Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Things to do in Old Buckenham

Diary dates for November
Wednesday 1      Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 1      Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Thursday 2         Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Monday 6           Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 7           Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards
Thursday 9         Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 9         Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm for 7.45pm
Friday 10            A special evening at Ox and Plough from 5pm
Saturday 11        November Market, Church Rooms, 11am to 2pm
Sunday 12          Remembrance service, Old Buckenham Airfield, 11am
Sunday 12          Remembrance service, Church 2pm, Memorial 2.30pm
Monday 13         Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Wednesday 15   Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 15   Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Wednesday 15   Run in the Dark, Ox and Plough at 7.30pm
Monday 20         Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Thursday 23       Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 24            Visits from Mobile Library during morning
 Wednesday 29    Luncheon Club outing

Monday, 30 October 2017

November newsletter is around in Old Buckenham

Five thousand words to read
Here is what the new newsletter looks like. You may have had one through your letter box in the last couple of days, if not why not go out looking for them in all the usual places.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Celebrating in Old Buckenham

Diamond day for Pauline and Max
Invite all your family and friends to the village hall when you have been married for sixty years and what do you get?
What we got on Saturday 28 October was a very pleasant afternoon, plenty of food, lots of sharing memories - all while being serenaded by a quartet of clarinet players (The Liquorish Allsorts).
We could also look at the actual wedding dress worn sixty years ago and see the photographs taken of the newly married couple. We drank a toast, ate pieces of cake and listened to old LPs being played on a portable wind-up gramophone. 
Below are some photos taken by the blog editor that may give you a taste of  what went on (you can see bigger versions of these images by just clicking on them). 

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Party time in Old Buckenham

Women's Institute is golden
There was something special about Old Buckenham Women's Institute birthday party on Thursday 26 October this year as they were celebrating the fact that they were formed fifty years ago.
The present committee had put a special effort into all the decor and gold appeared everywhere.

As well as the Old Buckenham members and their guests, several other local Institutes had been invited to send two delegates so the village hall was full of people. The Norfolk Federation chairman Wendy Adams had also accepted her invitation to attend and the Federation Secretary Louise Casson was also there as she is a member of Old Buckenham WI.

Susan Hunter, the current President, opened the meeting by thanking all those who had helped throughout the year and reminded everyone about what was happening way back in 1967, such things as the first heart transplant and the first flight of Concorde.
This year the committee members had done all the cooking for the meal - beautiful cooked ham, buttered potatoes, salad, pickles of all sorts as well as a vegetarian quiche.

The entertainment was provided by singer Martyn Shults who enthralled the audience with his stories of "The Rat Pack", all vocally illustrated by his singing of songs made famous by Mario Lanza, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Matt Monro and Sammy Davis Junior. 

The celebratory cake was cut and a toast drunk.

Then it was time for a big raffle where even all the prizes seemed to continue the golden theme.
A wonderful evening, only ten more years before we can celebrate with a diamond evening.

(Remember you can enlarge the pictures by just clicking on them)

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Visitor to Old Buckenham

You may have seen her
It appears from some snippets that the blog editor saw on tv news that the present prime minister visited the site of Chapel Green School in Old Buckenham today. Nobody thought to tell him so there is nothing much else to report.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Old Buckenham Parish Council

