Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Another month, another issue

You can pick up the May issue now from all around the village.
And it contains the schedule for the village produce show in September.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Environment matters

More action from VERG
The March textiles collection in Old Buckenham amounted to 1.126 tonnes. This resulted in £275.76 being raised for the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust from payment and recycling credits. The provisional date for the next collection of textiles is towards the end of June. Any income will be passed to Old Buckenham Cubs who are in desperate need of funds. More details will be given in next month’s newsletter.
The Village Hall Management Committee has agreed to the siting of a new bank on the village hall car park that will be for drinks cartons and tetrapaks (this all depends on an agreement between Breckland Council and Pearsons materialising).
The toy bank made a slow start but it was emptied not long after it was installed. Plastic and cuddly toys are generally very light so the 39 kilos of toys earned 98 pence.
On Saturday 5 June there will be another chance to find out more about reducing our carbon footprints and saving money while saving energy. Breckland Council is helping the Village Environment and Recycling Group organise an event in the village hall at which it will be possible to find out how to get our homes energy rated, the availability of grants to increase energy efficiency, how to drive to ensure you are getting the most from increasingly expensive petrol, how to turn your garden and kitchen waste into compost (there may also be the chance to buy some that was made earlier…) and how to avoid wasting food.
There will be games and competitions with a recycling theme for children and it is hoped that the High School will be there to tell everyone how they are going to be marking Low Carbon Day on Thursday 24 June. There may also be collection points for postcards and stamps. There will be stalls for Fairtrade goods, used-but-still-useful items, collectables and books. The Energy Savings Trust, the County Council and Breckland Council staff will be able to answer any questions or point people in the right direction for finding out.
Drop in any time on the day between 10am and 1pm and enjoy a coffee or tea while you learn more. No entry charge, all this advice is free.
Whilst there will be no day-long book sale this year, secondhand books will be on sale at both the Environment Day and at the fete in September. That is if folk are kind enough to donate them again. A box for contributions will be outside the village shop from the beginning of May or you can ring 452716 if you need to have them collected. All unsold stock was donated to charity shops and the National Trust bookshop at Blickling last year so all stock will be entirely new again this year. It is hoped to have some new but damaged items again. The income from both sales will be given to the fund for urgent repairs to the stained glass windows in the parish church. The church is a building to which an ever decreasing number of us may 'belong' but a place that we all expect to be there in good condition when we need it. One cannot expect a few to bear the responsibility for both the church and the burial ground for all to use and few of us will want to be in the generation that failed to take care of the gift to us from so many previous generations. So get de-cluttering and make room for more good reads at bargain prices.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Things to plant

It's Spring
The sun is shining and the purses are out buying plants at the Garden Event at the village hall on Saturday.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Reduced sail area

More 'action' at the Mill

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Starting on the sails

High level repairs
Work has started on repairing the sails of Old Buckenham Mill.

Coming to the aid of others

On Sunday 2 May Chris Wilks will give a short talk about the work of Christian Aid at the 9.30am service at All Saints Church in Old Buckenham. After the service there will be coffee and a cake stall for Christian Aid. If you are able to provide any cakes and/or biscuits or would like to come and join in on the day then you would be very welcome.
There will also be a collection around Old Buckenham for Christian Aid during May.
If you are able to help with either or both of these items then please ring Alison on 860692 or sign the list in All Saints Church.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Looking after the children

The Buckenham Pre-school Group and Nursery are holding their Open Event on Thursday 27 May from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. You can come along and meet the staff and find out more about this friendly pre-school. For more information please contact Claire Hancy (the supervisor) on 07799 778806 during school hours or on 01953 860244.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

