Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Yet another Old Buckenham newsletter

 What's been going on?

There are lots of words on the March Parish Council meeting and news from the Village Hall. Also of arrangements for coronation celebrations and an Easter egg hunt at Chapel Green school. And a reminder about the lilies in All Saints Church as well as another quiz to take part in. Plus even more news...

Sunday, 26 March 2023

Gift for Old Buckenham residents

 Commemorative Gift

With the upcoming Coronation of King Charles III, the Parish Council wanted to mark the occasion by donating a commemorative gift to the children of the village. These will be free to those under 18 and only £3 to purchase for everyone else. You can order your commemorative gift now, then pay and collect it on the Coronation Weekend (details to follow).

If you are interested in purchasing one, please email the Clerk with your name, your address and number of spoons required (both free and to purchase) together with the total cost.

Rachel Noyes, Parish Clerk


Thursday, 23 March 2023

Coronation activities in Old Buckenham


Coronation Weekend

The Palace has announced the official plans for the Coronation Weekend.

Saturday 6 May: Coronation Service.

Sunday 7 May: Celebrations

Monday 8 May: The Big Help Out

Firstly, if you, your business or any community groups in the village are organising any celebrations across the weekend, then please let the Parish Clerk know and we will publish a schedule of events that will be taking place, which will hopefully make it easier for everyone to know what’s going on.

Secondly, the Parish Council are looking at organising some activities as part of The Big Help Out. The Palace wanted to highlight the positive impact volunteering has on communities across the nation and felt this was a great idea. Therefore, the Parish Council are focusing on four key areas of the community that we feel could use some help: a litter pick around the whole village, clearing up the play area, repainting the bus shelter and tidying the allotments. We would love to see as many people as possible helping out on the day and enjoy seeing a community working together. Full details of meeting times and places will be published in next month’s Village Newsletter, along with the schedule of events being held in the village.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Walking around Old Buckenham

Women walk the world

Why not join Old Buckenham Women's Institute on Friday 28 April by taking part in a walk to mark Women Walk the World day. Men are very welcome to join the walk as well. Meet at All Saints Church/Children's playground for a departure time of 10.30am. A choice of two walks will be offered, one of about 2 miles through the stud and one of about 4 miles via Stacksford.

We would invite you to make a voluntary donation of £2 (of course you may give more) for the Projects Fund of Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW). All are welcome (including well-behaved dogs). We hope that many of you will be able to take part and that the weather will be fine.

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Easter egg hunt in Old Buckenham


Come hunting
All details are on the poster

Monday, 13 March 2023

Latest from Old Buckenham

 Old Buckenham minutes

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is changed at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 2 March 2023 in Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were Councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Terry Cook, Ali McWilliam and Doug Irons. Apologies for non-attendance had been received from Andy Nicholls. Also present were Rachel Noyes (Clerk) and nine members of the public. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2 February were approved (3 in favour, 1 abstain).

Financial matters. The Community Account balance was £29,977.67. Payments of £1,612.22 were approved (4 in favour) which included £200 for the removal of the broken fence to recreation area and £609.59 for commemorative spoons

Councillors’ reports. Terry Cook said that the County Council contacted the Village Hall about possible car charging points at the Village Hall. The Committee were positive about the proposal but would need the finer details clarified. A checklist of points for consideration was provided by the Village Hall Committee for the Parish Council to use in response to any request the County Council may have. The CCTV has all been upgraded at Village Hall so that there are no blind spots and there is full coverage around road, to the frontage of the gates to the school and car park. Can be managed via mobile phones so the Clerk and Parish Council Chair are arranging to have it linked to their phones. Terry Cook had also been notified about two footpath related projects. First is from Department of Transport for a £200 million country-wide project to improve walking/cycling access. Projects could include improving safety of school walking routes, more paths in rural areas, improved safety at junctions and also making streets more inclusive for those with mobility issues. Has asked for further information but would like to hear parishioners thoughts on projects that the funding could be used for in Old Buckenham. Second project is funded by company called Go Slow, which are National Lottery funded. It is to walk, review and verify walkways. Project seems to discuss footpaths in towns and cities but doesn’t mention rural areas/villages which have the majority of the footpaths. He has contacted Go Slow for further information and awaiting a response.

