Saturday, 30 November 2019

Old Buckenham village newsletter for December

All the latest news
This issue is now being distributed around the village. Learn about an opportunity to be Father Christmas, the date of the next Bingo, the Christmas Eve service at All Saints, the next OB Players panto and how the editor won (and spent) £10.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Rest of the year in Old Buckenham

Diary dates for December

Tuesday 3    Coffee and Chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards

Wednesday 4    Chapel Friendship Group, Methodist Church, 2.30pm

Thursday 5    Women's Institute Christmas Lunch

Thursday 5    Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Friday 6    Chapel Green School Christmas Fayre, 9.30am to 11.30am

Wednesday 11    Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Thursday 12    Polling Station at Village Hall, 7am to 10pm

Thursday 12    Breckland Flower and Garden Club, 2pm

Thursday 12    Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm

Saturday 14    Bingo, Church Rooms, 2pm

Sunday 15    Silver Band and Christmas tree lights on Green, 4pm

Wednesday 18    Songs of praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm

Friday 20    Visits from Mobile Library during morning

Tuesday 24         'Follow the star' service, Church Rooms, 7pm

January 2020

Wednesday 1    Village photo at Church Rooms, 10.30am

Wednesday 1    Village walk starts from Church Rooms, 10.30am

Friday, 22 November 2019

Open Gardens again in Old Buckenham

Would you like to be involved?
Dates for a big weekend in June 2020.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Planting bulbs in Old Buckenham

Dig now, colour appears later

Have you an hour or two to spare this Friday?

Eating out in Old Buckenham

Try out our new restaurant
Why not get together with some friends and book yourselves a table at the village's latest eating place?

If you are wondering where this will all take place then you need to go to Chapel Green School on Friday 29 November.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Latest from Old Buckenham parish council