Notes of October meeting
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Parish councillors Adrian Joel (Chairman), Rona Boggia, Susan Brown, Ben Devlin, Jon Hicks, Jonathan Kemp, Phil Little, Steve Milner and Andy Nicholls attended along with parish clerk Hilary Clutten and three members of the public. Apologies had been received from Sarah Hornbrook and Paul Phillips.
The minutes of the September meeting were approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Arising from the minutes, Steve Milner reported that the lighting at the new Chapel Green School will go off at 10pm if evening activities are taking place at the school but otherwise the lights will go off at 7pm.
Public participation on agenda items. Steve Milner will enquire if stickers about cold calling are available from SNAP.
It has now been agreed that a defibrillator can be installed at the Village Hall. A resident did not think that the telephone kiosk was a suitable location for a defibrillator.
It was agreed to discuss dogs on leads on common land and the possibility of separate dog signs at next meeting.
Would it be possible to record which items in the minutes have been done or not done? This will be discussed at next Parish Council Meeting.
Sarah Hornbrook had been asked to look into drawing up a document to enable the Parish Council to comment upon planning applications in a consistent way.
Planning application consultations. Land on north side of Hargham Road. Change of use from agricultural field to horse field and erection of stable. The Parish Council agreed to approve this application with seven votes in favour and two abstentions subject to the stable not being changed in the future to a dwelling and any highway safety issues being addressed.
Planning decisions made by Breckland Council. Appletrees, Harlingwood Lane. Front, side and rear extensions. This planning application has now been approved by Breckland Council.
1 Prosperous Row. Two storey extension and front porch. Planning permission has been granted by Breckland.
Beckwood, Stacksford. Construction of one and a half storey dwelling and garage – planning permission has been refused by Breckland Council.
Land adjoining Innishowen. New dwelling and cart lodge. Planning permission has been refused by Breckland Council.
Sunnyside House. New dwelling with cart lodge. Planning permission has been refused by Breckland Council.
Financial matters. The Clerk had distributed her Financial Report to councillor prior to the meeting. The second half of the precept and grant for 2017/18 has been received; the bank balance stands at £34,609.68 including reserves.
Chairman’s report. The Chairman thanked Sarah Hornbrook for framing the Parish Council’s responses to the Attleborough SUE and Local Plan consultations. The Old Buckenham Cricket Club would like to apply for a Precept Grant for 2018/19. The deadline for applications has passed; the council agreed that the Clerk could send the club an application form.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported that Breckland Council had agreed to accept and release £167,123 funding made available from the Government’s Homelessness Support Grant to improve the support offered to those at risk of homelessness. It is anticipated that this will help families stay in their homes. Two specialist support workers will be recruited to provide tailored and intensive support to households within Breckland who are at risk of homelessness.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Steve Milner reported that he had four new volunteers for Speed Watch. Ben Devlin handed over a cheque for the use of the Green for a wedding. He also said that would be leaving the Ox and Plough on Monday 6 November but he would remain on the Parish Council. Jon Hicks reported that he had visited the High School to discuss the inappropriate use of the Play Area by some of the children. The Headteacher offered his apologies and will speak to the pupils. The High School children would like to design and build some item for the Recreation Field themselves; Browns have offered to supply some timber free of charge. Jon Hicks will meet with the High School Council next week so that a design for the bus shelter can be discussed. He has cut the Play Area and carried out further inspections. Adrian Joel reported that Raggs Lane footpath needed cutting; agreed to write to NCC and to copy in County Councillor Stephen Askew and Terry Cracknell. There was a discussion again about the path in front of the cottages on the Green. The hogging may be too deep and Jon Hicks said that he would rake some off.
Road Safety Working Party. Rona Boggia reported that the Working Party had carried out a traffic survey at the crossroads on Friday 29 September between 8.15am and 9am then again between 2.30pm and 3.30pm. It was noticed that some school children were being dropped off by the Ox & Plough and the Church Rooms and walked along the path on the Green. They then had to cross Abbey Road where the bend in the road makes crossing the road dangerous. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to NCC (and copy to County Councillor Stephen Askew) to enquire about reducing the speed limit on the roads close to the schools and to send a copy of the traffic survey. There was also interest in the Parish Council replacing the ‘Lollipop person’ at its expense if this was possible.
Play Area. Jon Hicks reported that the tractor would be repainted.
Recreation Area. The Clerk had provided quotations for a number of different litter bins and the Council decided to purchase a green wire litter bin from Bins-and-Benches for £75 plus VAT and carriage.
Chapel Green School. The transfer of children to the new school will start in January 2018 and an open day is to take place this December.
The Green. A written report had been provided from the Green Management Working Party meeting. No money had been needed for grass cutting and no other spending was anticipated in the near future. The Working Party will be arranging to obtain quotes for grass cutting next year. The Chairman thanked John Fernihough for his work in helping to manage the Green. It was noted that the Parish Council had achieved a lot in the last year. Thanks were given to Jon Hicks for his work on the Play Area and to Steve Milner for the film of the Green that he had made for the Annual Parish Meeting.
Review of Standing Orders. A copy of the proposed revisions had been circulated to councillors which indicated the reasons for the changes. The Council resolved to adopt the revised Standing Orders with immediate effect.
Allotments. On the recommendation of the Allotments Working Party the Council to adopt the revised allotment agreement, to set a rent for the allotments for residents of £40 per full plot and £20 per half plot for 2017/18 and to set a rent for the allotments for non-residents of £50 per full plot and £25 per half plot for 2017/18. There are some vacant allotments and the Chairman agreed to advertise these in the village newsletter.
Footpath and fence at the Village Hall. NCC are arranging to have the upgrading work done and have offered to pay the Parish Council a sum of £5,000 for future maintenance which is not likely to be required for ten years. The Council agreed that the Clerk should write to Isobel Horner (NCC) to advise them that it should be its responsibility to look after the ongoing maintenance of the footpath as it is needed for the use of school children.
Telephone kiosk. The Council resolved, should lottery funding be available, to put a defibrillator in the telephone kiosk and then a second defibrillator should be purchased. The Parish Council agreed to organise a clean-up of the kiosk and the Clerk was asked to contact BT about the electricity supply.
Highways issues. The Clerk was asked to report various highways issues to NCC including a missing manhole cover and potholes in front of the Laurel Tree Centre on the Green.
Village sign refurbishment. The Chairman reported that it would cost a total of £815 to refurbish the village sign and that free transportation to the sandblaster had been offered. It is possible to put in an application for a ‘Pride of Norfolk’ grant which could be done by Kerry Talbot. The WI, which had erected the original sign, has given their approval to the project. Ben Devlin preferred to see the Parish Council raise funds locally rather than apply for grants. However the Council agreed to proceed with an application for a ‘Pride of Norfolk’ grant.
Village shop. The Council agreed to ask Breckland Council to add the Village Shop to the Register of Community Assets thereby ensuring that the community would have the prior right to bid if the business was put up for sale.
Welcome Pack for newcomers. Susan Brown showed the Council a copy of the booklet that had been produced by New Buckenham Parish Council but said that a lot of the information in it was already available in the village’s current regular publications. She thought that two-page insert put into existing publications and a section on the Parish Council’s website would be more suitable. Paul Phillips is helping with this project and Susan Brown agreed to produce a draft document for the next Parish Council meeting.
Parish Council Handyman. The Council decided to retain this project but to offer the work on a job by job basis rather than appointing one person. Andy Nicholls offered to co-ordinate a list of jobs and bring it to the next Parish Council meeting.
November Parish Council meeting. Subjects to be discussed would include the Handyman‘s job list, dog fouling on the Green/dogs on leads, Christmas tree near the Ox & Plough and events such as a village picnic.
The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 2 November and will be held in the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Road closure in Old Buckenham

