Monday, 30 April 2018

Old Buckenham events in May

Diary dates for May

Tuesday 1          Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards
Wednesday 2    Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 2    Academisation talk, High School, 7pm
Thursday 3        Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 5         Litter pick on Green from 10am
Saturday 5         Barbecue and mini cider festival, Gamekeeper, 1pm to 6pm .
Sunday 6         Meet the Bishop, All Saints Church, 12 noon
Wednesday 9    Ladies meeting, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Thursday 10      Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 10      Silver Band concert, Methodist Chapel,7.30pm
Thursday 10      Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm 
Friday 11           Visits from Mobile Library during morning
Sunday 13         Windmill open to public, 2pm to 5pm
Wednesday 16  Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 16  Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Wednesday 16  OB2000 Trust AGM, Church Rooms, 8pm
Thursday 17      The Tempest, OB players, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 18           The Tempest, OB players, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 19     Gamekeeper birthday celebrations, from 1pm
Saturday 19       The Tempest, OB players, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Sunday 20         Christian Aid stall, Church Rooms, 10.30am
Monday 21        Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Wednesday 23  Pre-school open event, 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Thursday 24      Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
  Wednesday 30 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Latest Old Buckenham newsletter

Got your copy yet?
The May issue of the newsletter has been spread around ready for you to read the latest village news, check on the parish council minutes before their meeting on Thursday 3 May and see what events are in store for the next few months.

There have also been lots of 'Yard Sales' in Old Buckenham today. It was cold and damp but there were people going around and buying things.

This really was a garage sale...

Friday, 27 April 2018

Old Buckenham bags a bishop

Meet up with Bishop Graham
All Saints PCC invite you to an informal gathering with light refreshments on Sunday 6 May between 12 noon to 1pm at All Saints Church.

The Right Reverend Graham James, Bishop of Norwich, will be visiting Old Buckenham on that Sunday and has kindly agreed to spend time at All Saints Church before going on to have lunch at the Gamekeeper.
This won't be a church service or a fundraiser, just a chance to get together in an informal setting and hear what Bishop Graham has to say. All are welcome. It will provide a chance to say thank you to everybody who is engaged in the 'Raise the Roof’ effort but also to all those who make a difference to life in our village by working on committees, organising, helping out and supporting the many groups, organisations and activities that exist in Old Buckenham.
This is an opportunity to meet Bishop Graham - prominent in religious life (as the longest serving Bishop in the Church of England) of course but also a member of the House of Lords, a regular visitor to the Queen at Sandringham, a broadcaster and entertaining speaker, rumoured to have a keen interest in amateur dramatics. He is a patron of many charities and may provide words of inspiration and perhaps a bit of a pep-talk to encourage everyone, whatever they are working for.
Drinks and light refreshments will be served so an rsvp would be helpful for catering numbers but not essential should you make a late decision. Children and other family members are welcome – it will be delightful if you are able to come along. Please contact Sarah Dye to rsvp or for more details. Ring 01953 860865 or email

If you want to know more about the meal with the bishop at the Gamekeeper the people to contact are Ray Bayfield (01953 860593 or Terry Cracknell (01953 860747).

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Finding bargains in Old Buckenham

Update on yard sales locations
There are now 23 places who have said they will be having a yard sale next Sunday 29 April. Here is a list of them. 

4 St Andrews Close
28 St Andrews Close
28b St Andrews Close
28c St Andrews Close

17 Hargham Road
28 Hargham Road
29 Hargham Road

3 Fen Street
5 Fen Street
39 Fen Street
50 Fen Street
57 Fen Street
62a Fen Street

Tye Cottage, Attleborough Road
The Beeches, Attleborough Road

Meadow Croft, Doe Lane
Rest-a-while, Doe Lane
The Gables, Cake Street
Blessings, Crown Road

Acer House on the Green
Tamworth House on the Green.
Ashtree Cottage on the Green
1 Old Post Office Terrace

