Monday, 31 January 2022

Latest Old Buckenham village newsletter

 Read your copy yet?

Hopefully many villagers had a copy of the February newsletter put through their letterbox over the weekend.

Read it through, inform yourself on local activities and make sure you bring your Jubilee ideas to the meeting on Saturday 12 February.

Friday, 28 January 2022

fEAST visits Old Buckenham

The boys are coming

This event was first planned two years ago but ‘Canada Boys’ will now be coming to the Village Hall this month. it is from the same group that brought us the entertaining ‘Rosa’ at the end of last year so the Village Hall is looking for a full house at this evening performance. fEAST Theatre will be performing ‘Canada Boys’ on Friday 25 February starting at 7.30 pm. Tickets are £10 and to reserve your tickets ring 07880 660 444 or email

In March 2020 fEAST Theatre, one of the region’s leading touring companies, was starting the final week of rehearsals for The Canada Boys. The show, which was to have been the first of three tours to mark fEAST’s tenth anniversary, had been booked into venues across the region, including here in Old Buckenham. Then the pandemic surged and costumes and the touring set was put into storage, like thousands of other arts events in 2020. The Canada Boys was a show that never happened. Now nearly two years later our Village Hall is delighted to be one of the 15 venues across Norfolk and Suffolk where Canada Boys can be seen. 

The show will return with its original cast - including Nimmo Twins star Owen Evans.  This ‘sad comedy’, set in Norwich in 1912, resonates with Norfolk voices and locations and is based on a powerful, true, Norfolk story. In April 1912 the world-famous Colman’s mustard factory in Norwich, concerned by rising unemployment in the city, offered its workers a once-in-a life-time opportunity to start a new life on the other side of the Atlantic. The British Dominion of Canada was desperate for workers to help farm the vast plains of Ontario. Any Norwich men brave enough to sign on received a new pair of boots, a travelling suitcase, two complete sets of underwear and a ticket to the new world. Based on true events, Rob John’s The Canada Boys tells the story of Jack and Eddie Craske, two brothers who’d never ventured further west than Wymondham and were tempted to step into the unknown and make that life changing voyage to Quebec. 

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Alternative events in Old Buckenham

Looking ahead

The Old Buckenham Alternative Quiz Night will take place on Easter Saturday 16 April starting at 7pm in Old Buckenham Methodist Church. A range of fun quizzes including visual, sound and other interactive quizzes plus traditional questions and answers.

The cost will be £5 per person including refreshments and proceeds to be donated to the St Martins Housing Trust.

Bookings available for teams of 4 to 6 (individuals also welcome to join or make up teams). To book a place either reply to Richard via email or phone 01953 861207.

Because of the size of the building they can only accept a maximum number of 40 people in total.  While Covid restrictions are likely to have been lowered by then because of the small size of the church and for the benefit of all attending the organisers would still ask that everyone wear a mask and/or take a lateral flow test before the event.  


A display in 2021

Later in the year the Flower Festival in the Church will be held on the August bank holiday weekend of Saturday 27 to Monday  29 August. The theme this year is ‘Children’s Books’. For any of you willing to do a display this could be about any aspect related to the theme such as your favourite children’s book, author, illustrator, character, etc. As usual entry will be free with refreshments available. 

Friday, 21 January 2022

Old Buckenham meeting

 Your thoughts required

Come along to the Village Hall on Saturday 12 February from 10am to help plan a fantastic celebration for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee this summer. Tea and coffee will be supplied to help stimulate those creative ideas.

Thursday, 13 January 2022

Latest news from Old Buckenham

 January Parish Council meeting

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 6 January 2022 at Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were Councillors Steve Milner (Chair), Adrian Joel, Naomi Bailey, Doug Irons, Mike Farrington and T Cook as well as Rachel Noyes (Clerk), Donna Oakley (RFO) and four members of the public. Andy Nichols had sent his apologies.The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2 December 2021 were approved (6 in favour).

Financial matters. Community account balance was currently £32,935.42 which includes £500 from the Village Hall and £500 from the Green Rights Proprietors (wayleave payment). Also received but not yet paid in was £107 from collection tins for the play area. Payments of £1265.10 were approved (6 in favour) which included £648 to Broadland Tree Services for supply and installation of the Christmas tree on the Green.

Matters arising from minutes. Steve Milner thanked Adrian Joel for organising the Christmas Tree and Naomi Bailey for speaking at the switch-on event. It was very well received by residents and looked great. He is waiting for contractor to complete the Recreation Ground fencing soon.

The Clerk said that all Precept Grant applicants had passed on their thanks for approving applications. The Charity tins in the village shop raised £107 towards upkeep of the play area. Many thanks to Lesley Coates for putting the tins in the shop, the shop owners and everyone that donated money.

Steve Askew has asked Highways about gritting Hargham Road in future. While it is a minor road, it is used a lot by school traffic. This cannot be done this season but it is on the list for consideration for next winter. Steve Askew has arranged for a representative from Breckland Council to attend the February meeting to discuss Prince Harry’s Wood. The fly tipping of an oil drum by the bus shelter was reported but had not yet been collected as Breckland Council couldn’t find it! Resurfacing works will take place around the Hargham Road and Fen Street junction from Monday 24 January until Friday 18 Feb. This will cause significant disruption and the Clerk will publicise when more details are known. The Clerk had also been contacted by a resident about speeding and poor driving on Abbey Road. Councillors felt that a 30mph zone for all of Abbey Road was unrealistic. Terry Cook highlighted that there are many roads around the village where speeding is a problem and maybe the issue should be tackled as a whole by meeting with our Elected Member to see what could be done. Councillors agreed that this could be effective and worth a try. Mike Farrington explained that he felt Puddledock Corner is a special case and doesn’t want it lost amongst other issues so would continue to highlight the problem and look for a solution, although still fully supported the idea of looking at speeding around the village collectively.

Doug Irons had contacted Heras about a new buffer for gate at the playg area and was awaiting a reply. Terry Cook had-spoken to a parishioner about Raggs Lane Right Of Way. She is making progress and has been pointed in the right direction. The Parish Council committee do not have a meeting this month. However, he had been contacted by their Chairman regarding the Recreation ground waste bin which the Village Hall cleaner empties. There are increasing levels of household rubbish and dog bags being put in the bin, which is not very nice to empty. The Clerk will create a sign for bin explaining what can be put in it and publicise that it is only for small rubbish. Councillors asked whether a new dog bin was needed in this area and the Clerk to investigate.

Naomi Bailey had met with the headteacher of the High School who would like to get children more involved in village life. It was suggested that the School makes list of ideas to bring forward to the Parish Council. Councillors explained that there has previously been a School Council that liaised with the Parish Council on issues and this could be restarted if there was significant interest.

Mike Farrington had organised a meeting between Puddledock residents with Steve Milner. County Councillor Steve Askew has liaised with Highways to try and arrange a visit. Unfortunately, Highways felt that due to there being a fatality, a visit could only take place after the independent enquiry was completed and provided possible recommendations. Mike Farrington was frustrated that it is taking time to wait for results but will push for a timescale if needed. He wished to thank to Steven Askew for his help and advice on the matter.

The Christmas tree switch-on went well and extra cabling purchased was effective. Thank you to Dave Tranmer at the Ox and Plough for providing the electricity free of charge. Adrian Joel requested that a copy of the Welcome Pack is provided for each Councillor so that they can pass them on as required. The Clerk to get packs printed professionally. The electrician contacted about installing defibrillator has not been in contact and the Clerk is to organise getting another electrician.

Public participation. A resident raised questions about the Green asking “Does ‘Proprietors’ mean they have ownership of the Green?” In this instance, the term Proprietors means they have the right to use the land, but not ownership. Also ”Who has final say on decisions about the Green? The Parish Council is leasing the Green and therefore have final say on decisions and spending. However there is a Working Party, with a budget from the Parish Council, to help manage it on a daily basis.

New planning applications. Walnut Shade, Cake Street. Retrospective alterations to the layout of the annexe and change of use to enable the annexe to be rented out as a separated self-contained unit (3PL/2021/1555/F). Work has already been completed so is retrospective. No complaints or objections from neighbours logged. Terry Cook highlighted that there is very little documentation available so it is difficult to understand the application. There are no detailed plans explaining changes. Due to this issue, Councillors were unable to propose a decision. The Clerk to contact Breckland Council to request more information and raise this problem.

