Friday, 30 September 2016

Happening in Old Buckenham during October

Diary dates for October

Saturday 1   Grand Prix racing, Village Hall, 10.30am

Saturday 1   Prize Bingo, Church Rooms, 2pm

Sunday 2   Wargames Club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm

Monday 3   Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Tuesday 4   Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards

Wednesday 5   Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm

Thursday 6   Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Saturday 8   Fawns Family Cafe, Church Rooms, 10am to noon

Saturday 8   Breckland Local Plan available. Village Hall, 10am to noon

Saturday 8   Village Quiz, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Monday 10   Jane Austen Society, Church Rooms, 10am

Monday 10   Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm

Wednesday 12   Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Thursday 13   Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm

Thursday 13   Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm for 7.45pm

Monday 17   Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Wednesday 19   Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm

Saturday 22   Village Cinema, "Golden Years", Village Hall, 7.30pm

Wednesday 26   Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Thursday 27   Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Thursday, 29 September 2016

October's Old Buckenham newsletter

More village news for you to read
Some villagers will be getting a copy through their letterbox along with the Six Villages newsletter. Copies are also available in the village shop, All Saints church, the Ox and Plough and a few other places.
The latest copy looks like this:

Old Buckenham Luncheon Club enjoy day out

By the riverside
Yesterday was time for one of Old Buckenham Luncheon Club's outings. Everyone was loaded onto the coach and taken to Horning for a leisurely lunch at the Ferry Boat Inn. The late September weather was wonderful so there was the chance to sit and enjoy the sunshine while watching the sailing boats and swans on the River Bure.
Remember you can enlarge the picture by just clicking on it

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Old Buckenham in the dark

See things in different light
Run In The Dark Old Buckenham is back. On Wednesday 16 November, starting at the Ox and Plough at 8pm, you can do a 5km run around the village in support of Spinal Cord Injury Research.
Go to to register and also join the Facebook group ‘Run In The Dark Old Buckenham’ for regular updates.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Old Buckenham fireworks

A bright evening is promised
Looking for somewhere to go to see a professional firework display this year? Want to support your village at the same time? Then why not come along to Old Buckenham High School on Friday 4 November. Organised by the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust, the evening will include an amazing firework display by Gala Fireworks (for the fourth year running), a barbecue (with burgers and sausages supplied by Tony Perkins), hot soup, beer and mulled wine. There will be a ‘Kid’s Stall’ selling sweets, etc. (Please - no sparklers).
Advance tickets at reduced prices are available from the village shop until Tuesday 1 November or you can pay on the night at the gate. Prices are shown on the poster below.
Gates open at 6pm on Friday 4 November. No unaccompanied children will be admitted.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

No balloons for Old Buckenham

Weather scuppers chance of flying
Sorry, the weather forecast means that there is no scope for any launches at the Old Buckenham Balloon Festival at the Airfield this coming weekend. They'll try again in 2017.

Just enjoy the memories of last year

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Race a Porsche in Old Buckenham

Get to drive a Porsche

Saturday 1 October at 10.30am sees the return of The Old Buckenham Grand Prix (Norfolk style) to the Village Hall. There will be one or two changes. Firstly the organisers are hoping for a significantly larger track, enough for a 30m course. Because of the size there are voltage drop off problems so if some crossover cabling can be sorted then it will be good to go.
The second change will be that all competitors will be using provided ‘house cars’ to ensure a level playing field. These house cars will be Porsches, all will be tuned, have sanded tyres, new copper-braided contacts and increased down force.
Refreshments will be available. More details from Steve by ringing 01953 860866 or email

Friday, 16 September 2016

Seasonal delights in Old Buckenham

Breckland Flower and Garden Club
Those attending the September meeting  were treated to a colourful demonstration entitled “Seasonal Delights” by Joanne Randall. Joanne created nine delightful floral arrangements using foliage from her own garden and flowers she had sourced from her suppliers. One rather flamboyant pedestal arrangement caused a ripple of laughter when she realised the shocking bright pink carnations she was using were actually dyed. However the arrangement was stunning as were the others and the ladies lucky enough to win one in the raffle were delighted with their prizes.
The competition was “Glorious colour” and the trophy for best use of colour was awarded to Glynis Allin from the Novice class. The table show “Harvest, any flower, fruit or vegetable” sadly had only had two entries with Christine Hewson taking first with a beautiful basket of home produce.
The next meeting at Old Buckenham Village Hall will be on Thursday 13 October starting at 2pm with a talk titled “Fans ‘n Tastics” by Anne May. All welcome, visitors £4. For further details contact Christine on 01953 454528 or Sally on 01953 788712.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Old Buckenham Parish Council in September

