Out and about in the village
The February newsletter does now exist for you to read. Those copies that get delivered to your house along with the Six Villages newsletter may be a little late coming as the Six Villages February issue is not expected to be available until Friday 2 February.
Wednesday, 31 January 2018
Tuesday, 30 January 2018
A month in Old Buckenham
Diary dates for February
Thursday 1 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7pm
Monday 5 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 6 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards
Wednesday 7 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Thursday 8 Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 8 Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm for 7.45pm
Saturday 10 Jumble Sale, Church Rooms, 10am
Saturday 10 Film 'Dunkirk', Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 16 Visits from Mobile Library during morning
Saturday 17 Senior Citizens' Party, Village Hall, 1pm
Monday 19 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 20 Church Roof meeting, Church Rooms, 7.30pm
Wednesday 21 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 21 Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Thursday 22 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 24 Ceilidh, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Thursday 1 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7pm
Monday 5 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 6 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards
Wednesday 7 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Thursday 8 Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 8 Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm for 7.45pm
Saturday 10 Jumble Sale, Church Rooms, 10am
Saturday 10 Film 'Dunkirk', Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 16 Visits from Mobile Library during morning
Saturday 17 Senior Citizens' Party, Village Hall, 1pm
Monday 19 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 20 Church Roof meeting, Church Rooms, 7.30pm
Wednesday 21 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 21 Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Thursday 22 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 24 Ceilidh, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Wednesday, 24 January 2018
Old Buckenham Parish Council January minutes
Parish Council discussions in January
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 4 January in the Village Hall. Councillors present were Adrian Joel (chairman), Rona Boggia, Jon Hicks, Sarah Hornbrook, Phil Little, Steve Milner, Andy Nicholls and Paul Philips. Also attending was Andy Emms, who took the minutes, and ten members of the public.
The Chairman announced that he had received a letter from Hilary Clutten on 29 December 2017 resigning as Clerk to Old Buckenham Parish Council from 1 January 2018. As instructed by the parish councillors, he had written back to the clerk and accepted her resignation and for her to cease carrying out any further work for the parish council from 31 December 2017.
The Chairman introduced Andy Emms, a retired local government Democratic Services Officer, who had agreed to temporarily help the parish council following the resignation of the parish clerk.
Apologies for absence had been received from Jonathan Kemp and Ben Devlin.
Minutes of December 2017 meeting. Sarah Hornbrook pointed out two amendments that needed to be made. The council then approved the minutes.
Matters arising from these minutes. In response to queries about the village hall footpath the chairman said he had received an email from Isobel Horner, Norfolk County Council asking to meet with the parish council and the village hall committee. He would circulate councillors a copy of the email and it was suggested that Jon Hicks raise the matter at the next village hall committee meeting. Sarah Dye said she would progress obtaining a copy of the existing map of the Green. Rona Boggia asked if a letter had been sent to Norfolk County Council regarding the 20mph limit and signs on Abbey Road. The chair said that with the resignation of the Parish Clerk he didn’t know if a letter had been sent and so Rona Boggia was asked to write to Norfolk County Council on behalf of the council.
Public participation relating to agenda items. The Chairman summarised a letter received from Lesley Coates relating to the pathway along from the Post Office, pot holes near the school and the play area bins. On behalf of the church, a parishioner said that although a representative of the Norfolk Association of Local Councils (NALC) had confirmed that the parish council could not make a grant to the church for the maintenance of buildings, it could grant aid the running costs of the church. He wished therefore to change the precept grant application, to be considered later in the meeting, to that effect. A parishioner suggested that the 20mph solar powered sign be moved from its present location to where the 30mph limit begins. The Chairman agreed that this be an agenda item for the next meeting.
Planning applications. Downmore Farm, Banham Road. 25m high lattice tower. This was a resubmitted application of a previously approved BT application and the council resolved not to express a view on this resubmitted application.
Sunnyside House, The Green. Annex/garage conversion. This was supported subject to a condition being placed on the approval restricting use as an annex to the existing house, not allowing it to be used as a separate dwelling.
Financial matters. Among the payments agreed were £11.97 for water on the allotments, £66 for Village Hall hire and £96 to Broadland Tree Services in connection with the Christmas tree on the Green.