The Ox and Plough will be doing teas, coffees, bacon rolls and sausage rolls on the day. Also free squash for children. 
Grab your bargains and then you can relax with a cuppa and rolls.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Old Buckenham's great race

10K in pictures
Today Old Buckenham had its first 10K road race, the aim being to raise money towards the cost of re-thatching the village's All Saints Church. It was part of the 'Raise the Roof'campaign which has been fund-raising though all sorts of ways.
The sun shone throughout the day making it better for the organisers but the high temperatures causing some problems for the runners.
Below is a photo essay of the day giving some idea of what went on behind the scenes. You can find the technical stuff like winners, their times and photos of runners crossing the finishing line at
You can enlarge these pictures by just clicking on them.

Gathering outside the village hall

Signing in

Trying to push a tree over? No just stretching before the run

Ready for the start

Reaching the finishing line

Another sprint to the finish

Gemma makes it ten out of ten (completing her tenth 10K run in the last ten days)

Local runners take on liquid after the race

Massaging those tired legs

Homemade cakes go down well

Awaiting the medal ceremony

Collecting a medal

Another medal winner

Celia gets her own special medal for all her organising

Friday, 20 April 2018

Old Buckenham Parish Council in April

Latest discussions
These notes have been written by the blog editor from  the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.  The full minutes are available to read in the notice board outside the village shop.
The meeting of the Old Buckenham Parish Council was held on Thursday 5 April in the Village Hall. The councillors present were Adrian Joel (Chairman), Ben Devlin, Gemma Frost, Jon Hicks, Phil Little, Andy Nichols and Steve Milner along with Andy Emms (temporary Parish Clerk) and thirteen members of the public.
The chairman said that Tom Johnson had passed away since the last meeting. Tom was a parish councillor for a number of years. He represented the council on the Village Hall committee and made a big contribution to health and safety issues. The Parish Council then observed a moments silence in memory of Tom Johnson.
Co-option of parish councillor. The chairman said that only one application had been received and this was from Lauren Wiseman. It was unfortunate that she was unable to attend the meeting and would need to make the formal declaration of acceptance of office in due course. It was resolved, unanimously, to co-opt Lauren Wiseman as parish councillor. Minutes of March meeting. These were approved.
Public participation relating to agenda items. A parishioner said that he was attending to support his planning application for Homestead, The Green. Approval had already been given for the erection of a dwelling which would be sited towards the rear of the property and this ‘reserved matters’ application related to the final design.
A parishioner who lived in Barbers Yard commented on how well organised the Two Wheel Tuesday event was. It was run efficiently and safely and although he was one of the closest residents to the Ox and Plough pub and the site of the event, he had no issues about it. Another parishioner said she was concerned about the Two Wheel Tuesday event. As a nearby resident she had not been asked if she was happy about it or not and she queried the benefit it brought to the village. She said there was noise pollution and fumes and the event this week had not been marshalled. She said that there was a danger to people and pets on the highway and queried if there was public liability insurance in place. A further parishioner welcomed the fact that Two Wheel Tuesday was carrying on this year. He said he was pleased to see the Green being used and appreciated by so many people. Regarding public participation at meetings, he believed that there should be provision for the public to raise any matters of concern and not be limited to commenting only on items that were on the agenda. A parishioner said he believed that Two Wheel Tuesday was a massive asset to the village. He queried whether the police had been contacted regarding the event and if they were happy with the way it was organised.
The Landlord of the Ox and Plough said that he had public liability insurance which covered Two Wheel Tuesday and would be happy for anyone to see details of it. He said that the latest event had been cancelled due to the Green being waterlogged although some bikers did turn up who had not been aware that it had been cancelled. There were five stewards in attendance so it was not correct to suggest that it had not been marshalled.
A parishioner said that he did not believe that his concerns regarding the requirement for dogs to be under control on the Green and the legality of the signs on the bins had been adequately addressed. The Chairman said he would respond under his report later in the meeting.
Declarations of interests. The temporary Parish Clerk said that Ben Devlin had declared a ‘Disclosable Pecuniary Interest’ in Two Wheel Tuesday which was a substantive item on the agenda for this meeting. As the host of the event, only he could provide information to the council on some of the detailed arrangements in place and he had therefore submitted a request (under paragraph 13 (d)-(h) of the Parish Council Standing Orders) to take part in discussion on this item and anytime it is discussed in the future within the next four years. The application met the required criteria and had therefore been granted.