Long meeting for councillors
These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is amended at a later date.
Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 1 September. Eight members of the public attended and all parish council members were present (although Jonathan Kemp was delayed and arrived part way through the meeting). Others in attendance were Hilary Clutten (parish clerk), Stephen Askew (Norfolk County Councillor), and Richard Pollard (Norfolk Property Services).
Minutes of the July Parish Council meeting. The draft minutes had been circulated before the meeting and were approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting. A member of the public requested that the role of the Clerk should be minuted as per a previous request.
Matters arising from the July minutes. Ben Devlin has volunteered to look after the grass around the war memorial at no cost. Terry Cracknell said that it was good to see that the VAT position regarding the Village Hall had now been resolved. He also reported that one of his employees had tried to clear out the pond but had been unsuccessful. It was now intended to obtain a product from the USA. Terry Cracknell also apologised that he had not delivered the information packs to all newcomers to the village as he had not managed to keep abreast of the new arrivals.
Report on Chapel Green School. Richard Potter of Norfolk Property Services (NPS) reported that the County Council had hoped that the new school build would have started by now but there had been a delay in discharging some of the pre-planning conditions which included the traffic management plan, the surface water drainage details and the landscaping scheme. To avoid mud on the road from the contractor’s lorries, a track will be laid to the building site consisting of gravel and tarmac and there will also be a wheel washing facility for the lorries to use before emerging onto Attleborough Road. Following an enquiry about the incorrect use of Hargham Road by the contractor’s lorries, it was agreed that NPS will look into some signage directing lorries to the correct route to the site. NPS also agreed to look into some of the top soil from the site being made available for village use.
Terry Cracknell wondered why money could not be saved on the landscaping and spent on road safety provision but received no definitive answer on this point. Rona Boggia said that the village should have financial help with the cost of resolving road safety issues because of what is being imposed on it by siting another school in it. Andy Nicholls said that the prevention of more road safety issues was much better than trying to cure them at a later date.
Some residents were interested in reports that the cost of the project had increased and how the cost was being funded. Some £4 million is coming from the Government and £7 million is being provided by Children’s Services, NCC. It was stated that the building costs had actually decreased following re-tendering but no firm details were given about the overall cost of the project. A question was asked as to what would happen to Chapel Road School once the new school is completed. Two issues arise from this - empty schools must first be offered as a free school site and the playing field of the school is owned by Breckland District Council which intends to eventually build on it. There was no concrete information as to how much money has been allocated to easing access in and out of the new school except that the link road is marked on the planning drawings. There is a willingness to improve the footpath to the schools which is on Parish Council’s land.
There was a feeling from some residents present that there had not been sufficient consultation with the village about the siting of the new school in the village. Terry Cracknell thanked Richard Pollard for coming to the meeting and for talking openly about the new school. Our County Councillor, Stephen Askew, then reported that there had now been a discussion with the Alston Estate about the link road to the new school and it appeared that there would be no going back on the sale condition that the road should only be used for the new school and no other. Therefore there is no hope of using the link road to access the existing Primary School or for creating a car park in its proximity. Sarah Hornbrook said that there is a need to look at alternatives to the original suggestions. Stephen Askew is willing to take a credible alternative to the County Council. Andy Nicholls said he would try and get some ideas from a highways colleague. A resident suggested that the County Council buy a piece of land on the other side of the road so that the width of the road is increased. It was pointed out that discussions had taken place with the Heads of the High School and Primary School who are as concerned about road safety issues as the residents of the village and the Parish Council.
Stephen Askew suggested that all parties got together to talk about the issues with a view to the finding new resolutions and Rona Boggia suggested that the local MP should be invited to such a meeting. The Chair thanked County Councillor Askew for his input and also the members of the public who had come.
Planning. Sarah Hornbrook went through the various planning issues.
Planning permissions by Breckland:
Extension to Saxon House, Crown Road.
Extensions to Acer House, the Green.
Change of disused agricultural barns to nine residential dwellings at Shrublands, Puddledock.
Extension to Brome Close, Crown Road.
Extension and alterations to 5 Barbers Yard.
Removal of flat roofs to dormers and garage and replacement with tiled roofs, 27 Oaklands.
Erection of new dwelling and garage (outline permission), Asparagus Field, Cake Street.
Planning refusals by Breckland:
Erection of detached house and external works, Southview, Fen Street.
Proposed static caravan, 29 Peacehaven, Fen Street.
Planning applications:
Erection of new dwelling and garage with highways improvements, land at Harlingwood Lane – this was a resubmission of a previous application. A number of highways improvements have now been added to the application as requested by NCC Highways’ Department, all at the applicant’s expense. Andy Nicholls, the applicant, left the meeting whilst the Council discussed its response to the application. The Parish Council had supported the original application and, with the new highway improvements, there is a benefit for everyone not just the applicant.
(Jonathan Kemp arrived at 8.40pm.)
The Parish Council agreed to support the revised application with seven councillors in favour, one against and two abstentions.
Erection of a carport at Meadowsweet Barn, Church Lane. The Parish Council agreed to support this application with ten votes in favour and one abstention.
