Thursday, 30 December 2021

Walk in Old Buckenham

 New Years Day Walk update 

The rolls are in the oven, the soup is being made and the weather forecast looks good. For those of you not too hungover, or even if you are it will be a good cure, why not come out and enjoy some fresh air with friends for the NYD Walk? We will leave from outside the Church Rooms at 10.30am. The walk will be approximately 3 miles walking on fields and roads, dogs on leads will be welcome. After the walk you are invited back to the Church Rooms for the homemade  soup and rolls, etc.

We ask for a voluntary donation. Sadly with so many people in the village struggling with cancer, donations will be split between the Big C and Star Throwers. Should you wish to donate, the collection buckets will be in the Church Rooms. Thanks

Sunday, 19 December 2021

Parish Council in Old Buckenham

 Parish council in December 

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes so may contain information that is amended at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 2 December in Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were councillors Steve Milner (Chair), Adrian Joel, Naomi Bailey, Doug Irons, Mike Farrington and Terry Cook. An apology for non attendance had been received from Andy Nicholls. Also present were Rachel Noyes (Clerk), County and Breckland councillor Steve Askew as well as three members of the public. The minutes of the meeting held in November were approved (6 in favour). 

Declarations of interests. Naomi Bailey is a member of Families Association of Old Buckenham Primary School and Nursery and Terry Cook is a Governor of Chapel Green School. Both groups have submitted Precept Grant applications to be considered later in the meeting.

Financial matters. The Community account balance now stands at £33,294.30 including an allotment rent of £40. Payments for approval were a total of £809.99 which included rent for use of the village hall, handyman fees and payment of £212.85 to the community car drivers. These were aall approved for payment (6 in favour).

Reports from councillors. Steve Milner said that a Solar Park Community Grant (from PACE) would work out at £36,000 over a 10 year period (£3,600 a year). Several good ideas suggested by councillors included a cycle path and a project at the Windmill. There are plans in the Attleborough SUE to create a cycle route up to Bunn’s Bank. Could use some of the Grant funds to improve path from Bunn’s Bank to Old Buckenham which would allow a safe walking/cycle route into Attleborough from Old Buckenham. The existing footpath could be developed into a bridal way (which allows both cyclists and walkers). An initial quote to surface the 1.8km is between £23,000 and £36,000. Work at the Windmill could be the building of a small heritage centre (with solar panels) to show development of the village from its use of wind energy through to modern day solar energy. This could be useful for the schools and bring visitors to the village. The Windmills Trust would have to be contacted. A further suggestion was the installation of electric car charging points at central village locations, such as shop or village hall. Village Hall Committee are positive about the initial suggestion. The council chairman is to write an initial proposal for PACE.

Councillors had also visited a presentation of the Attleborough SUE at Attleborough Town Hall on Tuesday 30 November. The main issues that were raised by Steve Milner and Adrian Joel were healthcare provision, cycle ways and public transport. It is confirmed that they are building a health centre as part of the development on the corner of Bunn’s Bank but with no timescales yet. There will be a cycle network from the centre of Attleborough to the outskirts of the development. Public transport from Old Buckenham to Attleborough is very poor and Steve Milner suggested to developers that they extend from Bunn’s Bank in to Old Buckenham. Steve has contact details for the Head of Planning and will raise these issues. Land from Old Buckenham will now be part of attenuation pond for new houses development.

A joint Village Hall and Parish Council meeting had taken place. The sum of £1500 owed to Parish Council is currently being paid over a period of time but the Village Hall would like to pay it off in one lump sum to make them debt free. The joint letter with Parish Council distributed in the newsletter was effective as they have gained two new people on Village Hall committee. The Village Hall Committee praised the work of the Parents Group who monitor parking at the Village Hall during school start/finish times. They were also very appreciative for the CCTV that Parish Council funded earlier in the year which has stopped anti-social behaviour in the car park at night. Village Hall are also happy with the Parish Council suggestion for the Recreation Ground fencing, which will hopefully be completed in the New Year.

The Clerk had contacted Highways regarding the speed limit on Fen Street. She was informed that it is an expensive process but there is a Road Safety Community Fund that will be used in Breckland in 2024 for speed limit reviews. Fen Street has been added to the list for consideration for this funding. A wayleave payment of £500 (for the telegraph poles on the Green) has been received from the Green Working Party. More work was scheduled for Church Lane at the beginning of December for two days. A Tree Preservation Order has been served on ten oak trees on Hargham Road around the paddock and current building site.

Concerns were raised that more people may want newsletters, such as those living just outside village. This can be solved by increasing number of copies printed or encouraging residents to pass on copies. Newsletter editor confirmed that they are now printing more copies (to cope with increase in number of residents) and there should still be enough. Could ask residents asked to pass on their copies, once they have read them, by leaving at central village locations such as shop’s new seating area, the pubs, etc.

Naomi Bailey said connectors had been re-fixed on the climbing net in the play area and have found two more connectors that are loose. Working with the Clerk to make list of small parts to order. Also concerned that the Handyman still isn’t strimming around the fencing. The Police have responded about anti social behaviour in bus shelter and will monitor the situation. A recent delivery to the Hargham Road building site caused severe delays to morning school traffic and buses. No unloading should occur on road. There is no footpath yet and no one allowed to live in the first house until footpath is completed. Steve Milner to talk to the developer about this.