New Parish Clerk and councillor vacancies. The chairman said that there were still three vacancies for parish councillors. The statutory notices would be advertised again. If any members of the public were interested in applying they could contact him if they required more information. Phil Little said interviews for the position of parish clerk had been held and a formal offer would be made shortly.
Planning applications. Firfields, Fen Street. Certificate of lawfulness re proposed extension.The council resolved, unanimously, not to submit a view.
Homestead, The Green. Erection of dwelling and garage (reserved matters). The council resolved, with six voting in favour and one abstention, to support the application.
East View, Attleborough Road. Extension to garden store. The council resolved, with five voting in favour and two abstentions, to support the application.
Dairy Barn, Cake Street. Internal alterations These applications had already been approved by Breckland District Council.
Whitehands Farm, Stacksford. Variation of condition two of previous planning approvals to allow parking of additional vehicle. The council resolved, with five voting in favour and two abstentions, to support the application.
Peacehaven, 29 Fen Street. Extension to existing property to form snug/dining room. The council resolved, with six voting in favour and one abstention, to support the application.
Financial matters. The current account balance is £33,529.45 and the premium account balance is £2,873.20. The sum of £500 had been received from the Green Right Holders in respect of a wayleave.
The Buckenham Pre-School and Nursery had informed the council that its proposed “adoption” by the primary school had been delayed and asked if the grant application to purchase a farm play set, which had been refused, could be reconsidered. Councillors commented that the intention to change status remained and resolved, unanimously, not to reconsider the grant application.
Payments approved included £84 for grit blasting the village sign and £29.95 for the annual charge for the parish council’s website. The precept grants totalling £2301.57 had now been paid to New Buckenham Junior FC, Senior citizens Christmas party, Old Buckenham WI, Fete Committee, the Monday Mardle Group and Old Buckenham Cricket Club.
The Chairman said that as the council currently did not have a permanent parish clerk, support was needed to prepare the year end accounts and resolved, unanimously, to appoint Donna Oakley, Gemini Accounting Services to check and complete the year end accounts.
The council agreed a fee of £500, payable in two instalments of £250, for the Ox and Plough for benches and the use of the designated area on the Green.
Chairman’s report. The chairman thanked Andy Nichols for carrying out his role as Vice- Chairman and chairing the March meeting. Although she was not in attendance, he formally welcomed Lauren Wiseman to the parish council and hoped that she enjoys her time as a councillor.
On the matter of dogs, the parish council has considered and discussed the matter of dogs being on leads and under control whilst on the Green and has provided further bins around the Green for dog waste. On each of these bins there is a sign, as used by the National Trust, requesting that owners clean up after their dogs and keep on them on leads. This is purely an advisory or a request as the council have no intention of trying to police this, in the same manner that many public spaces and open access areas request it but are unable to police it. Furthermore, there is a legal requirement for owners to have their dogs under control in any area, not just on the Green, and this puts any liability squarely with the dog owner should any incident occur. This being the case, the council are happy that these arrangements have been adequate and therefore as far as it reasonably practicable, legally acceptable.
District Councillor’s report. The chairman said that Breckland District Council had agreed to invest over £1million in providing new temporary accommodation to help meet the needs of those who experience homelessness in the district to ensure families are kept together. During the heavy snow in February/March, Breckland officers ensured that there were no rough sleepers in the street or in the forest. To mark the centenary of the WW1 armistice, Breckland District Council had set up a fund to support local organisations and communities who wish to stage events and develop projects that explore, share and conserve the heritage of the Great War in the district. Up to £500 was available for projects that could include documenting the war through film/audio recordings, collecting personal stories or memories of those affected by the war, staging exhibitions, organising talks, etc.
Village Green Management Committee. A summary report of action completed and proposed had been circulated. The chairman said that the village sign, which had been removed for restoration, should be back in two months. He had also received a request from David Power to remove and repair the seat sited near the Gamekeeper pub, which his family had donated in memory of their mother. Permission was given for this.