Erection of one and half storey dwelling and detached garage at Beckwood, Stacksford. This is permitted development within current planning legislation. There have been letters of objection on highway grounds which is one of the issues that the District Council will look at. The Parish Council agreed to support this application with six votes in favour and five abstentions.
Demolition of existing grain store and erection of two barn style dwellings with detached double garages at Shrublands, Puddledock. Sarah Hornbrook did not feel that the applicant had satisfied the rules for permitted development and also said that the site is not in a sustainable location as it is not near the local service centre. The Parish Council voted against this application with nine votes against, one for, and one abstention. Sarah Hornbrook agreed to provide the appropriate wording for the Clerk to use in the Council’s response to this application.
Extension to Old Buckenham Water Treatment Works, land off Abbey Road. The Parish Council voted in favour of this application with ten votes in favour and one abstention.
Erection of three dwellings and garages, land at Fen Road. This application is for land outside of the village development boundary and the location is not sustainable or suitable, being away from the village service centre. The Parish Council resolved not to support this application with ten votes against and one abstention.
Change of use from osteopath clinic with one bedroom flat to one residential dwelling, Clinic on the Green, The Green. There was concern about losing business premises from the village and it had not been substantiated in the application that the property, as a business, had been advertised for sale for at least a year as required by the planning regulations. Council voted not to support this application for change of use with nine votes against and two abstentions.
Financial matters. The Clerk had circulated a financial report which covered most of the financial items to be discussed including the additional hours spent collating the village survey data. The 2015/16 Audit has now been completed with no issues identified and the relative documents have now been put on the noticeboard outside the village shop. The Clerk clarified the broadband and other monthly expenses that had been agreed at the July Council meeting and also confirmed that she had received payment for a mobile telephone from New Buckenham Parish Council whereas she was using her personal home number for Old Buckenham.
Chairman’s report. Jonathan Kemp said that he would be unable to take on the role of Chairman as his job was now permanent and involves unreliable commuting to and from the village. He is willing to remain as Vice Chair. The appointment of a Chair for the rest of the year will now need to be finalised at the next Council meeting.
District Councillor’s report. Breckland Council held a Local Plan Working Party meeting at Attleborough Town Hall in July for town councillors from Attleborough and councillors from the villages in the surrounding area. Sarah Hornbrook and Terry Cracknell attended this meeting as well as the Chair. The meeting discussed the preferred options for the Site Specifics and Settlement Boundaries in the towns and villages which had been consulted on during February/March 2016. The next meeting of the Breckland Local Plan Working Party was held in August to agree the document to go out for final consultation for a six-week period in September. Old Buckenham is a Local Service Centre in the Local Plan. It has been allocated 50 new properties over the next 20 years. Although Breckland Council has identified a preferred site in Old Buckenham, it will be looking for additional sites as part of the consultation exercise.
SNAP meeting. Tom Johnson is unable to attend the next meeting but Rona Boggia has agreed to take his place.
Village Hall Manage
ment Committee. Tom Johnson has resigned as the Parish Council’s representative on this Village Hall committee so a new representative will need to be appointed next month.
Road Safety Working Party. Rona Boggia had produced a report which had been circulated to all councillors. The Working Party would like the Council to arrange a public meeting including the attendance of the local MP and the headteachers of the Old Buckenham schools. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact George Freeman MP, to invite him to the meeting and ask him to provide some available dates.
The Green. Terry Cracknell reported that the Green is as bad as ever and that it was also one of the most talked about issues in the village. Graham Hart said that there was no news about the track.
Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan Working Party. Sarah Hornbrook had drafted a response to the Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan which, after consultation with the members of the Working Party, had been submitted on behalf of Old Buckenham Parish Council.
Old Buckenham Neighbourhood Plan Working Party. Sarah Hornbrook reported that the Working Party would be meeting next week. She then reported on the first results from the Village Survey, more than half of the respondents don’t want more houses in the village.
Cycling Working Party. Steve Milner reported that during the Cycling Festival the roads around the Green will be closed on the Saturday. He was asked to check on access for the waste collection as it was a day later than usual due to the bank holiday.
Road safety. Steve Milner also reported that three Speedwatch sessions had been carried out recently and twelve drivers had been clocked speeding. The SAM speed sign was also back for three weeks.
Recreation Area Working Party. Carol Marshall reported that the fencing needs repairing and she is waiting for Graham Hart to have a look at it. Also the grass is due to be cut and the future of the BMX track will be discussed at the next Council meeting.
The Green. The Chair reported that John Fernihough has put forward some ideas but the Green Right holders do not want them to be made public until an announcement is made in the Village newsletter.
Play Area Working Party. Quotes are awaited for the metal railings. Upon receipt of the quotes, grants can be applied for. A small repair is needed on the tractor and Graham Hart agreed to do this.
Allotments. The Parish Council is losing allotment holders because of excessive water on the site leading to the loss of crops. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the landowner to ask for a reduction in rent. It was noted that the height of the weir is to be reduced and the farmer who had intended to dig out some of the nearby ditches had reported that they were not too bad. Steve Milner reported that the drainage culvert at the entrance to the allotments is full of soil - it was agreed that the Clerk should write to Highways about this issue. There was insufficient time to discuss the allotment rents and the disbandment of the Allotment Association.

