Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Latest Old Buckenham newsletter

 Yet more stuff to read

It is December tomorrow and the latest newsletter is already dropping through the letter boxes of houses throughout the  village.There is a review of the year from the parish council chairman, Christmas activities at both the village churches and the usual long notes on the November parish council meeting. Plus details of other activities to keep you busy throughout the month.

Saturday, 26 November 2022

Christmas market in Old Buckenham

 Your chance to buy

If you go along to Chapel Green School on Wednesday 14 December between 3pm and 5pm you'll find lots of stalls where you can buy all sorts of gifts. You can also get refreshments and take part in a raffle and a tombola while listening to a Christmas choir.

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Latest news from Old Buckenham

From your Parish Council

These notes were written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that will be changed at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 10 November 2022 at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Andy Nicholls, Jonn Hicks, Terry Cook and Alison McWilliam (once co-opted). Apologies for non-attendance from Doug Irons. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk) and one member of the public. Alison McWilliam was co-opted as a new parish councillor (4 in favour). A proposal to agree the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6 October was approved (4 in favour, 1 abstain).

Financial matters. Community account balance now stands at £37,937.64. Payments of £908.24 were approved (5 in favour) including £227.25 to community car drivers and £122.50 for cutting the grass in the Recreation Area. Barclays have made the requested changes to the bank signatories to include Clerk and Registered Finance Officer (RFO). This will now allow the RFO to make further changes.

Councillors’ reports. Jonn Hicks explained that when the churchyard was extended, a survey was not conducted on the ground and so an old existing sewer pipe was not detected. The pipe is now broken and flooded which is resulting in tankers emptying the sewage every day. Anglian Water will be putting a new pipe in to the Stud field which is directly behind the area. This confirms that the Stud field could not be used for burials in the future. Jonn Hicks will begin contacting local landowners about possible donations/purchases.

Terry Cook noted the increased problem of fly tipping in recent weeks. This has occurred on the outskirts of the village but also on the Green. All incidents involved tyres as well as other rubbish. All fly tipping was reported to Breckland and has been removed by Serco. There is a proposal by Norfolk County Council to reduce the hours that recycling centres are open which could lead to further problems. If anyone spots any fly tipping then they can inform the Clerk who will report it for collection. He also reported on the Village Hall update. It has recently been re-insulated and new boiler installed. Having looked at recent bills, the Village Hall is becoming more energy efficient resulting in lower bills.

Two parents who had volunteered to run the Village Hall car park Permit Scheme have stepped down after experiencing aggressive behaviour. The Village Hall Committee has decided it would not open the car park for school parking if the permit system is not in place by next September. There is a suggestion to arrange a meeting between representatives of the Sepientia Trust, the Primary School, the Parish Council, the Village Hall and Councillor Steve Askew to find a solution. Councillors were supportive of the proposed meeting with Naomi Bailey and Terry Cook to attend. A recent Health and Safety check on the Village Hall has resulted in improvements.

Terry Cook had also been contacted by a parishioner on Cake Street who was concerned that Breckland have not informed the neighbours about a planning application and that comments were removed from the planning website. The Clerk is to write to Breckland and Councillor Steve Askew to raise the issue. Had also been asked about whether access to the footpath opposite the Stud entrance could be improved. Currently the footpath comes out down the Stud driveway but ends at a blind corner and a steep bank on the opposite side of the road. The Clerk is to enquire with Highways.

The Chair had been contacted by the Ox and Plough owner to request that all mention of the Ox and Plough pub be removed from Green rental agreement. Agreements have been redrafted with pub removed and re-signed. The Christmas tree is ordered for delivery in the first week of December. Switch on will be organised for Sunday 11 December. The Ox and Plough has agreed to supply electricity for the tree and the Parish Council will make a donation towards the electricity costs. Andy Nicholls suggested researching new LED lights for the future which would be cheaper to run.

The Clerk had been contacted by a parishioner who was very concerned by the speed and volume of vehicles using Grove Road. Terry Cook suggested researching schemes from other counties in which Councils were implementing 20mph zones on rural roads. The Clerk is to enquire. The SpeedWatch equipment has been collected and she has sent out an advertisement for volunteers. Currently there are five people who have offered to support but it would need a minimum of six for it to run. The Clerk is to send out a last request for volunteers, otherwise equipment will be returned.

Fen Road will be closed for works from Monday 21 to Wednesday 23 November. County Broadband has been in contact about a wayleave and digging an area of the Green to lay a cable. They have been put in touch with Sarah Dye as representative of Green Rights Proprietors and who has previously dealt with wayleave requests. Searches about Prince Harry’s Wood have come back from solicitors with no problems. Took a little while to organise a clear map of the areas involved, as also includes areas of grass within St Andrews Close but is sorted now. Will be expecting to complete on transfer soon. Also there has been a small increase in the hourly rates of the solicitors.

Feedback was requested on the recent Attcare report which was recently received. Terry Cook explained that he was disappointed in the report as it focused more on methodology, rather than outcomes of the data. He also felt the structure of the report was poor and it failed to address how many people are seeking healthcare in alternative villages/towns and why. Any other feedback from Councillors to be sent to Clerk. He had also had a question raised about whether the Parish Council could improve the aesthetics of the main entrance to the village with flowers (in tubs or in the ground). Councillors highlighted that these would be extra areas that would need maintenance and increase costs of handyman routine jobs.

Planning applications. All planning applications are available for viewing on the Breckland District Council planning portal. Councillors have been asked by the chair to view the new applications in advance of the meeting.

New planning applications. Poplar Farm, Fen Road. Change of use of land from agricultural to residential in order to accommodate a new site entrance (3PL/2022/1150/F). Councillors noted that there was very little information in the application. Jonn Hicks also highlighted that there have been several applications to build on this land previously which have all been rejected by Breckland. Proposal to object was approved (5 in favour).

Amended applications. Old Buckenham Airfield, Abbey Road. Revised description of proposal. Erection of 6 no EV chargers for the charging of electric aircraft, the retention of a two storey office and the erection of a single storey office on existing concrete pad (3PL/2022/0937/F).

Poplar Farm, Fen Road. Variation of Conditions No2 on 3PL/2020/1009/F, introduction of external staircase to access balcony (3PL/2022/1036/VAR).

Land at 608360 291240 Cuffer Lane. Change of use of land from agriculture land to mixed use of agriculture and leisure and domestic use (retrospective). Erection of fencing, entrance gate, bell tent, outdoor kitchen, chicken feed store, beehives, chicken coop and earth bund and alterations to existing pond (retrospective) (3PL/2021/1690/F). Change of description and amended proposed site layout.

St Marys Chapel, Castle Hill Road. Conversion of the existing detached out-buildings to provide additional bedroom accommodation and new flat roof kitchen link between the out-building and Victorian chapel extension, with minor internal alterations to the Victorian chapel extension (3PL/2022/0996/HOU and 3PL/2022/0997/LB). Revised ownership certificate.

Planning decisions by Breckland Council. The following applications have now been considered and have been approved.

Old Buckenham Country Park, Doe Lane. Eight New Holiday Lodges (3PL/2022/0783/F).

Downmore Farm, Banham Road. Proposed change of use of an existing agricultural building to dwelling house together with the building operations reasonably necessary to facilitate the conversion (3PL/2022/0604/F).

Old Buckenham Airfield, Abbey Road. Erection of 6 no EV chargers for the charging of electric aircraft, the retention of a two storey office and the erection of a single storey office on existing concrete pad (3PL/2022/0937/F).

Crumb Cottage, Cake Street. Variation of Conditions No 2 (Approved Plans) and No 3 (Materials) on 3PL/2021/1290/HOU - Roof material changed from standing seam to clay pantiles, Window 18 opening now hung to the left and Front dormer window changed to 3 panes (3PL/2022/1066/VAR).

Planning Appeals. The following Appeal  has been dismissed: Rear of 41 Hargham Road (3PL/2021/0830/O). Appeal reference APP/F2605/W/22/3295975.

Newsletter paper. Quote for Village Newsletter paper was above the pre-approved limit and came in at £648 (plus VAT). Proposal to approve was agreed (5 in favour).

Remembrance Day. This would be on Sunday 13 November at the War Memorial. It was hoped to have as many Councillors there as possible. Terry Cook had been asked by the Church if a member of the Parish Council would be willing to read out the Roll of Honour and he agreed to take part.

Plaque for Jubilee trees. Platinum Jubilee trees were now planted opposite the Gamekeeper. Now a need to place a plaque at the site. The Clerk had sent out some possible suggestions of wording and her Option 2 was approved (5 in favour). The Clerk is to research costings of different materials for plaque.

(Jonn Hicks left the meeting)

Website. Councillors have been sent quotes and information about two companies for building of the new Parish Council website. Proposal to accept Option 1 was approved (4 in favour). Doug Irons has previously offered to lead development.

Inspection of trees on the Green. Green Working Party have requested to spend £600 on a tree inspection and written report detailing trees for immediate work and also a 10 year maintenance plan. Proposal to accept was approved (4 in favour).

Allotments. (discussed at start of meeting while Jonn Hicks was still present) Quotes received from two landscape gardeners for clearing overgrowth and rubbish from allotments. Because of volume of the work, they would like to work together on project. Estimated to take two to two and a half days to clear and would cost £200 each for a day’s work (expected £800 to £1000 total). Councillors supported the idea that any materials that are still salvageable could initially be offered to the community. Would require a skip hire to remove waste. Proposal to accept quote and allocate £1500 to the initial clearance was approved (5 in favour). Both workers have Public Liability Insurance and would send copies to the Clerk. Once improved, the allotments will require a maintenance plan by the allotment holders to ensure it does not return to a poor state again. Security is still an issue and there was another recent theft from the site. Solutions such as large communal storage will be investigated. As project will require a lot of money, the Clerk to research grants/funding options. Ali McWilliam offered to join Allotment Working Party.

Pre-application of Telecommunications Tower. Parish Council had been contacted by Breckland about the pre-application of a Telecommunications Tower at Old Buckenham Country Park for initial comments. Councillors understood the need for better mobile phone coverage in the village but were also aware that the weather radar tower met strong objection. Councillors were curious what the coverage would be and if it would cause any problems for the annual Hot Air Balloon Festival at the site. Clerk to feedback comments.

Items for next agenda. These would include Precept Grants and confirmation of Christmas tree arrangements.

The date of next Parish Council meeting will be Thursday 1 December at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall. 

Thursday, 17 November 2022

Eating out in Old Buckenham

Chapel Road School

Come and enjoy their Fusion Enterprise Winter Warmer Restaurant  on Friday 9 December from 6pm to 8pm.

Sunday, 13 November 2022

Remembering in Old Buckenham

 The scene on the Green

About 150 people had gathered around the war memorial just before 11am this morning. They ranged from the younger members of the Scout movement to many of the elder generation who had fought in the last World War. Silence fell at 11am and then wreaths were laid down by various village organisations.


Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Christmas events in Old Buckenham

Early information

Old Buckenham Methodist Chapel will be holding the following Christmas events:

·         ‘Christingle’ Family Service – Sunday 11 December at 10.45am – Children and the young at heart especially welcome. They will be making Christingle displays, all materials will be provided. Tea coffee and cake available after the service.

 Carol Service – Sunday 18 December 6.30pm – A family focused Carol service with a singing performance by the ‘Old Buckenham Community Choir’. Tea coffee and mince pies available after the service. 

·         Christmas Songs Sing-A-Long – Wednesday 21 December 7.30pm to 8.30pm – Songs will be well known Christmas songs and carols. There will also be Christmas sketches from ‘Stuff & Folly’, poems and singing by the ‘Old Buckenham Community Choir’. Tea, coffee, mulled wine (non-alcoholic) and mince pies will be available.

All at the Old Buckenham Methodist Chapel, Hargham Road, NR17 1SL. 

Saturday, 5 November 2022

Old Buckenham Green

Litter picking deferred

This message is from the Green Working Party:

In view of the proposed bad weather tomorrow it would probably be better to cancel the planned litter pick. Anyone who wishes to do it is welcome to try tomorrow or on a later fine day. Alison Frank at the Old School House has all the equipment there for collection and return later. This is the latest they have ever tried to do a litter pick, the possible poor weather being the reason. Will try again in the spring and aim to keep our Green tidy.

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Another Old Buckenham village newsletter

 Read and learn

This month's newsletter arrived back from the printer in late October and all distributors had a weekend in October to get it out and about. If you haven't read it yet there is information on the 2023 Produce Show and the next litter pick on the Green as well as the usual news from the village hall and the parish council.