Saturday, 30 September 2017

Odld Buckenhamevents in October

Diary dates for October
Monday 2           Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 3           Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards
Wednesday 4      Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Wednesday 4      Luncheon Club outing
Thursday 5         Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 7          Village Quiz, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Monday 9           Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Thursday 12       Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 12       Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm for 7.45pm 
Friday 13             Coffee and cake afternoon, Church Rooms, 1.30am to 4.30pm
Saturday 14        Liquorice  Allsorts concert, All Saints, 7.30pm
Monday 16         Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Wednesday 18   Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 18   Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Saturday 21        Table Top Sale, Church Rooms, 10am to 12 noon
Wednesday 25   Spooky stuff, Old Buckenham Country Park, from 12 noon
Thursday 26       Women's Institute 50th birthday party, Village Hall
Friday 27            Visits from Mobile Library during morning
 Saturday 28       Meet Max and Pauline, Village Hall, 2pm to 6pm

Friday, 29 September 2017

Yet another Old Buckenham village newsletter

Plenty of news
This October issue has appeared around the village just before the beginning of the month. Read it to find out what has happened and what will be happening in Old Buckenham.

Coffee morning in Old Buckenham

Lovely cakes
Those who came along to the Gamekeeper this morning  between 9.30am to 12 noon were able to enjoy a morning raising money as part of the World's Biggest Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support
Here are a couple of photos to show you what you could have enjoyed by taking part.

Update from Tony at the Gamekeeper
We would like to say a massive thank you to all those who came to our Macmillan Coffee Morning yesterday, at The Gamekeeper, it turned out to be a great success. Thanks also to those who brought cake, we had quite a lot left over so we gave all our guests last evening the option of having cake instead of desert for a donation the the fund. Finally it all went so the grand total raised is £301.90 which is absolutely brilliant - Thank you very much.

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Trips around in Old Buckenham

Heroic or Heritage?
There were two very different journeys going on in Old Buckenham yesterday.
If you went to the field alongside Old Buckenham Airfield you could run around this large field and deal with various obstacles that had been put in your way. After starting off from the large inflatable arch there were tunnels to get through, see-saws to climb over, barbed wire to crawl under and poles to clamber over) if you had enough energy left) before finishing back at that large arch once more.
There you could collect your free water and a medal. What's more the entrants paid to do this! It was a 'Heroic' event raising funds for the East Anglia Children's Hospices.

About the same time as these 'races' started, a group of members of the Old Buckenham Scout Group were leaving All Saints Church to go on a prototype 'Heritage walk' and learn about some of the village's history. They walked along Abbey Road to Buckenham Priory where they stopped outside the gates to hear the history of the building that had once stood there. Then it was along the footpaths to Old Buckenham Castle. The gates here had been unlocked to allow everyone in for a suitable lunch break.
Soon it was time to hear more about the history of the site and to walk all around the ramparts. Then on in to New Buckenham before taking more footpaths back to All Saints Church in Old Buckenham.
It is hoped that this walk can be developed into a more detailed Heritage walk for all and, as part of the 'Raise the Roof' campaign, even raise some funds as well as educating villages on local history.

(part of a map in the booklet 'Some notes on Old Buckenham' published around 1946)

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Old Buckenham Parish Council

September parish council
The following notes have been written by the newsletter editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is changed at a later date
The September Old Buckenham Parish Council meeting was held on Thursday 7 September. Those present were Adrian Joel (Chairman), Rona Boggia, Susan Brown, Jon Hicks, Sarah Hornbrook, Phil Little, Steve Milner, Andy Nicholls and Paul Phillips as well as the parish clerk Hilary Clutten and five members of the public.
Apologies for non-attendance had been received from Jonathan Kemp.
The Council approved the minutes of the July meeting subject to the change that Sarah Hornbrook and Adrian Joel had attended a meeting rather than Andy Nicholls and Adrian Joel.
Matters arising from the Minutes. Steve Milner reported that the Dash Cam Campaign meeting had been good with 19 people attending. Chris Wright from Wymondham Police had given a presentation including some examples of dash cam footage. There is a police website where dash cam footage can be uploaded. Paul Phillips had written a newspaper item about the meeting but the police had taken so long to agree the wording that the newspapers lost interest in printing it.
Public participation on agenda items. A resident reported that the traffic in Hargham Road had been getting worse recently with more large lorries, agricultural vehicles and both emergency and other vehicles travelling at high speeds. It is impossible for a car and a lorry to pass on part of the highway so vehicles are using the front lawns of some properties, including his own, to achieve this. The NCC Highways’ Engineer has been to take a look and agrees that there is a problem. It is hoped that a ‘slow down’ sign might ultimately be erected. He wondered if it would be possible to use a Sam 2 (the parish has the regular use of this machine and Hargham Road is one of the areas that is checked) to check speeding but also traffic police were needed to check the speed of drivers. The resident would like the Parish Council’s support with Norfolk County Council.
Old Buckenham land is included in the Attleborough SUE – see later in the inutes for discussion on this.
The shingle in front of the village shop is not suitable to walk on or for people using walking frames meaning that people are having to walk on the road.
A resident who is a member of the Norfolk Heritage Recovery Group (metal detecting) spoke about its recent finds on the site of Chapel Green School before building had started. There had been a significant find of Iron Age coins. They had also surveyed an adjacent field and would now like to survey the Recreation Area and an area in front of the Village Hall. All finds must be reported and if there is any reward this must be shared 50/50 with the landowner. Hopefully it might be possible to display some finds in the Village Hall.
Is light pollution from Chapel Green School likely? Steve Milner reported that the lighting would be shown on the planning application and he would endeavour to find the information.
A resident reported that there was a rumour going around the village that a resident had been banned from Parish Council meetings. The Chairman said that this was not true and that he would contact the person concerned.
Is it possible to have dogs always on leads on the Green? Some notices have been put on the bins encouraging this but the Parish Council is unable to enforce it because it is common land. Advisory notices were suggested as an alternative and this may be discussed next month.
Planning applications. Sarah Hornbrook reported that Breckland Council has been unable to demonstrate that it has a five-year housing land supply and therefore there will be a presumption in favour of sustainable development. This means that it is no longer sufficient to refuse an application just because it is located outside the village settlement boundary; consideration must be given to whether the proposal represents sustainable development.
Planning application consultations. 1 Prosperous Row, Stacksford. Resubmission of application to build a two-storey extension; the size of the extension has now been reduced. The Council supported this application with nine votes in favour and 1 abstention.
Beckwood, Stacksford. Erection of a one and a half storey extension and detached garage with new access. Sarah Hornbrook said that the location was unsustainable due to its distance from the centre of the village and that there were traffic issues and recommended that the Parish Council did not support the application. However the Council supported this application with three votes in favour and seven abstentions.
Poplar Pigs, Doe Lane. Erection of mobile phone mast and related equipment – this application has now been withdrawn.
62A Fen Street. Erection of single storey extension to both sides of the property and a single storey extension to the rear. The Council supported this application with nine votes in favour and one abstention.
Land adjoining Innishowen, Fen Road. Erection of new dwelling and cart lodge. Sarah Hornbrook reported that this was a very rural location and recommended that the Parish Council did not support the application. The Council did not to support this application with three votes not to support the application, one vote to support, and six abstentions.
College Barn, Cake Street. Conversion and extension of barn to one residential dwelling. Sarah Hornbrook said that Highways had objected to the access because of the poor visibility and therefore she recommended to the Parish Council that it follow the Highways recommendation for refusal. The Council did not to support this application with three votes for nor to support and seven absentions.
Store Barn, Poplar Farm. Conversion of barn to one residential dwelling. As this is permitted development within current planning legislation the Parish Council merely noted the application.
Sunnyside House, The Green. Erection of new dwelling with cart lodge. Sarah Hornbrook remarked that the design of the dwelling was of three storeys when there were no other three storey properties around the Green so it is out of keeping with the Green and the Conservation Area. Also, the location is detrimental to the adjacent properties and there are Highways implications that may affect the Green. She recommended that the Parish Council did not support the application. The Council did not to support the application with nine votes not to support and one abstention.
