Diary dates for January
Friday 1 Village photograph, Village Hall, 11.30am
Sunday 3 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Tuesday 5 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon
Wednesday 6 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Thursday 7 Parish Council, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 8 Netgamers, Village Hall, 7pm to 9pm
Saturday 9 Senior Citizens Party, Village Hall
Monday 11 Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Thursday 14 Breckland Flower and Garden Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Thursday 14 Social and Wine Circle, Church Rooms, 7.45pm
Friday 15 Mobile Police Station outside village shop, 9am to 10.30am
Sunday 17 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Wednesday 20 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 20 Request Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Thursday 21 OB Players pantomime, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Friday 22 OB Players pantomime, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Saturday 23 OB Players pantomime, Village Hall, 2.30pm
Saturday 23 OB Players pantomime, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Thursday 28 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Monday, 28 December 2009
Full house for ever popular carol service

Candlelit service on Christmas Eve
Over 400 villagers and friends gathered at All Saints Church, Old Buckenham, for the Christmas Eve service of Lessons and Carols. The service was led by the Revd Alistair Monkhouse and there were readings given by members of village organisations and other churches. Danni Haylett sang the "Once in Royal" solo and pupils from Old Buckenham Primary School read a Christmas story. The choir from the High School sang the Angels' Carol by John Rutter and Howard Marshall sang a Yorkshire folk carol. Instrumental Christmas music was provided by Annette Winters, accompanied by the organist, Tom Hilton. The Cubs and Beavers sang "We wish you a Happy Christmas".
Prayers were led by Francis Darrah and the Christmas message was delivered by the Revd David Hill, Rector of the Quidenham Benefice, who also sang the first verse of "O come all ye Faithful" as a solo. The offertory of £551 was given for the work of St Martin's Housing Trust (Norwich Night Shelter).
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Ten years on
Start 2010 at the village hall
On New Year’s Day in 2000 Old Buckenham residents met to have their photograph taken as we went forward into the new millennium. It is proposed that the village does it again ten years on and maybe have regular photos taken every decade as a record of the village inhabitants. Lots of people research their ancestors so there will be photographic evidence for future generations.
If you are interested please make the effort to come to the Village Hall at 11.30am on New Year’s Day where Ivan Hardy will take the photo(s). Copies will be available later (and many of you can compare how your looks have changed since the photo of 2000).
On New Year’s Day in 2000 Old Buckenham residents met to have their photograph taken as we went forward into the new millennium. It is proposed that the village does it again ten years on and maybe have regular photos taken every decade as a record of the village inhabitants. Lots of people research their ancestors so there will be photographic evidence for future generations.
If you are interested please make the effort to come to the Village Hall at 11.30am on New Year’s Day where Ivan Hardy will take the photo(s). Copies will be available later (and many of you can compare how your looks have changed since the photo of 2000).
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
New property available, Old Buckenham Green

Recent new build, short term let only
Just on the market, this open plan property is situated on the much sought after Old Buckenham Green. Would suit single person with lots of very warm clothing or might be just the thing for a small dog.
Very low carbon footprint and completly built of recycleable materials.
Offers will be accepted for a short time only so contact the sole agents without delay.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Friday, 18 December 2009
Decisions at the Hall
News from the village hall
The estimate for the refurbishment of the kitchen/bar area has been agreed with JW Construction with the work to be done in February.
The Committee has agreed that, in the light of the financial situation facing the community, there will be no increase in hiring charges for 2010. Any shortfall in the Committee's finances which arises from this may have to be considered when a review for 2011 takes place.
New chairs have been purchased for the Memorial Room.
It has been agreed that the hall will seek to obtain a full Premises Licence so that temporary Event Notices do not have to be obtained, at a cost of £21 for each notice, for the sale of alcohol or the performance of plays, films, etc. This Licence is costly and so the costs will be recovered from those hirers who would previously have had to pay for a temporary event notice.
The estimate for the refurbishment of the kitchen/bar area has been agreed with JW Construction with the work to be done in February.
The Committee has agreed that, in the light of the financial situation facing the community, there will be no increase in hiring charges for 2010. Any shortfall in the Committee's finances which arises from this may have to be considered when a review for 2011 takes place.
New chairs have been purchased for the Memorial Room.