Highways. The Council resolved to withdraw its application for partnership funding for 2016/17 in relation to the road crossing and to request the return of £4,000. There were nine votes in favour of the motion and two abstentions. The Council had received a letter from Mr Darby. It was agreed that the Clerk should respond to Mr Darby saying that the hedge has not been cut back far enough; it should be cut back to at least the fence line which is where the land defined as highways extends to. The Clerk had distributed a report from Gary Overland, NCC Highways, on other Highways matters.
Appointment of new Community Car co-ordinator. The Chair reported that nobody had come forward to take over the role of Community Car co-ordinator. The Council was asked by a resident to look into offering some sort of payment to attract a new co-ordinator.

Under current standing orders it was necessary to draw the meeting to a close at 10pm leaving a number of items that had not been discussed. The next meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council will be on Thursday 6 October starting at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Old Buckenham questions itself

What villagers think
Some results of the survey undertaken to help with the preparation of the village plan can be found here:
It seems that those who care most about the future of Old Buckenham are the older generation while the younger members, who are most likely to be affected, have hardly made their views known at all.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Get involved with Old Buckenham murder

Your detective work is needed
Old Buckenham Players are bringing a Murder Mystery evening to Old Buckenham Village Hall. You can be part of the audience and help the police work out who really did it.
There is limited seating due to a round table format with small teams working together. On for two nights only. Tickets available by calling 01603 810373.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Enter the Old Buckenham Produce Show

Village showtime
The Old Buckenham Produce and Handicraft Show takes place in the Village Hall on Sunday 11 September. Don't be one of those people who comes along in the afternoon, looks at the exhibits and says "Oh, I've got better ones than that at home". Take part by entering something, there are over a hundred classes to choose from.
This is an open show, organised by the village Women’s Institute, so anyone can enter their flower arrangements, preserves, cookery, eggs, flowers, pot plants, handicrafts, art, vegetables and fruit.
There are special classes for children of all ages to enter. There is no need to pre-enter and your entries can be brought along to the Village Hall on the day between 9.30am and 11am. Children’s entries are free, others are 20p per entry and there are many trophies and prizes to be won. Copies of the schedule listing all the classes can be obtained from Doris on 01953 861322.
Come along during the afternoon to see what is on the show benches. Doors open for visitors from 2.30pm and the presentation of prizes takes place at 4pm.

