Sunday, 31 December 2017

Diary dates for January
Monday 1         Village New Year walk, Church Rooms, 10.30am
Tuesday 2           Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards
Thursday 4         Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Monday 8           Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Wednesday 10   Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Thursday 11       Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 11       Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm for 7.45pm
Monday 15         Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Wednesday 17   Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Thursday 18       Mother Goose, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 19            Visits from Mobile Library during morning
Friday 19            Mother Goose, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 20        Chapel Green School open morning, 9.30am to 11.30am
Saturday 20        Afternoon teas, Church Rooms, noon to 2.30pm
Saturday 20        Mother Goose, Village Hall, 2.30pm
Saturday 20        Mother Goose, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Wednesday 24   Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Thursday 25      Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Saturday, 30 December 2017

Old Buckenham village newsletter for January

First edition in 2018
If you want to know about the events happening in Old Buckenham during 2018 then reading the latest newsletter will be a good place to start. Some villagers will get it through their letterboxes, others should be able to pick it up  from the shop, church, pubs, airfield, etc.

Thursday, 28 December 2017

Postal service in Old Buckenham.

Special delivery
Look at what has just come though my letterbox. Our village post men and women are great.

(Just click on the image to see it more clearly)

Social life in Old Buckenham

Social and Wine Circle
Meetings of the Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle will start again at 7.30pm on Thursday 11 January in the Church Rooms when Keith Grisedale will be talking about the work of the Blood Bikers. All are welcome to come along.
There will be more interesting events throughout 2018. Our local detectorist Godfrey Pratt will be explaining ‘why he digs’ on Thursday 8 February.
The rest of the programme is:
Thursday 8 March, Famous people of Diss by Basil Abbott
Thursday 12 April, Radiation - part 2 by Dr Sarah Dorling
Thursday 10 May, Georgette Vale will portray Elizabeth Fry
Thursday 14 June, 1,000 years of Old Buckenham history by Alison Hannah
Thursday 12 July, out in the garden of John and Barbara Frost
Thursday 9 August, a visit to the museums at Old Buckenham airfield
Thursday 13 September, One woman and her dog by Pat Crawford and her guide dog India
Thursday 11 October, Porcelain and china repairs by Dr M Signy
Thursday 8 November, the History of Jarrolds by Carol Slaughter
Thursday 13 December will be party time and a fish and chips supper.
These evenings are open to all, it costs just £1 each time you come along (and perhaps a further pound on a raffle ticket). Why not come along and try it out?

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Old Buckenham WI in 2018

Our local Women's Institute
Old Buckenham WI held their Annual Meeting in November and this is when they elect a new committee and President. It also provides the opportunity to look back over the previous year and to look forward to some of the events to be held in 2018. Pat Dickinson, the secretary, outlined some of the highlights of 2017, including the 50th anniversary Garden Party in July, which was followed the following week by the village annual fete. They organised the Village Produce Show in September - this is always a most successful and enjoyable day for members and villagers alike. The highlight of the year was the 50th Birthday Party in October.
They have played Scrabble on a monthly basis (some of the members are involved in the Attleborough Scrabble Ladder), have been involved with the local quizzes and have organised monthly walks with a pub lunch. They have also been enjoyed a visit to the Theatre Royal.
The new committee and President were duly elected and Kate Lloyd was welcomed as the new President. Susan Hunter, the outgoing President, was warmly thanked by members for her excellent leadership over the past fifteen years and she was presented with a Royal Botanic Gardens vase and garden vouchers.
The full programme of meetings for 2018 is:
Thursday 25 January, Jim Whiteside - The work of the Lowland Rescue
Thursday 22 February, Rev Jacqui Horton - Living Iona
Thursday 22 March, Fay Jones - The wonderful world of stinging nettles
Thursday 26 April, Cos Stephanides - An introduction to Tibetan Buddhism
Thursday 24 May, Resolution Meeting
Thursday 28 June, Liz Keable - You are what you think
Thursday 26 July, Jon Read - Stainless steel tableware
Thursday 23 August, Sue Sursham - The Trans Siberian Railway
Thursday 27 September, Roger Jones - The Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Thursday 25 October, Birthday Party
Thursday 22 November, Annual Meeting
Thursday 6 December, Christmas Lunch

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Old Buckenham parish council minutes

