September Parish Council reportThese notes of the parish council meetings are prepared by the editor of the newsletter from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is corrected later at the next month's meeting.
There was no meeting in August so this report is rather longer than normal.If you wish to read the full, unedited minutes, then they are posted on the notice board outside the village shop prior to the next parish council meeting.Norman Cawston chaired the meeting and there were three members of the public present.
Matters arising from the minutes. Adrian Joel raised the matter of benches on the Green and asked if things had moved forward on a decision on the types to be used. He was informed the matter would be raised later during meeting. He also raised the question of the co- opting of a new parish councillor to fill the current vacancy. He was informed all procedures had been carried out but no person had come forward to offer themselves as a parish councillor. He also asked if our county councillor had been invited to this meeting. He suggested a copy of agenda be sent to him each month, the parish clerk is to arrange.
The Green. The meeting was informed that no decision had been taken on the type of benches to be installed and where they will be sited. After discussion it was proposed by Norman Cawston that a bench with no arms and no back be used. This was agreed with 8 for and 1 abstention. Tim Ing is to arrange to obtain a quote.
Planning applications. Alteration to caretaker’s works area, Old Buckenham High School. No objections from parish council, agreed unanimously.
Erection of single storey, single stable and tack room for Primrose Farm, Fen Road. No objections from parish council, agreed unanimously.
Proposed double bay of cricket nets, Old Buckenham Cricket Club. No objections from parish council, agreed unanimously.
Demolition of single storey extension and erection of two- storey extension, Fig Tree Cottage, Stacksford. No objections from parish council, agreed unanimously.
Demolition of existing garage, proposed rear extension, replacement of front porch and conversion of outbuilding to garden store, 13 Oaklands. No objections from parish council, agreed unanimously.
Planning decisions. Adrian Joel said he had been asked about the mobile home at Willow Farm which was being used as a home. He had spoken to Breckland’s Enforcement Officer on the matter and they had visited and found no one there. Carol Marshall raised the matter of the fence at the property and was informed the fence had been moved back two metres. Adrian Joel is to raise the matter again with the Breckland Enforcement Officer. Approval of accounts. An invoice from Norfolk County Council would not be paid until was clarified what the payment was for. The Parish Clerk will enquire.
District Councillor’s report. Adrian Joel had attended a meeting on the recent Air Show which had raised £4,500. The Bank Holiday Balloon Festival, which included twelve hot air balloons, is expected to be repeated next year. He informed the meeting that the Parachute Club was leaving the airfield at the end of the year to move to Beccles. Between February and July there were five complaints regarding the airfield which is way down on previous complaint levels. Breckland Council is trying to encourage grants to village self help projects. He asked for suggestions that councillors may have for improving the village. Breckland are also launching Cinema Paradise which will tour selected villages to show the latest films. Ten villages will be selected. Breckland is looking to go greener and quieter on recycling. Trials are underway on new collection bins. Stephen Thorley asked if any studies had been done on the impact on the local economy if the Parachute Club left the airfield. He thought the figure could be as high as £20,000 per year. Trevor Crook said discussions are still taking place between the club and the airfield.
Councillors’ reports. Carol Marshall asked what the situation was with the Trell account. The chairman said the Parish Council had paid all monies that it owed, any balance outstanding is understood to be due for payment by the Lord of The Manor. Gerald Norton asked if the entire grant had been spent, he was informed that it had been. Tim Ing gave a breakdown of the costs and also confirmed that the Parish Council was not liable for any additional costs. He asked for the matter be put on next month’s agenda following the meeting with the contractor. Adrian Joel said a resident had stated that the grass along the pathway needs cutting and asked if extra litter bins could be sited on the Green. Adrian Joel said he had sent an email on the grass cutting and he would resend a copy to Norman Cawston.
Liz Taylor said fencing had been erected on three sides of the recreation area and the cost of erecting a fourth side would be £696 (inclusive of vat). Liz Taylor also queried if the insurance covered the recreation area, the Parish Clerk will check. She also asked if the Parish Clerk could write to the study group volunteers thanking them for their interest and saying that the Parish Council would be contacting them very soon. An item will be put in the village newsletter giving details of the feedback received. Liz Taylor also asked that the sum of £290.64 which was raised specifically for the recreational area should be transferred from general reserves to Recreation Reserve account. Liz Taylor told the meeting that she had to resign from the Parish Council’s planning working party as she could not devote the time necessary.
Gerald Norton said that at a meeting in September the Village Hall Management Committee said it had problems with people leaving the hall in an unsatisfactory state. Now a check list was in place and the last person out on every let had to sign the list to say they had checked everything.
Tim Ing raised the matter of the cost of hiring the village hall and that the Church Rooms were less. Councillors agreed that they should continue to use the village hall and support them. Mike Romain-Craven is now the Community Car Scheme coordinator. Kerry Talbot said £10,141 had been raised for play area which would now be closed till spring of 2010. They are still awaiting funding decisions for phase 2 but the Parish Council agreed that phase 1 work could commence now. Tim Ing informed the meeting that he and Chairman were attending the Pride of Norfolk awards ceremony at County Hall on Thursday 10 September as Old Buckenham had come second in the competition. He also enquired if an official opening ceremony could be arranged for the footpath beside the B1077. Norman Cawston said he would invite Mike Read to do the opening. Tim Ing asked about the Community Speedwatch programme. The parish clerk gave an update on the situation and Gerald Norton suggested inviting Norfolk Constabulary to a meeting, the parish clerk to arrange. Norman Cawston said that Robert and Denise Ziman had left the village and that a small reception had been held for them to thank them for their hard work, especially in connection with the Community Car Scheme.
Clerk’s Report. The clerk informed the meeting that the Parish Council had to adopt by law the Freedom of Information Act Model Publication Scheme at the next meeting. He would draw up a scheme for Old Buckenham Parish Council. He also said that very soon councillors would have to draw up a Health & Safety Policy plus carry out a Governance and Accountability Revue of its financial aspects and audit procedures. He said that a precept meeting would have to be arranged (later fixed for Wednesday 14 October) to set the budget and precept for year 2010/11. He then went on to give details of a new councillors' circulation folder scheme he would introduce with immediate effect.
Highways. There is a water leak in Crown Road from a leaking valve - the parish clerk to contact Anglia Water on the matter. A road sign was down at the junction of Crown Road and the B1077, the sign is in the roadside grass. Also there are pot holes in the road down to the Ox & Plough on the east side of the Green. Parish clerk to contact Highways.
Financial Accounts. The parish clerk said there were some errors in balances brought forward and some discrepancies in reconciliation in the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2009. He suggested sending the accounts to an outside firm of accountants to have them checked. This was agreed unanimously and the parish clerk will arrange.
The next meeting parish council meeting will be on Thursday 1 October at 7.30pm in Old Buckenham Village Hall.