Terry Cook reported back that the Village Hall are very positive about growing relationship with Parish Council. They have the researched the technicality of trustees. No members of Village Hall committee are covered by Corporate Public Liability. To overcome this, there needs to be up to three trustees for the Village Hall. As the Parish Council is covered by Personal and Public Liability, this could provide the necessary cover to Village Hall committee members if the Parish Council became a trustee. Village Hall Committee would like to know if Parish Council would become a management trustee of the Village Hall? Steve Milner questioned if you can be a custodial trustee and a management trustee. The Clerk to contact Richard Crawley (Clerk to the Village Hall) and Graham Dye (Treasurer to the Village Hall) about Trustee of Village Hall status.

Doug Irons has continued Neighbourhood Plan research and spoken to NALC for advice. Susan Heinrich at Breckland has a designated area already. Question over whether any money has already been spent as could affect future grants/funding available. Adrian Joel confirmed no money spent on Neighbourhood Plan so far and offered to help with Neighbourhood Plan research and initial stages.

Mike Farrington has attended meeting of Almshouses Trust. They are also having questions and queries about trustees liability and are researching further. Adrian Joel said the Christmas tree has been delivered. The official tree lights switch on would be occurring on Sunday 12 December.

Public participation relating to agenda items. Prince Harry’s Wood was discussed. Many possible options for the area. It could be a lot of work for the Parish Council but could also be developed in to a useful area.

New planning applications. Canem Cave Cottage, 62A Fen Street. Side and Rear extensions and detached garden room (3PL/2021/1482/HOU). Have existing outside buildings. Fen Street residents might be upset about more disruption but no reasons for objection. Proposal to support approved (6 in favour).

Coal Storage Yard Road from Stacksford Lane to Hargham Road. Outline permission for 3 no. Dwellings (3PL/2021/1564/O). Comments made on previous application still stand for this new application: it is outside the village boundary and Grove Road is too dangerous to add more houses and cars to. Highways have not commented on this application yet but said on previous application (for 5 houses) that they would support 3 houses here. Land Contamination Officer stands by comments on previous application, but these are not visible. Lots of official statements are very vague and don’t give clear concrete answers. Proposal to object approved (6 in favour).

Planning decisions by Breckland Council. The following applications have now been considered and the applications have been approved. 26 Oaklands. Proposed Single Storey Front Extension to create Annexe Accommodation (3PL/2021/1348/HOU).

The following applications have now been considered and the applications have been withdrawn. Old Buckenham Country Park, Doe Lane. Erection of Rural workers dwelling including sustainable technologies (3PL/2021/1024/F).

Rosedale, Fen Street. Demolish existing industrial/storage unit and erection of one two-storey house (3PL/2021/1070/F).

Prince Harry’s Wood. County Councillor Steve Askew explained he was contacted about ongoing fly tipping in Prince Harry’s Wood and tried to get it cleared up via Serco with limited success. Questions were then raised about future plans for the area. The wood belongs to Breckland Council but they had little knowledge about the wood and the fact that they owned it. Councillor Askew had spoken to a cabinet member about their future plans and they are happy to transfer it to the Parish at no charge. If the Parish Council is not interested in ownership, they will continue to monitor trees every few years and keep it tidy. A member of Breckland Council is happy to attend a future Parish Council meeting to help explain things in more detail. Many factors for consideration in the decision including maintenance costs and future use of the area. Residents that live near the wood highlighted that some trees would need cutting back or removing. Previously there was evidence of great crested newts in the area, so could be used to support wildlife. Councillor Askew highlighted that if owned by residents then it may lead to parishioners taking more pride and ownership, which may reduce fly tipping, although some occurs through drivers passing through. Decisions on its use for the community can only be made if Parish Council takes it over. Parish Council expressed interest in speaking to Breckland representative in order to gather all necessary information. Councillor Askew will coordinate with Parish Council Clerk and Breckland Council.

Puddledock Corner. A fatal car accident had occurred at Puddledock Corner a few days before this parish council meeting. Mike Farrington lives on this corner and explained that there are frequent accidents, some of which have already resulted in life-changing injuries. Majority of accidents are cars approaching from Attleborough, although occasionally some in opposite direction too. A lot of assumptions are made about the drivers and their speeds but the reality is that experienced drivers also lose control on this bend. A meeting has been organised between the residents of Puddledock for Friday 3 December to look at what could be causing problems and suggestions of possible improvements. They would then like to organise meeting with Parish Council, NCC Highways and Breckland Council. Steve Askew explained that the number of documented accidents will likely to be low as majority of drivers are able to drive off after skidding. This means that there is no written evidence of high numbers of accidents, which doesn’t help support the argument for changes. He will contact the local Highways Engineer about a possible meeting and begin initial discussions. He will keep the Clerk and Mike Farington informed.

Precept Grant Applications. Old Buckenham Cricket Club - £852. Detailed breakdown provided which shows grant is for equipment and staff training. Councillors felt the club was popular with the children of the village and should be supported as it continues to grow. Proposal to support approved (6 in favour).

Robert Cocks Almshouses Trust - £500 to £1000. Grant to be used towards installing new heating systems in the Almhouses. Councillors understood the expense of such a project and also its importance. Propose to give £500 initially and another £500 for next system if needed later in the year. Approved (6 in favour).

