Friday, 31 May 2019

Busy month in Old Buckenham

Diary dates for June 

Saturday 1    WI coffee morning, 59 Fen Street, 10.30am to 12.30pm

Monday 3    Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Monday 3    Reflection and Prayer, Methodist Chapel, 7pm to 8pm

Tuesday 4    Coffee and Chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards

Wednesday 5    Chapel Friendship Group, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm

Thursday 6    Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Friday 7    Visits from Mobile Library during morning

Sunday 9    Village 10K run, 10am start on the Green

Wednesday 12    Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Thursday 13    Breckland Flower and Garden Club, Besthorpe Hall, 2pm

Thursday 13    Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms,7.30pm

Monday 17    Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Wednesday 19    Songs of praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm

Thursday 20    Community Cafe, Chapel Green School, 9.30am to 11.30am

Wednesday 26    Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Thursday 27    Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Saturday 29     Summer Fete, Chapel Green School, 12 noon to 3pm

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Old Buckenham 2000 Trust

Trust has its AGM
The Old Buckenham 2000 Trust held their AGM on Wednesday 15 May in the Church Rooms.
The Chairman’s report was a brief resume of activities during the year which consisted of a 10k run in April 2018 and a Disco in February 2019, both events raising substantial sums of money to be distributed to various village organisations. Another 10k run is scheduled for Sunday 9 June this year and another successful event is anticipated.
The annual Christmas Sainsbury collection for the St Martins Housing Trust took place and the day was organised by Terri and Steve Hammond on behalf of the OB 2000 Trust.
The Trust currently has five trustees and would be keen to talk to any interested prospective members with a view to increasing the number to between six and nine.
The Treasurer reported that the Trust currently has a healthy balance after making several payments. The 10k run raised funds for the Church ‘Raise the Roof’ appeal in excess of £2000. The Disco raised £381 awarded to the local Scouts Group and £190 was awarded to the Brownies. Both groups were very appreciative of these funds and have expressed their intentions to put the monies towards future planned events and trips.
All trustees were prepared to remain for another year and with no other attendees present the status quo was retained. All current holders were re-elected en-bloc with the introduction of a position for a Communications Officer, these duties are to be undertaken by Meg Batchelor.
It was agreed that the AGM needed to be advertised locally and the Secretary is to maintain an administration diary to ensure everybody is kept informed of meetings and other activities.
The next AGM has been arranged for Wednesday 13 June 2020 in the Church Rooms at 8pm.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Old Buckenham Methodists

Busy time at Methodist Church
A successful and enjoyable Alternative Quiz was held in April with five teams competing. A very different range of questions were tackled, many of which were visual questions using the TV screen fixed on the wall. The eventual winners was the team ‘two plus two’ consisting of Alison and David Hannah, Alison Frank and John Frost. Refreshments were on the tables to be nibbled all the evening and teas and coffees were served at half time. An excellent evening all round with £150 being raised at the Quiz for St Martins Trust in Norwich.
A very happy afternoon was held a few days later when the Chapel Friendship Group held their latest meeting. This time there were more quizzes devised by one of the members with the winners of each receiving a prize.
On Monday 3 June there will be an hour of Reflection and Prayer between 7pm and 8pm as part of the initiative of the Church of England, praying through the nine days between Ascension day and Pentecost. This will be led by Rev Jacqui Horton. Then on Wednesday 5 June the Chapel Friendship Group (CFG) meets at 2.30pm when Rev Jacqui Horton will be helping to organise something that relates to the '30 days Wild in June' being organised by the Wild Life Trust.
Songs of Praise will be as normal at 7.30pm on Wednesday 19 June.
Looking forward to the following month, the CFG meets at 2.30pm on Wednesday 3 July when Jacqui will be showing pictures and objects from her recent travels whilst on her sabbatical.
On Sunday 7 July at 3pm there will be a special service (no service in the morning). Sadly the Church will be losing the minister Rev Jacqui Horton and the deacon Jen Woodfin. Jacqui is moving on to become Superintendent of the Central Norfolk Circuit and Jen is going also, to continue her work as Deacon in that Circuit too. It is sad to see them go. A special service will be held on the above date, Jacqui and Jen will choose some hymns/songs and tea and cakes will be served. This service is open to all people in the village to enable them to come and say goodbye to Jacqui and Jen. If you have met them in the ten years that they have been connected to our Methodist Church, please come as this will be their last service here. They have both been very instrumental to the life of our church, (literally in Jen's case, as she plays the organ) and they will be missed tremendously.
Wednesday 18 July will be the last appearance of Jacqui and Jen at our Methodist Church for Songs of Praise at 7.30pm.
These events are open to all, please come and join in.

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Old Buckenham and flowers

Found in the attic
On Thursday 9 May members of Breckland Flower and Garden Club welcomed Terri Potter to Old Buckenham Village Hall. It was Terri’s first visit to the Club and she presented her demonstration called “Attic Attack”. The clue was in the title as all her props had been retrieved from her attic. Terri began with an old suitcase from around 1975 which she filled with beautiful white flowers and foliage from her garden, creating a bridal bouquet arrangement and taking us back to her wedding day. Next, using a container that she had made and stored in her attic for sometime, she created a stunning design using carnations and roses with colours from lemon through to bright orange. For her third arrangement she used a container she had found in a well-known shop, one where when you see it you have to buy it as there is a good chance it will be gone next time you visit. Using beautiful pink lilies named ‘Christopher’ she created another delightful arrangement adding aspidistra leaves and some unusual spades she had made from thin wire and found in, yes, the attic. Next using knitted small hammocks hung onto some robust branches and greenery from the garden she produced yet another unusual arrangement. Her fifth design used an old picture frame with tubes attached to add foliage and flowers. For her sixth and final arrangement Terri used a tall three-tier stand, decorated with glass-shaped diamonds down the sides. This year NAFAS celebrates its Diamond Anniversary, 60 years since it was recognised that ladies were in need of something creative to do together following the war when they had been busy doing men’s work now no longer needed. Refreshments followed with a chance to purchase more raffle tickets. At least ten lucky ladies would be taking Terri’s’ arrangements home.
Terri judged the competitions. The winners were Christine Hewson for the table show “Blossom Time” and Pat Barton who won the trophy for “Long forgotten”, an arrangement using an item from the attic.
The next meeting on Thursday 13 June at 2pm is a garden visit to Besthorpe Hall followed by afternoon tea at Peter Beales so no meeting that day at the Village Hall.
For more details regarding any of the above including membership or visiting the club, please contact Christine Hewson on 01953 454528 or Sally Westrup on 01953 788712.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Helicopters over Old Buckenham

Local flying
On a couple of occasions recently, people have contacted Old Buckenham Airfield to let them know about a helicopter annoying horses in the village. It’s nothing to do with the Airfield at all and whoever it is seems to land just outside their sphere of influence. They saw it on their screens on Friday morning and the registration was G-GETU which is large black executive machine quite possibly undertaking charter work. 
The Airfield are at pains to point out that this is nothing to do with them, even if the helicopter did come within their ‘zone’, they are not able to prevent it from doing so.
 At the same time some may have spotted another black helicopter, this time with a gold stripe, flying in the area. This is bringing, Matt at the Airfield has been told, the new owners of Banham Poultry to and from their site on Bunn’s Bank. Once again, the Airfield powerless to stop them although the Airfield have asked them to take a path that causes least nuisance which they appear to be doing. In this instance any complaints arising should be addressed to Banham Poultry direct. 
The Airfield are happy to pass on any information that they see on their screen (which depends on the aircraft to be fitted with a system called ADS-B). 