Road Safety. Steve Milner said that the issue of large vehicles, including tractors, had been raised at the last meeting. He said that verges were being eroded and the tractor/trailer combinations, in particular, sounded loud and menacing. However, he had found that they were usually within the speed limit. The Speedwatch would commence again soon and the three sites authorised for this were Cake Street, on the Green by the war memorial and in Hargham Road. Jon Hicks said that large HGV vehicles were ignoring the weight limit on Hargham Road. He had reported this to the police with photographic evidence but they said it was an enforcement matter for Norfolk County Council. Andy Nichols suggested that this was a matter that should be referred to County Councillor Stephen Askew for action. In reply to a question, Steve Milner said that Norfolk County Council’s report following the highways study regarding a crossing on the B1077 was expected to be published in the near future.
Play Area. Jon Hicks said he had inspected the play area and there were no issues requiring expenditure. He would paint the tractor soon and the toddler area would need to be closed whilst this was carried out. He said that his employer, Richard Johnston Logistics, was willing to sponsor planter boxes for the fencing and he would discuss with the Pre-school if they would like to help with the planting and looking after the plants as a school project. Councillors welcomed this proposal.
Recreation Area. The chairman said that the public footpath was being surfaced and the fencing repaired by Chapel Green School. Also the fencing by the roadway would be repaired by Norfolk County Council. The fencing at the front had been damaged. Jon Hicks said that timber worth £1000 had been donated by Browns of Tibenham to build a shelter and some of this could be used to repair the front fence once a decision had been made where the new gate would be sited. The grass would be cut by the contractor as per the previous year.
Councillors’ reports. Steve Milner said that together with the chairman he had attended the burial of the time capsule at Chapel Green School. He had raised the issue of lighting with the site manager who had indicated they were having technical issues with some of the lighting control systems. Phil Little said that lighting in the corridors of the new school were often left on at night and the Village Hall lights were also left on. It was reported that the High School lighting was also an issue and Jon Hicks said he would raise this with the High School when he next attended a school council meeting. He added that the High School was preparing designs for painting the inside of the bus shelter and a shortlist of three would be agreed which would be presented to the parish council. Steve Milner referred to the increasing number of queries that were being submitted via the website. Councillors considered that this should be discussed at the next meeting.
Two Wheel Tuesday. Ben Devlin said that he had been surprised to see that this was on the agenda as he wasn’t sure what there was for the parish council to discuss. Two Wheel Tuesday had been running for several years already and had become an established event not only with bikers but with many parishioners who attended every week to enjoy it. Mediation meetings had been held with the police and concerned residents and the police had indicated that they supported the event and were happy with how it was organised. Regarding noise, the police had indicated that the bikes were road legal so any noise from them was not an enforcement issue. He confirmed that appropriate public liability insurance was in place. The area of the Green used was maintained to a higher level than the rest of the Green, it provided income for the upkeep of the Green and the event was vital for the continued viability of the Ox and Plough pub. Andy Nichols suggested that the parish council request to receive a copy of the public liability insurance and it was agreed.
Fireworks and bonfire. The temporary parish clerk said that the council had given permission, in principle, for a fireworks display on the recreation area subject to receiving details regarding organisational/safety issues from the OB2000 Trust. Ben Devlin had suggested that consideration could also be given to having a free event on the Green instead if costs could be underwritten and sponsorship found. It was agreed to ask Ben Devlin to discuss these proposals in detail with the OB2000 Trust and report back to the next meeting.
Grievance and disciplinary procedure. It was resolved, unanimously, to adopt the new Grievance and Disciplinary procedure, as circulated to councillors in advance of the meeting.
Storage of parish records. It was noted that the more recent parish records would be stored by the chairman and the new parish clerk while the older records will be archived with Norfolk County Council.
Highways. Councillors discussed the problems with potholes generally but particularly at Grove Road/Mill Road and the flooding at Cake Street and Ragmere Road. Steve Milner said he would raise these issues with County Councillor Stephen Askew. The chairman said he had reported the missing road name sign at Abbey Road and the damaged sign for Leys Lane to Norfolk County Council.
Agenda items for the next meeting. No further items were suggested apart from those identified earlier in the meeting, ie fireworks display and the council website. 

The next meeting will be the AGM to be held on Thursday 3 May commencing at 7.30pm at the village hall.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

History on Old Buckenham plinth

Plaques record village activity
If you look on the four sides of the newly-cleaned plinth for the village sign, this is what you will see:

Old Buckenham Women's Institute raised the funds and organised the design and installation of the sign back in 1979.

Various members of the village took part in this exercise to record what was going on in here in Old Buckenham some 900 years after the original Domesday Book was produced.

Old Buckenham was the winner of a Norfolk County Council competition to find the best communities in the county (under 2500 inhabitants).

Old Buckenham repeated its success in the competition the following year. This was the last time the competition was held, the County Council deciding it could not afford to fund it any more.
(Click on the images to see them more clearly)

Monday, 16 April 2018

Yard sales in Old Buckenham

Where to find bargains
Here is a list of the places that have said they will be having yard sales in the village on Sunday 29 April.

4 St Andrews Close
28 St Andrews Close
28b St Andrews Close
28c St Andrews Close

17 Hargham Road
28 Hargham Road
29 Hargham Road

3 Fen Street
5 Fen Street
39 Fen Street
50 Fen Street
57 Fen Street
62a Fen Street

Tye Cottage, Attleborough Road
The Beeches, Attleborough Road

Doe Lane
The Gables, Cake Street
Blessings, Crown Road

Acer House on the Green
Tamworth House on the Green.
Ashtree Cottage on the Green
1 Old Post Office Terrace

The Ox and Plough will be doing teas, coffees, bacon rolls and sausage rolls on the day. Also free squash for children. 
Grab your bargains and then you can relax with a cuppa and roll.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Footpath four in Old Buckenham

Footpath is resurfaced
The start of Footpath 4 that runs from the Village Hall car park towards Bunns Bank has now been upgraded. This will allow much better access to and from Chapel Green School particularly for wheel chair users as well as other villagers.
A new fence has been erected alongside the Recreation Area and lots of grass seed spread around.

From village hall car park

Seen from the access road into Chapel Green School

Friday, 13 April 2018

Cleaning up in Old Buckenham

Getting a good wash
At the moment the Old Buckenham village sign is away being repainted. Meanwhile yesterday lunchtime there was activity on the Green to clean up the brick plinth before the sign returns.
Jon Bright, a local chimney sweep, had volunteered to use his power cleaning equipment to bring back some long lost colour to the brickwork. Aided by John Fernihough, who had brought along the necessary supply of water, Jon was soon hard at work and years of grime was disappearing.
Next time you go past, why not look and see how orange the bricks are once more and also stop to read the information on the plaques fixed to the sides.

Click on the photos to see them at a larger size
Thank you to both Jon and John for their hard work.