Less than two weeks to go
This sign is outside Dairy Cottage in Abbey Road, just by the entrance road that leads to the Pre-school, Primary school and the Village Hall. At times motor access to these places will not be possible if you are coming in to Abbey Road from the Green.

Friday, 13 October 2017

New Old Buckenham school

Name is up
Work continues apace on Chapel Green School in Old Buckenham. Here are some photos taken today from behind the Village Hall to show how it is progressing.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

On the Old Buckenham skyline

Energy trip
When you are going along Hargham Road towards the A11 and Thetford, a large silvery/grey building shows up through the trees. Work started on this building at Snetterton in December 2014 and the Snetterton Renewable Energy Plant became fully operational in April this year.
It produces 44MW of green electricity by burning a mix of biomass fuels including straw, oil seed rape, miscanthus (elephant grass) and wood chips.

A small group of local residents were able to go on an organised tour around the plant yesterday afternoon to see what goes on there.
It is a very large complex that is in operation 24 hours a day throughout the year. It gets through about 33 tonnes of fuel every hour and stores up to four days' worth of fuel bales on site, that is over 5,000 bales. You may have seen the large loads of straw bales on  lorries that travel through the local villages on the way to Snetterton.
It is a very safety concious site. As visitors we were fitted out with high-vis jackets, hats, glasses and gloves before being shown around by our guides who explained the working of all the machinery and other equipment.

Those running the site are pleased to welcome schools, colleges, universities and interest groups to go to the site to learn more about how it works, the fuel they use and the benefits of renewable energy production. Ideally groups need to be small (around ten). You need to be fit enough to climb stairs and not worried about being able to see through the stair treads down to the ground way below.
More details at https://www.snettertonbiomass.com/ 
or email info@bwsceast anglia.com 

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Old Buckenham WI

Learning about the Anglo-Saxons
At the September meeting of Old Buckenham WI, members enjoyed a visit from Fiona Dowson who came dressed as an Anglo-Saxon to tell them about the West Stow
Anglo-Saxon village.
During the early Anglo-Saxon period, West Stow was the site of a small village made up of timber buildings. Comparatively little is known of life at that time. Crops were grown and animals kept but the people were very poor. Fiona demonstrated how wool was spun on a home-made spindle much as it is today in many places.
Old Buckenham will be celebrating its fiftieth birthday during October. Then the Annual Meeting takes place on Thursday 23 November when they will be hearing reports of
their activities over the past year and also electing their president and committee
members for 2018.

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Quiz time in Old Buckenham

Testing time in the village hall
Saturday 7 October was the day for another village quiz with nine teams trying to prove who was the best at answering a wide range of questions.

A sudden knock-out 'true or false' round had people standing around with their hands on their heads.

The overall winners were the "Shrobucks" team who were very pleased with their trophy.

Second place went to "Mike's lot" with a tie for third place between "Wagglers" and "Maggie's Mob".
A very enjoyable evening (with wonderful fish and chip refreshments at half time) which hopefully raised useful funds for the village hall.
The official scores have now been received from the quiz master and are:

1 Shrobucks 74

2 Mike's Lot 69.5

3= Maggie's Mob 67

3= Wagglers 67

5 The Methodists 66.5

6 Women's Institute 66

7 Writers' Block 65

8 PCC 64.5

9 Quiz Team Aguilera 61

(the maximum possible score was 90)

Monday, 2 October 2017

Dogs in Old Buckenham Country Park

Showtime for dogs
Yesterday, Sunday 1 October, was a chance for dogs and their owners to parade in front of the judges at the dog show organised by Rosedale Funeral Homes. The aim was to raise money for local animal charities.
The blog editor was unable to get to the walks that had been arranged in the morning but the weather slowly started improving during the afternoon and everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves.