All the village news
Copies are around and about. Just pick up a copy and read it all.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Sunday, 25 June 2017
Another party in Old Buckenham
All amongst the flowers
The garden party to raise funds for All Saints Church, Old Buckenham, is now a regular annual event. John and Barbara Frost open their garden for all to see, provide refreshments and the visitors turn up to look around, spend their money on buying raffle tickets, trying their luck on the tombola, purchasing plants and drinking the occasional glass of wine.
This year the aim was to make money towards 'Raise the Roof ', a long term project to re-thatch All Saints.
Thanks to the generosity of those who took part, at least £1500 was raised during this one evening on Saturday 24 June.
The garden party to raise funds for All Saints Church, Old Buckenham, is now a regular annual event. John and Barbara Frost open their garden for all to see, provide refreshments and the visitors turn up to look around, spend their money on buying raffle tickets, trying their luck on the tombola, purchasing plants and drinking the occasional glass of wine.
This year the aim was to make money towards 'Raise the Roof ', a long term project to re-thatch All Saints.
Thanks to the generosity of those who took part, at least £1500 was raised during this one evening on Saturday 24 June.
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Signpost in Old Buckeham
A big clean up
For the cover picture on the Old Buckenham village newsletter for November 2016, the editor used an 'arty' photograph of one of the signposts on the village Green.
Somehow the dirty condition of this sign was brought up at a parish council meeting when it was decided that something should be done about it.
Looking at the sign this month, it now appears to have all its arms and has become very clean and shiny.
Oh what power resides in the village newsletter...
For the cover picture on the Old Buckenham village newsletter for November 2016, the editor used an 'arty' photograph of one of the signposts on the village Green.
Somehow the dirty condition of this sign was brought up at a parish council meeting when it was decided that something should be done about it.
Looking at the sign this month, it now appears to have all its arms and has become very clean and shiny.
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
Evening out in Old Buckenham
Enjoy a garden party
Come along to 1 Mill Road on Saturday 24 June for a pleasant and enjoyable night out. This event starts at 6pm and goes on until dusk. Everyone is welcome.
John and Barbara Frost are once again holding their annual Garden Party, this time raising funds for the All Saints 'Raise the Roof' appeal. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend a summer's evening with a glass of wine, or two, in a beautiful garden with friends. Tickets at £5 each (accompanied children free) will include a free glass of wine, home-made nibbles, a 'special' treasure hunt for children, tombola, plant sale, etc. Tickets are available now by ringing John or Barbara on 860841.
Come along to 1 Mill Road on Saturday 24 June for a pleasant and enjoyable night out. This event starts at 6pm and goes on until dusk. Everyone is welcome.
John and Barbara Frost are once again holding their annual Garden Party, this time raising funds for the All Saints 'Raise the Roof' appeal. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend a summer's evening with a glass of wine, or two, in a beautiful garden with friends. Tickets at £5 each (accompanied children free) will include a free glass of wine, home-made nibbles, a 'special' treasure hunt for children, tombola, plant sale, etc. Tickets are available now by ringing John or Barbara on 860841.
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Old Buckenham parish council in June
June Parish Council meeting discussions
The following notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Those present were councillors Adrian Joel, Susan Brown, Jonnathan Hicks, Sarah Hornbrook, Steve Milner and Andy Nicholls as well as the parish clerk Hilary Clutten and five members of the public.
Apologies for absence had been received from Rona Boggia, Ben Devlin, Jonathan Kemp and Phil Little.
Appointment of Vice Chairman. The council resolved to appoint Andy Nicholls as Vice Chairman for 2017/18.
Minutes of the May council meeting. The draft minutes of the May meeting had been circulated to councillors before this meeting and they were approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from minutes. There was a discussion about dog signs on the Green. It was agreed that all the multi-purpose bins on the Green should carry a notice indicating that dog owners should keep their dogs under control on the Green and put dog faeces in the bins. It was also agreed that Steve Milner would circulate some appropriate wording to all parish councillors and once agreed, the Clerk would laminate notices to be attached to the bins. Adrian Joel said that he would notify the Green Management Working Party about the notices.
Adjournment for public participation. Items mentioned during public participation were a Cake Street planning application, Chapel Green School and highways issues relating to road signage.