December's discussions
These notes have been written by the newsletter editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
The councillors present at the meeting on Thursday 7 December were Adrian Joel (Chairman), Rona Boggia, Sarah Hornbrook, Jon Hicks, Phil Little, Paul Philips, Andy Nicholls and Ben Devin.
Also attending were Gemma Frost (to take the minutes) and four members of the public.
Apologies for non-attendance were accepted from Steve Milner and the parish clerk Hilary Clutten who was on annual leave.
The Council approved the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on Thursday 2 November. The minutes of the meeting on Thursday 16 November were amended to read “The meeting was then adjourned by the Chairman as the Clerk had left the meeting”.
Sarah Hornbrook expressed disappointment that grant applications had not been circulated as expected. With the above amendment, the minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. 
Matters arising from minutes. It was agreed that having a defibrillator in the telephone kiosk is not too close to the Village Hall defibrillator. The telephone box is a more central location in the village and therefore deemed an appropriate location. Phil Little has looked at the glazing in the telephone box and confirmed he is still happy to replace the glass with polycarbonate. This was a minor amendment so listed building consent probably was not necessary but the Council must check before undertaking any work.
There has been no response yet from NCC regarding the upgrading of the path at the village hall. The Village Hall committee have confirmed they will not accept responsibility for necessary improvements. It was agreed buses could not use recreation ground behind the village hall as ground is not hard enough and could cause further traffic problems in the car park.
The next parish council meeting in January will be the precept meeting, precept details need to be with Breckland Council by Monday 29 January.
Public participation relating to agenda items. Members of the Green Management Working Party gave a report. It discussed the cost of ID tagging and mapping of every tree including ownership so that a database can then be formed for future use. The identification of every tree would help both the members of the public and the Council. John Davison has agreed to do the tagging. Owners would not be financially responsible but will be asked for contribution. 
Sarah Hornbrook reported that it was agreed a tree survey should have  been done before responsibility moved from Green Rights to the working party. Only ash trees had previously been mapped and there was no documented professional tree survey already completed. The working party wanted to confirm it had permission to pursue registering the Green with Defra - this is not to make a registration, purely to look into what is available.
Location of a village Christmas tree has been finalised and will be placed on the Green in front of the Ox and Plough. 
A date for a liaison meeting between the Village Hall committee and the Parish Council would be agreed in January. 
Planning. Rona Boggia and Adrian Joel attended the Attleborough ADP meeting and both expressed their thoughts to the developer. Adrian Joel had a meeting with Simon Wood at Breckland Council in November and expressed the concerns over land in the parish of Old Buckenham being in the Attleborough SUE. There was to be a meeting with the developers in December and this item was on the agenda. The proposal is that they will not build on this small piece of land in the Parish, this can be conditioned in the planning application.
Sarah Hornbrook and Ben Devlin suggested the original issue, which was the road and the traffic, has been lost and that we needed to talk to Breckland Council about the link road. The Chairman confirmed it is his understanding that there is a loan on the table from NCC to fund the link road and negotiations are taking place also with HCA regarding a loan. It has been confirmed that the link road won’t be dependent on building of houses.
Attleborough Town Council is looking to implement time-limited parking in Queens Square car park, possibly in the Spring 2018. At the same time NCC will be looking to turn Surrogate Street into to two-way traffic.
Local planning. Beckwood, Stacksford. Appeal against the refusal of Breckland Council to allow the erection of a house and garage. Council had voted to support but subsequently refused on lack of sustainability grounds. The application has now gone to appeal.
9 The Yard, Old Buckenham. Planning permission given for the office building. Council supported and Breckland has approved it.
Poplar Farm. Smaller single story building. Council agreed to support this application.
Chairman’s report. Susan Brown has resigned from the parish council. The Chairman has advised Breckland Council of the resignation, a notice of vacancy has been posted on the notice board and if there has been no call for an election by Wednesday 27 December, the position can be advertised to co-opt a new councillor.
District Councillor’s report. The Chairman confirmed that five new BT fibre optic boxes are being installed throughout the village. These are being phased in over the coming year.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Rona Boggia reported on Chapel Green School. They have 63 pupils currently but this will increase in future to 110 pupils. There are five pupils and two teachers per class and most children also have ‘one-to-one’ helpers. Ben Devlin added that when the Parish Council first looked at the figures, teachers and one-to-one helpers were not taken into consideration so numbers are higher than initially thought. This led to a discussion around the traffic increase caused by the school. Sarah Hornbrook asked if figures from a main road traffic count were available so that these can be used to compare to a count again after the school is open. It was confirmed that Steve Milner has such figures.
Andy Nicholls raised concerns regarding the burglaries and dog thefts which have happened both in Old Buckenham and surrounding towns and villages of late. The Council felt that there is nothing the council can do other than asking everyone to be extra vigilant.
Paul Philips raised two items. He had attended a meeting with the residents of Doe Lane and Ben Devlin regarding the Old Buckenham Country Park. Paul Philips explained that he had attended merely to observe in case any issues were brought to the Parish Council at a later date. He also asked if it was possible to put visibility mirrors to aid both walkers and drivers coming out of the stud and or Harlingwood Lane to Cake Street. Unfortunately if Parish Council put these mirrors up they would be liable if an accident occurred so this is not an option. Andy Nicholls noted that a hedge, previously requested to be maintained and taken back to boundary to improve visibility, had still not been done. The Council agreed to write to Highways and bring their attention to the lack of action being taken. The Chairman raised an email from Ray Bayfield regarding dogs on leads but it has previously been agreed not to discuss this topic again. The Chairman also gave recognition to children from the High School for cleaning the war memorial.
Working Parties. A report from the Green Working Party has been given earlier in the meeting by members of the Working Party and they were thanked for their work. 
The Council agreed to approve the supply and erection of a Christmas Tree on the Green at a cost of £480 plus VAT, to approve the purchase of lights for the Christmas tree, to approve a donation to the Ox & Plough for the cost of electricity for the Christmas tree and to agree a final cut of the Green this year at a cost of £500.
A quote for the resurfacing of Post Office Terrace at a cost of £1060 was also considered. Would the offer of 22 tons of stone reduce the final cost?  The Chairman confirmed that we should have three quotes but we we can proceed with two. There was some debate around the material choice and the look that this leaves. Sarah Hornbrook did not feel that this was the best option. The Council resolved to approve spend of up to £999 (eight in favour, one against), to spend £50 on producing feedback leaflets on the Green to be inserted in the Six Villages Newsletter, to spend £400 on obtaining ownership tags for the trees on the Green and to agree survey and recording and mapping of the Green. Sarah Hornbrook expressed concern that more and more money going was outdoors on the Green and queried if all this work really needed doing. Jonathan Kemp felt that an initial spend is needed to get the Green in a good state, after which costs would reduce. Ben Devlin questioned what the new map will provide as there is already a map of trees. Andy Nicholls added that this is more than just a map, all trees will be number tagged making identification easier and it will help resolve issues as to whom owns what. Some green right owners own trees on the Green, it will make identifying these easier. Ben Devlin suggested this is deferred to another meeting where Rosemary West’s map is brought in and Sarah Hornbrook asked for more details regarding what the survey includes to also be brought to the next meeting. The Council resolved to defer this subject to the January meeting (six in favour, three against). 
It was agreed that the Green Management Working Party should research Defra registration and grants as long as this was only research. The Council have no appetite to go back to the way it was before when Defra were involved (five in favour, one abstaining, two against).
Highways matters. Gemma Frost provided information on personal experience of a near miss. Suggestions raised to improve school road crossing situation included a 20 mph speed limit, speed humps, asking police to do a speed watch, school signs on Abbey Road and a parking exclusion zone. After a formal request from Andy Nichols it was agreed to contact local MP, Tom McCabe, NCC Highways and County Councillor Stephen Askew. All were in favour.
Welcome Pack. Someone needs to take this on board. Paul Philips agreed to help.
Village Odd Job person. Andy Nicholls has spoken to Ivan Kerridge and he is interested on an hourly basis. He has own public liability. Rates £20 per hour for first hour and £15 per hour thereafter. Andy Nicholls would manage the Handyman jobs. Council agreed to put on list for next meeting
Items for next meeting . These would include amount for handy man, tree tagging, welcome packs and a meeting with Village Hall management committee.
The next Parish Council Meeting will be held in the Village Hall, Old Buckenham at 7.30pm on Thursday 4 January.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Old Buckenham road works