Outline planning application. Attleborough SUE (Strategic Urban Extension). Land south of Attleborough. Attleborough is identified by Breckland Council as a strategic growth location with development to the south of the railway line. This outline planning application includes a link road to the A11, two primary schools, shops and petrol station; there is no provision for a bus service. Sarah Hornbrook has identified from the planning application that a small field in Old Buckenham has been included. The Parish Council needs to request, in the strongest terms, that a very definite boundary is maintained between Attleborough and Old Buckenham. At this stage it is planned that the link road to the A11 will not be started until the 1200th house has been completed. This is likely to be about eight years away so the Parish Council needs to lobby for the link road to be built first. It was agreed that Sarah Hornbrook should draft a response to this application and then circulate it for Councillor’s comments. The Clerk was asked to obtain an extension to the consultation timescale.
Breckland Local Plan. Pre-submission publication, representations to be made during the consultation period which ends on Monday 2 October. The current document allocates 20 dwellings to Old Buckenham at St Andrew’s Close. This will leave 17 dwellings to find locations for elsewhere in the village over the next 20 years. These could be built outside the settlement boundary. Breckland had made two attempts to find other areas to build in the village but none of the land offered proved suitable. Sarah Hornbrook believes that the Parish Council should challenge these figures as the Breckland Local Plan proposal allocates an additional 10% of dwellings (based on 2011 figures) to Local Service Centres when in Old Buckenham’s case it has allocated 12½%. Sarah Hornbrook also pointed out some dubious wording in the document in relation to the St Andrew’s Close site; the development there is described as needing to be show the “appropriate use of height and scale to ensure the site’s position as a gateway to the settlement” which seems bizarre when St Andrew’s Close leads nowhere.
Old Buckenham Parish Council can have the opportunity to attend the Local Plan Inspection Meeting and Sarah Hornbrook suggested that there should be an initial request to attend as there is no obligation to attend should no-one be available at that time. Council agreed that Sarah Hornbrook should prepare the Council’s response to the document and circulate it to councillors for comments. In addition she was asked to compile a planning ‘tick sheet’ for considering planning applications so that the Council could respond to planning applications more consistently.
The Chairman reported that Breckland Council has offered to come and talk about planning but no firm decision was made about this.
Financial report. The Clerk had distributed her financial report to councillors prior to the meeting. This showed that the money allocated or donated for the Green amounted to £4,937.44 and that £3,089.44 had been spent leaving a balance for the remainder of the year of £1,850. The net reserves for the Play Area now stand at £3,285.35 after paying for the new fencing.
Chairman’s report. The Chairman reported that he had attended the ‘Topping out’ ceremony for Chapel Green School at which he had been given a “Thank You” card made by pupils from the three schools. This was placed in the correspondence folder for circulation to councillors. He also thanked Sarah Hornbrook for her comments on the Attleborough SUE and the Breckland Local Plan.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Steve Milner reported that more volunteers for the Speed Watch are needed. Ben Devlin remarked on the excellent presentation given by a member of the public at tonight’s meeting in relating to his particular speeding problem. He also suggested that the Parish Council purchase a dispenser for dog bags. Jon Hicks thanked everyone who had come to help take down the old fencing around the Play Area.
Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan. This is now out for consultation.
Road Safety Working Party. Rona Boggia reported that the safety crossing situation is now looking more hopeful and has the support of the local MP. NCC now intends to carry out its own traffic survey in relation to the volume of traffic at school opening and closing times. A resident suggested that the traffic volumes at these times should be investigated at Chapel Road School.
Play Area. Jon Hicks said that the new fencing is now in place but there are a couple of jobs that need doing where the old fencing used to be. The grass has now been cut twice since the new fencing was installed. He has been invited to attend an event on Sunday 8 October so that he can be presented with the new waste bins for the Play Area. He is also going to the High School to try and address the improper use of the Play Area by the older children and to also ask them if there is anything that they would like to have on the Recreation Area. The lawn mower is now beyond economic repair. Jon Hicks has obtained two quotations for new replacements and the Council agreed to purchase the mower from Breckland Mowers at a cost of £850 including VAT.
Recreation Area. The Chairman asked the Clerk to put the purchase of a wire waste bin on the agenda for the next meeting. The grass has been cut and much rubbish removed. The Village Hall Management Committee is happy for the metal detector survey of two locations on the Village Hall site, one of which is the Recreation Area, the Parish Council as tenant of the Recreation Area also agreed to the survey.
Chapel Green School. A response had been received from Chris Hey about the sprinklers. He states that the relevant safety rules have been complied with and that the new school does not require a sprinkler system.
Highways matters. The Clerk explained the issue about planting the bulbs; it was agreed not to pursue obtaining a license to plant for the time being.
Report on the Green. A report from the last Green Management Working Party meeting had been circulated. There has been a problem with the grass cutting as there is too much soil (because of the moles) to make the grass cuttings useable by the contractor and have therefore been left lying on the Green. The Green Management Working Party would like to arrange for an alternative grass cutter for the rest of the season. The Parish Council agreed that the Working Party should obtain two quotations for this additional work.
The meeting closed at 10pm leaving business to be carried over to the October 2017 meeting.
The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 5 October starting at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Coffee morning in Old Buckenham