Planning applications. 1 Prosperous Row, Stacksford. Two-storey extension, front porch and internal alterations. It was agreed that the proposal fitted in with the existing buildings. The Parish Council agreed to support the application with one abstention.
Hay Barn, Cake Street. Conversion of barn to single-storey dwelling. There were comments about the access to the property but the owner, who was present, said that the access issue had been resolved. The Parish Council considered that the site was outside the village development boundary and although there was a planning policy to transform redundant buildings this application did not meet the relevant criteria due to the large increase in the floor area and the fact that the building had no architectural or historical significance. The increase in traffic movements if the building was converted to a dwelling was also considered relevant. Council therefore agreed that the application was contrary to current planning policy and should not be supported; motion was carried with one abstention.
Financial matters. The Clerk had distributed a Financial Report; no queries were raised. The Council resolved to allocate the £200 compensation from Barclays Bank to the Play Area Reserves. It also agreed to pay the Clerk’s monthly salary and fixed expenses by standing order. The Council resolved to approve the Annual Governance statements in the 2017 Annual Return, to approve the Accounts statements in the 2017 Annual Return, to approve the signing of the Annual Return and to adopt the accounts for 2016/17.
Working parties and committees. The following appointments were made.
Personnel Committee: Adrian Joel, Ben Devlin and Phil Little.
Neighbourhood Plan Working Party: Sarah Hornbrook, Steve Milner, Adrian Joel, Andrew Jaggard (resident), Andy Nicholls, Phil Little and Susan Brown.
Play Area: Ben Devlin, Adrian Joel, Steve Milner, Jonnathan Hicks. Kerry Talbot (resident).
Recreation Area: Jonathan Kemp, Andy Nicholls.
Road Safety/Chapel Green School: Rona Boggia, S Milner, M Bartlett (resident), Trevor Crooke (resident), L Womack (resident) and Sarah Hornbrook.
Precept Grants: Adrian Joel, Roy Dickinson (resident), Andy Nicholls and Sue Brown.
Review of Standing Orders: Adrian Joel, Clerk, Steve Milner, Phil Little.
SNAP: Steve Milner.
Attleborough NP Steering Group: Sarah Hornbrook and Sue Brown.
Attleborough Development Partnership: Rona Boggia and Adrian Joel as substitute.
Old Buckenham Village Hall: Jonnathan Hicks.
Allotments: Adrian Joel, Phil Little and Jonnathan Hicks.
Chapel Road School Stakeholders: Steve Milner.
Parish Council website: Steve Milner and one vacancy.
Old Buckenham Green Rights: Ben Devlin.
Almshouses Trust: Jonnathan Hicks.
Village Green Management Working Party: Adrian Joel, Andy Nicholls, Sarah Dye (Green Right Proprietor), Alison Frank (Green Right Proprietor), Terry Cracknell (Lord of the Manor), John Fernihough (resident), Parish Clerk (optional) and one vacancy.
Village Green Conservation Working Party: Howard Marshall (resident), John Frost (resident) and Delia O’Leary (resident).
Chairman’s report. The Chairman thanked Terry Cracknell for the work he had done whilst a parish councillor and for what he had done for the village over the years.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported that Breckland Council had agreed a grant of £5,000 for the fencing at the Children’s Play Area. More broadband work will be carried out in the village in two to three weeks time.
Councillors’ reports. Steve Milner reported that a group had been set up to raise funds to repair the church roof. Andy Nicholls reported that the Recreation Area would be cut and the old bin will be removed. The orchid area has been marked out so that it will not be cut.
Old Buckenham Neighbourhood Plan. The chairman and Sarah Holbrook will shortly be meeting Susan Heinrich of Breckland Council to discuss the village’s neighbourhood plan application. It was agreed that resident Tm Bornett should be invited to a Neighbourhood Plan Working Party meeting.
Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan. The current work is drawing to a close as the plan has gone in for examination.
Play Area. The Clerk had been asked to present to the Parish Council a request for two new litter bins for the Play Area. Jonnathan Hicks said that the East Coast Truckers, who had provided the current bins, were willing to replace them provided they could have the old bins for refurbishment. They will also replace the tops of the two seating benches. A resident had reported to the Clerk that children from the High School, waiting to be picked up by their parents, were congregating in the Play Area - an approach to the High School may be necessary. Once the fencing is replaced it is intended to clean the equipment. Jonnathan Hicks has carried out an inspection of the Play Area and has given a copy of his report to the Clerk.
Recreation Area. The BMX humps in the Recreation Area have now been removed by Morgan Sindall and there are plans to reseed the area shortly. The Chairman will contact Stuart Barker to ensure the Recreation Area is cut in time for the Village Fete. The work in the Village Hall car park had resulted in a step down from the car park to the Recreation Area but this has now been resolved by Neil Lawson (Village Hall caretaker) who has formed a ramp with spare soil. The Village Hall Committee is looking into the ownership of the footpath that runs alongside part of the Recreation Area. Andy Nicholls agreed to provide details of the specification for new football nets but said that the local football club might have some spare nets.
Chapel Green School. It was confirmed, following an enquiry by a resident of the village, that there had been no major changes to the school plans during the planning stage. There will be a multi-use games area (MUGA) at the school that will be available for residents to use outside of school hours but there will be not lighting and noise might become an issue.
Highways matters. No further action has been taken regarding speeding in Doe Lane. There is nothing that can be done about school bus(s) parking in Abbey Road as it is not against the law. A local resident had noticed a van belonging to Cunningham Builders speeding in the village; Steve Milner agreed to talk to the resident about this. There are potholes in St Andrew’s Close that need repairing and the drain outside the Hawthorns is blocked, resulting in flooding.
The Green. A report of the last meeting of the Green Management Working Party had been distributed to councillors and to the pubic attending the meeting. Ten acres of the Green are to be left as a conservation area. The potholes outside the Gamekeeper have now been filled and the Clerk has sent requests for payment to the tenant of the Gamekeeper and to Enterprise Inns. A member of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust is coming to visit members of the Green Management Working Party. The track outside the village shop should be repaired in about two weeks’ time. The new multi-use bins for the Green have arrived and sponsorship money has been received from Ray Bayfield and Marina Beadnell as well as the Six Villages Newsletter who will now be thanked. Sponsorship for the reclamation of another pond has now been offered. The Parish Council agreed to setting up an Environmental Working Party for the Green. There was a request that the cut grass should be removed from the Green.
Loan to Village Hall. The Council resolved to give the Village Hall Management Committee an interest free loan for a period of 5 years with a repayment of £500 every six months during the period of the loan. The contractor for the drainage work has given a five-year warranty for the work.
Telephone box update. The formal document has now been received to purchase the telephone box for £1 and the Chairman signed the document.
Next meeting. Subjects due to be discussed include the Green, the telephone box and defibrillator as well as the Neighbourhood Plan.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 6 July in the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.
The following notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Those present were councillors Adrian Joel, Susan Brown, Jonnathan Hicks, Sarah Hornbrook, Steve Milner and Andy Nicholls as well as the parish clerk Hilary Clutten and five members of the public.
Apologies for absence had been received from Rona Boggia, Ben Devlin, Jonathan Kemp and Phil Little.
Appointment of Vice Chairman. The council resolved to appoint Andy Nicholls as Vice Chairman for 2017/18.
Minutes of the May council meeting. The draft minutes of the May meeting had been circulated to councillors before this meeting and they were approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Matters arising from minutes. There was a discussion about dog signs on the Green. It was agreed that all the multi-purpose bins on the Green should carry a notice indicating that dog owners should keep their dogs under control on the Green and put dog faeces in the bins. It was also agreed that Steve Milner would circulate some appropriate wording to all parish councillors and once agreed, the Clerk would laminate notices to be attached to the bins. Adrian Joel said that he would notify the Green Management Working Party about the notices.
Adjournment for public participation. Items mentioned during public participation were a Cake Street planning application, Chapel Green School and highways issues relating to road signage.
Planning applications. 1 Prosperous Row, Stacksford. Two-storey extension, front porch and internal alterations. It was agreed that the proposal fitted in with the existing buildings. The Parish Council agreed to support the application with one abstention.
Hay Barn, Cake Street. Conversion of barn to single-storey dwelling. There were comments about the access to the property but the owner, who was present, said that the access issue had been resolved. The Parish Council considered that the site was outside the village development boundary and although there was a planning policy to transform redundant buildings this application did not meet the relevant criteria due to the large increase in the floor area and the fact that the building had no architectural or historical significance. The increase in traffic movements if the building was converted to a dwelling was also considered relevant. Council therefore agreed that the application was contrary to current planning policy and should not be supported; motion was carried with one abstention.
Financial matters. The Clerk had distributed a Financial Report; no queries were raised. The Council resolved to allocate the £200 compensation from Barclays Bank to the Play Area Reserves. It also agreed to pay the Clerk’s monthly salary and fixed expenses by standing order. The Council resolved to approve the Annual Governance statements in the 2017 Annual Return, to approve the Accounts statements in the 2017 Annual Return, to approve the signing of the Annual Return and to adopt the accounts for 2016/17.
Working parties and committees. The following appointments were made.
Personnel Committee: Adrian Joel, Ben Devlin and Phil Little.
Neighbourhood Plan Working Party: Sarah Hornbrook, Steve Milner, Adrian Joel, Andrew Jaggard (resident), Andy Nicholls, Phil Little and Susan Brown.
Play Area: Ben Devlin, Adrian Joel, Steve Milner, Jonnathan Hicks. Kerry Talbot (resident).
Recreation Area: Jonathan Kemp, Andy Nicholls.
Road Safety/Chapel Green School: Rona Boggia, S Milner, M Bartlett (resident), Trevor Crooke (resident), L Womack (resident) and Sarah Hornbrook.
Precept Grants: Adrian Joel, Roy Dickinson (resident), Andy Nicholls and Sue Brown.
Review of Standing Orders: Adrian Joel, Clerk, Steve Milner, Phil Little.
SNAP: Steve Milner.
Attleborough NP Steering Group: Sarah Hornbrook and Sue Brown.
Attleborough Development Partnership: Rona Boggia and Adrian Joel as substitute.
Old Buckenham Village Hall: Jonnathan Hicks.
Allotments: Adrian Joel, Phil Little and Jonnathan Hicks.
Chapel Road School Stakeholders: Steve Milner.
Parish Council website: Steve Milner and one vacancy.
Old Buckenham Green Rights: Ben Devlin.
Almshouses Trust: Jonnathan Hicks.
Village Green Management Working Party: Adrian Joel, Andy Nicholls, Sarah Dye (Green Right Proprietor), Alison Frank (Green Right Proprietor), Terry Cracknell (Lord of the Manor), John Fernihough (resident), Parish Clerk (optional) and one vacancy.
Village Green Conservation Working Party: Howard Marshall (resident), John Frost (resident) and Delia O’Leary (resident).
Chairman’s report. The Chairman thanked Terry Cracknell for the work he had done whilst a parish councillor and for what he had done for the village over the years.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel reported that Breckland Council had agreed a grant of £5,000 for the fencing at the Children’s Play Area. More broadband work will be carried out in the village in two to three weeks time.
Councillors’ reports. Steve Milner reported that a group had been set up to raise funds to repair the church roof. Andy Nicholls reported that the Recreation Area would be cut and the old bin will be removed. The orchid area has been marked out so that it will not be cut.
Old Buckenham Neighbourhood Plan. The chairman and Sarah Holbrook will shortly be meeting Susan Heinrich of Breckland Council to discuss the village’s neighbourhood plan application. It was agreed that resident Tm Bornett should be invited to a Neighbourhood Plan Working Party meeting.
Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan. The current work is drawing to a close as the plan has gone in for examination.
Play Area. The Clerk had been asked to present to the Parish Council a request for two new litter bins for the Play Area. Jonnathan Hicks said that the East Coast Truckers, who had provided the current bins, were willing to replace them provided they could have the old bins for refurbishment. They will also replace the tops of the two seating benches. A resident had reported to the Clerk that children from the High School, waiting to be picked up by their parents, were congregating in the Play Area - an approach to the High School may be necessary. Once the fencing is replaced it is intended to clean the equipment. Jonnathan Hicks has carried out an inspection of the Play Area and has given a copy of his report to the Clerk.
Recreation Area. The BMX humps in the Recreation Area have now been removed by Morgan Sindall and there are plans to reseed the area shortly. The Chairman will contact Stuart Barker to ensure the Recreation Area is cut in time for the Village Fete. The work in the Village Hall car park had resulted in a step down from the car park to the Recreation Area but this has now been resolved by Neil Lawson (Village Hall caretaker) who has formed a ramp with spare soil. The Village Hall Committee is looking into the ownership of the footpath that runs alongside part of the Recreation Area. Andy Nicholls agreed to provide details of the specification for new football nets but said that the local football club might have some spare nets.