The Almshouses,1-10 Hargham Road. Raising of Ridge Line and Parapet Coping in Association with Proposed Re-Roofing and Removal of Modern Chimney Pots (3PL/2021/1650/LB). Roof needs to replaced. Listed buildings consultants and architects have looked at it and an air space is needed under the roof. Therefore the plan is to raise the roof by 6 inches, while also replacing chimney pots with ones more in keeping with the building. Proposal to accept was approved (6 in favour).

Cuffer Lane. Erection of a new Agricultural Building (3PL/2021/1528/F). This application was initially mistakenly classed as New Buckenham and so there was a delay in being reported to Old Buckenham Parish Council. A New Buckenham resident explained that New Buckenham Parish Council discussed the application and objected to it unanimously. The site is very close to the border between the Parishes of New Buckenham and Old Buckenham and lies near the Tas Valley Way walking route. The field was purchased 2.5 years ago and has seen a dramatic change in that time. The small pond on the site has been excavated to significantly increase its size, which has also destroyed any existing wildlife. There has been storage of equipment on site in a storage unit and large scale burning of waste. None of this activity has been approved through applications or consultations. The application notice was only on display for a week and has now been removed from clear sight. The site lies on Cuffer Lane which is a very small, narrow road which is unsuitable for heavy machinery. As it is difficult to access the site from the north of the village via the narrow road, all traffic has entered through the village of New Buckenham. The roads here are very narrow and often full of parked cars, making access difficult. Cuffer Lane is now primarily used by walkers and cyclists, especially those with children and provides a safe route between the two communities of New Buckenham and Old Buckenham. Issues with the application itself were also highlighted including stating that there are no trees or hedgerow nearby, which is incorrect. The Application contradicts itself as it states there is no water course nearby, but then states that floodwater will go in to existing water course. The site plan also shows the field previously, before changes were made to the pond. Councillors agreed that the field’s location on a narrow road was unsuitable for the large agricultural machinery mentioned in the Design and Access Statement and therefore would not be a suitable location to store goods. The road is more suitable for the many walkers and cyclists that currently use it .A propose to object was approved (6 in favour).

Planning decisions by Breckland. The following applications have now been considered and the applications have been approved:

Old Buckenham Country Park, Doe Lane. Four New Holiday Lodges (3PL/2021/1406/F).

Canem Cave Cottage, 62A Fen Street. Side and Rear extensions and detached garden room (3PL/2021/1482/HOU).

Old Hall, Harlingwood Lane. Replacement dwelling (3PL/2021/1251/F).

Slutshole Lane. Screening opinion for new water pipeline (3SR/2021/0006/SCR).

The following applications have been appealed. Roughlands Farm, Grove Road. Prior Approval for Change of use of Agricultural Building to a Dwelling (permitted development) The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q. Application reference 3PN/2021/0013/UC. Appeal reference: APP/F2605/W/21/3279448. Appeal start date 3 December 2021

Part of Anglian Water Drilling Unit site, Abbey Road. Erection of a 24.46m high radar tower and associated comms cabin (portakabin). Application reference: 3PL/2021/0091/F. Appeal reference APP/F2605/W/21/3280426. Appeal start date 10 December 2021. All information regarding the application and feedback have been passed to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate. Councillors raised the question of whether additional information has been submitted in the application, which is against the Appeal policy. Met Office application seems to suggest that the property next to the proposed site would be the closest to a mast in the country. Clerk to enquire and raise any issues.

Precept. Old Buckenham Primary School and Nursery Families Association have not submitted a new application in time so Grants budget stays at £3606. Grants allowance includes extra £500 on standby for Almshouses Trust, as agreed. Over spent on Play Area this year because of several large issues needing attention. Shouldn’t be so much next year so will keep budget the same. A £500 reserve for Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations to be added. Precept raised for 2022/23 changed to £21,941 which is a decrease of £369 from the previous year. The proposal to accept was approved (6 in favour).