Friday, 17 May 2019

Latest parish council meeting

Discussions in May
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 5 May at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Old Buckenham. Those present were councillors Jonn Hicks (Chair) Steve Milner, Donna Oakley, Adrian Joel and Ben Devlin as well as Rachel Noyes (Clerk), two members of the public and District and County councillor Stephen Askew. Ben Devlin was co-opted in as a councillor (4 in favour,) Jonn Hicks re-elected as Chairman (4 in favour), Steve Milner elected as Vice Chairman (4 in favour) and Declaration of Acceptance signed by all present.
Apologies for absence had been received from Andy Nicholls and Gemma Frost who has resigned as a councillor.
Minutes of April meeting. These were approved.
Matters arising from these minutes. Should have read 17 houses to be built (rather than 12).
Public participation. One parishioner requested that someone from the parish council attends village hall management meetings. Jonn Hicks will attend if no one else does. The key fob box for Village Hall was moved slightly because of the installation of the defibrillator.
A further parishioner discussed Fen Street planning application (3PL/2019/0231/O). They felt that by moving garages to the side of the houses, it increased the urbanisation of the countryside. They wanted to highlight that Highway had concerns about the application but that Breckland were recommending approval despite the safety issues raised. As these were also issues that the Parish Council had highlighted to Breckland Council, would the Parish Council change their view and support of the application? Another parishioner also discussed the Fen Street application (3PL/2019/0231/O). Apart from purchasing more land, which was not possible, there is little that can be done. A clear passing place will be created.
Stephen Askew, the recently elected District Councillor, said he would provide an update on the Puffin crossing at the Annual Parish Meeting on Friday 31 May). Church Street is proving difficult to sort but still working on it. Funding for Public Partnership is delayed but hopefully should be decided soon. Adrian Joel had been asked by a member of the public about the move of Banham Poultry to Bunn’s Bank and therefore asked if Old Buckenham Parish Council would be consulted. Jonn Hicks explained that it had already been approved but they had applied for an extension. Also newer technology should mean there would be no smell emitted.
Financial matters. Balance in the community account was £47,623.64 and balance in the premium account £2,878.92. Income received included allotment rent of £100, £450 from Breckland Council for community car scheme and £70 in donations for wood.
Payments to be approved totalled £5,603.53 and included Norris & Fisher (insurance renewal) of £560.39, agreed grants of £2,759.98, £95.85 to community car drivers, £600 to JD Tree Services and £540 to Broadland Tree Services for the Christmas tree on the Green.
Planning applications. (All planning applications are available for viewing on the Breckland District Council planning portal Parish councillors have been asked by the chairman to view the new applications in advance of the meeting).
Poplar Farm, Fen Road. Demolish existing agricultural building and construct new residential dwelling (3PL/2019/0287/F). Concerns were raised about the single land access to the site accommodating construction lorries. It was also highlighted that it is outside the village boundary (but within the Parish) and therefore would not count towards the 17 houses quota. (in favour 1, against 3, abstain 1).
Site at Harlingwood Lane. Construction of two new dwelling houses and garages (3PL/2019/0333/F). Previous applications have been refused due to concerns from Highways. In particular, the junction to turn out of Harlingwood Lane is dangerous. There is also a pond on site as it was used to drain water away from a neighbouring field, but drainage has been factored in to the plans. Ben Devlin felt that it was important to use these pockets of land in the village in order to limit the spread outwards with large developments. (4 against, 1 abstain).
Hunters House, access roads in and around Old Buckenham Hall. Construction of two new dwelling houses and garages. Redesign conservatory to a garden room (amended design) (3PL/2019/0385/HOU). Lots of extensions have already been done on house. They are re-doing an existing extension. (in favour 5).
Orchard House, Loss Wroo, Hargham Road. Demolish existing extensions and conservatory, erection of two-storey extension on south elevation, erection of boundary fences and entrance gates (3PL/2019/0445/HOU). Previous application approved by Council but then withdrawn. This is a new application with addition of fences and gates. (in favour 5)
Land to the rear of Church Farmhouse, The Green. Outline consent for the erection of a single detached dwelling and garage (3PL/2019/0466/O). Will be a shared driveway with a 1½ storey house. Some residents concerned by traffic and being overlooked. Jonn Hicks explained that using the planning checklist for guidance, there was not anything to object to. This was outline consent only and designs with windows, etc, would come later on. A member of the public highlighted that there was a row of tall trees at the back of the front property in which were not on the drawings which would prevent it being overlooked. (in favour 5 as long as the trees are kept).
Land to the north of Fen Street. Erection of four detached dwellings (3PL/2019/0231/O). Application has been adapted. Forward garages removed. Original application was supported by the parish council as long as conditions regarding traffic safety and utilities were met. Adrian Joel felt that, as these conditions have not been addressed, the parish council could not support it. Steve Milner also expressed disappointment that Breckland had not shown any positive engagement to find solutions to the issues raised (eg working with Sustrans for ideas for cyclists) and highlighted that there was no safe way in/out of Fen Street as all junctions were difficult. Ben Devlin again highlighted the need to use the pockets of land available in the village and questioned whether four houses would make much difference to the existing traffic. He felt that construction and speed limits/cycle paths in the village were separate issues. (in favour 3, against 2).
Planning decisions by Breckland Council. Manor Corner, The Green. Two-storey side extension and internal alterations (3PL/2019/0083/HOU). This application has now been considered and the application has been refused.
College Barn, Cake Street. Variation of condition number 2 on 3PL/2017/0927/F as the roof height has been increased by 500mm as the existing headroom was too low once insulation has been introduced (3PL/2019/0282/VAR). The above application has now been considered and the application has been approved.
Playground posts. The wooden posts around the children’s play area have been removed. As previously agreed, the council will not be paying for the installation of the posts. The £55 payment towards the reflectors has been returned and asked to be donated to Raise the Roof Fund. NCC Highways has asked the parishioner to restore the verge to its original state. Jonn Hicks and the parishioner who installed the posts have had a discussion. Both parties agreed that they had had a conversation previously in which Jonn Hicks had said to send the paid invoice to the parish council for discussion over possible part/full payment. However this was unlikely due to the work not being authorised previously by the parish council. It was questioned why the paid invoice was addressed to the parish council when they had not requested the work. Many parishioners and councillors felt the posts were a good idea and were disappointed to see Highways object to them and request their removal. It was particularly felt that Highways are quick to object to issues but slow or reluctant to improve things for villagers’ safety. It was suggested that D Jacklin from Highways was invited to walk around the village with councillors in order to highlight the many issues (speed limits, potholes, etc).
Green lease. The Green Working Party were keen to extend the lease as they were pleased with how it has gone over last few years. The documentation has not yet been passed on to parish council for consultation. Once it is received, the parish council will look at the details and discuss.
Chairman’s report. In the week before the current meeting Gemma Frost (and later the Clerk) received a phone call from a parishioner who was rude and hung up on her. It was this abuse and pressurising from several parishioners that was a contributing factor to Gemma Frost resigning from the council. Several councillors and even their family members have had verbal abuse aimed at them in recent months. Parishioners need to remember that everyone volunteers their time for the villages’ benefit and no one has the right to be rude and abusive to the councillors or their families. The parish council are happy to listen to concerns and help where possible as long as they are spoken to in a polite and respectful manner. The Clerk should be the first form of contact and it is worth remembering that decisions are made by the whole Council and not individuals.
Play Area. Thanks to Jonn Hicks for cutting the grass around the play area. Also praise from several councillors on how much their families enjoy using it.
Recreation Area. Adrian Joel explained that Andy Nicholls has spoken to Stuart Barker about cutting the grass in future. The next cut will wait until drier weather and also once the water from the leak from Chapel Green School has drained. A corner has been marked off for bee orchids to grow.
Councillors’ reports. A parishioner has spoken to Steve Milner about the 40mph zone on Cake Street. Highways have been contacted about speed limits in the village but are not interested in changes. Ben Devlin requested a budget of £3,000 to repair and update the phone box (quotes have been approximately £5,000). Budget approved subject to getting written quotes prior to work. Will hopefully progress this month. Also will be cutting the grass for the Ox and Plough ready for Two Wheel Tuesday so will try and cut the Village Hall grass too. Adrian Joel had received a request for an allotment from someone who lives outside of Old Buckenham. Usually £50 rent but as there is only six months left, it is reduced to £25. A parishioner has complained that the stones on Hargham Road are difficult to walk on and untidy. The phone mast is progressing, currently waiting for companies to install electricity to the site and then erect the mast.
Items for next agenda. These are expected to include the phone box, Parish Council working parties and the Neighbourhood Plan.