Chapel Green School. It was confirmed, following an enquiry by a resident of the village, that there had been no major changes to the school plans during the planning stage. There will be a multi-use games area (MUGA) at the school that will be available for residents to use outside of school hours but there will be not lighting and noise might become an issue.
Highways matters. No further action has been taken regarding speeding in Doe Lane. There is nothing that can be done about school bus(s) parking in Abbey Road as it is not against the law. A local resident had noticed a van belonging to Cunningham Builders speeding in the village; Steve Milner agreed to talk to the resident about this. There are potholes in St Andrew’s Close that need repairing and the drain outside the Hawthorns is blocked, resulting in flooding.
The Green. A report of the last meeting of the Green Management Working Party had been distributed to councillors and to the pubic attending the meeting. Ten acres of the Green are to be left as a conservation area. The potholes outside the Gamekeeper have now been filled and the Clerk has sent requests for payment to the tenant of the Gamekeeper and to Enterprise Inns. A member of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust is coming to visit members of the Green Management Working Party. The track outside the village shop should be repaired in about two weeks’ time. The new multi-use bins for the Green have arrived and sponsorship money has been received from Ray Bayfield and Marina Beadnell as well as the Six Villages Newsletter who will now be thanked. Sponsorship for the reclamation of another pond has now been offered. The Parish Council agreed to setting up an Environmental Working Party for the Green. There was a request that the cut grass should be removed from the Green.
Loan to Village Hall. The Council resolved to give the Village Hall Management Committee an interest free loan for a period of 5 years with a repayment of £500 every six months during the period of the loan. The contractor for the drainage work has given a five-year warranty for the work.
Telephone box update. The formal document has now been received to purchase the telephone box for £1 and the Chairman signed the document.
Next meeting. Subjects due to be discussed include the Green, the telephone box and defibrillator as well as the Neighbourhood Plan.
The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 6 July in the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Flowering in Old Buckenham
A secondhand rose
On Thursday 8 June forty ladies gathered in Old Buckenham Village Hall for the monthly meeting of Breckland Flower and Garden Club. The day’s guest was Scottish demonstrator Moira Neville with her floral demonstration titled “Secondhand Rose”. With a definite clue in the title, Moira began her first floral arrangement miming to Barbara Streisand’s version of ‘Secondhand Rose’ using re-cycled containers she generally found in charity chops and a delightful mix of foliage which include glycerine leaves, pussy willow and manipulated phormium, aspidistra and hosta leaves. She also incorporated eucalyptus, ferns and dried leaves in her other arrangements and her flowers included large sprays of orchids, calla lilies and stunning large green chrysanthemums. Whilst working on her arrangements Moira shared lots of tips and ideas with the audience and concluded her demonstration with “Lord of the Dance”, a lovely way to end the afternoon. Once again some lucky ladies took home one of Moira’s arrangements to enjoy.
The monthly competition was “Floral design in my secondhand purchase” with Pat Barton winning the advanced category and Linda Campbell being the novice winner and also receiving the monthly trophy as well as having the best rose in the table show.
The next Club meeting is on Thursday 13 July and is a visit to Hensted Exotic Garden. Cars will leave Old Buckenham Village Hall at 12.45pm and the cost will be £4 which includes tea and cake at the gardens.
If you would like any further information about Breckland Flower and Garden Club then you can contact Christine on 01953 454528 or Sally on 01953 788712.
The monthly competition was “Floral design in my secondhand purchase” with Pat Barton winning the advanced category and Linda Campbell being the novice winner and also receiving the monthly trophy as well as having the best rose in the table show.
The next Club meeting is on Thursday 13 July and is a visit to Hensted Exotic Garden. Cars will leave Old Buckenham Village Hall at 12.45pm and the cost will be £4 which includes tea and cake at the gardens.
If you would like any further information about Breckland Flower and Garden Club then you can contact Christine on 01953 454528 or Sally on 01953 788712.
Monday, 12 June 2017
Strange objects in Old Buckenham
What are they?
The activity at the Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle on Thursday 8 June was all centred on trying to work out what various odd items brought along by members really were. Some were reasonably old, others contemporary but not all were easy to identify. Some of the owners didn't know what their objects were.
Amongst the thirty items there was a 'sine bar', a Bedouin coffee grinder, a needle case with a Stanhope and something for drawing lines on those wax stencils used many years ago. Not many things went unidentified by the evening was over.
At the July meeting, members will be dining al fresco in the garden of Barbara and John Frost in Mill Lane.
The activity at the Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle on Thursday 8 June was all centred on trying to work out what various odd items brought along by members really were. Some were reasonably old, others contemporary but not all were easy to identify. Some of the owners didn't know what their objects were.
Amongst the thirty items there was a 'sine bar', a Bedouin coffee grinder, a needle case with a Stanhope and something for drawing lines on those wax stencils used many years ago. Not many things went unidentified by the evening was over.
At the July meeting, members will be dining al fresco in the garden of Barbara and John Frost in Mill Lane.
Saturday, 10 June 2017
Senior citizens' meals in Old Buckenham
Another menu option at The Gamekeeper
The Gamekeeper in Old Buckenham is to offer meals especially designed for senior citizens. The aim is to provide a lower cost, smaller portion menu that is more manageable yet still great value. The menu will consist of :
- Cod or haddock with chips or new potatoes,
- Ham, egg and chips
- Sausage and mash
- Vegetable lasagne and salad
- Chicken salad
Then you can choose a desert of:
- Chocolate fudge cake
- Apple crumble
- Bread and butter pudding
all with ice cream, cream or custard (or just simply ice cream).
The two courses will be available for £7.99 between 12 noon and 3pm every Wednesday.
Friday, 9 June 2017
Afternoon fundraiser in Old Buckenham
Tea, coffee and cakes
The afternoon event to raise funds for the Raise the Roof project was a great success with people of all ages calling in the Church Rooms in Old Buckenham to feast on home-made cakes of all sorts. Over £300 was made during three hours thanks to the hard work of the volunteers.
The afternoon event to raise funds for the Raise the Roof project was a great success with people of all ages calling in the Church Rooms in Old Buckenham to feast on home-made cakes of all sorts. Over £300 was made during three hours thanks to the hard work of the volunteers.
Delicate china cups and individual teapots |
Empty plates show popularity of cakes |
Counting up all the well-earned money
If you missed out this time, make sure you put the date of the next one in your diary now. Friday 21 July, 1.30pm to 4.30pm, Church Rooms, Old Buckenham.
Open gardens in Old Buckenham
Garden party time
There are two opportunities in the next few weeks to look round a couple of gardens in Old Buckenham.
There are two opportunities in the next few weeks to look round a couple of gardens in Old Buckenham.
On Sunday 11 June, 11am to 3pm. 59 Fen Street, NR17 1SR. In
aid of Age UK Norfolk, suggested donation of £3 per adult. Teas available.
On Saturday 24 June, 6pm until dusk. 1 Mill Cottages, NR17
1SG. Fundraising for All Saints Church, tickets £5 which includes first glass of
wine. Raffle, tombola, free homemade nibbles, etc.
Thursday, 8 June 2017
Sunday School reunion in Old Buckenham
Time to meet again
![]() |
(just click on the picture to enlarge the image) |
There will be a short service led by Rev. Jacqui Horton followed by a presentation with Myrtle Bloom from her memories and collection of photographs and memorabilia. You will then be invited to stay for afternoon tea, cakes and sausage rolls.
If you would like to know more please email or phone 01953 861207.
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Coffee afternoon in Old Buckenham
Help raise the roof
Why not come along for an enjoyable afternoon, meet other villagers of all ages and raise money for a good cause at the same time?
Why not come along for an enjoyable afternoon, meet other villagers of all ages and raise money for a good cause at the same time?
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
Latest on Old Buckenham's new school
Site progress
Work on the Chapel Green School site has been progressing at a rapid pace and the commencement of work by several new contractors has seen the structure start to develop into a building.
Following erection of the steel frame, the precast concrete floor and roof planks have been laid allowing the structural framing system to be installed, forming the envelope of the building. As well as this, the curtain walling, windows and doors have been installed at the far end of the building. External brickwork is now also being done allowing people to see what the end product will look like visually.
Roofing works have commenced and, with a progressively watertight building, it is possible to start to form the internal walls and to begin the mechanical and electrical fit out.