The annual parish meeting

A year in the life of…
The Annual Parish Meeting of Old Buckenham Parish Council was held in the Village Hall on Friday 26 March. The official minutes are rather long (over 3000 words) and are therefore too lengthy to appear in the May newsletter. If you would like to get an idea of what has gone on in Old Buckenham during the last twelve months then the minutes, very slightly edited, are here for you to read.
The Chairman, Norman Cawston, welcomed the 31 members of the public who had come along plus the members of the present Parish Council.
The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting in March 2009 were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting and signed accordingly. There were no matters arising.
Norfolk Constabulary had sent their apologies as the person due to attend was off sick and no replacement could be found. They would however attend a meeting of the Parish Council in the near future and deliver a report to the Council.
Chairman’s annual report. Norman Cawston said it had been a difficult year but a very busy one. He thanked all the Parish Councillors who had helped and supported the Parish Council throughout the year. John Frost had raised a query on the burial ground and the chairman said a reply would come from a meeting of the Parish Council. He then said that the questions of supplying allotments in the village had been raised and the Parish Council would hopefully be able to rent some land from Breckland Council to provide them. He said the safe route to school path was finished and most people in the village were happy with the result. The path along the B1077 was completed. Thanks were due to Mike Read and the Green Rights Proprietors along with Terry Cracknell who all put in a lot of work along with Trevor Crook who oversaw the project. He then went on to congratulate the Green Rights Proprietors who have got the probation service to tidy up the Green but now, because of some health and safety issues the Beavers are not allowed to work on tidying the Green. He welcomed the two new headmasters to the village. The old Village Action Plan was raised and Parish Council will see if a path is required from Crown Road to the Green. He thanked Kerry Talbot for arranging the refreshments.
Clerk’s Annual Report. This has been a difficult year for the Parish Council as there was effectively no parish clerk in post for nearly five months of the year. Having taken over in September the Clerk’s first priority was to set the precept for the financial year 2010/11. The Precept Meeting was held in October 2009 and the precept was set at £12,218 which equates to a 19% reduction on the previous year. It is hoped and anticipated that the precept for the financial year 2011/12 will show a reduction again on this year’s precept. The Parish Council are fully aware of the harsh economic times for the large numbers of the villagers who are on fixed incomes. The Parish Council will therefore ensure strict financial and monetary controls are affected at all times and that all expenditure is within budgetary limits. During the year ending 31st March 2010 the Parish Council received grants totalling £25,172.94 for the children’s play area, recreation area, the footpath across the Green and for benches for the Green. Fund raising for the recreation area and play area produced another £1,833.17 in generated income. Breckland also contributed approximately £900 towards the Community Car Scheme. Expenditure for the year totalled approximately £42,000 net of VAT from a total income of £47,192. All figures are subject to audit as the financial year end has not yet arrived. Also during the year the Parish Council has compiled a Village Emergency Plan, a Health & Safety Policy document, a Freedom of Information model publication scheme and a Financial Regulation Policy document. All this has been necessary because of legislation. The Parish Council are currently undertaking a review of its standing orders to bring them into line with current Government legislation. Also it has programmed in a full set of risk assessments to be carried out during the course of the next few months on all assets owned by the Parish Council. These programmes have involved Parish Councillors in extra work during the year and the Clerk would like to take this opportunity of thanking them for their efforts during what has been a difficult year under exceptional circumstances.
Village Hall report. The past year had been a busy one for the Village Hall Management Committee with the main priority being the completion of the refurbishment of the kitchen and bar area in the main hall. This could not have been done without the grants they had received and for which they were grateful. Mike Bartlett was to be commended for the work he had done on the project and the input of the ladies from the user organisations had also proved valuable. This is the most expensive project they have undertaken and it is hoped the facility will be used by the Hall for many years to come. The next project was the men’s toilets which it was felt were in need of urgent upgrading. The large brass plaque in the Memorial Room that lists the American servicemen who had died while serving in Old Buckenham was given an expensive refurbishment which should last up to twenty years. Despite the fact that hall lettings income now barely covers running costs, the hire charges have not been increased as it is appreciated that money is tight for everyone. Any further hall improvements will have to be made from grants and by fundraising. The car park surface still proves to be major concern. Sooner or later the issue will have to be addressed and no grants are available for this work to be done.
Old Buckenham Newsletter editor’s report. The newsletter has continued to appear throughout the year, normally with28 pages of news and advertising between the covers. The use of coloured photographs on the front cover has continued to keep the newsletter looking professional and attractive to advertisers.