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 6 June at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Busy time for Old Buckenham WI

What the WI has been up to

The month of April was a busy one for Old Buckenham WI. On Friday 12 April five members joined 750 WI members in Norwich Cathedral for a service to celebrate 100 years of the Norfolk Federation. The service was led by the Dean of Norwich and reflected the work of the Federation since 1919.
On Thursday 18 April week Old Buckenham WI met with other WIs in the area for a group meeting when the guest speaker was Kate Prout, a roving reporter from Anglia TV. At the regular monthly meeting the following week the speaker was Simon White who gave an insight into the history of Peter Beales Roses and talked about the forthcoming developments of the nursery in Attleborough.
The following day twelve members with friends embarked on two local walks as part of the Women Walk the World Day event. The walks were followed by a light lunch in the Village Hall and raised £143 for Associated Country Women of the World, which raises funds the education of women in third world countries and of which the WI is a founder member.
The next event is a Coffee Morning on Saturday 1 June at 59 Fen Street, by kind permission of Roy and Pat Dickinson, from 10.30am. Please do come along – this is an excellent opportunity to see around Roy and Pat’s delightful garden. The next monthly meeting is on Thursday 27 June when the speaker will be Julie Porter talking about 'Re-cycling with a difference'.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Election result in Old Buckenham

Our 'new' Breckland councillor
As a result of yesterday's election, our existing county councillor Stephen Askew has now also taken on the job representing Old Buckenham on Breckland District Council.
The official result was:

The Buckenhams & Banham

ASKEW Stephen, Conservative Party, 458 votes, elected

NEBBETT Christine, Labour Party, 106 votes

PRIOR Janet Margaret, Green Party, 270 votes

 (Electorate 2,547, ballot papers issued 843, turnout: 33.10%)

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Old Buckenham's latest newsletter

May issue has just appeared
This month's issue has been late appearing but is now being distributed around. Plenty of news for you to read.