Thursday, 30 November 2017

Yet another Old Buckenham newsletter

Coming around the village
The December newsletter with details of all the Christmas events has been printed and will be available any day now.
Keep a look out for this cover:

Busy December in Old Buckenham

Diary dates for December

Tuesday 5   Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards

Wednesday 6   Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm

Thursday 7   Women's Institute Christmas Lunch

Thursday 7   Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Friday 8   Christmas coffee and cake, Church Rooms, 1.30 to 4.30pm

Saturday 9   Wreath Making Workshop, Church Rooms, 10am to 12 noon

Monday 11   Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm

Wednesday 13   Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Thursday 14   Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm

Thursday 14   Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm for 7.45pm

Saturday 16   Carols on the Green, Church Rooms, 4.30pm

Wednesday 20   Festive Sing-a-long, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm

Sunday 24   Church Rooms open all day for food donations

Sunday 24   Candle-lit carol service, All Saints, 7pm

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Old Buckenham WI's aprons

Special aprons available
As part of their fiftieth birthday celebrations earlier this year, Old Buckenham Women's Institute produced a batch of special aprons for their members. These unique aprons are decorated with coloured photographs of the village including the village sign, the churches and the windmill.

There are just a few of these aprons still available should you want to own one or give one to someone as a special present. They are priced at £10 each and you can contact Barbara Frost on 860841 if you would like one.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Old Buckenham charity run

Running in the dark
As darkness fell on Wednesday 15 November the runners of Old Buckenham were putting on their running shoes and heading for the door. They took part in the "Run in the Dark" charity event - a global community of runners who are supporting the effort to find a cure for paralysis due to spinal cord injury.

The event is in aid of a charity set up by Mark Pollock to fund research into finding a cure for paralysis due to spinal cord injury. The event was organised in the village by Chris Clarke, who is an old school friend of Mark Pollock. Chris has organised the event in Old Buckenham in previous years and on each occasion there have been about 45 participants. The run started at the Ox and Plough pub and proceeded along a route past the windmill, through Stacksford, along Fen Street and then back to the pub. This year over £900 raised for the Mark Pollock trust and Chris is aiming for over 50 runners next year.
If you're interested in taking part next year please join the Old Buckenham Run In the Dark Facebook Group:

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Old Buckenham Parish Council

Minutes of November meeting
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
The November meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council was held on Thursday 2 November 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Old Buckenham. Those present were Adrian Joel (Chairman), Rona Boggia, Sarah Hornbrook, Phil Little, Steve Milner and Paul Philips along with the clerk Hilary Clutten and sixteen members of the public.
Apologies for non-attendance had been received from Susan Brown, Ben Devlin, Jon Hicks, Jonathan Kemp and Andy Nicholls.
The minutes of the October council meeting were approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Matters arising from these minutes included that it was hoped to soon do some work to improve the track opposite Green Pond, Paul Boggia has agreed to check on the electricity supply in the BT kiosk, there has been no response yet from NCC regarding the upgrading of the path at the Village Hall and that Morgan Sindall will soon renew the fencing at the Village Hall.
Public participation on agenda items. A number of resident dog owners had attended the meeting to find out what was going to happen about dogs on the Green. It was pointed out that dog owners should be advised to keep their dogs on leads during the bird nesting season. It was agreed that the Green had been much cleaner since some advisory notices had been put on the multi-use bins. The issue of upgrading the path to the new school has not yet been resolved. It was agreed that the Road Safety Working Party should take on a study of residential parking in the village. Next month’s agenda would also include why the village is becoming a car park for buses, etc.
Green Management Working Party report. It is not possible for the free mowing of the Green to continue because of the mole hills but the contractor has stood by his agreement for the current year. There will be a final cut and strim in preparation for winter. The footpath opposite Green Pond is to be compacted to make it more accessible for walkers.
The Breckland Tree Officer has come to look at the trees and give advice and it is hoped to have a talk by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust on environmental issues. Next year it is hoped to do some work on Ottomer pond; an application has been made to remove some trees and branches. The Working Party is also proposing to the Parish Council that the path alongside Rod Alley Row be improved at a cost of £1060. The Working Party would like to carry out a survey of residents, perhaps in February 2018, to gain a sense of what people think has been done right or wrong and what could be done better. Gemma Frost has joined the Working Party.
Planning applications. 9 The Old Yard, Hargham Road. Erection of office building. The Council resolved to support this application.
Chapel House, The Green. Creation of a separate residential unit. The Council resolved to support in principle but did not believe that there was enough information about vehicle parking.
Chapel House, The Green. Listed Building application to form a flat in upper floor. The Council resolved to support in principle but did not believe that there was enough information about vehicle parking.
Other planning matters. The Chairman reported that Breckland Council did not have any problem with the removing of the marked trees around Ottomer pond. A new location has been found for a mobile telephone mast in Old Buckenham. The company involved is currently carrying out a consultation exercise. The Chairman also reported that a small part of the land in the Attleborough SUE was in the parish of Old Buckenham and that he will be talking to the Breckland Officers directly to clarify the use of the land and if necessary a meeting is to be arranged with someone from Breckland to make residents’ feelings known before the application goes to Planning Committee.
Financial report from the Clerk. The bank balance in mid-October was £33,498.69. The allotment invoices have been issued and a further sum of £450 has been received for Community Car mileage. Money is still outstanding from Enterprise Inns and the Green Rights’ Proprietors (wayleave payment) for the Green.
Recent payments included £96 for cutting the Recreation Area, £101 for purchase of litter bin, £496 for paper for the newsletter and £450 for the allotment rent.
Chairman’s report. The war memorial is being cleaned and the grass cut in readiness for Remembrance Sunday; Rona Boggia will lay a wreath on behalf of the village. The Chairman is arranging to visit the Norfolk Records Office with the Clerk and Jon Hicks.
District Councillor’s reports. Attleborough Town Council has requested that the main car park become a “Pay & Display” car park. Breckland Council has launched a more user-friendly website. The new broadband boxes will soon become live. Breckland has applied for funding from Highways England to locate four charging points for electric and hybrid cars near major routes in Breckland.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Steve Milner reported that the village has the use of the SAM Sign for a few weeks (installed in Cake Street and Hargham Road). He has taken a dash-cam photograph of an errant lorry and has submitted it to Norfolk Constabulary but no response has yet been received. A ‘Road Narrows’ sign has been requested for Hargham Road.
The village church has not been successful in getting funding from the National Lottery to re-thatch its roof. Sarah Hornbrook reported that there is a broken stile on the footpath from Doe Lane to Dam Brigg and the Clerk will advise NCC.
Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan. The Town Referendum will soon be carried out.
Road Safety Working Party. There has been no response from Norfolk County Council since the Clerk sent a letter; the Clerk was asked to contact County Councillor Stephen Askew. Rona Boggia will look at the car parking issue.
Play Area. Jon Hicks is to do some work to make the Play Area safer and will also do some painting.
Recreation Area. Morgan Sindall will be doing some repairs to the fencing in the next few weeks. The Council is still waiting for some ideas from the school pupils for the Recreation Area and also the bus shelter.
Chapel Green School. The new school will be opening in January.
Report on the Green. A report had been given earlier in the meeting by members of the Working Party and they were thanked for their work. The Working Party is proposing that the Parish Council improves the track by Rod Alley Pond and has obtained two quotations for the work. After some discussion the Council decided to defer the decision until further information is obtained. The Council agreed not to change its charging policy for the Ox & Plough until the next financial year.
Village sign. The Pride of Breckland awards are no longer available to fund the work on the village sign.The Council agreed to have the sign grit blasted and repainted in the Spring and to raise the cost, £815, through next year’s Precept.
Compilation of a welcome pack. The work on this is progressing.
Village Handy Person. Andy Nicholls is co-ordinating a list of possible contractors and a ‘to do’ list.
Items to be included in the December Agenda would include the telephone kiosk, parking in the village, the village sign, the Attleborough Development, progress on the welcome pack, the Rod Alley Row track, the village job list update, public participation at council meetings, communications, CPR courses and meetings with the Village Hall Management Committee.

The date of the next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 7 December in the Village Hall, Old Buckenham.

Friday, 17 November 2017

Workshop in Old Buckenham

Breckland Flower and Garden Club
The Chairman welcomed members and visitors to the November meeting, all eager to commence a workshop, taught by Joy Tunmore. Armed with spray carnations, roses and a small amount of foliage, Joy showed how to place the foliage, then the flowers followed by ‘sparkly embellishments’ to produce a teardrop-shaped arrangement on a shallow tray -and ideal for a Christmas table decoration. Everyone was pleased with their efforts which resulted in a very colourful display.
The table show for a collection of dried flowers and leaves was won by Allison Vivian and the arrangement competition, together with the monthly cup, were won by Maxine Mace who decorated a ring with a variety of dried material.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 14 December at Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 2pm when Brenda Tubb, a very amusing demonstrator, will aim to get everyone into the Christmas spirit with her title ‘Another Fine Mess for Christmas’. The table show will be for three stems of seasonal foliage and the competition is entitled ‘Christmas Madness’ so unusual arrangements are expected.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Fundraising for Old Buckenham church roof

Raise the Roof 
Here is a breakdown of the funds raised so far this year for ‘Raise the Roof’.

  • Coffee afternoons (three so far) £1095
  • June Garden Party (including additional donations) £1620
  • Flower Festival (donations and refreshments) £210
  • Thatcher talk (donations) £160
  • Norfolk Heritage Recovery event (plus refreshments) £560
  • Profits from T shirt sales £45
  • 2-wheel curry van donations £101
  • Table Top book sale £46
  • Individual donations: £921
This makes a total of £4758 and the restoration fund now stands at £9750 in total.
A new application is to be made to the Heritage Lottery fund (under a different scheme following the rejection of the previous application to the ‘Listed Places of Worship scheme’). 