News for all villagers 
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes so may contain information that is amended at a later date. 
Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 7 November in the Village Hall, Old Buckenham. Those present were councillors Jonn Hicks (Chair), Steve Milner, Adrian Joel, Mike Farrington, Terry Cook and Gemma Frost. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk), County and District councillor Stephen Askew and twelve members of the public. Andy Nicholls and Ben Devlin had both sent apologies for non-attendance.
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3 October 2019 were approved (6 in favour). There were no matters arising.
Public participation relating to agenda items. Stephen Askew said there was still some flooding on Hargham Road despite previous work. He will use his councillor’s budget to complete more work but if that fails, they will have to dig up the road and do full repair work. Improvement work on Church Lane has not fully resolved the flooding problem. The local drainage is due to be upgraded in 2021/22 and he will continue to monitor the situation. He has also used his councillor’s budget for new signs advertising the village shop.
Jonn Hicks pointed out that shingle needs replacing outside Post Office Terrace after the crossing work. He is meeting with D Jacklin from Highways to discuss the frequent car crashes at Puddledock Corner, Stephen Askew was also invited to also attend this meeting.
Adrian Joel enquired about getting a new name plate for Fen Street .A parishioner has noticed that “new traffic signals ahead” sign obscures the flashing speed sign on approach from Attleborough. Also the reflector posts next to Manor Pond and the old style black and white signpost by Manor Pond are needing attention. The clerk to report to Highways.
A parishioner who cuts grass on the Green near the entrance to Oaklands asked about the Village Green Working Party – this would be discussed later. Jonn Hicks thanked this parishioner on behalf of the Parish Council for his work as it always looked great and offered a fuel donation for his lawn mower as a thank you.
Financial Report. The Community account balance is £43,235.40. Income received was £450 (community car).
Payments that were approved (6 in favour) totalled £2,198.48 which included £175.50 to the community car drivers, £749.21 for new play area bins, £577.32 for newsletter paper and £66 for village hall hire.
Planning applications. All planning applications are available for viewing on the Breckland District Council planning portal – Parish councillors have been asked by the chairman to view the new applications in advance of the meeting.
Land to the west of 22 Fen Street. Permission in principle for the erection of 4 dwellings (Town & Country Planning (Permission in Principle) (Amendment) Order 2017 (3PL/2019/1257/PIP).
Adrian Joel explained that there was a slight error in the Planning Statement. It stated that Old Buckenham needed to build 37 houses for its quota. However 20 have already been built and a further 6 have been approved leaving a requirement of 17 houses to be built by 2036. Several councillors expressed concern about several key factors including drainage, highways/traffic issues and an environmentally sensitive hedge that would be removed. The developer was present and explained that the application had just been updated which will mean that most of the hedge would be kept and the Breckland Tree Officer would therefore support it. Several residents of Fen Street expressed their concerns on the same issues as well as other utilities (such as water) and questioned whether there was actually a need for more housing. It was also felt by some that there was no consideration about alternative forms of transport, such as walkers or cyclists. Gemma Frost explained that the application showed that rainwater was going to be taken to a soakaway and that passing places had been suggested. She also felt that it was not the developer’s responsibility to fix the existing problems on Fen Street and that it stated in the application that the developer was willing to work with residents. It was highlighted that the Parish Council had previously approved an application for four dwellings on Fen Street. A proposal not to support this application was approved (4 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstain).
Land between Willow Cottage and Priest Hill Cottage, Fen Street. Permission in principle for the erection of one detached dwelling (3PL/2019/1258/PIP). The Parish Council expressed similar views and concerns as for the above application. This application is located opposite a piece of land that the Parish Council previously supported a single dwelling with no passing place. However Breckland rejected it. This application does include a passing place. Some councillors highlighted the need to be consistent in their decisions. A proposal not to support this application was approved (3 in favour, 2 against, 1 abstain).
Manor Corner, The Green. Two-storey side extension (3PL/2019/1259/HOU). The applicants were present and explained that this would not extend beyond the current footprint of the property and will end up similar to neighbouring properties. They have worked very closely with Historic Officer to ensure they are happy the appearance of the extension and that the correct materials are used. A proposal to accept this application was approved (7 in favour).
Old Buckenham Airfied, Abbey Road. Various enhancements and improvements to the Airfield. Permanent placement of a decommissioned Rockwell Twin Aero Commander for use as Emergency Response training (no hot fire exercises). Placement of up to two static caravans for use by key members of staff during events. Creation of a small 'Memorial Park' at the centre of which will be a ground level scale depiction of the wartime airfield. Addition to earthbund and fencing (3PL/2019/1231/F). Councillors were pleased to support the airfield as it is an important asset to the village. However there was some concern about the possibility of the static caravans being let out in the future. A proposal to support the application was agreed (6 in favour) on the condition that the caravans are not to be residential.
Double Banks Farm, Old Buckenham Road, Carleton Rode. Change of use of existing waste processing/composting facility to a household, commercial and industrial waste processing and recycling facility to produce refuse derived fuel and solid recovered fuel grade material (FUL/2019/0010).
While the site is in Carleton Rode, it is near to Old Buckenham and so is passed to Old Bukenham Parish Council for consultation. Steve Milner and Jonn Hicks have visited the site and explained that the proposed change of use is excellent as it will convert waste plastic into pellets which are combustible. However great concern by lots of councillors over the lack of information about the designated routes for lorries travelling to/from the facility. This could affect neighbouring villages and some roads have weight limits. While very keen to support alternatives to fossil fuels, the Parish Council decided to withhold any decision until more information on traffic routes is made available.
Downmore Farm, Banham Road. Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling (Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 2015 Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q) (3PN/2019/0055/UC). Due to receiving notification on the day of the meeting, a request will be made to delay the deadline and the application will be discussed at December’s meeting.
Planning decision by Breckland Council. College Park Caravan Park, Doe Lane. Retrospective planning application for change of use from agricultural land to leisure use (3PL/2019/0958/F). This application has now been considered and has been approved.
Ottomer Pond benches. All three plinths have been assigned. The design for one bench has been approved.
Action Log. Gemma Frost updated councillors on progress of items on the Action Log
Standing Orders review. One amendment made to edit 3e to say ‘Any further involvement at the discretion of the chairman’ and to remove 3g.
Neighbourhood Plan. Jonn Hicks, Steve Milner and Adrian Joel attended a Neighbourhood Planning course in October. The presenter of the course had written one herself. Old Buckenham has already completed a village survey and has the area designated. Next need is to decide which policies to focus on and then look to hire a consultant to help write them. The presenter highlighted the need to show that the Parish Council are actively engaging with the community throughout the process. It is intended to start by using the village meeting on Saturday 11 January 2020 to consult on ideas (see next item on May Bank Holiday). A Neighbourhood Plan will give Old Buckenham Parish Council more power regarding the future planning and development of the village.
(Gemma Frost had to leave the meeting early)
May Bank Holiday. Jonn Hicks has suggested having a Food Festival and Craft Market on the Green on Sunday 24 May 2020 to raise funds for the repair of the village windmill. Live music would follow in the evening. To discuss the proposed event and establish the level of interest, there will be a Village Meeting on Saturday 11 January at 10am at the Village Hall. This will also be used as an opportunity to discuss a Neighbourhood Plan.
Village Green Working Party. A tree survey has been carried out for work that needs doing and three quotes received from local tree surgeons. The quotes were £1560, £2720 and £2920. There was confusion about how one quote could be significantly lower than the other two. While two quotes were accompanied by a clear break down of the specific work involved, one was more vague. There was also concern about whether all three companies had the necessary safety certificates to complete the work. The Parish Council decided that the companies should be asked to requote for the work but they must include a clearer job specification including the removal of all wood from site, a copy of their Public Liability Statement and RAM Statement.
Road Safety. Steve Milner will be collecting and receiving training on using the new SAM 2 speed equipment on Sunday 14 November.
Play Area. Work has been done on both the bridge and the path. An inspection is due in February. Several matters need urgent attention to ensure the play area will pass this inspection such as re-turfing under the swings, re-making the tractor and replacing the surface under the climbing frame. Because of the height of the frame and a potential falls, rubber pellets must now be used. Two quotes have been received for removing the current chippings and membrane and then replacing the wooden edging, installing a new membrane and filling with new rubber pellets. The quotes were for £5,300 and £4,100.It was agreed to accept the lower quote (5 in favour).
Councillors’ reports. Steve Milner explained that new CAA regulations are coming in to force regarding the flying drones. There should not be any drones flown on the Green anyway because of the nearby airfield. Terry Cook reported back on Village Hall matters. The PA system has been updated. The refurbishment of the Village Hall means that there will be a small rise in hiring fees after being the same for several years. The hall will be the polling station in next month’s General Election. There was a query over who has authority over use of the Recreation Area – the Village Hall or the Parish Council? As the Parish Council owns the land, the Parish Council should have final say. There have been requests for new football posts and to plant some trees on the land.
Mike Farrington asked that people be careful driving through Puddledock. He has witnessed an increase in road traffic accidents recently with the winter weather causing problems. It was suggested that he should keep a detailed list of all the accidents even if the police did not attend. Adrian Joel said that the allotment rents are due and that the Christmas tree for the Green has been ordered.
Items for the next agenda would include an update on the proposed weather radar.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 5 December at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall. The first meeting in 2020 will be on Thursday 9 January, a week later than the usual date.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Christmas Fayre in Old Buckenham

Come along to Chapel Green School

Visit the school next month, the poster says it all.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Remembrance in Old Buckenham

At our war memorial on the Green
The sun was shining, the trees were in their autumn colours and many villagers and village organisations were in attendance.
Here are some photos to give a flavour of the occasion. Click on the images to see them at a larger size.

Tidying up the site the day before
Police attend to block the road
Gathering around the memorial

Many wreaths were laid

Primary School children with the book they have prepared
The wreaths on the memorial
Walking back to the Church Rooms

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Free evening talk in Old Buckenham

Norfolk's Living Landscape

Come along to Old Buckenham Village Hall on Friday 22 November and let Caroline Spinks of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust take you on a photographic journey through Norfolk's varied landscapes.
There is no need to book. The event is free and there will be a bar, coffee and tea available.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Next stage in Old Buckenham re-thatching

The thatch has been cleared
The old reed that covered the main roof of All Saints Church in Old Buckenham has now all been removed and the rafters can just be seen through a gap in the covering that surrounds the protective scaffolding. The roof will now be examined to see what timber repairs may be needed.
The blog editor has been trying to take some illustrative photographs and these are best he can manage. Click on the images to enlarge them.

More old reed to be taken away

Monday, 4 November 2019

Re-thatching progress in Old Buckenham

Under cover work
Working  under the protective roof, the removal of the old thatching material from All Saints Church has begun. Another load of old reed being loaded up to be carted away.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

November Market in Old Buckenham

Come along and join in
Next Saturday is an opportunity to have some homemade soup and a roll while chatting to other villagers (after you have been round the various stalls and bought your raffle tickets).