Precept grant applications.
a) Parochial Church Council (PCC) re All Saints Church. The chairman referred to the request from the PCC that the application be changed from maintaining the condition of the church to supporting the running costs of the church. Paul Philips was uncomfortable about the application being changed after the deadline of receipt of applications and the precedent this might set. Some councillors commented on the level of funding requested considering the draft budget for grants and the effect on the precept of increasing this budget. Also, the £1500 granted to the church in 2017/18 had yet to be spent. Some councillors had sought legal advice regarding the ability of the parish council to support the PCC. It was clear that support for maintenance was not allowed. However there was conflicting advice on whether support for running costs was appropriate. Rona Boggia said the church was important to the community and pointed out that any grant given by the parish council could also lead to matching grants being made by other organisations. Other councillors also commented on the importance of the church to the community and how they would want to support the PCC. However there was real concern regarding the conflicting legal advice. Andy Nichols proposed and Rona Boggia seconded that a grant of £2000 be made to the PCC but this to be subject to clear legal advice being received that such a grant was allowed. With three voting in favour and five against it was resolved not to make a grant to the PCC.
b) Buckenham Pre-School Group. It was agreed, unanimously, to make a grant of £216.57 to provide a farmyard play set.
c) New Buckenham Junior Football Club. During discussion it was recognised that the club had its roots in Old Buckenham and had many members from the village and some councillors agreed it should therefore be supported. However, the club should consider also making applications for grants from New Buckenham Parish Council in the future. It was resolved, with four voting in favour, two against and two abstentions, to make a grant of £450 to provide a moveable shelter.
d) Senior Citizens Annual Party. It was agreed to make a grant of £250 towards the cost of the annual party.
e) Women’s Institute. It was agreed to make a grant of £110 to cover the cost of hiring the village hall for the Open Produce and Handicraft Show.
f) Old Buckenham Village Hall Committee. It was resolved unanimously to make a grant of £1000 towards the cost of replacing the emergency lighting.
g) Old Buckenham Fete Committee. It was resolved unanimously to make a grant of £250 towards the cost of providing entertainment at the fete.
h) The Monday Mardle Group. It was agreed to make a grant of £100 to support the group.
i) Old Buckenham Cricket Club. It was decided unanimously to make a grant of £375 to fund 50% of the cost of three young adults obtaining ECB Level 2 coaching qualifications, the grant to be reduced if applications to other grant funding bodies are successful.
Parish Council budget. There was discussion on the updated draft budget for 2018/19 which had been circulated to councillors. It was agreed that £815 be included in the budget to maintain the village sign. In reply to a councillor’s question, Sarah Dye said that there was much work that could be done to improve the village green if funding was available and ideally £5000 could be spent. Andy Nichols reminded councillors that the proposal had been to spend £10,000 over five years (£4,000 in the first year and £2,000 per year for three years) hence £2,000 being in the draft 2018/19 budget. However, councillors noted that the cost of grass cutting would be higher than anticipated. It was suggested that there was already sufficient funding available in earmarked reserves for the play area and if the additional play area funding identified in the draft budget was reduced, then more could be included in the budget for the village green. It was proposed by Andy Nichols and seconded by Phil Little that £3500 be included in the budget as earmarked reserves for the village green and no additional earmarked reserves be included for the play area. This was agreed accordingly, with seven voting for and one against.
It was resolved to approve the 2018/19 budget as:
Expenditure: Allotments £250
Recreation Area £500
Precept Grants (detailed earlier) £2,751.57
Community Car Scheme £1,000
Miscellaneous £300
Village Newsletter paper £450
Contingency Fund for village maintenance £2,000
Village sign maintenance £815
Christmas tree £500
Administration: Salaries/PAYE £6,795
Clerk's and Councillors Expenses £410
Postage and Stationery £300
Audit Fees £235
Village Hall Hire £280
Subscriptions £500
Training £200
Insurance £900
Total £18,186.57
Transfer to earmarked reserves - The Green £3,500
Total budgeted expenditure 2018/19 £21,686.57
Budgeted income 2018/19 £1280
Transitional grant BDC £246
Total budgeted income 2018/19 £1526
Precept (expenditure less income) £20,160.57
It was resolved, unanimously, that the total parish precept for the financial year 2018/19 be set at £20,160.57 and the Responsible Finance Officer be asked to submit the precept application to Breckland District Council for this amount.