Along with everything happening to the building, work is going on landscaping the surplus soil and opening areas to allow the following trades to make a start including installation of the football pitch and MUGA pitch.
Morgan Sindall are striving to continue with their community engagement and have welcomed students of surrounding schools to visit and to carry out some bricklaying activities on site. Further activities are in the pipeline for supporting and getting involved with local village activities.
Throughout the build process the aim is to keep villagers updated on all activities on site while carrying out the best possible job with minimal disruption to the surrounding areas. The next activities include installing the remaining roof and curtain walling, the internal fit out, external landscaping and the·hydrotherapy pool.
Pictures from Morgan Sindall:
Work on the Chapel Green School site has been progressing at a rapid pace and the commencement of work by several new contractors has seen the structure start to develop into a building.
Following erection of the steel frame, the precast concrete floor and roof planks have been laid allowing the structural framing system to be installed, forming the envelope of the building. As well as this, the curtain walling, windows and doors have been installed at the far end of the building. External brickwork is now also being done allowing people to see what the end product will look like visually.
Roofing works have commenced and, with a progressively watertight building, it is possible to start to form the internal walls and to begin the mechanical and electrical fit out.
Along with everything happening to the building, work is going on landscaping the surplus soil and opening areas to allow the following trades to make a start including installation of the football pitch and MUGA pitch.
Morgan Sindall are striving to continue with their community engagement and have welcomed students of surrounding schools to visit and to carry out some bricklaying activities on site. Further activities are in the pipeline for supporting and getting involved with local village activities.
Throughout the build process the aim is to keep villagers updated on all activities on site while carrying out the best possible job with minimal disruption to the surrounding areas. The next activities include installing the remaining roof and curtain walling, the internal fit out, external landscaping and the·hydrotherapy pool.
Pictures from Morgan Sindall:
Monday, 5 June 2017
Visit Old Buckenham cricket ground
Cricket, lovely cricket
Monday 5 June – Club XI v Zaks (charity) 6pm start
Saturday 10 June – 2nd XI v Bungay
Monday 12 June – U15 v Rocklands 6pm start
Tuesday 13 June – Norfolk Over 60s 1st XI v Hertfordshire 1.30pm start
Wednesday 14 June - Chance to Shine Schools Tournament 10am to 2pm
Thursday 15 Jun – U13 v Garboldisham(H) 6pm start
Friday 16 June - Attleborough Cluster Schools Tournament 10am to 2pm
Friday 16 June – All Stars 5pm/Ladies Coaching 6pm
Saturday 17 June – 1st XI v Garboldisham(H) BBQ evening
Saturday 17 June – BBQ Evening at OB
Sunday 18 June – U11 v Gt Melton(H) 10am start
Tuesday 20 June – Norfolk Over 60s 1st XI v Leicestershire 1.30pm start
Thursday 22 June - Norfolk Girls Kwik Cricket Finals 10am to 2pm
Friday 23 June – All Stars 5pm/Ladies Coaching 6pm
Sunday 25 June – Ladies XI v Lowestoft(H) 2pm start
Future events include the visit of the Australia Over 60s team on Monday 3 July and Summer Camps starting Friday 21 July.
Old Buckenham Cricket Club has many fixtures and events during June that provide the opportunity to visit this lovely cricket ground in its woodland setting. If you have not been to the ground before and have satnav, the postcode is NR17 1PQ.
Monday 5 June – Club XI v Zaks (charity) 6pm start
Saturday 10 June – 2nd XI v Bungay
Monday 12 June – U15 v Rocklands 6pm start
Tuesday 13 June – Norfolk Over 60s 1st XI v Hertfordshire 1.30pm start
Wednesday 14 June - Chance to Shine Schools Tournament 10am to 2pm
Thursday 15 Jun – U13 v Garboldisham(H) 6pm start
Friday 16 June - Attleborough Cluster Schools Tournament 10am to 2pm
Friday 16 June – All Stars 5pm/Ladies Coaching 6pm
Saturday 17 June – 1st XI v Garboldisham(H) BBQ evening
Saturday 17 June – BBQ Evening at OB
Sunday 18 June – U11 v Gt Melton(H) 10am start
Tuesday 20 June – Norfolk Over 60s 1st XI v Leicestershire 1.30pm start
Thursday 22 June - Norfolk Girls Kwik Cricket Finals 10am to 2pm
Friday 23 June – All Stars 5pm/Ladies Coaching 6pm
Sunday 25 June – Ladies XI v Lowestoft(H) 2pm start
Future events include the visit of the Australia Over 60s team on Monday 3 July and Summer Camps starting Friday 21 July.