It has been agreed that the hall will seek to obtain a full Premises Licence so that temporary Event Notices do not have to be obtained, at a cost of £21 for each notice, for the sale of alcohol or the performance of plays, films, etc. This Licence is costly and so the costs will be recovered from those hirers who would previously have had to pay for a temporary event notice.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Toying with a new idea

Can your toys go in the bin?
There will soon be a new bank on the village hall car park and it will be one that will not be seen in many other recycling areas until it has been tested. BCR Global, the company with whom the Village Environment and Recycling Group (VERG) deals for the textiles collections, wants to experiment with toy collections along the same lines as textiles. Villagers are being invited to put toys still in good condition (or only slightly damaged) into the bank for collection, sorting and sending to third world countries.
On its website, http://www.bcrglobal.co.uk/, the company says that it sets out not only to find solutions to environmental problems in this country by reducing the quantities going into landfill but also helps build businesses in other countries to generate wealth. The textiles collections have certainly achieved both these objectives in a relatively short time, generating significant sums for Old Buckenham community projects at the same time. Most recently it was £360.28 for the senior citizens' Christmas party. It will be interesting to see if the expansion into toys will be as successful. If it works in Old Buckenham it will no doubt be rolled out elsewhere.
The toy collections will be weighed and VERG will receive recycling credits on the weights. For this financial year this figure is £44.90 per tonne. So, for all those unwanted toys after the Christmas receipt of new ones, look out for a new 5 foot by 4 foot by 3 foot receptacle in the village hall car park.
On its website, http://www.bcrglobal.co.uk/, the company says that it sets out not only to find solutions to environmental problems in this country by reducing the quantities going into landfill but also helps build businesses in other countries to generate wealth. The textiles collections have certainly achieved both these objectives in a relatively short time, generating significant sums for Old Buckenham community projects at the same time. Most recently it was £360.28 for the senior citizens' Christmas party. It will be interesting to see if the expansion into toys will be as successful. If it works in Old Buckenham it will no doubt be rolled out elsewhere.
The toy collections will be weighed and VERG will receive recycling credits on the weights. For this financial year this figure is £44.90 per tonne. So, for all those unwanted toys after the Christmas receipt of new ones, look out for a new 5 foot by 4 foot by 3 foot receptacle in the village hall car park.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Settling the settlements
Future settlement boundaries
Breckland Council is currently preparing the next Site Specifics document for public consultation in the Spring of 2010. This document will contain settlement boundaries for Old Buckenham and surrounding villages such as New Buckenham and Banham. The previous consultations in Summer 2008 and Spring 2009 presented the various sites that have been submitted to Breckland Council. The forthcoming consultation document will present options for how the new settlement boundaries might look and whether new areas of land need to be drawn into the boundary or alternatively whether some areas need to be excluded to protect areas from over-development and garden grab.
A draft plan for Old Buckenham will be considered by Breckland Council’s LDF Task & Finish Group when it meets at the end of January. The meeting is being held at the Old School Hall in East Harling on Thursday 28 January 2010 at 2pm and will be considering villages across the rural south-east of the District. Members of the public are able to attend the meeting to hear proceedings. The preferred plan for Old Buckenham will be consulted on in Spring 2010 for six weeks and the document will be available for comment on-line at http://www.breckland.gov.uk/ or alternatively paper copies will be sent to the Parish Council, Attleborough Library and the Breckland Customer Services Centre at Attleborough Town Hall.
A draft plan for Old Buckenham will be considered by Breckland Council’s LDF Task & Finish Group when it meets at the end of January. The meeting is being held at the Old School Hall in East Harling on Thursday 28 January 2010 at 2pm and will be considering villages across the rural south-east of the District. Members of the public are able to attend the meeting to hear proceedings. The preferred plan for Old Buckenham will be consulted on in Spring 2010 for six weeks and the document will be available for comment on-line at http://www.breckland.gov.uk/ or alternatively paper copies will be sent to the Parish Council, Attleborough Library and the Breckland Customer Services Centre at Attleborough Town Hall.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Social evening with wine...
Party time with fish and chips
The December get-together of the Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle in the Church Rooms was an opportunity for an entertaining party. To start with Brian Stone provided some quiz sheets to keep those on each table fully engrossed. This was followed by some light-hearted games of bingo before fish and chip suppers were delivered for everyone. Soon it was time to try to guess the film, play and book titles in a less-than-serious session of charades and then to have the chance to win something in the larger-than-normal raffle.
The first meeting in the New Year will be a quiz evening and takes place on Thursday 14 January in the Church Rooms starting at 7.45pm and new members are always welcome to come along.
The December get-together of the Old Buckenham Social and Wine Circle in the Church Rooms was an opportunity for an entertaining party. To start with Brian Stone provided some quiz sheets to keep those on each table fully engrossed. This was followed by some light-hearted games of bingo before fish and chip suppers were delivered for everyone. Soon it was time to try to guess the film, play and book titles in a less-than-serious session of charades and then to have the chance to win something in the larger-than-normal raffle.
The first meeting in the New Year will be a quiz evening and takes place on Thursday 14 January in the Church Rooms starting at 7.45pm and new members are always welcome to come along.
Saturday, 12 December 2009
In party mood
Getting ready for Christmas
Old Buckenham Women’s Institute relaxed with a Christmas party on Friday 11 December in the Village Hall after a year of successful and interesting meetings. Over sixty members, their guests and representatives from neighbouring WIs were treated to a sumptuous spread of food that had been prepared by the members. They then enjoyed entertainment from singer Susie Turner and her accompanist Annette before having sherry and Christmas cake.
The president Susan Hunter gave special thanks to those in the village who generously help the WI in various ways such as auditing the accounts, getting the hall ready for meetings and assisting with the annual produce show. The evening came to a conclusion with a large raffle before the president wished all present a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
The president Susan Hunter gave special thanks to those in the village who generously help the WI in various ways such as auditing the accounts, getting the hall ready for meetings and assisting with the annual produce show. The evening came to a conclusion with a large raffle before the president wished all present a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Carols by candlelight
Christmas Eve carols
All Saints Church in Old Buckenham are continuing their tradition of holding a Candlelit Carol Service at the church on Christmas Eve starting at 7pm.
This will be a service of Lessons and Carols involving children and representatives of the local community. The collection at the service will be sent to the Norwich Night Shelter for the homeless. The congregation, along with the general public, are invited to donate gifts of non-perishable food. The Church Rooms will be open throughout Christmas Eve to receive these food donations.
All Saints Church in Old Buckenham are continuing their tradition of holding a Candlelit Carol Service at the church on Christmas Eve starting at 7pm.
This will be a service of Lessons and Carols involving children and representatives of the local community. The collection at the service will be sent to the Norwich Night Shelter for the homeless. The congregation, along with the general public, are invited to donate gifts of non-perishable food. The Church Rooms will be open throughout Christmas Eve to receive these food donations.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Monday, 7 December 2009
One thousand one hundred and eighty-three squares
At the big square draw
It was a very entertaining, and for many a very rewarding, afternoon and evening at the Church Rooms in Old Buckenham at the culmination of the village’s big square draw. Over the last month or so visitors to the village shop have been able to choose their own squares at £1 each. As a result £1183 was raised and it was all spent on prizes bought at the best prices that the village shop could obtain.
At the draw there was entertainment, sponsored by Old Buckenham Stores, by singer Jessica Todd. After her first set, Father Christmas was on hand to make the draw for the first prize of a hamper of various groceries and goodies worth at least £100. This was won by Garry Webb with the next hamper (worth £75) going to Mr Halliwell and the £50 hamper being collected by Maureen Bunn. The draw for a further ninety prizes took place throughout the evening with more music from Jessica Todd to keep the evening going with a swing.
Father Christmas had small presents for the younger people present and there were also free refreshments and drinks. Donations made towards the cost of the refreshments amounted to £85 and will be given to Quidenham Hospice (EACH).
This was a community project with the aim of having an enjoyable event for all those in the village and those using the village shop. Thanks to the generosity and enthusiasm of the organiser, Janet Moore, and the Old Buckenham Stores this aim was successfully achieved and a good time was had by all who attended and also those 93 people who were winners in the draw.
It was a very entertaining, and for many a very rewarding, afternoon and evening at the Church Rooms in Old Buckenham at the culmination of the village’s big square draw. Over the last month or so visitors to the village shop have been able to choose their own squares at £1 each. As a result £1183 was raised and it was all spent on prizes bought at the best prices that the village shop could obtain.
At the draw there was entertainment, sponsored by Old Buckenham Stores, by singer Jessica Todd. After her first set, Father Christmas was on hand to make the draw for the first prize of a hamper of various groceries and goodies worth at least £100. This was won by Garry Webb with the next hamper (worth £75) going to Mr Halliwell and the £50 hamper being collected by Maureen Bunn. The draw for a further ninety prizes took place throughout the evening with more music from Jessica Todd to keep the evening going with a swing.