Monday Mardle - £100. Used towards running costs and hiring of premises. Also to subsidise occasional trips out. Councillors agreed that it is an important group that helps bring individuals together. Proposal to support approved (6 in favour).

Old Buckenham Village Hall - £703. To help fix various maintenance issues raised during recent health and safety report. Councillors agreed that the Village Hall was an important part of the village that supported many groups across a range of ages and wanted to help support its improvement. Proposal to support approved (6 in favour).

Fawns - £651. Grant to be used for rent of premises and to subsidise specialist activity sessions for the children. Councillors felt that with a large number of young families in the village, the group was important for helping the children and their parents in socialising and developing skills. Proposal to support approved (6 in favour).

Friends of Chapel Green School - £300. Grant to be put towards Fusion Enterprise Scheme to help students prepare meals for the community which will help develop pupils’ confidence, independence and skills before leaving school. Proposal to support approved (5 in favour, 1 abstain).

Families of Old Buckenham Primary School and Nursery - £5000.Grant applied for improving outside areas including play equipment, early years outdoor area and school pond. Councillors felt that the application was for areas of teaching and learning which should be provided by the school and the Sapientia Education Trust. While Councillors understood that schools need support, this would result in ‘double funding’ as teaching and learning at schools are already funded. Propose to defer decision until next meeting in order for application to be reassessed This was approved (5 in favour, 1 abstain).

Use of the Green policy. Steve Milner, Terry Cook and Doug Irons met to draft a policy for the use of the Green by individuals, businesses, events, etc. Thanks to John Fernihough (Green Working Party) for providing a lot of technical background information. Councillors felt the Policy was written in a concise and clear manner which set a parameter and then required six sets of information for each request. Terry Cook explained that some details are already set in the contract of the lease of the Green. Proposal to approve the Policy was agreed (4 in favour, 2 abstain) subject to the condition that any issues raised are passed on by the end of the week.

Plaque location. Commemorative plaque had been received for the community spirit and resilience shown during the Pandemic. Propose to put the plaque near the village shop on a temporary basis due to high footfall there before moving to side of Church Rooms for a permanent setting. The Clerk to consult Church Rooms for approval. Approved (6 in favour).

Allotments Working Party. Adrian Joel has stepped down from Allotments Working Party. Steve Milner offered to take on the role.

Playground quote. Rachel Noyes, Naomi Bailey and Doug Irons have compiled a list of minor parts required for small maintenance issues raised during September inspection by Playdale. Parts and delivery would cost £241.83 (including VAT). Would then require a day’s work by builder to fix various issues at £170. Also the roundabout is increasingly difficult to push and requires Playdale to attend and fix new bearings. Parts, delivery and installation costed at £1,768.74 (including VAT).The VAT will be reclaimed on both quotes at a later date. Proposal to approve both quotes was approved (6 in favour).

Village Shop parking sign. This item deferred until next meeting due to time limitations.

Queen’s Jubilee village meeting. This item deferred until next meeting due to time limitations.

Items for next agenda. These will include Precept payments and the Green Lease renewal/changes.

The date of next Parish Council meeting is Thursday 6 January 2022. It will start at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.


Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Carols in Old Buckenham

 A chance to sing

Old Buckenham Methodist Church will be holding a Carol Service this coming Sunday 19 December starting at 10.45am. All are welcome to come along to the Chapel in Hargham Road and join in.

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Christmas lunch in Old Buckenham

Luncheon Club meet for their Christmas meal

After not being able to meet for ages, the Luncheon Club was back for a proper meal on Wednesday 8 December. Thanks to all the new volunteers coming along and doing the cooking and serving.

Busy mardling...

...and chatting

Starting to serve

Plates filling up

Drinks available too

A full plate...

...soon all eaten

Just some washing up to do.

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

News of Old Buckenham

December newsletter is out and about

Contains news of the carol service in All Saints on Christmas Eve, some festive activities in the Church Rooms on Saturday 11 December, full details of the Parish Council's November  meeting and how  the Parish council's chairman is cycling the length of Route 66 over the next twelve months. Read it from cover to cover to keep up with what is going on.

Monday, 6 December 2021

Old Buckenham New Year's Day activity

New Years Day Walk

For those of you not too hungover, or even if you are it will be a good cure, why not come out and enjoy some fresh air with friends for the NYD Walk? It will leave from outside the Church Rooms at 10.30am. The walk will be approximately 2 to 3 miles walking on fields and roads, dogs on leads will be welcome. After the walk you are invited back to the Church Rooms for homemade soup and rolls, etc.

Normally just a voluntary donation towards the food. Sadly with so many people in the village struggling with cancer, any money raised will go to a local cancer charity.
More details will follow later.
Ready to start on the walk at the start of 2019

Saturday, 4 December 2021

A thank you to Old Buckenham

The village did well

 A special plaque commissioned and produced by the Norfolk Lieutenancy was presented to the village before the parish council meeting on Thursday 2 December. It was to commemorate our community's resilience in the year of the pandemic. It was brought along by Ian Lonsdale who is one of Norfolk's Deputy Lord Lieutenants and was handed over to Terri Hammond as a representative of all those who did so much during the lockdown to help the many villagers in need.

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Library calls at Old Buckenham

 Use the mobile library

The Norfolk mobile library vehicle visits Old Buckenham once every month so why not make use of it? It is not just for old people.

