Saturday, 27 August 2022

Old Buckenham flowers to see

Bank holiday attraction

You can pop into Old Buckenham Methodist Church on Sunday or Monday and see the flower arrangements that have been created to portray various children's books. The small church is full of loads of colourful flowers as well as other activities to entertain you and your children.

Here are some photos taken earlier today to whet your appetite. And there are plenty of homemade cakes to satisfy your other appetite as well.

The Church is open from midday to 4pm on Sunday and 10am to 4pm on Monday. Entry is free.

Friday, 26 August 2022

Old Buckenham August meeting

 More minutes than in newsletter 

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes of the delayed August meeting. As the minutes  arrived after the newsletter copy date, not all the information is in the printed newsletter. Being written from the draft minutes they may also contain information that is amended at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Monday 22 August at Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were Councillors Steve Milner (Chair), Adrian Joel, Terry Cook, Andy Nicholls, Naoni Bailey and Jonnathan Hicks (once co opted on to the Parish Council). Also present were Rachel Noyes (Clerk) and six members of the public. Apologies for non-attendance had been received from Doug Irons and Mike Farrington. Jonnathan Hicks has volunteered to return to the Parish Council. A proposal to accept Jonnathan Hicks on to the Parish Council was approved (5 in favour)

The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7 July 2022 were approved (3 in favour, 3 abstain)

Financial matters. The Community account balance now stands at £30,648.52. Payments for approval were £1,586.63 which included £600 for mowing the Green and nearly £200 for the community car drivers. Proposal to accept was approved (6 in favour). Pension re-declaration completed. VAT claim resubmitted due to change of form.

Councillors' reports. The chairman reported on the filming has taken place around the village in the early half of August. Charged £435 for use of the Green which was based around rent for Two Wheel Tuesday and scaled up. Adrian Joel suggested that it might be worth asking the production company for a copy of the completed series that we could screen in the Village Hall. Application for Use of the Green and Risk Assessment was completed by film crew. Terry Cook highlighted the need to have a separate heading within the bank account for ‘Green Income’. The Clerk will liaise with Registered Finance Officer.

The Clerk said that following feedback from the Annual Parish Meeting, she had made contact with Breckland regarding the lack of notification to immediate neighbours about planning applications. They were asked to confirm if the number of neighbours notified was in line with their guidance. No reply yet. Will contact again and copy in the District Councillor Steve Askew. The Playground ‘spring chicken’ has been removed as it was too close to the fence. Can now start saving for a replacement piece of equipment. The “No glassware” sign has delivered for playground and will arrange installation. A Tree Preservation Order confirmed at Evergreen, Cake Street and also served for trees in  Fen Street (between 28 and 32). Highways have suggested three options for Sunnyside Track – awaiting costings of all three options before discussing further.

The Weather Radar appeal has been supported and so permission granted. MP George Freeman has made contact and passed on copy of Met Office letter he received. He has emphasised the need for positive and proactive engagement with the community. It will be approximately six months until construction work commences and take a further six months to complete. They have highlighted that there are plans to minimise construction traffic in the vicinity and will liaise with the Parish Council to avoid traffic going through the village. It will also be manufactured off site before then being transported and constructed on site.

The Jubilee Street Party was cancelled due to bad weather. Many feel there is no appetite for it in the village as the moment has passed. Could send out a questionnaire in newsletter but this would take time and money. Proposal not to have street party was approved (5 in favour).

Received information from Barclays Bank on our account which required Adrian Joel and Andy Nicholls to phone up and confirm their identity. Both have tried several times but have been unsuccessful. The RFO and the Clerk to look at other banking options. Missing finger posts reported on Footpath 12 (Mill Road and Grove Road. There is one missing from outside the Church Rooms too. The Clerk to report this. New Buckenham Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted and will now form part of the Breckland Local Plan

Terry Cook gave feedback from Village Hall. Would encourage residents to use recycling bins as much as possible as provides a great source of income for the Village Hall. The main boiler has been replaced and insulation has been improved. Improvements have been made in car park, such as signage. Village Hall has put off raising fees until January. The increase in bills is not due yet and they want to assess the impact of the solar panels and new boiler on the bills first. Treasurer is retiring so setting up new management system and looking at grants to improve the hall further. Bookings at the Village Hall are back to normal after COVID.