On the financial side, income from advertising again appears to have covered the cost of producing the 400 printed copies. Advertising rates have been increased slightly for those taking short term advertisements as printing costs have increased over the last twelve months. Last year the newsletter donated £500 from its ‘profits’ to the Parish Council to be used for the benefit of those in the village. It is expected that this will be spent on one of the new benches to be installed on the Green. Norfolk News Deliveries continues to distribute copies with the morning newspaper deliveries in the village each month. The majority of the remaining copies are picked up from the village shop while other places including All Saints Church, the Airfield, the Gamekeeper, the Ox and Plough and the Clinic on the Green also take a few copies. We are most grateful to all of them for their cooperation. The newsletter editor continues to send material at his own expense to the Wymondham and Attleborough Mercury local paper, trying to get our local stories to project a positive attitude of life in our village. Distribution of this free paper is now even more haphazard around the village and news from far and wide appears in our local edition. As a result less Old Buckenham news appears in print. The Old Buckenham “blog” publishes items destined for the newsletter which are published every couple of days or so on the worldwide web. The Diss Express and the Mid Norfolk News newspaper read our news and either prints it in their paper or follows-up some of the stories in greater depth. Over 300 items about the village have been posted since the blog was set up eighteen months ago. We remain grateful for the continuing flow of news items (and sufficient newsletter advertising) from the village people and organisations and hope it will continue during the next twelve months.
Green Right Proprietors. The proprietors were able to make land available for the footpath on the Green which has now been finished. Also a piece of land was donated to the Play Area to enable the enlargement of the children’s play area and work on it is progressing well. Permission has been granted to Parish Council for the siting of four more benches on the green. Thanks are due to the Church for the use of their rooms through the year and to Terry Cracknell who has offered to complete the clearance of cuttings. Changes have been made to the committee during the year and Rosemary West will continue as secretary and Colin Phillips will stay as vice-chairman. As there is no chairman at present Colin Phillips will act as chairman until one is found from the membership. On Easter Sunday 4 April the Green is hosting the lunchtime stopover for the National Veteran Tractor Rally and it is hoped this event will help to replenish the finances of the Green Rights Proprietors funds. It is also hoped that other events will be arranged during the summer months and that some new people obtain green rights and will be willing to share the burden of organising things.
Community Car Scheme. Michael Craven-Romain said he had now taken over from Robert Zinman who had run the scheme for 20 years and he thanked him for his work over the years. In the past 12 months 507 journeys had been recorded, 7 more than the previous year (111 were hospital visits, 358 were to doctors, dentists and opticians). The recorded mileage was 8184 which is up 335 on last year and the Parish Council share of costs for the scheme rose from £783.45 to £861.78. The number of residents using the scheme has fallen from 68 to 63. Michael Craven-Romain said he would like to thank all drivers who gave up their time willingly and the village owes them a great debt. The scheme has 19 listed drivers which has meant that, even during sickness periods, the scheme has arranged transport to meet every request throughout the year.
Recreation Area report. Carol Marshall said the area had now been completely fenced and this had been paid from existing funds. The OB 2000 Trust had given a grant of £1,000 which had enabled the fourth side of the fence to be completed and for the purchase of six picnic tables in the near future. The High School Headmaster has fully supported the proposed full-sized multi-sport court. This will enable the school basketball team to have home games. At the present time the school court is only half-size so home games cannot be played on it. More grants are being applied for and it is hoped that an official opening of the Recreation Area will take place in early spring.
Bucks Just Play. After an extremely busy 2009, the project was successful in obtaining funding required for phases 1 and 2 of the project. Work commenced in September 2009 with site clearance which resulted in the finding of a 5 ton piece of concrete which brought the project to a halt. Then bad weather during the winter also caused serious delays. But now after contacting all grant providers and seeking extensions to grant applications the project is well on the way to completion. The turf has been laid and contractors will soon be rolling the area and seeding where appropriate. Kerry Talbot thanked all the grant providers, the parishioners of Old Buckenham for their patience and support and finally to the members of the working party for all their efforts in getting the project this far. It is hoped to have a launch party in 2010 and invites would be sent out.
District Councillor’s report. District Councillor Adrian Joel reported that the Breckland District Council tax has not increased for 2010/11. There is a move to consider sharing services with South Norfolk. The proposal would be, where possible, to merge management teams and form a hub of backroom services while maintaining cost-effective frontline services for the council tax payers. In spite of a recommendation from the Boundary Committee for one County Unitary Authority the Government has put through Parliament a Single Unitary Authority for Norwich. Breckland’s Local Development Framework Policy and Core Strategy has been found sound by Government inspectors and will be the basis of their planning policy for the future. The Site Specific plans have moved forward with settlement boundaries in villages being discussed. Recommendations have been presented to the Parish Council for Old Buckenham and these will then go to public consultation in the next few months. Breckland District Council then expected to finalise, after a further period of consultation, the Site Specifics by June 2011. Adrian Joel was pleased that a Match Funding Grant was obtained for the kitchen extension and previously for the play area. He looked forward to working with the Recreation Area Working Party when they submit a similar Match Funding Grant. He speaks to users of the Flexibus service regularly and there do not appear to be many problems with the service. It provides a life line for many residents. Breckland fund the concessionary bus passes, this cost last year was £750,000 with Central Government funding £150,000. This is a big cost but one that is a necessity for rural Breckland.
County Councillor’s report. William Nunn said the County Council’s part of the Council Tax bill for a band D house was £1200. There will be no increase in this over the next two years. Norfolk is considered a ‘better off’ county by National Government and there is a dampening effect put on the county. The dualling of the A11 should go ahead no matter the result of the next General election. The crime rate in the county has dropped 13% and Norfolk is now said to be the safest County in the country.
Parish Councillors’ reports. Tim Ing said that the new proposed four benches on the Green had been funded by Old Buckenham 2000B Trust and the village newsletter. It is hoped that the benches will soon be in place. Gerald Norton thanked Mike Read for his work as Parish Clerk and was glad to see him around the village. He also welcomed the new clerk James Watling.
Public recess. The matter of allotments was raised and it was suggested that the Parish Council owned some land down Crown Road that may be suitable. The meeting was informed that the Parish Council did not own any land there. A working party would be set up by the Parish Council to deal with the matter. Mike Read raised the matter of draft minutes being used in the OB Newsletter which can sometimes be misleading, he cited the recent question of the shop lay-by. A resident raised the matter of the proposed development at Attleborough and the effect it would have on Old Buckenham including increased traffic flows. Norman Cawston said the development may take place before the infrastructure had been completed. Adrian Joel said that the Attleborough Task Force will put forward proposals for discussions and OB Parish Council was represented on the task force. Concerns were expressed at the possible level of new housing development being considered for Attleborough and the surrounding areas. A resident raised the question of extending the footpath in Cake Street, Norman Cawston said the Parish Council would look at all areas of the village. Mike Bartlett said Norfolk Rural Community Council was at the opening of the new Village Hall kitchen and would give consideration to grant for the gents cloakroom improvement and he asked for Parish Council’s support for the project. He then went on to raise the matter of the Parish Council’s standing orders limiting speeches to three minutes and then went into detail concerning his correspondence with Parish Clerk on the matter. He said he had also contacted Breckland Council who informed him the limit did not apply to members of the public and he requested a copy of the minute that stated it did. Mike Bartlett then gave great detail of two meetings he had attended in relation to the proposed development in Attleborough. Some 400 to 500 people attended the meetings of in February. Mike Bartlett then attended a further meeting held on Tuesday 9 February and he had purchased a copy of the report at a cost of £230. The report raised many issues and some actions required the involvement of Old Buckenham, including the merging of Attleborough and Old Buckenham High Schools, building a supermarket in the area of Bunns Bank and creating a new road from Breckland Lodge to Bunns Bank. It was proposed by Mike Bartlett that the Parish Council call a series of meetings on Saturday mornings to get people involved. Further meetings should also be held with the consulting bodies. This proposal was seconded by John Fernihough and agreed overwhelmingly by the meeting. A resident raised the issue of one end of the Green that was not as smart as other areas, in fact he thought the area around Rod Alley was a disgrace. The duck house was sinking and asked if the Green Rights Proprietors and the Parish Council get together on the matter. Terry Cracknell raised the matter of communication in the village. He said some parish councillors worked very hard and some do not. He raised the matter of his recent small claims action against the Parish Council. He asked for more agendas to be available at meetings and for two public recesses to be held at parish council meetings, one at the beginning and one at the end. He also said he wanted to attend the recent precept meeting but was told he could not attend. Terry Cracknell said the Attleborough development should be closely monitored and a meeting held either every month or every other month. He also said that all people should be pulling together and not some voting for and some against. Tim Ing said that differences of opinion do occur but he felt that everyone should now move forward and not dwell on the past.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Just the ticket