Advance notice. If you would like to do your bit towards looking after the Green, a litter pick is planned for Saturday 5 May, starting at 10am outside the village shop.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

WI walk and lunch in Old Buckenham

Why not take part?
Most months of the year, the Old Buckenham Women's Institute  organise a local walk which is then followed by lunch in a nearby pub. April's WI walk, on Friday 27 April is slightly different as they are doing a fund raiser for ACWW - Associated Country Women of the World. This is a world-wide organisation to which the Norfolk Federation WI belongs and is dedicated to raising the health and standard of living of women and their families.
They are charging £2 for those taking part in the walk which will start from All Saints church in Old Buckenham at 10. 30am. There will also be a shorter walk, of not more than two miles, starting from the Village Hall carpark at 11.30am.

When the walks finish, around 12.30pm, lunch consisting of a choice of homemade soup and a roll followed by fruit pie and cream will be available in the Memorial Room at the village hall for £5.
These walks and lunch are open to anyone who wants to take part. It would be helpful to know how many will be having lunch to gauge roughly how many to cater for (please email Barbara ( or ring Doris on 01953 860845.
Why not come along, whether walking or just lunching, and help raise some money for a worthwhile charity and get to know some other villagers at the same time.
Hopefully there will be some better weather and less mud by the end of April.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Stinging nettles in Old Buckenham

Women's Institute March meeting
President, Kate Lloyd welcomed everyone to the March meeting of Old Buckenham WI, particularly secretary Pat after a three month absence on a world tour!
After the business of the meeting members learnt to love stinging nettles more with an excellent talk by Fay Jones. With the help of pictures and examples Fay explained different varieties and their lookalikes. She told how to distinguish between male and female flowers, how to turn raw nettles into usable fibre and their use as dyes. They can be used as an alternative to spinach and can be made into various drinks, beer, tea, of course, but also cordial, gin and jelly. Then there is their value in the garden for use as a plant tonic and for the insects that depend on them. Fay had spent some years studying nettles and her knowledge and enthusiasm was obvious.
After a break for refreshments members were advised of several outings planned for the summer. A tour of the Biomass plant at Snetterton, a garden visit, an excursion on the Wymondham to Dereham railway and a Blue Badge guide in Norwich.

On the following day, to celebrate 50 years of Old Buckenham WI, the two longest serving members, Jean Wade and Pauline Bartlett, overseen by several members, planted a Hornbeam tree on the village Green.
The next meeting will be in the Village Hall on Thursday 26 April when Cos Stephanides will be giving an introduction to Tibetan Buddhism.
Then on Thursday 24 May members will be discussing and voting on this year's resolution 'Mental Health Matters.' The result will be taken onto the national WI Annual meeting in June.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Brown bins in Old Buckenham

Free garden waste subscriptions to be won
Breckland's brown bin service can make disposing of your garden waste simple and straightforward and, if are a subscriber to the service on Saturday 30 June, you could win a free annual subscription. 
Now is the ideal time to get out into the garden for a good clear and tidy ahead of the growing season.
If you do not yet subscribe and to be in with a chance of winning, sign up to the service online at, where you can find more details about the service.
To be in with a chance of winning, entrants need to email, entitle their email 'Garden Waste competition’,
provide their name, age and address and state how they first heard about the competition. This could have been through information on this blog, in a community newsletter, in Breckland’s Transforming Breckland magazine, in the local paper, or perhaps via Twitter or Facebook.
The competition closes at the end of June and the five winners will be notified in July. To be eligible to enter the prize draw, you must be aged 18 years or over, live in Breckland and have an active garden waste subscription when the competition closes. Just one entry per household with a list of the full terms and conditions at

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Old Buckenham local diversion

Don't get caught out
If you are thinking of driving through New Buckenham next week, Castle Hill Road will be closed from Monday 9 April for sewer works. If you need to know more, you can contact: (reference TMO/18326) or call 01379 741720.
Perhaps you can enjoy the countryside as you follow the official diversions...

Monday, 2 April 2018

Old Buckenham lilies

Lilies and daffodils still on show
The Easter floral displays will remain in All Saints church for all to see. The church is open every day so why not pop in and have a look around.
Here is a wider range of photographs of what you can see and enjoy. 
Just click on the pictures to see them at a larger size.