Nnaomi Bailey said that Hargham Road closure has resulted in more traffic using Fen Street. Residents’ hedges between Barkers Lane and Fen Road are quite overgrown and ditches under hedges are being hidden so difficult to see if you don’t know the road. Adrian Joel stated that at the APM there were discussions about when the Green was being cut and it was a different schedule this year due to Jubilee plans. Was initially cut three times a year but has only been twice a year since then. Rod Alley Pond is a bit overgrown and causing difficulties for drivers pulling out of Hargham Road. It was highlighted that the Parish Council own a strimmer and extension pole which could reach and happy for handyman to use it.

Public participation. A resident asked if it was worth clearing the ponds of silt/overgrowth while the water levels are so low. This could reduce problems in the future. The Clerk to pass comment on to Green Working Party.

New planning applications. Thatch Cottage, Cake Street. Single storey side extension (3PL/2022/0841/HOU). No comments on the portal. Very little information on there. Simple extension of a wet room and bedroom. Member of the public highlighted that the site plan is not correct – a neighbouring property has been included within the boundary. No planning officer has been appointed. Proposal to not vote due to lack of information available was approved (6 in favour).

 Old Buckenham Country Park, Doe Lane. 8 new holiday lodges (3PL/2022/0783/F). Removing 27 caravan sites and replacing with 8 cabins. This will significantly reduce the number of vehicles on the road and so not expecting any objections from Highways. Only two comments on portal so far, which both support it. Previous application submitted for 4 cabins was approved by the Parish Council. Evergreen trees should block the view for some neighbours. Proposal to support approved (5 in favour, 1 abstain). A resident whose property backs on to the Country Park had not been notified about the application by Breckland District Council. This is not the first instance of some immediate neighbours not being notified about planning applications that could affect them. Clerk not sent notification email either, so was missed off agenda. The Clerk to raise the issue with Breckland District Council again and copy in District Councillor Steve Askew.

Planning Decisions by Breckland Council. The following applications have been considered and have been approved. 60 Fen Street. Proposed two storey rear extension to form study and bedroom & proposed carport to side (3PL/2022/0427/HOU).

The Kenyons, The Green. Detached Cart Shed Garage with Mansard Roof (3PL/2022/0689/HOU).

Coal Storage Yard Road from Stacksford Lane to Hargham Road. Outline permission for 3 no. dwellings (3PL/2021/1564/O).

The following applications have been considered and have been refused.

Hammonds Farm, Stacksford. Conversion & extension of an existing barns to form Annexe

The following appeals have been considered and permission has been granted. Part of Anglian Water Drilling Unit Site, Abbey Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PZ. Appeal reference APP/F2605/W/21/3280426.

September Parish Council meeting. The Clerk is away for the next meeting which was due to take place on Thursday 1 September. As August Meeting has been delayed, would work better to postpone September meeting too. Propose to postpone September meeting by two weeks to Thursday 15 September. The Clerk to confirm location.

Allotments. Sseve Milner had a meeting with allotment holders regarding the poor state of the allotments. The main issues are a lot of theft and vandalism, empty allotments are covered in weeds which affects neighbouring plots, current state is very poor and would put off any potential new holders, taps are all damaged or in a very poor state and fly tipping. There are many vacant or unmaintained plots which make the situation worse. Those that are left are keen to carry on but it is increasingly difficult. To attract new people, it first needs to be improved and restored to a decent state.