Books borrowed from the mobile library are issued for eight weeks as opposed to three weeks from a “bricks and mortar” library. Books borrowed from any Norfolk library can be returned through dropping in on the mobile library. More importantly library users can request any book from within the Norfolk Library Service online and collect from the mobile library (this request/reservation service is free to under 16s). Simply request a book online and under “Location” select CEN516 which is the Buckenham route number. The requested book will then be on the mobile library as and when it becomes available. 

The next visit will be on Friday 17 December from 10am. Pop in and have a look around. 

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Old Buckenham's Christmas tree

 Lights on the Green

Lots of activity planned for Sunday 12 December.

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Revisiting an Old Buckenham walk

 Local history in comfort

The group at Buckenham Castle

Were you unable to come on the recent Heritage wellbeing walk? Those taking part walked from All Saints church to New Buckenham and back - via the castle and priory site in Abbey Road, St Martin's church and the 'new' castle, hearing about the history of these important places for our local heritage along the way. Perhaps you did come but would like to hear the history again, this time from a comfortable seat with a glass of wine?

Come along at 7.30pm on this Saturday 20 November to Old Buckenham Village Hall for the 'Heritage illustrated talk'. You will be shown pictures of the places that were  visited and will be told a few bits of local history that were not covered fully on the walk. The event is free, and a glass of wine or soft drink, and nibbles, will be provided to enjoy while the talk takes place. 

Donations for the All Saints Restoration fund will be welcome as there is a need to rebuild the funds (much depleted after completion of the re-thatching and the impact of such a long period of church closure on donations) in the expectation of more work being needed to this ancient church in the near future. If you haven't yet picked up a copy of the history guide book these will be available on the night, or you can always pick one up from the church (suggested minimum donation £2).

Looking forward to seeing you on the evening of Saturday 20 November.

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Old Buckenham's new choir

Why not join in?

There is a newly-formed community choir in Old Buckenham. They are called The Old Buckenham Singers and met together for the first time on Tuesday 9  November in the Church Rooms. They had seven new members join them and had a really lovely evening singing Christmas carols and some Christmas songs. They will of course be singing lots of different  songs in the new year. 

They are a choir that sings for pleasure, fun and well-being regardless of singing ability. They  will be meeting at 7.30pm every Tuesday evening in the Church Rooms and would welcome anyone that loves to sing to come along and join them. For more information please contact Jill Irons via email  or by phone on 07756 233064.

Monday, 15 November 2021

Old Buckenham remembrance

 Yesterday on the Green

At the war memorial

Sunday, 14 November 2021

Old Buckenham Parish Council notes

November Parish Council

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended later.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 4 November in Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were Councillors Steve Milner (Chair), Adrian Joel, Naomi Bailey, Doug Irons, Mike Farrington, Terry Cook and Andy Nicholls. There were no apologies. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk) and eleven members of the public.

The minutes of the October meeting were approved (5 in favour, 1 abstain).

Reports of matters arising from these minutes. Steve Milner reported that he had attempted to clear the two overgrown allotments but struggled. He will use the Parish Council’s strimmer to have another attempt. There is a need to advertise the two remaining vacant allotments. He had not yet had the chance to sort out recreation ground fencing.

The Clerk reminded all that the Precept Grant Application deadline is Saturday 20 November. The flashing 20mph signs (wig-wags) have been installed on Abbey Road as part of the PPS project. A charity tin has been organised by volunteers in the village shop towards the upkeep of the play area. Many thanks from the Parish Council for this gesture and support. A memorial plaque will be presented to the community to commemorate all the efforts during the pandemic. It was suggested to present plaque before the start of the next Parish Council meeting at 7pm on Thursday 2 December. Once the time and date are confirmed with the Deputy Lieutenant, Terri Hammond and the team of volunteers will be invited and the event advertised to the public.

Mike Farrington reported another accident at Puddledock the previous week. Time to re-start a campaign about the danger of the corner, especially during winter weather. There also seem to be diesel spilt on roads occasionally too. Need to coordinate a meeting with NCC Highways about what changes can be made to lower the risk.

Doug Irons had researched structure of Neighbourhood Plans and has made contact with New Buckenham and Breckland Council. Funding may be reduced in future and only appears to be made for a year at a time. Going to need a lot of volunteers within the village to push it forward as it is a community project. Need to publicise to entire village.

Naomi Bailey had spoken to the High School Headteacher, who has been very helpful, about graffiti in the bus shelter. An in-person meeting is scheduled. Also she had contacted local police regarding reports of drugs being used there. The Playground had been inspected and monthly report written. Maintenance work is currently being planned and costed up.

Trevor Cook admitted that Parish Councillors had forgotten to attend a planned joint meeting with the Village Hall management. The rearranged meeting needs to discuss the Parish Council’s role as Custodial Trustee and matters of common interest.

Adrian Joel pointed out that the County Council are taking back the cutting of borders/edging so need to confirm with Breckland if cutting will continue in the village. Also need to elect a Chairman of each working Party so that meetings can be called and organised. Remembrance Sunday Service will take place on Sunday 14 November at 10.45am at the War Memorial. Steve Milner and Naomi Bailey volunteered to lay Parish Council wreath. The Christmas tree is ordered and the lights have all been replaced/repaired. Ox and Plough has organised some music/food/drinks and school choir will also perform. Switch on is at 4pm on Sunday 12 December.