If you would like to take home some of the prize-winning vegetables, flowers or cookery there will be an auction of produce after the show when you can get some great bargains.
This year the recipe for the class for four rock cakes has been included in the schedule. This is a class for men only so let's get some real competition going amongst the male cooks of Old Buckenham and the surrounding area. It is time that someone else was judged to have made the best rock cakes...

225g (8oz) S R flour, 120g (4oz) sultanas, 85g (3 oz) caster sugar, 85g (3 oz) margarine, half tsp mixed spice, pinch of salt. Mix all the ingredients together and then add one egg, mix further and slowly add about 3 or 4 dessert spoons of water until a stiff mixture is produced.
Divide mixture into nine portions on a baking tray and cook in the oven at around 160 to 180 C/325 to 350 F/ gas mark 3 to 4 for 16 to 20 minutes.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Another day cycling in Old Buckenham

Enjoying the rides
Today has been day two of the cycling festival in Old Buckenham. Not racing around but more leisurely rides around the local countryside. 'Leisurely' meant 50 miles for some, 30 miles for others and a few miles round really local roads for many families from the village.
The rides went off at differing times up to 10am in the morning. There was a technical briefing for those taking part before the longer rides set off on the organised and signposted routes.
A photographer from the local paper was there to get his pictures of those in period dress and of some of the youngsters keen to get going. The Basket Bikers from Attleborough came along in convoy to brighten up the scene even more.
More excitement happened just before lunch when the BBC Radio Norfolk team arrived looking for treasure. The final clue of the day's radio programme had led them to the Church Rooms and before long Sophie had discovered the treasure envelope on the back carrier of a 1963 Moulton Standard cycle. Having completed the challenge, Sophie and navigator Ian were able to sit, chat and enjoy a drink as well as some tasty home-made cake
The longer distance riders, some on their second ride of the day, were arriving back throughout the afternoon with the last few pedalling in around 5pm.

"I've found the treasure!"

Saturday, 3 September 2016

'Crit' cycling in Old Buckenham

Riding round and round
Today was the day of cycle races around Old Buckenham Green as the first part of a Cycling Festival weekend. The races varied in length from a one lap (1.1km) time trial open to everyone to others lasting from 15 minutes for the under 10s to 50 minutes for the Elite riders. The event was organised by Diss & District Cycling Club with support services by the people of Old Buckenham.
The day dawned sunny but the cloud cover increased and the final race was held in steady rain making corning of the sharp bends a rather risky affair.
Many warmed up on their 'rollers' before starting out and whizzing past many of the village landmarks.

Too fast for this photographer

Slippery surface but nice reflections!
Refreshments were provided by Old Buckenham Women's Institute and All Saints Church. They were also available in the beer tent by the Ox and Plough where some of the organisers could be found.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Old Buckenham's busy in September

Diary dates for September

Thursday 1    Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Saturday 3    Cycle races on the Green, beer festival, funfair, etc

Sunday 4    More cycling, family cycle rides, activities on the Green

Sunday 4    Wargames Club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm

Monday 5    Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Tuesday 6    Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am onwards

Wednesday 7    Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm

Thursday 8    Breckland Flower Club, Village Hall, 2pm

Wednesday 8    Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.30pm for 7.45pm

Sunday 11    Windmill open, 2pm to 5pm (last time this year)

Sunday 11    Village Produce Show, 2.30pm

Monday 12    Jane Austen Society, Church Rooms, 10am

Monday 12    Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm

Wednesday 14    Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm

Saturday 17    Autumn Fayre, Church Rooms, 2pm to 4pm

Monday 19    Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Wednesday 21    Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm

Thursday 22    Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Friday 23    Murder Mystery, OB Players, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Saturday 24    Balloon Festival, Old Buckenham Airfield

Saturday 24    Murder Mystery, OB Players, Village Hall, 7.30pm

Sunday 25    Balloon Festival, Old Buckenham Airfield

Wednesday 28    Luncheon Club outing

Thursday 29    Silver Band concert, All Saints Church, 7.30pm

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Old Buckenham newsletter for September

More village news
Don't miss the details of the cycling events over this coming weekend It's all in the September issue.