Suggested possible improvements included all holders of current leases are asked if they plan to continue. Several are planning on giving up this year and should be asked to clear away their equipment/waste (sheds, fencing, etc) and leave allotments in the state they were received. Allotments nearest Crown Road could be taken out of service as there is a problem of flooding in this area. Water taps need maintenance. Main path to be mowed and hedges cut back. Also protected access with allotment holders given a key/code. Currently open and people use as a footpath but this increases risk of vandalism, etc. Could block off Cake Street end, leaving car park as only entrance. Need new allotment holders to help keep the area used and possibly a central shed for holders to use which is more substantial. Other suggestions and options to research were put forward including reducing the site by half and then possibly reduce sizes of plots. Could also look to see if there is a better/more secure plot of land in the village to use instead. However the existing allotments would still need clearing and returning to original state. Will need to look at quotes for clearing the overgrowth as allotment holders felt it was too much to take on by volunteers. It was highlighted that in its current state, it is not much of an asset to the village. If there is demand in other villages for allotments then why is it not in Old Buckenham?

(Jonnathan Hicks left meeting)

Pub Rental Agreements. Agreement with Ox and Plough has been completed and signed by Landlord and Parish Council Chairman but has not been submitted to the Parish Council. Issues need to be raised around the fact that the agreement is not being kept to as several tables are outside the agreed boundary. As agreement has not been submitted to the Parish Council for discussion and possible ratification, an invoice has not been produced. Gamekeeper has not returned the completed application yet. Agreement to be collected from Ox and Plough and that from Gamekeeper to be chased up.

VAS Sign for Puddledock Corner. Ran out of time to discuss. Will be on next meeting’s Agenda.

New burial site for Old Buckenham. Ran out of time to discuss. Will be on next meeting’s Agenda.

Items for next agenda. To include allotments (how much are we willing to subsidise it/quote from handyman for clearing/start looking at Plan B), pub rental agreements, feedback on planning complaints, sign for Puddledock and possible new burial site.

Date of next Parish Council meeting will be Thursday 15 September. Venue to be confirmed. 

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Old Buckenham visits Norwich

 Evening walk with the WI

Old Buckenham Women's Institute organised a walk around the back streets and alleyways of Norwich last Friday evening. Guide Paul Dickson led them around lots of places they had never seen before while explaining lot of local history at the same time.

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Cycle for Old Buckenham

Get around the churches

Book the date now and see how many you can visit. There are sponsorship forms on the table at the back of All Saints church, or phone Lydia Darrah (01953 861360 / 07900 911793) to drop one off to you. There is also a rota for people to sit in church for an hour to welcome cyclists and sign their forms. If anyone might like to join in with that contact Lydia.    

Thursday, 11 August 2022

Filming at Old Buckenham

How big is support team?

One look at the car park at Chapel Road School will give you an idea of how much is needed to keep the film crew operating.

Monday, 1 August 2022

Old Buckenham Players production

 Coming at the end of September

Following the success of their production of the thrilling Agatha Christie classic 'And Then There Were None' in May, Old Buckenham Players are now in the throes of preparing for their September production.

There'll be laughs a plenty on offer with their choice of play: 'Give Us A Sign' by Tony Domaille. This modern and clever comedy, rehearsals of which are well under way, is poised for its first showing in Norfolk and promises to be a more than worthy premiere.

You'll meet Kev and his hard working and long-suffering wife, Rachel, in their modest but comfortable home. With Kev's background in Sales, his unemployed status of the last few months looks set to end as he makes a bold leap and starts his own business - Clairvoyant Kev's Clairvoyancy Services. How much harder than sales could it really be? Rather, as it turns out. Through visits from mysterious clients and more than a little incompetence, the play culminates in a big reveal that has dramatic consequences on Kev and Rachel's life. But is it the very final 'reveal'...?

To find out, you'll have to come and see it. Performances are held at Old Buckenham Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm on Thursday 29 Friday 30 September and Saturday 1 October. Tickets are available via Ticketsource, all details of which can be found on our website ( and our social media pages (just search for Old Buckenham Players on Facebook and Instagram and make sure you give them a 'follow' at the same time.) They'll be priced at just £10, so couple this with the bar and raffle, and you'd be hard pressed to find a night out of better value for money anywhere in the County.It's been a strange couple of years, so why not indulge in some quality, local entertainment, for an evening of something that's funny in the truest and most welcomed sense of the word. Your continued support and appreciation makes all the hard work well and truly worth it, so thank you, and we can't wait to see you there.