lesley Evison. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk), Donna Oakley (RFO) and five members of the public. New members were approved: Paul Phillips (5 in favour), David Taylor (5 in favour) and Lesley Evison (4 in favour, 1 abstain).

The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1 June were approved (5 in favour, 3 abstain). Pete Twissell and Steve Gower have completed DPI forms. New councillors are to complete their DPI forms by the next meeting.

Financial matters. Donna Oakley presented the Parish Council with copies of the accounts for the financial year 2022/23. A proposal to approve was agreed (8 in favour). Accounts will now be sent to internal and then external auditors.

Financial report. The community account balance is presently £27,762.57. Payments for approval totalled £1,680.73. A proposal to approve this payment was agreed (8 in favour).

Due to an error by the bank, one of last year’s precept grants for £600 has not been processed properly. While the money has left the Parish Council account, it has not been deposited in the groups account. Donna Oakley and Rachel Noyes have been trying to resolve the situation but with no success yet. Propose to make an additional payment of £600 to the group so that they are not missing their money. When returned by the bank, the Parish Council can then keep the original £600. This action was agreed (8 in favour).

Councillors’ reports. Doug Irons has had a meeting with the website company. Costs are same as previously quoted with 50% up front, 50% on completion. He will initially draw up a paper plan of the website for the Parish Council to review. Servers will be based in UK.

Naomi Bailey, Doug Irons and Ali McWilliam had a walk around the Green to review any issues and found 26 areas that need attention. This includes matters such as parking, damage, pot holes, etc. Initially they will need clarification of the Green boundary and a sub-committee will be required to address the issues.

Naomi Bailey has contacted a company to get quotes for repairing potholes outside Gamekeeper. Now just awaiting calculated quote. The Village Hall have their quiz on Saturday 21 October and she is hoping that the Parish Council can enter a team.

Rachel Noyes has reported potholes on Puddledock corner and around blind corner of the Green (opposite Almshouses). After submitting planning application form for the flagpole, Breckland Council required additional documents for elevations of the flagpole. Due to the format required, these needed a professional company to draw them up. Everything has now been submitted.

Received two complaints about the Green being cut too early this year. This was an attempt at preventing the ragwort from seeding which was causing issues and complaints last year. The Green Working Party (GWP) makes every attempt to listen to the feedback of villagers but it is difficult to please everyone fully. The GWP aim to strike a balance between helping wildlife and practical use by residents. The Annual Parish Meeting was held in May. Was a good meeting where several matters were discussed and the new Lord of the Manor was introduced.

Was concerned to see invitation for barbecues on the Green so would like to remind people that these disposable barbecues should not be used due to the significant fire and Health and Safety risk they pose. Additionally, they would cause large damage to the Green. These are not permitted in most public spaces due to these risks. Has been contacted about an Anaerobic Digestion plant planning application (3PL/2023/0081/VAR) which bridges the parishes of Bridgham and Roudham & Larling. Further information can be sought on the Breckland Planning Portal.

Has been in contact with solar farm company. The paperwork and administration is still being worked through. Clarification was sought regarding a grant that had been previously mentioned. The councillor who dealt with the matter previously had now left the Parish Council and so further information was required. They confirmed that support for specific projects is available or an Annual Community Benefit Payment, which would equate to a total of £36,000 (£3,600 a year for 10 years). Councillors are to consider applications and discuss at future meeting.

Planning. All planning applications are available for viewing on the Breckland District Council planning portal Parish Councillors have been asked by the chairman to view the new applications in advance of the meeting)

New planning application. 32 Hargham Road. Proposed Ground & First Floor Rear Extensions & Associated Alterations (3PL/2023/0462/HOU). No issues or objections. At the time of the meeting, no comments from neighbours. Propose to support (5 in favour, 3 abstain).

Planning decisions by Breckland Council. The following application has been considered and has been approved: Rosedale, Fen Street. Demolition of existing light industrial building and erection of 1 no. C3 dwellinghouse (3PL/2023/0167/F).

Planning appeal. The following application has appealed against the decision of Breckland Council. Hammonds Farm, Stacksford. Conversion & extension of existing barns to form Annexe. Application reference 3PL/2022/0641/F, Appeal reference, APP/F2605/W/23/3315976 and Appeal start date Monday 22 May 2023.

Prince Harry’s Wood. At previous meeting, the Clerk was asked to enquire with NALC to see if the Parish Council can decide not to carry through on a previous decision. They confirmed that if the Parish Council made the decision and it was minuted, then it needs to be completed. Additionally, Clerk was asked to contact Serco to enquire about current costs and schedule. They would not provide the Clerk with the relevant information, but County Councillor Steve Askew was able to acquire the figures. Serco currently charge £1,181.73 + VAT a year, to cut the grass areas of St Andrews Close. The Parish Council have previously received a quote which was similar.