Sunday, 4 June 2017
Contacting Old Buckenham parish councillors
Contact details
Parish Clerk: Hilary Clutten, 35 Lavender Close, Attleborough. Norfolk NR17 2PZ
Telephone: 01953 451078 Email:
Parish Councillors
Adrian Joel (Chairman) 01953 860663
9 Hargham Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1SL
Rona Boggia 01953 860915
The Joules, Crown Road. Old Buckenham, NR17 1SD
Susan Brown 07932731881
1 Old Post Office Terrace, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RD
Ben Devlin 07887 691722
Ox & Plough, The Green, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RN
Jonathan Hicks 01953 861414
2 Hargham Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1SL
Sarah Hornbrook 01953 860022
2 Chapel Loke, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PY
Jonathan Kemp 01953 860567
44 Hargham Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PD
Phil Little 01953 861164
1 Forge Close, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RX
Steve Milner 01953 860866
Parish Clerk: Hilary Clutten, 35 Lavender Close, Attleborough. Norfolk NR17 2PZ
Telephone: 01953 451078 Email:
Parish Councillors
Adrian Joel (Chairman) 01953 860663
9 Hargham Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1SL
Rona Boggia 01953 860915
The Joules, Crown Road. Old Buckenham, NR17 1SD
Susan Brown 07932731881
1 Old Post Office Terrace, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RD
Ben Devlin 07887 691722
Ox & Plough, The Green, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RN
Jonathan Hicks 01953 861414
2 Hargham Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1SL
Sarah Hornbrook 01953 860022
2 Chapel Loke, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PY
Jonathan Kemp 01953 860567
44 Hargham Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PD
Phil Little 01953 861164
1 Forge Close, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RX
Steve Milner 01953 860866
Fig Tree Cottage, Stacksford, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PN
Andy Nicholls 01953 861044
The Cart Lodge, Cake Street, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RU
Andy Nicholls 01953 861044
The Cart Lodge, Cake Street, Old Buckenham, NR17 1RU
Friday, 2 June 2017
June activities in Old Buckenham
Diary dates for June
Thursday 1 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Wednesday 3 Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Sunday 4 Wargames Club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 5 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 6 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards
Tuesday 6 Explorer Unit meeting, Village Hall, from 7pm
Thursday 8 General Election, voting at Village Hall, 7am to 10pm
Thursday 8 Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 8 Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm for 7.45pm
Friday 9 Visits from Mobile Library during morning
Friday 9 Coffee afternoon, Church Rooms, 1.30pm to 4.30pm
Sunday 11 OB windmill open, 2pm to 4.30pm
Monday 12 Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Monday 12 Fete planning meeting, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Tuesday 13 First meeting of craft group, Church Rooms, 9.30am
Wednesday 14 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 21 Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Wednesday 21 OB 2000 Trust AGM, Church Rooms, 7.30pm
Thursday 22 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 24 Garden Party, Mill Road, 6pm
Sunday 25 Methodist Sunday School Reunion, Methodist Chapel, 3pm
Wednesday 28 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Thursday 1 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Wednesday 3 Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Sunday 4 Wargames Club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 5 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 6 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards
Tuesday 6 Explorer Unit meeting, Village Hall, from 7pm
Thursday 8 General Election, voting at Village Hall, 7am to 10pm
Thursday 8 Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 8 Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm for 7.45pm
Friday 9 Visits from Mobile Library during morning
Friday 9 Coffee afternoon, Church Rooms, 1.30pm to 4.30pm
Sunday 11 OB windmill open, 2pm to 4.30pm
Monday 12 Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Monday 12 Fete planning meeting, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Tuesday 13 First meeting of craft group, Church Rooms, 9.30am
Wednesday 14 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 21 Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Wednesday 21 OB 2000 Trust AGM, Church Rooms, 7.30pm
Thursday 22 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 24 Garden Party, Mill Road, 6pm
Sunday 25 Methodist Sunday School Reunion, Methodist Chapel, 3pm
Wednesday 28 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
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