World's Biggest Coffee Morning
You may all have heard about The Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning which will be be taking place in thousands of locations on Friday 29 September. The events will be raising money for the MacMillan Foundation. Those at the Gamekeeper in Old Buckenham thought it would be a good idea to support MacMillan in this venture so why not join their coffee morning at The Gamekeeper that morning. 
The pub will supply the coffee and you bring the cake. Come along and we'll see you there

Friday, 15 September 2017

Vital Old Buckenham meeting

Raise the Roof needs you
Make sure you come along to All Saints Church at 10am on Saturday morning. A big attendance will be a great help with the efforts to obtain the necessary Heritage Lottery Grant.
See you there.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Harvest Festival in Old Buckenham

Produce for all

Old Buckenham Methodist Church will be holding their harvest festival this coming Sunday 17 September followed by a 'Harvest Sell Up' on the evening of Monday 18 September starting at 7pm. All are invited. 
If anyone would like to donate any fresh produce, preserves or other items please either bring them to the Sunday service at 10.45am or drop them off at 14 Hargham Road. All proceeds will go towards the upkeep of the church.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

War memorials in Old Buckenham

A chance to remember

Everyday many of us pass the War Memorial on the Green. It is based on the Sword of Sacrifice design by Sir Reginald Blomfield in Portland stone on an octagonal plinth and stepped base. It was bought and paid for by Mr and Mrs Lionel Robinson of Old Buckenham Hall and unveiled on 31st August 1919. It commemorates those who were killed in the first and second world war and is inscribed with the wonderful words:
"If his dust is one day lying
in an unfamiliar land
(England he went for you)
O England sometimes think of him
of thousands only one
in the dawning or the noonday
or the setting of the sun
as once he thought of you

This war memorial is similar to hundreds across the country. The design was identical to those raised and maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) around the world. Although the Old Buckenham War Memorial is not under the care of the CWGC (
the War Memorial Trust have provided a grant to support its upkeep and it is registered as WM1459, www.warmemorials.orgthere are four graves in All Saints Church graveyard which are:
Private HJ Bowen Royal Fusiliers G/26220 26 February 1919
Private E Loveday East Surrey Regiment 206189 26 March 1919
Driver CA Day Royal Field Artillery 895322 17 August 1919
Gunner RH Pretty RA 1699995 21st June 1944