Ali McWilliam had visited and assessed the allotments and the work that has already been completed. There are some large pieces of equipment/rubbish still that need removing. Clerk to write to all allotment holders to ask that any equipment is removed, otherwise is will be donated to other allotment holders/removed. She has also been contacted by someone who is interested in an allotment.

Naomi Baily reported that at the last meeting, it was noted that the already damaged Recreation Ground fencing had collapsed. After viewing Village Hall CCTV footage, children were found to have deliberately knocked it down. She had been in contact with the families involved and the schools, and will be having a face-to-face meeting with them to discuss why this was unacceptable behaviour. However, the Parish Council would like to note that the fence was already damaged and should have been taped off/had a warning sign to prevent children climbing on it. She had attended a meeting about the Car Park permits at Village Hall. This had been previously run by a parent, who stepped down after facing some aggressive behaviour. Meeting was very positive as all involved were keen to ensure the scheme continues. If there was no scheme in place, then the car park would be closed to parents at school times and would create a bigger problem in the village as parents would park elsewhere. The Primary School’s Families Association have offered to step in and help manage the scheme and ensure that it is fair to all those that do pay for a permit. Money collected from the scheme is split between the Village Hall and Families Association. As Village Hall is currently set up as a charity, there were issues with paying money out to the school. Therefore, Families Association to collect money and pay half to Village Hall. To help with issue in future, Village Hall is currently working towards becoming an Incorporated Body which should give greater financial freedom.

Doug Irons had enquired about War Memorial cleaning. Clerk explained that a company has been contacted but had little response. Currently looking for alternative companies. Noticed that bottle banks in Village Hall car park are often very full. Seems to require either more banks or more frequent collections. Terry Cook to feedback to Village Hall committee. Footpath between Chapel Green and towards Bunns Bank has been planted over and difficult to see or access. There have been many problems over the years with this footpath. Farmers are allowed to plant over a footpath but then must re-instate it. Solar Farm should be integral in improving its use.

Rachel Noyes reported that a parishioner has asked if the Parish Council has budgeted for future costs of new pads and batteries for defibrillators. The Clerk is to clarify with the Finance Officer. Graffiti reported on bench between Almshouses and Shop. Has had an initial clean and is better but will need to purchase specialist cleaner to fully remove. Playground swings have been oiled to prevent squeaking disturbing nearby residents.

At last meeting, the possibility of a Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) course for Clerk was agreed. This has been booked and will start later this month. Have received two emails impersonating Naomi Bailey. Please be aware of this and do not respond to any email that is not from the official Parish Council email address. Response received from John Fernihough (Green Working Party) who felt that the Parish Council were wrong in their decision to not investigate the location of the overflow drain from Ottomer Pond. Concern has been expressed by a resident regarding the state of the Green by the schools where parents have been parking. One area has been taped off already to allow grass to recover but the tape has recently broken and the Clerk to organise its replacement. Terry Cook highlighted that the parking for the schools has a major impact on the state of the Green and there are also other areas. He suggested that once agreement for Village Hall car park is complete, Councillors walk around the Green and note all areas of damage. A strategic plan can then be created to address the cause of this damage, as well as how to repair it. A suggestion has been put forward for the Annual Parish Meeting (Saturday 13 May) to have a professional demonstration of how to use a defibrillator.

New planning applications. Old Buckenham Country Park, Doe Lane. Erection of 8 no. holiday lodges (3PL/2023/0076/F). There have been previous applications for 8 and 4 holiday lodges, which were approved. This new application would create a total of 16 holiday lodges at the park. Residents attending the meeting explained that, despite living next to the Country Park, Breckland Council had not notified them, yet again, of the planning application. They expressed concern about rate of development of the Country Park which had changed significantly from the original campsite that had been created and where that development would end. Residents were concerned that it could turn in to a holiday park in the future, or purchased by a company that would want to do that. They explained that noise levels had increased in the area too. Terry Cook highlighted that [at the time of the meeting] there were no comments on the Breckland Planning Portal from residents and not many from the statutory consultees. Residents expressed additional concern about another planning application (3PL/2022/1309/F) for a mobile phone mast at the Country Park. Naomi Bailey explained that the lack of information and the confusion as to why another mast would be required when there is currently one being constructed nearby meant the Parish Council had not voted on the application last meeting and had requested further information from Breckland Council, from which no reply had been received yet. A proposal to defer a vote until more information could be gathered, including an opportunity for consultation comments from residents, was approved (4 in favour). Clerk to write to Breckland Council again, to express concern about the lack of notification to immediate neighbours of planning applications and to chase up more information about the phone mast application.

Maple House, Mill Road. Erection of new porch following demolition of existing (3PL/2023/0092/HOU). Councillors saw no problems with the application as it was within the existing building line and replacing what is currently there. Proposal to support was approved (4 in favour).

Hill Farm House, Leys Lane. First Floor Extension, demolition of bay windows (Ground Floor), South outdoor kitchen structure, new replacement porch door and new layout/detail to rear porch (3PL/2023/0101/HOU). Councillors felt it was within reasonable plans and had no objections and a proposal to support was approved (4 in favour).

Rosedale, Fen Street. Demolition of existing light industrial building and erection of 1 no. C3 dwellinghouse (3PL/2023/0167/F). Councillors explained that there have been previous planning applications for the site for change of use, which was approved. Public consultation was made in newspaper and there had been no adverse comments from consultees. A proposal to support was approved (4 in favour).

6 Hargham Close. Proposed single storey side/rear extension to provide a ground floor bedroom (3PL/2023/0201/HOU). Councillors had no objections to the plans. Proposal to support was approved(4 in favour). 

Arenal, New Buckenham Road. Change of use of site for storage, cutting and timber log distribution business, including extension to existing building for tractor/log storage and additional hardstanding area (retrospective) (3PL/2022/0433/F). Amended description. Terry Cook observed that there had there had been two statements from the Environmental Health Officer. Firstly, last year with no objections, then a more recent statement expressed concern about the potential noise levels from the cutting of the wood. They have requested a noise impact report before the application proceeds further. At the time of the meeting, there were nine comments of objection but only three in support of the application. Neighbouring residents at the meeting explained that the traffic for the site was also causing a problem and was becoming quite dangerous. Proposal to object was approved (4 in favour).

Amended applications (for information only). Land adjacent to High Bank Farm, Fen Street. Implementation of planning permission 3PL/2003/0360/O and 3PL/2004/1135/D (Erection of a new dwelling for use as a holiday let) - Certificate of lawfulness - existing use (3PL/2023/0155/EU).

Planning decisions by Breckland Council. The following applications have been considered and the applications have been approved.

Cuffer Lane. Erection of a New Agricultural Building (3PL/2021/1528/F). Land at 608360 291240, Cuffer Lane. Change of use of land from agriculture land to mixed use of agriculture and leisure & domestic use (retrospective). Erection of fencing, entrance gate, chicken feed store, chicken coop & earth bund and alterations to existing pond (retrospective) (3PL/2021/1690/F). Naomi Bailey highlighted that the above two applications were objected to by two Parish Councils and the County Councillor. Breckland’s Planning Officer also recommended refusal. However, the Planning Committee voted (7 to 0) in support of the application. Old Buckenham Parish Council were very disappointed to see the applications approved.

King's Coronation update. A coronation gift for children and elderly residents of the village of 200 commemorative spoons have been ordered. The Palace is planning the Big Help Out on Monday 8 May. Councillors feel that this is a good opportunity to encourage community spirit and are putting together a list of projects that residents could volunteer to help out with. These include litter picks (around whole village, not just the Green), tidying up allotments, painting the bus shelter and tidying the playground. Clerk to contact Brownies/Scouts in the village about possibly helping out. One councillor to coordinate the work for each area. Naomi Bailey to liaise with Green Working Party to organise litter picks and possibly the bus shelter, Ali McWilliam to coordinate volunteer work on allotments and clerk and chair to coordinate the playground clear up.

Flagpole update. Enquired with Breckland Council about whether planning permission was required or not for flagpole and it is. Clerk to complete and submit application. Quotes received for purchase of flagpole and flag. Aluminium flagpole is an additional £500 however Councillors believe it will require less maintenance in future, so would be worth paying the additional cost now. Installation by the company was very high so would look at getting a local contractor to install. Proposal to approve Aluminium quote (without installation) and purchase flagpole and flag was approved (4 in favour).

Allotments. Ali McWilliam had visited the allotments and made a list of work to do. There is still a lot of rubbish/equipment left from previous allotment holders. Clerk to write to current and previous allotment holders asking for it to be removed, otherwise it will be offered to current allotment holders/removed. Fence damaged between two fields and consulting about ownership for repair work. A tree has grown causing obstacle on path and tap casings need repairing. Post next to single gate needs fixing and Clerk to contact handyman about maintenance jobs. Security still a major problem. The Recreation Ground gates were removed after fence was broken but, as gates were still in good condition, were taken to allotments to see if there was possibility of using them there. Ali McWilliam fed back to the Parish Council that they were not quite suitable, however may be useful as a short term solution until new fence/gates were purchased. She is to organise meeting with allotment holders, and contact land owner, about what they would like to see done at the allotments. Clerk applied for Environmental Incentive Grant from Breckland Council. Quotes received for cutting grass at allotments of £180 for a day’s work.

Recreation Ground fencing. Wooden fence that was knocked down has been removed. Two quotes received for chain link fencing across bottom of Recreation Ground field, next to Village Hall car park. Councillors felt it was very expensive and that hedging by itself would suffice. Clerk to investigate free hedging from Woodland Trust, etc, for planting in the Autumn. Sign required to warn drivers of small drop over the edge of the tarmac on to the grass. Clerk to organise.

Green lease agreements. New lease agreements with both pubs are in the process of completing. These will allow the pubs to rent designated areas of the Green for their business to use.

Wooden posts at turning circle. Received reports of bin lorry driving along footpath between High School and Ox and Plough pub, then removing a wooden post to re-join the road. Breckland Council/Serco were contacted several times about the issue. Driver only stopped using the route after resident spoke to them about it. Naomi Bailey has also inspected the wooden posts at this turning circle and many are in poor condition and some missing. One post is removeable to allow access for a property. This post requires clearing out and a new padlock installed. Green Working Party have been contacted and the Chair will coordinate replacing posts.

Prince Harry’s Wood. Tree survey of Green trees and those of Prince Harry’s Wood has been completed but just awaiting written report. Breckland Council have kindly removed the overgrowth on area of grass on St Andrews Close. Currently arranging meeting with representative at same area to confirm boundary with properties. Quotes received from local gardener about cutting grass areas of St Andrew’s Close. Will discuss and decide on options once tree report received and all information is available.

Public participation. Resident enquired about the filing cabinet that needs to be relocated from ex-Councillor’s garage. Clerk explained that the Village Hall have kindly offered to keep it in their secure office. Once space has been made, moving it will be arranged. Another resident enquired about lease agreement with the Gamekeeper and whether the grass area at the front, car park and benches were being factored in to the rent. Terry Cook explained that discussions are well advanced but not quite completed and are integrating all the issues mentioned. Need to confirm agreement with business before commenting on individual matters. One resident enquired about how we can encourage more people to use the Green and whether the Parish Council should invite a fun fair to the village. Terry Cook explained that the Parish Council are custodians of the Green and need to make sure it is maintained and looked after and kept within use of Common Laws. Inviting groups to use it is not something for the Parish Council to do. If any groups want to organise an event, then they could come with proposals and each event would be considered on a individual basis. Would also need to factor in the opinions of all parishioners on how much the Green should be used for events. Ahead of the Annual Parish Meeting (Saturday 13 May), a suggestion was made to invite the New Lord of the Manor to attend or maybe speak.

Items for next agenda. These would include allotments, graveyard, Green lease agreements, tree survey and solar farm update.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 6 April at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Old Buckenham produce show

Get thinking

It’s time to give thought to the Old Buckenham Open Produce and Handicraft Show. The date is confirmed for Sunday 10 September. There will be sections for preserves, cookery, eggs, flowers, handicrafts, art, and vegetables and fruit. So if you are planning on growing roses or dahlias, or thinking about a painting or embroidery project, then keep the Show in mind. It might even be a prize winner!

A new section for 2023 is alcohol. You’ve got the summer to perfect your cider, beer, wine, and fruited spirits. Also added is a section for young adults (ages 13 to 16) with classes for designing a cartoon cover and creating a haiku. 

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Old Buckenham village sign

 Village Hall talk

Saturday 4 March at 7.30pm is time to visit the Village Hall  for a talk on village signs entitled 'Norfolk History - on a stick'. Speaker is Andrew Tullett and cost is a mere £5 on the door. Bar and raffle. 

Come along, have an pleasant evening out and learn something at the same time.