New Year road closure

If you are down Cake Street way during the first week of the New Year you will find that there will be a temporary road closure at the beginning of Harlingwood Lane. It is scheduled to start on Tuesday 2 January. This is to allow for sewer connection works and is expected to be completed on or before Saturday 6 January.
If you wish to talk to the contractor carrying out this work, Garrod Construction, about the work being carried out including access to nearby properties then you are advised to contact them on 01379 741720. The traffic management including the road closure and diversion is being organised by TMO Highways who you can contact by ringing 01379 676462 or emailing quoting reference TMO/17161.

Monday, 18 December 2017

Old Buckenham School nearly here

Latest on Chapel Green
The completion of the Chapel Green School project is now just weeks away. The building is looking great and the staff and students will soon be revelling in their wonderful new facilities.
Work on site has been going flat out leading up to the completion. Internally, all finishes are complete and are now undergoing tests and commissioning processes to ensure that the building will be working faultlessly for its new occupants.
Externally, the car park is taking shape with parking bays now installed, block paving progressing throughout and tarmac being laid to the roadways. External safety play areas and fencing are in position and the general feel of quality around site is coming to the forefront.
As Morgan Sindall work towards completion, there is a lot of activity taking place in all areas and they appreciate that this may cause some minor disruptions to everyday life. However they will continue to work hard to limit this as much as possible.
After a busy year in Old Buckenham, Morgan Sindall would like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank all local residents, schools, stakeholders and anyone else affected by the project, for their cooperation, understanding and patience during the construction process. The benefit that this building will provide to the children of Chapel Road and others throughout the region makes all of this hard work worthwhile.
The work continuing on site includes the soft landscaping and planting, completion of the playmound area, the final fencing and the removal of the site offices
Morgan Sindall personally wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

In just over four weeks time all villagers will get the opportunity to see around and inside the new school.

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Carol singing in Old Buckenham

Out in the cold winter air
People of all ages gathered at the Church Rooms, Old Buckenham, last night to do some carol singing. Fortified by mince pies and mulled wine they moved outside to join members of New Buckenham Silver Band and then to sing their way through a wide variety of Christmas carols and other seasonal songs.The younger members of the group enjoyed giving their impromptu performances with all the appropriate actions to go with the songs.

Many thanks are due to the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust for their organising of this event.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Homeless help from Old Buckenham school

Decorated boxes
Each year the pupils of Old Buckenham High School  collect up lots of non-perishable foodstuff to be given to the St Martin's Housing Trust. St Martins, based in Norwich, provide help to the homeless and to those sleeping on the streets at this time of the year.
The different school classes are encouraged to decorate their boxes of seasonal goodies and these are then judged for their originality before the are collected by the charity for use this Christmas.

There were cardboard boxes disguised as such things as trains, houses and large chimneys - all crammed with packets and cans galore.

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Lighting up time in Old Buckenham

Christmas tree on the Green
As dusk fell this evening villagers of all ages gathered around the tree that had been installed on the Green to witness the switching on of the Christmas lights. This was the first time a tree had been set up for all to see.
At 4pm the children present all helped in the countdown before Adrian Joel, chairman of the parish council, turned the magic switch and illuminated the branches.

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Old Buckenham Cuttings?

Cutting local family history
David Cutting, who lives in Wymondham, has contacted the blog editor as he is trying to find any information about Walter Cutting who was married to his Great Aunt Caroline Cutting (one Cutting marrying another Cutting, probably distant cousins).
He understands that Walter was a grocer and draper in New or Old Buckenham, that his father farmed Abbey Farm at Old Buckenham (near the present airfield) and that Walter was born there. He has a photo of the house from the old gable end of the property.
Walter and Caroline had many children. One of them was Catherine Cutting and David has a copy of her invite to Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations on 22 June 1897 in the market place of New Buckenham. He also has a photo of the shop and of Catherine although the shop may be the one he had in Foulsham, he is not sure.
There may be some of the Cutting relations still living locally (Banham?). David is making this request for a Karen Linderberg (she is Catherine's granddaughter and lives in California, USA). He believes Karen has lots of other photos and information that may be of interest to local historians.
If any readers know anything about the Cuttings or their shop then Karen would be delighted to hear about it. Her email is should you want to contact her directly but David would love to hear as well ( and so would the blog editor (

Friday, 8 December 2017

Lovely cakes in Old Buckenham

Raising money for 'Raising the Roof'
Did you miss this afternoon's opportunity to enjoy wonderful homemade cooking, plenty of time to chat to friends and the chance to sing Happy Birthday to the chairman of the parish council?
The display of cakes was more sparkling than ever and one of the sausage rolls with a candle added made a suitable birthday cake.

There were a few cakes left over so they may well be available at 4pm this Sunday when the lights will be activated on the village Christmas tree.

Switching lights on in Old Buckenham

Christmas tree lights 
These will be turned on at 4pm on Sunday 10 December. The tree is being put up near the Ox and Plough pub on the Green. Come along and help make this a great occasion which can be repeated in future years.
The tree is not there yet but they have been digging the hole for the permanent metal fixing that will be used again in future years.

Monday, 4 December 2017

More coffee and cake in Old Buckenham

Tasty afternoon ahead
Have a great time enjoying some great food and great company.

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Free workshop in Old Buckenham

Make a Christmas wreath
There will be a free wreath-making workshop in the Church Rooms before Christmas.

This is a free event and any donations will go to the "Raise the Roof" campaign. Just come along at 10am on Saturday 9 December with a pair of secateurs and any seasonal greenery that you may have. The 'mechanics' of rings and wire will be provided (as will tea and coffee).
Please let Lydia know if you would like to come. Ring her on 861360 or email