At the Annual Parish Meeting, general feedback from the residents was that they would like to have control of the wood and grass areas as Breckland had not been good at keeping it up regularly. However, they were aware it was a lot of money. Due to the initial decision by the Parish Council to take ownership of Prince Harry’s Wood and the grass areas of St Andrew’s Close, the Parish Council need to complete the process. Naomi Bailey expressed her disappointment that the relevant research and due diligence was not carried out before agreeing to the transfer. Naomi Bailey and Ali McWilliam signed the solicitors’ documents. Ron Brewer signed as witness to their signatures.

Dog Bin by Village Hall.This would cost £128.18 for purchase and delivery of bin. Due to it being on private land, it would cost £268.55/year for Serco to collect and dispose of waste. The majority of walkers, who drive to the village, walk around the Green, where there are lots of bins for the disposing of dog waste bags. A minority walk through the fields towards Attleborough. There are no dog waste bins in that direction. There is currently a bin on the Recreation Ground (behind Village Hall) which is for litter only. This is owned by the Parish Council and emptied by the Village Hall caretaker. Councillors were concerned that people were putting dog waste bags in the litter bin which would cause a risk to the Village Hall caretaker. There was also a discussion about whether there was enough demand for a dog bin at this location as there were not many people who walked away from the existing bins around the Green. There is due to be significant development towards Attleborough, with the SUE and Solar Farm. This will possibly change how the current footpath is used in the future. Rachel Noyes to speak to the Village Hall caretaker to enquire about whether is a problem with dog waste in the litter bin. Proposal to follow caretaker’s comments and respond as necessary was approved (6 in favour, 1 abstain, 1 object).

Skip for allotments. Group has been formed to work on the allotments. There is a lot of rubbish that has been collected in to piles and requires disposing of. Still have several plots to continue clearing. Previous allotment holders were contacted to remove any rubbish but none was taken. Anything useable has been set aside. The rubbish left is a mixed of different materials. Pete Twissel to cut up and remove metal climbing frame. Rachel Noyes to get quotes for skip and to speak to Breckland for advice. The grass is beginning to get quite long since its last cut and requires re-doing. Rachel Noyes to arrange.

Guidelines for signs on the Green. Following from comments at last meeting, the Clerk investigated if there were any existing guidelines for the placement of temporary signs for local business. None were found. The Parish Council has also received a request for putting out signs on the Green by a new local business. Would the Parish Council like to compile a small list of guidelines for businesses that wish to place temporary signs on the Green? Councillors felt that if rules/guidelines were put in place then it could create a big problem. It could also make the Parish Council liable if they caused an accident (eg a trip or fall in to road). It would also be difficult to monitor and police. Proposal to not draw up a set up guidelines was approved (8 in favour). Rachel Noyes to advise new business that contacted the Parish Council that they need to conform with Highways’ rules as they are responsible for monitoring signs that are adjacent to roads.

Public participation. A request was made for an article promoting the Community Car Scheme and a request for new drivers. The meeting was reminded that a celebration event for the completion of the Raise the Roof project was taking place on Saturday 10 June at All Saints Church.

Items for next agenda. These would include new website and allotment skip decision.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 7 July 2023 at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.

Saturday, 10 June 2023

Today in Old Buckenham

Celebrating a huge job well done

A couple of hours in the life of All Saints, Old Buckenham, to celebrate the conclusion of the Raise the Roof campaign and the re-thatching of the complete church roof.

Waiting for the first visitors to arrive

A four minute pictorial reminder of over five year's work

First visitors arriving in church

Getting the refreshments ready

The queue for some lovely cake

Alison does her speech from the pulpit

Posing outside for the EDP photographer

Still having discussions

Nearly time to think about going home


Friday, 9 June 2023

Celebrate with Old Buckenham

A magnificent roof

See you all at All Saints Church on Saturday 10 June to celebrate the completion of the Raise the Roof project.

Be there at 2pm to be reminded of what you all did to help and look up and see what you achieved.

Sunday, 4 June 2023

Old Buckenham on the radio

 The roof is raised

Alison Hannah was on Radio Norfolk this morning talking about the ending of the 'Raise the Roof' project. You can listen to her by getting the Matthew Gudgin programme on Radio Norfolk before 10am and going to 7.48am.

Otherwise you can listen for the next 28 days on iPlayer   

Friday, 2 June 2023

Joining Old Buckenham Parish Council

 A lot can change

Here is a picture of last night's Parish Council just before it started.

Here is another photo taken two hours later near the end of of the meeting.

The Parish Council had grown by having three new members who had shown an interest in taking part and had been officially co-opted on to the council. Now we have a chair, a clerk, a RFO and seven other  members. And there is still room for a few more if you are interested.

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Mobile Library in Old Buckenham

Moving books

The editor did not include the dates of the mobile library to Old Buckenham in this month's newsletter. It will be here tomorrow, Friday 2 June, and again at the end of the month on Friday 30 June. Then it will be back 28 days later in July.