At this time of the year where we remember the first world war and subsequent wars, 2017 marks the centenary of the establishment of the CWGC and marvel at the wonderful work it does to preserve the memory of those killed in those two World Wars. It is now an intergovernmental organization of six independent member states (UK, Australia, New Zealand. Canada, India and South Africa) whose principal function is to mark, record and maintain the graves and places of commemoration of Commonwealth of Nations military service members who died in the two World Wars. The Commission is currently responsible for the continued commemoration of 1.7 million deceased Commonwealth military service members in 153 countries. Since its inception, the Commission has constructed approximately 2,500 war cemeteries and numerous memorials. The Commission is currently responsible for the care of war dead at over 23,000 separate burial sites and the maintenance of more than 200 memorials worldwide.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Work on Old Buckenham Green

What's been going on?
Steven Suggitt, the contractor who has been mowing the main area at no charge to the village, will be giving the Green its final cut of the year in two to three weeks time. If the Green working party had to pay it would be in the region of £500 per time but he gets no benefit from this other than our gratitude.
Stuart Barker has agreed to mow the smaller areas to tidy up the balance of the Green. This will happen sometime between now and Christmas, time and weather permitting and is being paid for by the Parish Council.

A survey of the trees around Ottomer Pond (by the children's play area) is to take place with a view to letting in more light and also allowing for the pond to be renovated. The pond work will depend onbeing able to finance this work although there has already been a generous offer of a free machine to remove the silt, etc.
A general survey of all the trees on the Green to check on their safety is due to be completed shortly. 

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Ready for Old Buckenham Show?

Get your produce ready
The village Open Produce and Handicraft Show will be in the Village Hall this coming Sunday 10 September. It is an event that you can all take part in, even by coming along on the Sunday afternoon and seeing all the things that have been entered.

This is an open show, organised by the village Women’s Institute, so anyone can enter their flower arrangements, preserves, cookery, eggs, flowers, pot plants, handicrafts, art, vegetables and fruit.
There are special classes for children of all ages to enter. There is no need to pre-enter and your entries can be brought along to the Village Hall on the day between 9.30am and 11am. Children’s entries are free, others are 20p per entry and there are many trophies and prizes to be won. Copies of the schedule listing all the classes can be obtained from Doris on 01953 861322.
Come along during the afternoon to see what is on the show benches. Doors open for visitors from 2.30pm and the presentation of prizes takes place at 4pm.
If you would like to take home some of the prize-winning vegetables, flowers or cookery there will be an auction of produce after the show when you can get some great bargains.
Images of the schedule are below, you can enlarge them by just clicking on each image.

This is a very friendly event, don't worry if you have not entered a show like this before. The organisers will be happy to advise you when you bring your entries along.

Friday, 1 September 2017

What's on in Old Buckenham

Diary dates for September

Friday 1    Visits from Mobile Library during morning

Monday 4    Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Tuesday 5    Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards

Wednesday 6    Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm

Wednesday 6    Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Thursday 7    Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Sunday 10    Village Produce Show, Village Hall, 2.30pm

Sunday 10    OB windmill open, 2pm to 4.30pm (last of year)

Monday 11    Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm

Thursday 14    Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm

Thursday 14    Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm for 7.45pm

Friday 15    Open evening, Laurel Tree Centre, 5pm to 7pm

Saturday 16    Thatching talk, Village Hall, 10am

Monday 18    Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Wednesday 20    Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Wednesday 20    Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm

Friday 22    'Who killed the director', OB Players, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Saturday 23    Heroic event for EACH, Old Buckenham Airfield

Saturday 23    'Who killed the director', OB Players, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Thursday 28    Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Friday 29    Visits from Mobile Library during morning

Saturday 30    Prize bingo, Church Rooms, 2pm