Father Christmas had small presents for the younger people present and there were also free refreshments and drinks. Donations made towards the cost of the refreshments amounted to £85 and will be given to Quidenham Hospice (EACH).
This was a community project with the aim of having an enjoyable event for all those in the village and those using the village shop. Thanks to the generosity and enthusiasm of the organiser, Janet Moore, and the Old Buckenham Stores this aim was successfully achieved and a good time was had by all who attended and also those 93 people who were winners in the draw.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Christmas crib
In the money
The December crib drive saw a good turnout. The winners were Doris Monkhouse, Richard Cockerill, Tommy Mack and Bill Cheesley.
There will be no crib in January because the first Friday in the month happens to be New Years Day so the next crib drive will be on Friday 5 February.
The December numbers club draw saw two £25 winners who were Gordon Bertram and Iris Lancaster, the £10 winners were Dave Jones and Joan Jenkins, and the £5 winners were Stuart Barker, Mary Askew, Adrian Brinded, Jean Garwood and the Flower Club.
It is hoped that everyone who is in the numbers club will be willing to renew in January and if anyone in the village would like to join please ring Jill on 01953 860551. It costs just £12 per year, and you have the chance every month to win £10 or £5. Every six months there is an extra £25 prize and at Christmas another extra £25. Any profit left after disbursement of the prize money goes to support the village hall.
The December crib drive saw a good turnout. The winners were Doris Monkhouse, Richard Cockerill, Tommy Mack and Bill Cheesley.
There will be no crib in January because the first Friday in the month happens to be New Years Day so the next crib drive will be on Friday 5 February.
The December numbers club draw saw two £25 winners who were Gordon Bertram and Iris Lancaster, the £10 winners were Dave Jones and Joan Jenkins, and the £5 winners were Stuart Barker, Mary Askew, Adrian Brinded, Jean Garwood and the Flower Club.
It is hoped that everyone who is in the numbers club will be willing to renew in January and if anyone in the village would like to join please ring Jill on 01953 860551. It costs just £12 per year, and you have the chance every month to win £10 or £5. Every six months there is an extra £25 prize and at Christmas another extra £25. Any profit left after disbursement of the prize money goes to support the village hall.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Two hundred and fifty
Another little anniversary
Never thought I would get to 250 posts when this blog was first set up.
Never thought I would get to 250 posts when this blog was first set up.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Business and bees at the WI

WI Annual Meeting
November was the month at Old Buckenham Women’s Institute for the formal business of the Annual Meeting. Although essential business is kept to a minimum it was good to hear a review of the past year's activities. It makes one realise how active the village WI is - taking part in darts and scrabble tournaments, competing in the annual Cator Cup Competition, supporting village events and staging the village produce show to mention just a few.
The new committee was approved by the meeting and the President, Susan Hunter, was re-elected for 2010. This was followed by an interesting and amusing report from Nancy Hunt about the London visit to the Science Museum and more especially the Law Courts
After tea and refreshments, members played a hilarious game of 'Bee' which was
based on the normal game of 'Beetle' but, this being 'The Year of the Bee', rather more topical.
There is no normal meeting in December as it is Christmas Party time.
At the meeting on Thursday 28 January a cognitive behaviour therapist, Brenda Bingham, will be talking about some of the aspects of her work and the competition is for a photo 'Snow in Old Buckenham’.
The new committee was approved by the meeting and the President, Susan Hunter, was re-elected for 2010. This was followed by an interesting and amusing report from Nancy Hunt about the London visit to the Science Museum and more especially the Law Courts
After tea and refreshments, members played a hilarious game of 'Bee' which was
based on the normal game of 'Beetle' but, this being 'The Year of the Bee', rather more topical.
There is no normal meeting in December as it is Christmas Party time.
At the meeting on Thursday 28 January a cognitive behaviour therapist, Brenda Bingham, will be talking about some of the aspects of her work and the competition is for a photo 'Snow in Old Buckenham’.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Looking for a Loveday

Recognise anyone?
Do you have any idea where or when this photograph was taken? It has been sent to the editor of this blog by someone who has come across it and thinks it might have connections with the Loveday family - several branches of the family have lived in this area.
Any helpful suggestions to oldbuckhistory@aol.com
(Just click on the photo to see it in more detail)
Thank you
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
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