Financial matters. Community account balance is currently £34,883.16. Payments totalling £911.45 were approved (7 in favour) which included nearly £200 to the community car drivers and £250 for the Christmas tree lights. Payment was approved at the last meeting of £500 to ATTCARE.

Public participation relating to agenda items. A resident has met with District Councillor Steve Askew and a Breckland representative to inspect Prince Harry’s Wood. There was still rubbish to be cleared. Breckland Council own this piece of land and the resident requested that Councillors and villagers walk through to have a look themselves to see the state of it and consider what action, if any, might be necessary in future. Further residents raised the issue of speeding on Fen Street, which is mostly National Speed Limit (60mph). The Parish Council explained that there have been many attempts to get it changed to 30mph but with no success. The Clerk is to write to Highways again. The Parish Council also advised that the more comments from residents the better. Steve Milner highlighted that we are unable to use the mobile SAM sign on de-restricted roads, only in 30mph zones.

Planning applications. Old Buckenham Country Park, Doe Lane. Four New Holiday Lodges (3PL/2021/1406/F). Highways are happy and doesn’t appear to cause any issues for neighbours. Proposal to support approved (6 in favour, 1 abstain).

Planning decisions by Breckland Council. The following applications have now been considered and the applications have been approved. Land off Attleborough Road. Ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) farm along with continued agricultural use, ancillary infrastructure and security fencing, landscaping provision, ecological enhancements and associated works (3PL/2021/0236/F).

Twitchers Cottage, Stacksford. Retention of a mobile home which is used as an annex for a member of the family (3PL/2021/1333/F).

Old Buckenham Water Treatment Works, Abbey Road. Construction of a pump store at Old Buckenham Water Treatment Works (3PL/2021/1354/F).

Crumb Cottage, Cake Street. First storey extension over existing single storey element and internal reconfiguration (3PL/2021/1290/HOU).

Development Site 605747 291109 Hargham Road. Erection of 4 dwellings and garages - technical details consent following application 3PL/2020/0117/PIP (3PL/2021/0210/TDC).

The following applications have now been considered and the applications have been refused. Coal Storage Yard Road, from Stacksford Lane to Hargham Road. Outline Planning Application for 5 Dwellings (3PL/2021/0500/O).

Old Buckenham Country Park, Doe Lane. New cabin to replace existing poly tunnel for fitness and well-being centre (3PL/2021/0908/F).

Trustee of Old Buckenham Eleemosynary Charity. The Eleemosynary Charity provides support to residents that are facing financial difficulties. Majority of the trustees are Parish Council appointed. A Parish Council trustee has recently stepped down and therefore necessary for the Parish Council to nominate a new councillor to be a trustee. Proposal to nominate Naomi Bailey for the position was approved (6 in favour, 1 abstain).

Temporary Gamekeeper rent. Area in front of the Gamekeeper is part of the Green. As the Gamekeeper is beginning to trade again, the Parish Council need to address the issue of renting this area of the Green, just as other businesses currently do. Councillors have started working on a new policy about renting the Green. This will then allow clear and consistent rules for areas of the Green to be rented, both by businesses and individuals for events. Until this policy is completed, a temporary agreement needs to be written for the Gamekeeper to use this area in front of the premises. Proposal to write a temporary agreement for the Gamekeeper and then create a contract for the use of the Green was approved (7 in favour).

Wildflowers on the Green. The Green Working Party have decided to have a designated area to encourage and diversify wildflowers. The aim is to prepare the area in March 2022 and sow seeds in April. Area is 30 metres by 50 metres (0.2 of a hectare) and will be marked with 4 or 6 fence posts, rather than a full fence. Will be easy to mow around when Green is cut. Aim is that the wildflowers are in an area that will allow them to be seen and enjoyed. Initial thoughts were to plant on the western side of the Green (between Windmill corner and Almshouses) but a resident highlighted that it does get fairly wet there during winter. Suggestion of nearer the traffic lights so that people can easily see them as they walk/drive past. Surveys are frequently completed of existing wildflowers by Green Rights Proprietors and there are equations to calculate the biodiversity gain. Seeds are all native species. Any donations received from public will be put towards costs and remainder paid for from Green Working Party budget.

Village footpaths. Terry Cook has looked at maps with Countryside Officer but there is no record of a permissive path from Puddledock Corner. There may have been one previously but it just was not transferred to the maps. If an individual or group of individuals wishes to check if a Permissive Path was granted in the past they would need to check with the NCC Legal Orders and Registers Team. If an individual wants to make a claim for a footpath to become a Permissive Path then they would need to contact the Legal Orders and Registers Team and would need at least 12 people to sign a document claiming they have walked the footpath for over 20 years. While the Parish Council will not be doing this, Terry Cook is happy to advise. There is still confusion about why the permissive path was recently rescinded. Could enquire with the landowner for their reasons why they have done this.

War Memorial maintenance. Steve Milner and Adrian Joel have inspected War Memorial. Most slabs are solid and stable although a little uneven. Need to ensure any cleaning would not cause any damage to the stone. A parishioner explained that it could be sensitively cleaned without chemicals and would cost an estimated £1500. This would last 4 to 5 years and needed to be done in the Spring. May require scaffolding to reach the highest parts. Parishioner kindly offered to donate half of the money towards its cleaning and the Parish Council will match the donation to cover total cost. Proposal to also put aside £300 a year towards regular maintenance in the future was approved (7 in favour).

Queen’s Jubilee. A village meeting is to be organised to get ideas and plan a village celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee. A second meeting will be required for discussing a Neighbourhood Plan. Need to talk to the local community groups/businesses so they can get their ideas together before the meeting. Also need to look at funding of the celebrations. Steve Milner will bring a proposal to the next Parish Council meeting.

Neighbourhood Plan. Need to advertise for more residents to join the Neighbourhood Plan team. It is a big commitment and requires a large number of residents to support it. While the Parish Council are supporting the Neighbourhood Plan and helping to organise a group, it is a community project. Possibly could pay for a professional to put together a framework which would give clearer information to residents and explain the process. Doug Irons to research consultants/cost/grants/funding.

Items for next agenda. These will include Precept Grants, Queen’s Jubilee celebrations and the Neighbourhood Plan.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 2 December at Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. There will be a presentation beforehand of a commemorative plaque for the community at 7pm. 

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Remembrance at Old Buckenham

 Time to remember

Service at War Memorial, 10.45 am on Sunday 14 November.

Friday, 12 November 2021

Old Buckenham's panto in 2022

 Book the dates now

Pantomime at Old Buckenham will be back. This coming January will see the return of the highly acclaimed Old Buckenham Players panto. Their creative style will be added to the classic Dick Whittington by Ben Crocker. Filled with well-rehearsed comic routines and a great mix of songs, this talented cast will entertain the whole family and leave you wanting more!    

The show will be at Old Buckenham Village Hall on Thursday 20 to Saturday 22 January from 7.30pm, with a matinee on the Saturday at 2.30pm and tickets will be available on Ticket Source.   

Find out about the Players at: or look on their Facebook page.  

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Old Buckenham Fayre

Be part of it

There will be a Christmas Fayre at the village hall on Saturday 4 December between noon and 4pm in aid of the primary school. If you would like to have a stall there then you need to contact by Saturday 27 November.

Friday, 5 November 2021

See the lilies in Old Buckenham

 Displays in All Saints

If you are out walking on the Green this weekend, why not pop into All Saints Church and look at the flower displays that are using well over a hundred white lilies. Each flower is in memory of different people who have died and are being remembered by their family and/or friends. A full list of those being remembered is available for you to pick up while you are there.

Monday, 1 November 2021

November's Old Buckenham Newsletter

On its way around

Another 5,000 words for you in this latest issue of our village newsletter. There is a free talk on our local history, a list of forthcoming talks to the Social and Wine Circle, news of a rebuilt bridge on a local footpath and, of course, notes on what went on at the October parish council meeting. Read and inwardly digest to get the most out of village activities.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Old Buckenham bell ringing

Ringing for the future

The church bells rang for half an hour this evening, part of a nationwide activity to remind people of the importance of Cop26 in Glasgow next week. The blog editor was there watching.

All Saints has six bells which are struck by pulling some static ropes at the base of the tower. It is physical work to do this continually for 30 minutes. Well done John.

The lone bell ringer in the darkened church

Fast hand movements mean blurred pictures

Still hard at work after 25 minutes

Bell ropes disappear up the tower

Lilies in Old Buckenham

Quietly arranging

Work was going on in All Saints church today to complete the flower arrangements in time for the All Saints Day service tomorrow. Each lily, all 130 of them, has been 'sponsored' in memory of departed relatives or friends. Why not pop in the church to admire them on Sunday afternoon or during the following week or two?

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Bells ringing in Old Buckenham

A warning to us all

The the past church bells were always used  to warn the local population about forthcoming disasters. Many churches will be ringing their bells this Saturday 30 October between 6pm and  6.30pm.  All Saints, Old Buckenham, is intending to join in. This will herald the start of the International Climate Change  conference being held in Glasgow.

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Old Buckenham Halloween event

 Ghostly event at Chapel Green School

The public were back for a Coffee Morning at Chapel Green School this morning to enjoy drinks and food prepared by the students and all with a Halloween theme. The students had also been busy making many  gifts and games to tempt the visitors to spend their money. It was so nice to be back supporting the school.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Old Buckenham running in the dark

Go for a virtual run

Run In the Dark Old Buckenham is back. This year's run is a socially distanced 'virtual' run due to Covid. The event is on Wednesday 17 November at 8pm and there'll be a few villagers informally running the usual route around Old Buckenham. Register at the link below.

Monday, 18 October 2021

Latest on Old Buckenham Parish Council

 Parish Council meeting in October

The following notes of the meeting have been written by the village newsletter editor from the draft minutes so may contain information that is amended at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council meeting was held on Thursday 7 October in Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were councillors Steve Milner (Chair), Adrian Joel, Naomi Bailey, Doug Irons and Mike Farrington as well as Rachel Noyes (Clerk), Elizabeth Burrows from Attcare and six members of the public. Councillors Terry Cook and Andy Nicholls had sent their apologies.

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2 September. Minutes approved (4 in favour, 1 abstain) with addition that comments from a member of the public supporting the Ox and Plough were read out. They highlighted the fact that the Bikes on the Green event was supported by many in the community.

Matters arising from these minutes. The chairman had spoken to a workman regarding the Recreation Ground fencing. There are enough posts to make the two end fences safe (next to the car park and Chapel Green School road). Intend to leave side next to the Primary School open as there is already a hedgerow on other side of footpath. This was approved (5 in favour).

He has spoken to press regarding the Radar Tower appeal. Commissioned bat survey received which states there are many species of bats in the area (several of which are endangered). As bats can be affected by radar, it provides a strong ecological argument against the Radar Tower. No notification yet from Breckland Council of the Appeal, only a message from the Met Office of their intentions. The Solar Farm was well received at Planning Committee but will need to speak in detail regarding the Grant for the Parish.

The Clerk said the footpath in front of the schools was being well used by pedestrians and seems to be effective in controlling where people are crossing. Also benefiting drivers who know where pedestrians will be crossing. Poles for flashing speeds signs (wigwags) are installed. There is a small delay on the actual signs but should be installed soon. Abbey Road near the Anglian Water site will be closed from Monday 25 to Wednesday 27 October. The handrail is now installed next to ramp for the bench outside the Almshouses. The Bus Shelter has been covered in graffiti again. Culprits are unknown but Naomi Bailey has offered to liaise with the High School about this issue as students are one of the main users of the bus stop. Graffiti has been painted over but the bus shelter needs re-paint anyway so looking for volunteers to do this.

Mike Farrington reported that a permissive path in the village has been closed. Terry Cook of the Footpaths Working Party was absent so discussion to be postponed until next month.

Naomi Bailey said the Playground had been inspected in the last month and had passed. The report said safety items were mostly low/very low risk from wear and tear, with a few moderate risk items that need addressing. Many can be solved by local tradesmen so she will go through the report and prioritise work required and costings. Also looking at any longer term solutions that would be more cost effective. 

News from Adrian Joel included that he will speak to the vicar and arrange road closure for Remembrance Sunday. The Clerk to arrange wreaths and it is hoped that as many Councillors as possible will attend. It had been suggested that the War Memorial might need cleaning. The Clerk researched this subject and the War Memorials Trust advise cleaning only when truly necessary as over cleaning can cause damage to the stone. A Christmas tree has been ordered and the lights have been repaired and improved. Switch on event will be on Sunday 12 December at 4pm. Ox and Plough are going to organise an event with a band and has also kindly offered to pay for the electricity for tree. Naomi Bailey to create a poster for the event.

Financial matters. The Community account balance now stands at £24,150.05. Payments for approval (5 in favour), which totalled £1,811.24, included the cost of the annual audit, the new handrail, paper for the village newsletter during 2022, grass cutting and strimming as well as payments to the community car drivers. The charity annual return has been filed.

Public Participation relating to agenda items. The need for a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) was first raised six years ago yet there has still been no action on it. The village needs to decide what they want included and get things moving. Steve Milner explained that it requires a lot of time and people to commit to and complete a Neighbourhood Plan. The Parish Council are looking to use New Buckenham’s Neighbourhood Plan as a template (nearly complete and approved after over four years of work). The Parish Council is there to help support the Neighbourhood Plan group but it is actually a community project that requires residents to lead and participate. First step is to get a group formed and Doug Irons is to research the structure and organisation required of a Neighbourhood Plan group.

AttCare Presentation by Elizabeth Burrows. Attcare is a charity that was set up as part of the Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan in order to find out what health and social care provisions are available and required for Attleborough and surrounding villages. Attleborough’s Health Practice is already very over-stretched due to a huge growth in population in the area without improvements to the infrastructure or services. Many services are now being held elsewhere, such as Wymondham and Norwich. A survey of the services available and what was required was completed six years ago and found significant gaps but this information is now out of date. The Government is going to provide five major towns in Norfolk funding to improve Health and Social Care and Attleborough is hoping to be selected. Attcare is acting as a facilitator by highlighting the needs and requirements of the town and neighbouring villages in order to improve its chances of selection for the funding. In order to do this, a new research survey is required. The survey is completed by UEA and has been split in to two halves. The first half has been completed and has established the facts around the current health and social care situation in Attleborough. Attcare is £3,500 short of its target to commission the second half of the report which will look at recommendations for improvements. All Parishes that use Attleborough health services are being asked if they can contribute towards this cost, with many donating. Steve Milner enquired about whether developers have donated and it was explained that they are contributing through ‘section 106’ funding. Attcare wishes to address many health and social care services including minor injuries, palliative care, mental health care, training to help increase staff numbers and supported living.

Councillors felt that these services are important to many residents of Old Buckenham and Attcare should be supported in its work to make significant improvements. Proposal to donate £500 was approved (5 in favour).

New planning applications received before the meeting. Old Hall, Harlingwood Lane. Replacement dwelling (3PL/2021/1251/F). Looking to tear down a 16th century building and replace it. There is extensive damage to the current property. Not a listed building but classed as ‘non designation heritage asset of significant local interest’. Councillors felt they would rather see restoration of current property rather than demolition. Propose to object was approved (5 in favour).

Hargham Road. Residential Development – 12 units (3PL/2021/1274/F). A member of the public made the following observations: This application will affect the whole village. It is outside the village settlement boundary and Old Buckenham has met its housing target, therefore there is no requirement for these properties. There is also the risk that it will set a precedent for further development in the area. It is set on a narrow road, which would possibly need widening. However, there are 10 large oak trees along that road which should be protected. Additionally, there are dangerous junctions in both directions. The design of the properties would cause significant light pollution which would affect neighbouring properties and local wildlife. Councillors were in agreement with these points and felt that the application would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the area. Adrian Joel highlighted that it also goes against many policies of Breckland’s Local Plan (GEN 02, COM 01 and TR02). Majority of comments on the Planning Portal are against the development. Breckland Councillor Steve Askew is unable to raise it to the Planning Committee. Anglian Water have also stated that they do not have the capacity to process the waste from these houses. Proposal to object was approved (5 in favour).

Crumb Cottage, Cake Street. First storey extension over existing single storey element and internal reconfiguration (3PL/2021/1290/HOU). No objections. Proposal to support was approved (5 in favour).

Twitchers Cottage, Stacksford. Retention of a mobile home which is used as an annex for a member of the family (3PL/2021/1333/F). Has been there for many years but need to renew it every 10 years. Proposal to support was approved (5 in favour).

26 Oaklands. Proposed Single Storey Front Extension (3PL/2021/1348/HOU). No objections. Unable to tell if it would project further forward than neighbouring properties. Proposal to support approved (5 in favour).

Old Buckenham Water Treatment Works, Abbey Road. Construction of a pump store at Old Buckenham Water Treatment Works (3PL/2021/1354/F). This is for the sewage works. No objections. Proposal to support approved (5 in favour).

Planning decisions by Breckland Council. The following applications have now been considered and the applications have been approved.

42 Fen Street. Single storey side and rear extensions (3PL/2021/0947/HOU).

The Barn, High London Farm, New Buckenham Road. Outline planning application for the conversion of an agricultural barn to a single dwelling (3PL/2020/1356/O).

Hunters House, access roads in and around Old Buckenham Hall. Erection of a 5m by 3.5m wood cabin within the front garden for use as a small dog grooming business (3PL/2021/0721/F).

Church Farmhouse, The Green. Proposed Single storey, Kitchen, Wetroom and Utility Room extensions and re-positioning of oil tank to front garden with screening (3PL/2021/1089/HOU).

The following application has now been considered and the application has been refused. Rear of 41 Hargham Road. Erection of single storey dwelling and two bay cart lodge (self build) (3PL/2021/0830/O).

The following application has been withdrawn. Caldcleugh, Cake Street. New Access to the Highway and Garage/Outbuilding (3PL/2021/1216/HOU).

Precept Grants launch. Councillors felt that the Precept Grants are important for the community and local groups. Proposal to continue Precept Grants approved (5 in favour). The Clerk is to update and advertise their availability. Application forms available from the Clerk. Deadline for receiving completed applications is Saturday 20 November.

Welcome Pack. This has been updated with all relevant information. The Clerk to advertise its availability and will need neighbours to notify her when and where it is required.

Allotment rents. Current allotment annual rent prices for Old Buckenham residents are £40 for a plot (40 metres by 20 metres) and £20 for half a plot. People outside the village pay £50 or £25. Twelve of the plots are currently being used. Proposal to maintain allotment rents as the same for 2021/22 was approved (5 in favour). If anyone is interested in renting an allotment, please contact the Clerk.

Wildflowers on the Green. The Green Working Party would like to trial growing some wildflowers on the Green in a 50 metre by 40 metre test area which will need clearing and preparing. A wildflower seed mix of native British flowers has been ordered to be sown in late March/early April 2022. Councillors asked for clarification of the area and how the area will be cordoned off and protected. Doug Irons also wanted to see a copy of report from the Wildlife Trust with its recommendations. Steve Milner to liaise with Green Working Party for further information.

Public footpaths. A Permissive Path near Puddledock has been rescinded. It was the only safe way for Puddledock residents to access village on foot without walking on dangerous roads, as well as being a popular walking route. There is confusion from many residents about the reason behind the change. Councillors clarified that this was a permissive path and not a Public Right of Way (PRoW) which meant the landowner gave permission for residents to walk on the land and so they are in their right to also stop that access. Terry Cook has good knowledge on the subject and will re-address public footpaths in the Parish at next month’s Parish Council meeting.

Working Parties Projects. This updated list of Working Parties members was agreed.

Personnel Committee: Adrian Joel, Mike Farrington, Terry Cook

Play Area Working Party: Naomi Bailey, Kerry Talbot (resident), Doug Irons

Recreation Area Working Party: Andy Nicholls, Steve Milner

SNAP: Steve Milner

Old Buckenham Village Hall: Terry Cook

Allotments: Adrian Joel

Parish Council website: Steve Milner, Rachel Noyes.

Old Buckenham Green Rights: Andy Nicholls

Almshouses Trust: Mike Farrington

Village Green Working Party: Andy Nicholls, Adrian Joel, Sarah Dye (Green Right Proprietor), Allison Frank (Green Right Proprietor), Lord of the Manor, John Fernihough (resident)

Eleemonosynary Trust: Steve Milner

Neighbourhood Plan: Steve Milner, Adrian Joel, Mike Farrington, Terry Cook, Andy Nicholls, Naomi Bailey, Doug Irons

Public Rights of Way (PRoW): Steve Milner, Terry Cook, Mike Farrington

School Liaison Officer: Naomi Bailey

Play area. Naomi Bailey to review the latest inspection report and price up any maintenance work required.

Items for next agenda. These will include the wild flower trial on the Green and current public footpaths in the village.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 4 November starting at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.