There are more fundraising opportunities coming up. Special Church Christmas cards are available in All Saints church or from Alison Hannah (861261).
Also the next Coffee and Cake afternoon will be held in the Church Rooms on Friday 8 December between 1.30pm and 4.30pm. Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy a tasty treat with friends

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Old Buckenham remembers

Service in All Saints Church

There will be a service for Remembrance Sunday today in All Saints Church starting at 2pm. Participants will then move on to the war memorial on the Green at about 2.30pm for the laying of wreaths. 

Up at the Airfield
Here are a few photographs of the service that took place this morning at the memorial at Old Buckenham airfield.

Friday, 10 November 2017

Old Buckenham Precept meeting

Next year's spending
There will be a meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council at the Village Hall, Old Buckenham, on Thursday 16 November starting at 7.30pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
Items on the agenda will be:
  • To record declarations of interests not already recorded in the current Members’ Register of Interests
  • Public Participation relating to agenda items only
  • The Parish Council Budget 2018/19
  • To consider a request from the Parochial Church Council for a Precept Grant for 2018/19 towards re-thatching the church roof
  • To consider a request from the Pre-school for a Precept Grant for window blinds or a Children’s Farm
  • To consider a request from New Buckenham Football Club for a Precept Grant for a weather shelter
  • To consider the other Precept Grant Applications for 2018/19 – amounts suggested by Precept Grants Working Party
  • To consider budgeting for the refurbishment of the Village Sign, £815, in 2018/19
  • To consider how much to budget for the Green for 2018/19
  • To consider any amendments to the 2018/19 budget figures prepared by the Clerk
  • To consider a quote for £500 for cutting the Green before the winter.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Additions at Old Buckenham Airfield

Second museum to open at Airfield
The traditional Remembrance Service will be held this coming Sunday 12 November starting at 10.55am at the airfield's war memorial. The United States will be represented by a senior officer from Lakenheath Air Base. All are welcome to attend.

Old Buckenham Airfield has announced the opening on this Remembrance Sunday of a second Museum; the 8th Air Force Heritage Gallery. This new addition has been designed to complement the existing 453rd Bombardment Group Museum which houses the largest collection of 453rd memorabilia in existence. It will be formally opened following the remembrance service.
The new Gallery showcases some of the extensive collection of James Clarey. His collection, combined with that of the late Pat Ramm, is partly on display in the 453rd Museum, of which James is also curator. James, however, has not limited his collecting to the 453rd and has so many exhibits relating to the 8th Air Force (of which the 453rd was a part) that the decision was taken to create the 8th Air Force Heritage Gallery to provide a place where these exhibits can be on public display.
Based in the Airfield’s ‘Small Blister Hangar’, the Gallery contains a host of displays and exhibits. At its heart is a faithful recreation of the 'Post Exchange' which was a key feature of the lives of all the servicemen at Old Buckenham during the war. The Post Exchange was the place for parcels and letters to go back and forth between England and the US. For most servicemen this would have been the most tangible link with home and the Post Exchange also served as a shop and social centre on the base.
Remembrance Sunday will also see the unveiling of new ornamental railings to enclose the Memorial Garden. The railings were built in-house at the airfield and a new LED lighting system completes this latest update, the first major improvement since the Garden was created in 2012.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

SAM measuring in Old Buckenham

A busy few days
SAM has been kept busy over the last few days indicating the speed of the traffic travelling along Cake Street by the junction with Harlingwood Lane. SAM is a Speed Awareness Monitor and it sits there for hours on time showing drivers just how fast they are going as they reach the blind bend in the road.
It is content when it shows readings like this:

Some drivers seem to forget this road is subject to a 30mph speed limit so SAM asks them to reduce their speed by telling them to 'slow down'.

A village Speedwatch team recorded considerably higher speeds early this morning just a bit further along Cake Street so these measurements were not unexpected. This afternoon even a passing hearse had to be reminded to slow down, perhaps they were just touting for more business.
Please keep to the speed limit and keep SAM happy.

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Latest on Old Buckenham's new school

Progress at Chapel Green School

Considerable changes have taken place over the past few months and the building is looking great, both inside and out. Internally, the fit-out is going full steam ahead with floor finishes going down, final paint on the walls and the installation of fitted furniture.
Externally, the final shape is coming together as edging kerbs and footpaths are installed. The installation of the all-weather games surface has been completed and the seeds sown on the football pitch. The building façade is now complete and works are nearing completion for the garden area.
Final drainage is now being installed to the front of the site allowing the formation of the car park to get under way.
There have been many activities taking place outside of the site boundary, including footpath works, water connections, electricity cable installations and drainage connections. Morgan Sindall appreciates that this work will have caused disruption and thank everyone for their cooperation and persistence during these times.
The doors of the school have been opened recently to some of the staff and students of the present school. The atmosphere of excitement within the building was amazing and the contractors are looking forward to handing this project over to them so they can enjoy some wonderful facilities.