Village Shop parking sign. Currently have a small sign outside village shop stating that cars cannot park for more than 45 minutes. Shop owners wish to install a larger sign as many cars are parked for longer. Parish Council have no objections to a new larger sign but acknowledge that the car parking area is part of the Green and so they cannot stop people parking there. However the Parish Council wishes that people to remain considerate when parking by the shop so that the business is not affected. Proposal to support approved (6 in favour).

Queen’s Jubilee Village meeting. It is planned to hold village meeting to allow parishioners to come along and brainstorm ideas of how to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee (Thursday 2 to Sunday 5 June). Aiming for a meeting in the Village Hall on Saturday 12 February.

Lease of the Green renewal. Sarah Dye was present to represent the Green Rights Proprietors. She had read the draft version of the Use of the Green Policy that the Parish Council approved last meeting. Happy with it overall as it provides a general overview of situations which can then be assessed on an individual basis by the Parish Council. Queries over whether it covered more permanent features by businesses was shown to be covered in the last bullet point. Sarah Dye signed on behalf of Green Rights Proprietors and Steve Milner signed on behalf of the Parish Council.

Lease of the Green by Parish Council. Lord of the Manor executor has explained that the family wish to withdraw their interest in the Green and therefore not be a co-signature of the Lease Agreement. Initial agreement period of the Parish Council lease expires on Tuesday 29 March 2022 and would need to be renewed by this date. Steve Milner, Terry Cook and Doug Irons are to write a new lease agreement, removing the Lord of the Manor. This can then be approved by Green Rights Proprietors and the Parish Council.

Items for next agenda. Breckland Council representative to attend to discuss Prince Harry’s Wood.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 3 February in Old Buckenham Village Hall and starting at 7.30pm.

Saturday, 8 January 2022

Old Buckenham Mill progress

They have walked around the world

Over the last year, a group of local fundraisers has been walking and running in order to raise money for the restoration of Old Buckenham Windmill - an event called 'Miles for the Mill'. The final total is in, and collectively the fundraisers covered 25,300 miles! The earth’s circumference is 24,900 miles, so they steamed past Old Buckenham and the target by an extra 400 miles. So far, £2,252.89 has been collected through Miles for the Mill fundraising and they are still collecting. If you would like to show your support for the mill restoration, you can donate via the new JustGiving site:

Thank you to each and every one of the fundraisers who took part in this event. In addition to getting out and about during another turbulent year of Covid, every mile walked or run has helped raise funds for the ongoing restoration of our village mill.
It was wonderful to see the first phase of works completed on the mill last year, with grant support from Historic England and the Association for Industrial Archaeology. During that work, essential maintenance to the tower brickwork was completed in addition to woodwork repairs throughout the tower and some of the cap. Planning work for phase two is already underway which will include further work on the cap, including the reinstatement of the fantail which will see the cap moving again to always face into the wind. Phase three should one day see stocks and sails turning in the wind.

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Flowers in Old Buckenham

 Through the keyhole

Breckland Flower and Garden Club starts this year's meetings on Thursday 13 January in the Village Hall. If you are interested in going along for the first time, visitors are welcome and pay £6 while new membership starts in March/April (£30 for 12 months).

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Old Buckenham 2022 walk

 A good start to the year

The sun was shining when villagers gathered outside the Church Rooms for a New Year's Day Walk. Here are a few photos of the morning's activities

collecting up

posing for a group photo
starting off

stretching out across the Green

coming back well over an hour later

more coming back

hot homemade soups awaiting...

...and being served

enjoying a good talk...

...and meeting new friends

overflow and dog watchers enjoy the sun

It seems approximately 80 people turned out and 60ish returned for soup and rolls. The sum of £230 was raised and will be donated to the Big C and Star Throwers

First Old Buckenham newsletter this year

Printed in time for 2022 

Another five thousand words to flog through if you want to know about raising money for Parkinsons and for the windmill restoration. Also the panto, the annual programme of WI talks and notes on a long parish council meeting.

Best wishes for 2022 from the editor to the readers, the volunteer distributors and the advertisers as well as the hard-working printer.