Communication with the public. A parishioner suggested that the parish council include details of its successes/achievements in its minutes. Paul Philips said he had a number of ideas on how the parish council could publicise the work that it did. Social media was an area the council needed to consider carefully. He felt that posts on the village Facebook page over the new year had led to untrue, inappropriate and potentially libellous accusations against parish councillors, such as suggesting they only became parish councillors to get their own planning applications approved. This shows a lack of knowledge because Breckland District Council approves planning applications and parish councillors are only consultees. He said it was a slight on the character of councillors and could influence other people equally unaware of the workings of local government. Despite councillors talking to the person who posted these accusations, they had refused to remove it. He believed that people needed to understand that when using social media they had the same responsibility to remain within the law as they have with any other interactions. He suggested the council consider how to use social media pro-actively, including the possibility of creating its own Facebook page and by renovating/updating the existing website. Other ways of communicating with the public could include holding regular “meet your parish council” sessions on two or three Saturday mornings in the village hall where parishioners could come for a coffee and a chat to find out what the parish council do. He was drafting some information that could be used electronically and in newsletters/posters to explain what the council did in 2017 and what it is planning to do next year.
Councillors welcomed these ideas although some suggested caution regarding proactive use of social media as this would need considerable work updating and moderating. There was a suggestion that consideration could be given to adding this to the duties of the parish clerk. All councillors agreed that abuse of parish councillors was totally unacceptable and agreed to welcome the work being done by Paul Philips and to ask him to circulate his draft text for comment
Appointment of Trustee. It was agreed to defer appointing a trustee to the United Eleemosynary Charity until the next meeting.
Meetings between the Parish Council and the Village Hall Management Committee. The chairman said that the proposal was to meet twice a year with three people from each organisation present. Jon Hicks and Steve Milner had already indicated they were willing to attend and Sarah Hornbrook said she would attend subject to a convenient date being chosen.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be held on Thursday 1 February commencing at the earlier time of 7pm at the Village Hall.
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 4 January in the Village Hall. Councillors present were Adrian Joel (chairman), Rona Boggia, Jon Hicks, Sarah Hornbrook, Phil Little, Steve Milner, Andy Nicholls and Paul Philips. Also attending was Andy Emms, who took the minutes, and ten members of the public.
The Chairman announced that he had received a letter from Hilary Clutten on 29 December 2017 resigning as Clerk to Old Buckenham Parish Council from 1 January 2018. As instructed by the parish councillors, he had written back to the clerk and accepted her resignation and for her to cease carrying out any further work for the parish council from 31 December 2017.
The Chairman introduced Andy Emms, a retired local government Democratic Services Officer, who had agreed to temporarily help the parish council following the resignation of the parish clerk.
Apologies for absence had been received from Jonathan Kemp and Ben Devlin.
Minutes of December 2017 meeting. Sarah Hornbrook pointed out two amendments that needed to be made. The council then approved the minutes.
Matters arising from these minutes. In response to queries about the village hall footpath the chairman said he had received an email from Isobel Horner, Norfolk County Council asking to meet with the parish council and the village hall committee. He would circulate councillors a copy of the email and it was suggested that Jon Hicks raise the matter at the next village hall committee meeting. Sarah Dye said she would progress obtaining a copy of the existing map of the Green. Rona Boggia asked if a letter had been sent to Norfolk County Council regarding the 20mph limit and signs on Abbey Road. The chair said that with the resignation of the Parish Clerk he didn’t know if a letter had been sent and so Rona Boggia was asked to write to Norfolk County Council on behalf of the council.
Public participation relating to agenda items. The Chairman summarised a letter received from Lesley Coates relating to the pathway along from the Post Office, pot holes near the school and the play area bins. On behalf of the church, a parishioner said that although a representative of the Norfolk Association of Local Councils (NALC) had confirmed that the parish council could not make a grant to the church for the maintenance of buildings, it could grant aid the running costs of the church. He wished therefore to change the precept grant application, to be considered later in the meeting, to that effect. A parishioner suggested that the 20mph solar powered sign be moved from its present location to where the 30mph limit begins. The Chairman agreed that this be an agenda item for the next meeting.
Planning applications. Downmore Farm, Banham Road. 25m high lattice tower. This was a resubmitted application of a previously approved BT application and the council resolved not to express a view on this resubmitted application.
Sunnyside House, The Green. Annex/garage conversion. This was supported subject to a condition being placed on the approval restricting use as an annex to the existing house, not allowing it to be used as a separate dwelling.
Financial matters. Among the payments agreed were £11.97 for water on the allotments, £66 for Village Hall hire and £96 to Broadland Tree Services in connection with the Christmas tree on the Green.
Precept grant applications.
a) Parochial Church Council (PCC) re All Saints Church. The chairman referred to the request from the PCC that the application be changed from maintaining the condition of the church to supporting the running costs of the church. Paul Philips was uncomfortable about the application being changed after the deadline of receipt of applications and the precedent this might set. Some councillors commented on the level of funding requested considering the draft budget for grants and the effect on the precept of increasing this budget. Also, the £1500 granted to the church in 2017/18 had yet to be spent. Some councillors had sought legal advice regarding the ability of the parish council to support the PCC. It was clear that support for maintenance was not allowed. However there was conflicting advice on whether support for running costs was appropriate. Rona Boggia said the church was important to the community and pointed out that any grant given by the parish council could also lead to matching grants being made by other organisations. Other councillors also commented on the importance of the church to the community and how they would want to support the PCC. However there was real concern regarding the conflicting legal advice. Andy Nichols proposed and Rona Boggia seconded that a grant of £2000 be made to the PCC but this to be subject to clear legal advice being received that such a grant was allowed. With three voting in favour and five against it was resolved not to make a grant to the PCC.
b) Buckenham Pre-School Group. It was agreed, unanimously, to make a grant of £216.57 to provide a farmyard play set.
c) New Buckenham Junior Football Club. During discussion it was recognised that the club had its roots in Old Buckenham and had many members from the village and some councillors agreed it should therefore be supported. However, the club should consider also making applications for grants from New Buckenham Parish Council in the future. It was resolved, with four voting in favour, two against and two abstentions, to make a grant of £450 to provide a moveable shelter.
d) Senior Citizens Annual Party. It was agreed to make a grant of £250 towards the cost of the annual party.
e) Women’s Institute. It was agreed to make a grant of £110 to cover the cost of hiring the village hall for the Open Produce and Handicraft Show.
f) Old Buckenham Village Hall Committee. It was resolved unanimously to make a grant of £1000 towards the cost of replacing the emergency lighting.
g) Old Buckenham Fete Committee. It was resolved unanimously to make a grant of £250 towards the cost of providing entertainment at the fete.
h) The Monday Mardle Group. It was agreed to make a grant of £100 to support the group.
i) Old Buckenham Cricket Club. It was decided unanimously to make a grant of £375 to fund 50% of the cost of three young adults obtaining ECB Level 2 coaching qualifications, the grant to be reduced if applications to other grant funding bodies are successful.
Parish Council budget. There was discussion on the updated draft budget for 2018/19 which had been circulated to councillors. It was agreed that £815 be included in the budget to maintain the village sign. In reply to a councillor’s question, Sarah Dye said that there was much work that could be done to improve the village green if funding was available and ideally £5000 could be spent. Andy Nichols reminded councillors that the proposal had been to spend £10,000 over five years (£4,000 in the first year and £2,000 per year for three years) hence £2,000 being in the draft 2018/19 budget. However, councillors noted that the cost of grass cutting would be higher than anticipated. It was suggested that there was already sufficient funding available in earmarked reserves for the play area and if the additional play area funding identified in the draft budget was reduced, then more could be included in the budget for the village green. It was proposed by Andy Nichols and seconded by Phil Little that £3500 be included in the budget as earmarked reserves for the village green and no additional earmarked reserves be included for the play area. This was agreed accordingly, with seven voting for and one against.
It was resolved to approve the 2018/19 budget as:
Expenditure: Allotments £250
Recreation Area £500
Precept Grants (detailed earlier) £2,751.57
Community Car Scheme £1,000
Miscellaneous £300
Village Newsletter paper £450
Contingency Fund for village maintenance £2,000
Village sign maintenance £815
Christmas tree £500
Administration: Salaries/PAYE £6,795
Clerk's and Councillors Expenses £410
Postage and Stationery £300
Audit Fees £235
Village Hall Hire £280
Subscriptions £500
Training £200
Insurance £900
Total £18,186.57
Transfer to earmarked reserves - The Green £3,500
Total budgeted expenditure 2018/19 £21,686.57
Budgeted income 2018/19 £1280
Transitional grant BDC £246
Total budgeted income 2018/19 £1526
Precept (expenditure less income) £20,160.57
It was resolved, unanimously, that the total parish precept for the financial year 2018/19 be set at £20,160.57 and the Responsible Finance Officer be asked to submit the precept application to Breckland District Council for this amount.
Communication with the public. A parishioner suggested that the parish council include details of its successes/achievements in its minutes. Paul Philips said he had a number of ideas on how the parish council could publicise the work that it did. Social media was an area the council needed to consider carefully. He felt that posts on the village Facebook page over the new year had led to untrue, inappropriate and potentially libellous accusations against parish councillors, such as suggesting they only became parish councillors to get their own planning applications approved. This shows a lack of knowledge because Breckland District Council approves planning applications and parish councillors are only consultees. He said it was a slight on the character of councillors and could influence other people equally unaware of the workings of local government. Despite councillors talking to the person who posted these accusations, they had refused to remove it. He believed that people needed to understand that when using social media they had the same responsibility to remain within the law as they have with any other interactions. He suggested the council consider how to use social media pro-actively, including the possibility of creating its own Facebook page and by renovating/updating the existing website. Other ways of communicating with the public could include holding regular “meet your parish council” sessions on two or three Saturday mornings in the village hall where parishioners could come for a coffee and a chat to find out what the parish council do. He was drafting some information that could be used electronically and in newsletters/posters to explain what the council did in 2017 and what it is planning to do next year.
Councillors welcomed these ideas although some suggested caution regarding proactive use of social media as this would need considerable work updating and moderating. There was a suggestion that consideration could be given to adding this to the duties of the parish clerk. All councillors agreed that abuse of parish councillors was totally unacceptable and agreed to welcome the work being done by Paul Philips and to ask him to circulate his draft text for comment
Appointment of Trustee. It was agreed to defer appointing a trustee to the United Eleemosynary Charity until the next meeting.
Meetings between the Parish Council and the Village Hall Management Committee. The chairman said that the proposal was to meet twice a year with three people from each organisation present. Jon Hicks and Steve Milner had already indicated they were willing to attend and Sarah Hornbrook said she would attend subject to a convenient date being chosen.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be held on Thursday 1 February commencing at the earlier time of 7pm at the Village Hall.
Monday, 22 January 2018
Viewing Old Buckenham's new school
Chapel Green School open for inspection
The staff and children moved in a week ago and Saturday 20 January was the opportunity for local people to have a look inside the building that they have watched grow up from the ground over the last year. Work will still be going on with the outside landscaping for another three months but inside the building the class rooms and special facilities are already in use.
The Open Morning was very popular with all the car parking spaces taken and the corridors busy with small groups of visitors being taken around by staff members. The equipment available to help the pupils develop their skills and to live as independently as possible, had such a ‘wow factor’ that the blog editor kept forgetting to take as many photographs as he should have done.
There is equipment to help pupils from pre-school up to 19 year olds to exercise, to learn to cook, to be stimulated by lights and colours, to make pottery and to enjoy a well-heated pool.
The work by the builders Morgan Sindall, their specialist contractors and the Chapel Green staff have produced something that they (and the people of Old Buckenham) can be extremely proud.
The staff and children moved in a week ago and Saturday 20 January was the opportunity for local people to have a look inside the building that they have watched grow up from the ground over the last year. Work will still be going on with the outside landscaping for another three months but inside the building the class rooms and special facilities are already in use.
The Open Morning was very popular with all the car parking spaces taken and the corridors busy with small groups of visitors being taken around by staff members. The equipment available to help the pupils develop their skills and to live as independently as possible, had such a ‘wow factor’ that the blog editor kept forgetting to take as many photographs as he should have done.
There is equipment to help pupils from pre-school up to 19 year olds to exercise, to learn to cook, to be stimulated by lights and colours, to make pottery and to enjoy a well-heated pool.
The work by the builders Morgan Sindall, their specialist contractors and the Chapel Green staff have produced something that they (and the people of Old Buckenham) can be extremely proud.
Saturday, 20 January 2018
Old Buckenham took tea today
Great way to raise funds
Villagers sat down today to have their lunch as an afternoon tea, all in aid of raising money for the "Raise the Roof" fund. You had to book your seat beforehand as space in the Church Rooms was limited.
Some were ready and waiting at their table soon after noon while in the adjoining room food preparation was in full swing.
Individual pots of tea and mugs of coffee were brought round, soon to be followed by stands full of sandwiches, pork pies and scones. Prosecco was also available for that little 'extra'.
More platefuls of delicious homemade cakes then followed which could not be resisted by the diners.
Then there was all the washing up to do...
Thanks to those organisations who sponsored the event, those who made and donated the cakes and the team that put the whole event together, this was a most enjoyable way to raise funds.
Villagers sat down today to have their lunch as an afternoon tea, all in aid of raising money for the "Raise the Roof" fund. You had to book your seat beforehand as space in the Church Rooms was limited.
Some were ready and waiting at their table soon after noon while in the adjoining room food preparation was in full swing.
Individual pots of tea and mugs of coffee were brought round, soon to be followed by stands full of sandwiches, pork pies and scones. Prosecco was also available for that little 'extra'.
More platefuls of delicious homemade cakes then followed which could not be resisted by the diners.
Then there was all the washing up to do...
Thanks to those organisations who sponsored the event, those who made and donated the cakes and the team that put the whole event together, this was a most enjoyable way to raise funds.
Wednesday, 17 January 2018
Clerk needed for Old Buckenham
Vacancy for Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer
A vacancy will arise for a Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to the Old Buckenham Parish Council on Thursday 1 February 2018.
The position is home-based working nine hours per week.
Salary to be agreed, depending on qualifications and experience, within national guidelines.
The main duties include:
Relevant qualifications would be an advantage and/or experience.
Please send application and CV to Adrian Joel, email adrianpjoel@btinternet.com and telephone 01953 86o663
A vacancy will arise for a Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to the Old Buckenham Parish Council on Thursday 1 February 2018.
The position is home-based working nine hours per week.
Salary to be agreed, depending on qualifications and experience, within national guidelines.
The main duties include:
- To arrange and attend all Parish Council meetings and the Annual Parish Meeting. The Parish Council meetings are held normally on the first Thursday in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November and December. The Precept meeting is held in November and the Annual Parish Meeting is held March or April.
- Preparation of agendas and minutes.
- Dealing with all financial matters including the production of financial statements for audit.
- Submitting an annual VAT return.
- Preparing records for PAYE.
- Dealing with Parish Council insurance policies.
- Ensuring planning applications are dealt with and comments submitted to the Local Planning Authority by return deadlines.
- Attendance at training events.
- Receive/deal with correspondence and bring to the attention of the Council. Carry out instructions of the Council.
Relevant qualifications would be an advantage and/or experience.
Please send application and CV to Adrian Joel, email adrianpjoel@btinternet.com and telephone 01953 86o663
Tuesday, 16 January 2018
Open gardens in Old Buckenham
our local gardeners
We are looking for villagers who would be willing to open their gardens to visitors over the weekend of Saturday 30 June and Sunday 1 July (on one or two of the days – preferably both). All funds raised will be in aid of the “Raise the Roof” fund for the re-thatching of All Saints Church.
We need a variety of gardens of all sizes and types – all with enthusiastic owners. We are looking for villagers who would be willing to open their gardens to visitors over the weekend of Saturday 30 June and Sunday 1 July (on one or two of the days – preferably both). All funds raised will be in aid of the “Raise the Roof” fund for the re-thatching of All Saints Church.
An Art and Craft exhibition and sale is planned at the Church and Church Rooms where refreshments will also be on sale together with maps to help you find the gardens that will be open.
Wildlife gardens, courtyard gardens, cottage gardens, flower borders, vegetable gardens, ponds, hanging baskets, traditional or modern - all will be welcome.
If you are interested in taking part in this Open Gardens Weekend or the Art/Craft exhibition, please contact Amanda Owles on 860288 or by email owlesofnorfolk@aol.com
Sunday, 14 January 2018
Afternoon tea in Old Buckenham
Got your tickets yet?
Why not enjoy a delicious Afternoon Tea at the village Church Rooms with friends next Saturday 20 January from 12 noon to 2.30pm. Last few tickets are still available. All funds raised will go to the Raise the Roof project.
Why not enjoy a delicious Afternoon Tea at the village Church Rooms with friends next Saturday 20 January from 12 noon to 2.30pm. Last few tickets are still available. All funds raised will go to the Raise the Roof project.
Tickets in advance only, contact details are on the poster.
Saturday, 13 January 2018
Old Buckenham 2000 Trust
Some dates for your 2018 diary
Following the huge success of last years event, Old Buckenham 2000 Trust is bringing the Fezziwig Band back to Old Buckenham for another night of Ceilidh dancing on Saturday 24 February. The Trust is holding this event in partnership with Chapel Green School to raise funds for their library. Tickets are now available at £7.50 each (strictly over 18s only). If you wish to buy tickets please call Meg on 01953 860992 or Celia on 01953 860129.
In partnership with All Saints Church (Raise the Roof Fund) the Trust is holding a 10k Road Race on Sunday 22 April starting at 11am from the Green. Further details about how to enter the race will be coming soon but if you don't fancy the run but would be available to help out on the day, please get in touch with Celia on 01953 860129.
The Annual General Meeting of the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust will be held on Wednesday 16 May at 8pm in the Church Rooms – they look forward to seeing some of you there. Please log on to the Trust’s Facebook page for further details.
Following the huge success of last years event, Old Buckenham 2000 Trust is bringing the Fezziwig Band back to Old Buckenham for another night of Ceilidh dancing on Saturday 24 February. The Trust is holding this event in partnership with Chapel Green School to raise funds for their library. Tickets are now available at £7.50 each (strictly over 18s only). If you wish to buy tickets please call Meg on 01953 860992 or Celia on 01953 860129.
In partnership with All Saints Church (Raise the Roof Fund) the Trust is holding a 10k Road Race on Sunday 22 April starting at 11am from the Green. Further details about how to enter the race will be coming soon but if you don't fancy the run but would be available to help out on the day, please get in touch with Celia on 01953 860129.
The Annual General Meeting of the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust will be held on Wednesday 16 May at 8pm in the Church Rooms – they look forward to seeing some of you there. Please log on to the Trust’s Facebook page for further details.
Wednesday, 10 January 2018
Luncheon Club in Old Buckenham
'Thank you' meal for all the helpers
The Old Buckenham Luncheon Club started off 2018 with a special roast beef meal and invited all the helpers along - those drivers who bring people to the hall, those who put out all the tables and chairs as well as those who work in the kitchen.
The cooks and their helpers were in the Village Hall early in the morning preparing all the food. The regular Club members arrived mid morning to chat, play cards and enjoy a plentiful raffle. The special guests arrived at midday and very soon everyone was sitting down for their meal.
The work that everybody does to make these fortnightly meetings a success is very much appreciated and at the end of the meal Bridget Burton gave a short speech to reinforce this message to all those involved.
The Old Buckenham Luncheon Club started off 2018 with a special roast beef meal and invited all the helpers along - those drivers who bring people to the hall, those who put out all the tables and chairs as well as those who work in the kitchen.
The cooks and their helpers were in the Village Hall early in the morning preparing all the food. The regular Club members arrived mid morning to chat, play cards and enjoy a plentiful raffle. The special guests arrived at midday and very soon everyone was sitting down for their meal.
The work that everybody does to make these fortnightly meetings a success is very much appreciated and at the end of the meal Bridget Burton gave a short speech to reinforce this message to all those involved.
Saturday, 6 January 2018
Cricket meeting in Old Buckenham
Our local cricket
The annual meeting of Old Buckenham Cricket Club will take place in the small room at the rear of the Village Hall (the Memorial Hall) on Sunday 28 January starting at 7pm. All members (playing and non-playing) are asked to attend and an invitation is also extended to any potential new players.
The 2018 season will see the club fielding four senior Saturday XIs, plus the return of a Sunday team to the Mid-Norfolk League. In addition, the club will be looking to continue to build on the success of its thriving youth and women's teams.
Thursday, 4 January 2018
Future happenings in Old Buckenham
Happening throughout 2018
Here are the dates of some meetings and events in Old Buckenham that have already been fixed for later this year. There must be many more that have been arranged so if you could let the blog editor know (use the 'comment' facility at the end of this post) he will put the information in future village newsletters to try to avoid too many clashes of dates for future events.
A list of what is happening this month was posted on the blog on Sunday 31 December.
Next month we have the jumble sale in the Church Rooms on Saturday 10 February and a film in the Village Hall that evening ('Dunkirk'), the Senior Citizens’ Party is on Saturday 17 February and there will be a night of Ceilidh dancing with the Fezziwig Band on Saturday 24 February. The Old Buckenham 2000 Trust is holding this latter event in partnership with Chapel Green School to raise funds for the school.
There will be further films in the Village Hall on Saturday 7 April ('Goodbye Christopher Robin') and on Saturday 12 May (title yet to be decided).
The Old Buckenham Players will be performing The Tempest during Thursday 17, Friday 18 and Saturday 19 May.
Sunday 9 September is the date of the Village Produce Show.
The Old Buckenham Airshow takes place on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 July and the Remembrance service at the Airfield will be on Sunday 11 November.
Two other events that are being organised for the Raise the Roof Fund are an Old Buckenham 10K run sometime in April and an Open Gardens event during the summer. Dates for these have not yet been finalised.
Here are the dates of some meetings and events in Old Buckenham that have already been fixed for later this year. There must be many more that have been arranged so if you could let the blog editor know (use the 'comment' facility at the end of this post) he will put the information in future village newsletters to try to avoid too many clashes of dates for future events.
A list of what is happening this month was posted on the blog on Sunday 31 December.
Next month we have the jumble sale in the Church Rooms on Saturday 10 February and a film in the Village Hall that evening ('Dunkirk'), the Senior Citizens’ Party is on Saturday 17 February and there will be a night of Ceilidh dancing with the Fezziwig Band on Saturday 24 February. The Old Buckenham 2000 Trust is holding this latter event in partnership with Chapel Green School to raise funds for the school.
There will be further films in the Village Hall on Saturday 7 April ('Goodbye Christopher Robin') and on Saturday 12 May (title yet to be decided).
The Old Buckenham Players will be performing The Tempest during Thursday 17, Friday 18 and Saturday 19 May.
Saturday 7 July Eileen Oliver will be having a Garden Party to raise funds for
the next Senior Citizens’ Party in 2019.
The Village Fete will be on Saturday 14 July.Sunday 9 September is the date of the Village Produce Show.
The Old Buckenham Airshow takes place on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 July and the Remembrance service at the Airfield will be on Sunday 11 November.
Two other events that are being organised for the Raise the Roof Fund are an Old Buckenham 10K run sometime in April and an Open Gardens event during the summer. Dates for these have not yet been finalised.
Now is the time to put this information in your new 2018 diary and/or calendar so that nothing gets forgotten.
Details of the individual talks and events in 2018 for both the Women's Institute and the Social and Wine Circle have been listed here on the blog (Tuesday 26 December and Thursday 28 December respectively).
Tuesday, 2 January 2018
Vacancy in Old Buckenham
Want to be a Parish Councillor?
Old Buckenham Parish Council have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. If any Old Buckenham resident over the age of 18 is interested in being co-opted as a Parish Councillor, please email the Chairman Adrian Joel adrianpjoel@btinternet.com by Saturday 20 January.
Old Buckenham Parish Council have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. If any Old Buckenham resident over the age of 18 is interested in being co-opted as a Parish Councillor, please email the Chairman Adrian Joel adrianpjoel@btinternet.com by Saturday 20 January.
Monday, 1 January 2018
Old Buckenham's New Year walk
Starting the year with a walk
The weather was fine this morning and there were plenty of people gathered outside the Church Rooms to take part in the third New Year's Day walk. There were plenty of dogs too, probably about one dog for every walker.
Then it was time to enjoy homemade soup (choice of flavours) along with handmade rolls in the comparative warmth of the Church Rooms while having a good chat with friends and neighbours.
Finally there was the opportunity to put a donation in the pot, knowing that it would go to the "Raise the Roof" appeal which is raising money for the re-thatching of All Saints Church.
The weather was fine this morning and there were plenty of people gathered outside the Church Rooms to take part in the third New Year's Day walk. There were plenty of dogs too, probably about one dog for every walker.
Nearly time to start |
Gathering together while everyone crosses the main road |
Starting on the walk... |
... and returning to the Church Rooms |
Finally there was the opportunity to put a donation in the pot, knowing that it would go to the "Raise the Roof" appeal which is raising money for the re-thatching of All Saints Church.
The sum of £246.96 was collected for the Raise the Roof Fund |
More raising the roof in Old Buckenham
Raise the Roof update
The following is an update of the funds raised so far for ‘Raise the Roof’ (a long-term project to raise money for the re-thatching of All Saints Church, Old Buckenham).
Further fund-raising in late November and December included the coffee afternoon (£373), Christmas card sales (£235), wreath making morning (£121) and individual donations (£1065). This makes a total in the fund (as at mid-November) of £11,544. In addition, any monies remaining from the sponsorship of the annual carol service will be added to the fund.
News is still awaited on whether the Heritage Lottery fund will accept a formal application for a grant.
Further fund-raising opportunities coming up include the walk on New Year’s Day and the special Afternoon Tea - with all the trimmings - on Saturday 20 January (you’ll need to book in advance).
The following is an update of the funds raised so far for ‘Raise the Roof’ (a long-term project to raise money for the re-thatching of All Saints Church, Old Buckenham).
Further fund-raising in late November and December included the coffee afternoon (£373), Christmas card sales (£235), wreath making morning (£121) and individual donations (£1065). This makes a total in the fund (as at mid-November) of £11,544. In addition, any monies remaining from the sponsorship of the annual carol service will be added to the fund.
News is still awaited on whether the Heritage Lottery fund will accept a formal application for a grant.
Further fund-raising opportunities coming up include the walk on New Year’s Day and the special Afternoon Tea - with all the trimmings - on Saturday 20 January (you’ll need to book in advance).
Watch out for details of the 2018 ‘Old Buckenham 10K’ run in April and an ‘open gardens’ event in the summer (more news to follow). Contact Alison Hannah if you would like to get involved and help to Raise the Roof.
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