Tractor raffle
The raffle that was arranged at the Tractor Rally on Sunday 4 April raised the sum of £270 including £10 donated by Mr Drummond of Diss who was one of the prize winners. Other winners were Mrs Rogers of Norwich, Mrs Kemp and Mr Evans both from Attleborough and our own Don Edwards.
Thanks are due to those who kindly donated the prizes and the takings have now been passed to the Old Buckenham 2000 Trust.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Summer is coming

Breckland Flower and Garden Club
Members and visitors enjoyed the 'Flower Girls' demonstration at April's meeting entitled “Here comes summer”. Sheila Bullen and Joy Tumore took a 'holiday in Scotland' which reminded everyone of the pink and purple hues of heather whilst 'the picnic' - in a hamper - included bright sunny gerberas. Designs for a church wedding included candles, pink lilies, carnations and green chrysanthemums. Herbaceous borders were interpreted by parallel arrangements and white blooms. Two large urns held the final designs which included a wide variety of foliage, green carnations and white lilies.
The flower arranging competition winner in the Old Hands class was Ursula Jackson who also won the Rachel Tarry Trophy for the best exhibit and Ann Norris was the winner in the 'From Your Garden' competition with three stems of daffodils.
Next meeting will be held on Thursday 13 May at 2pm when Rosemary Ward will be talking on container gardening. The competitions will be for a 'Foliage arrangement' for the Betty Warburton Trophy, and three stems of blossom.
Visitors are always welcome. Further details from Pat on 01953 457315 or Sally on 01953 788712.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

A Pratt by name...

All human life at the village hall
Old Buckenham Players' next production will be Second from last in the sack race by Michael Birch (adapted from the novel by David Nobbs).
Second from last in the sack race has been adapted for the stage from the writings of the author of Reggie Perrin fame. It is a wry, funny and entertaining play which traces the ups and downs of young Henry Pratt who was born in 1935 in a back-to-back in northern England. Henry’s childhood is disrupted first by the war, then by the death of his mother and, soon after, the death of his father too. Henry is entrusted to the care of his social climbing Aunty Doris and Uncle Teddy and is passed around relatives and friends learning his life skills in the backstreets and then public school. The play aims to make the audience both love and pity Henry in equal measure and pokes fun at his family and mentors as he hurls headlong towards his 18th birthday.
The play blends a mix of short, fast-paced scenes together with music, sound and visual images to draw you into Henry’s world of pleasure and pathos.
Performances will take place at Old Buckenham Village Hall on Thursday 20, Friday 21 and Saturday 22 May at 7.30pm at Old Buckenham Village Hall. Tickets are priced at £6 and available from Old Buckenham Post Office, Nuts ‘n’ Bolts in Attleborough or by phoning 01603 810373.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Step forward

Volunteers needed
At present there are three vacancies on the Parish Council. If any Old Buckenham resident is interested in filling one of the vacancies can they please contact the parish clerk, James Watling, on 01953 880110.
There is also a need for volunteers to join the working party being set up to arrange allotments for the village. The Allotment Working Party of the Parish Council will be holding an open meeting on Saturday 15 May in the Church Rooms starting at 10.30am. All those interested in obtaining an allotment should come along and ask questions of the working party who should be able to give details of the way forward on the project. The Working Party is hoping that some of those wanting allotments will join the working party so they can have an input into the matter.
Those willing to take part should contact the parish clerk on 01953 880110.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Those tractors again

As seen from the top of the church tower

This is a view that most of us did not get the chance to see last Sunday. The churchwarden however did brave the long ladders and got to the top of the All Saints church tower. Thanks to John we can all share this view and get a better idea of just how many tractors there were.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Veteran tractor road run

Tractors, tractors and more tractors
This was a special lunchtime in Old Buckenham. Well over four hundred veteran tractors left Tibenham Airfield this morning for their run around the local roads and stopped for their lunch break on Old Buckenham Green.
What a spectacle they made - first driving into the village centre, then parking up in row after row, having some lunch and then off round the lanes again to return to the Airfield.
The local Old Ram Tractor Club did the organising of this national event that brought tractors and their drivers from all over the country.
It was a very friendly occasion, a photographer's delight and the sun shone occasionally. The sound of all those engines and the smell of diesel will remain in people's memories for years to come.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Betting on the horses

Race Night
The Friends of Old Buckenham High School organised a thoroughly entertaining Race Night on Saturday 27 March with any money raised to be used for various resources in the school. The night was hosted by the Bergh Apton Players with Ray the compere doing an extraordinary job in keeping the audience amused between races. The evening was attended by over a hundred people with their tables laden with food and drink. The evening raised a lot of laughs and also raised £723 for the school.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Gurkha Welfare Trust

Gurkha visit to Women’s Institute
Chris Taylor came to the Old Buckenham WI’s March meeting to talk about the Gurkha Welfare Trust. Chris is a retired Lt Col with 40 years of service and has nothing but praise for the Gurkhas who have served in most of Britain’s conflicts for nearly 200 years. They have earned 13 Victoria Crosses and for good reason are known as the bravest of the brave.
The Trust was founded in 1969 for the relief of poverty and distress amongst Gurkha veterans. This soon developed into the welfare pension programme. A monthly pension of 4,000 Nepalese rupees (about £34) is available to any elderly Gurkha who did not serve the 15 years required to earn an Army pension and who faces destitution. Nepal is a desperately poor country.
Today, 10,000 veterans and their villages depend on the Trust. On the death of an old soldier, his welfare benefits are transferred in full to his widow and this means that the Trust will have significant obligations in Nepal until at least 2040.
The speaker had some fund-raising goodies for sale and plenty of leaflets for members to read.
Doris Monkhouse gave a report on the Norfolk Federation Meeting in St Andrews Hall which indicated that everyone had enjoyed themselves immensely. The speakers were Ruth Bond, the national WI chair, Jim Bacon from Weatherquest with stories of the changing technology in weather forecasting and lastly the rock legend Rick Wakeman who had the audience in tears of laughter.
The Old Buckenham WI next meet on Thursday 29 April in the village hall when John Lee will talk about ‘Changes on the High Street’ and the monthly competition will be for a favourite item that had been bought from Woolworths.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

This month's activities

Diary dates for April
Thursday 1 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 2 Crib Drive, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Sunday 4 National Tractor Rally on Green, 12 noon to 1.30pm
Sunday 4 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Tuesday 6 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon
Wednesday 7 Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Wednesday 7 Village Hall AGM, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Thursday 8 Breckland Flower and Garden Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 8 Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.45pm
Friday 9 Mobile Police Station outside village shop, 9am to 10.30am
Friday 9 Netgamers, Village Hall, 7pm to 9pm
Sunday 11 Askew Agricultural Museum, open 2pm to 5pm
Monday 12 Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Tuesday 13 Ladies Fellowship, Church Rooms, 2pm
Wednesday 14 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Sunday 18 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 19 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Monday 19 Village Fete meeting, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Wednesday 21 Request Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Thursday 22 WI Group meeting, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 24 Gardening event, Village Hall, 10am to 1pm
Wednesday 28 Luncheon Club outing
Thursday 29 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm