Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Behind the scenes at the cathedral

Women’s Institute
For their July meeting at the village hall Old Buckenham WI were taken behind the scenes at Norwich Cathedral by Jill Napier, the Community Learning Officer at the cathedral. Her talk ranged from a general overview of the cathedral’s history and its foundation as a Benedictine monastery right up to the present day. She reminded her audience that the Benedictines followed the rules of worship, hospitality and welcome, education and work in the community: all aspects which are still very relevant in the work the Dean and Chapter and the numbers of officers do today.
An archaeologist by training, Jill brought numerous artefacts which had been discovered when work was done around the building – shards of pottery and some stone masons’ tools which have altered little in design over the centuries. She also brought along some ‘mini’ vestments made for children to wear at education workshops when learning about the work and services in the cathedral. There are many ‘behind the scenes’ departments which all help with the smooth running of the day to day organisation: the Dean and Chapter , the vergers and sacrists, the music department, librarians, architects, stone masons, librarians, the flower guild, broderers, catering and shop manager and many volunteers and welcomers to the building. The new Hostry will be opening in the autumn and will provide extra space for educational facilities as well as exhibition space and a visitor centre. After listening to the talk everybody had a much more informed idea of the huge amount of work which goes on behind the scenes in a busy and wonderfully historic building.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Diary dates for August

It's a reasonably quiet month in Old Buckenham
but these are some of the things you might like to know about.
(these dates have been amended since they were first published)
Diary dates for August
Sunday 2 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Monday 3 Monday Mardle, Church Rooms, 2.15pm to 4.15pm
Tuesday 4 Coffee and chat, Church Rooms, 10.30am to 12 noon
Wednesday 5 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 5 Women's Fellowship, Methodist Chapel, 2.30pm
Friday 7 Crib, Village Hall, 7.30pm
Monday 10 Whist drive, Church Rooms, 2pm
Thursday 13 Breckland Flower and Garden Club, Village Hall, 2pm
Sunday 16 Wargames club, Village Hall, 2.30pm to 6pm
Wednesday 19 Luncheon Club, Village Hall, 10am to 2pm
Wednesday 19 Request Songs of Praise, Methodist Chapel, 7.30pm
Thursday 27 Women's Institute, Village Hall, 7.30pm, all welcome
Friday 28 Mobile Police Station outside village shop, 9am to 10.30am
Saturday 29 Balloon Festival at Airfield
Sunday 30 Balloon Festival at Airfield
Monday 31 Balloon Festival at Airfield

Monday, 27 July 2009

The newsletter for August

Latest issue

The August newsletter is now available around the village and this is the cover to look out for.

Friday, 24 July 2009

We have pride in our village

which says
"I am pleased to notify you that Old Buckenham is runner up in the EDP Pride in Norfolk Award for 2009 in the Communities Under 2500 population category."

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Help keep the sails going round

Windmill needs new leader
Can you help? After 15 years acting as co-ordinator of the local Old Buckenham Windmill Committee, Murray Curtis has decided that now is the time to step down and let somebody else take over. The current break in the windmill opening programme for 2009 provides an ideal opportunity for someone new to come in while additional safety work is done by the owners, Norfolk Windmill Trust, and new safe operating procedures are being drawn up by them.
The existing four members of the Old Buckenham committee are expecting to be available for next year and Murray has promised to assist a new chairman to achieve a smooth handover. Ideally the Committee Chairman should be someone who lives in Old Buckenham to make it easy to look in on the site from time to time and to deal with any issues that might arise.
Any member of the current committee would be very happy to explain what is involved - Gerald Norton, Alan Blakey, Pete Twissell and John Frost - all contactable in person in the village. Currently the role involves the oversight of an opening programme from April to September (six publicised open afternoons) and special openings for pre-arranged group visits from time to time. The programme is set entirely by the local committee and a new chairman might bring fresh ideas for the future. There is also an established small group of additional local helpers who have been involved since the working group was set up in 1994 and the mill opened in 1997.
The need for formal committee meetings is quite limited as most work is done informally by agreement between the committee members. The chairman is the main link with Norfolk Windmills Trust who carry the main responsibility for the mill and undertake all essential maintenance. The committee has a treasurer and produces a simple formal set of local accounts each year for submission to the Trust.
Please offer your assistance if you feel you have the ability to help keep the windmill open as a valuable historical asset to the village and for the benefit of the wider community of visitors to the village. Without an infusion of new blood it may not be possible to continue with the established opening programme.

Monday, 20 July 2009

Helping people get greener

Our own Environment Day
There was a steady stream of people at the Old Buckenham Village Hall on Saturday 18 July between 10am and 1pm for the first Environment Day event. Visitors spent their time gathering information from the numerous stalls and chatting over the refreshments.
It was one of those events that wasn’t all about making money. It is hoped that everyone that attended left with just that little bit more knowledge about how they can personally make a difference to the local and national environment.
Everyone who came could take part in the judging that took place to choose the designs that will go on the Old Buckenham ‘Bag for Life’. This will be distributed to all households in Old Buckenham during August. From an original 62 entries from local school children there were seven short-listed designs on show and the two winning designs were by Elyse Garwood and Katherine Ledwith.
There were many free samples of recycled products and other goodies on offer to the visitors with the displays including those by Norfolk County Council, Breckland District Council, the Energy Saving Trust (details of grants available, etc), a Fairtrade stand, an opportunity to purchase discounted compost produced from green waste collected by Norfolk County Council) and much more.
There was a chance to donate new and used postcards for Radio Norfolk which raises cash for the Norfolk Association of Deaf Children through recycling the cards. Also accepted on the day were used batteries to ensure that they are disposed of safely rather than dumped in landfill.
The Village Environment and Recycling Group (VERG) was supporting the reuse message with mainly second-hand books - all at bargain prices. The proceeds of over £80 will go towards the updating of the kitchen at the village hall and a raffle of donated prizes raised sufficient money to cover the cost of hiring the hall for the day.

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Helping to pay for lunch later

Cream teas for lunch
The weather just managed to behave for the cream tea afternoon in Eileen Oliver’s garden. The rain didn’t start until after the last teas were served. The final sum raised to help fund the Senior Citizens Christmas lunch reached £305 which was fantastic. Eileen would like to thank all the lovely helpers and all those who attended because without them it would have been a non-event. Thank you also to those who sent donations.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

You can rest next month

Change of dates for NetGamers
The Old Buckenham computer games club - NetGamers - is closing for a month during August. When it re-opens in September it will only run once a month, on the second Friday of the month between 7pm and 9pm in the village hall.
For more information call Paul on 01953 860023 or visit
The wargames group meetings will continue to be held twice a month on the first and third Sundays from 2.30pm to 6pm.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Cycle to aid churches and chapels

Pedal power
All Saints Church in Old Buckenham was wonderfully supported by many kind folk last year in the annual Norfolk Churches Trust sponsored bike ride. The event is taking place this year on Saturday 12 September from 9am to 5pm. If you don’t fancy pedal power then the day’s journey can be undertaken on foot or in fact any form of non-motorised transport. So why not put the date in your diary, pick up a sponsor form from the back of All Saints Church, or Old Buckenham Stores and have a fun energising day out whilst raising much needed and appreciated funds.
Most of the wonderful and beautiful churches across the local area will be open throughout the day to receive visitors with many providing refreshment. The bike ride is part of a bigger nationwide ride (32 counties in total) so if you fancy really getting on your bike neighbouring counties including Suffolk are taking part with many churches over all of the Eastern region open. Last year the total raised in Norfolk was £135,700 providing a real boost to so many wonderful buildings. The sponsorship money raised is split between your choice of church or chapel and the Norfolk Churches Trust which uses the sponsorship to provide grants for repair and restoration work. The event is great fun with many smiling faces to meet along the way both on bikes and at churches.
And the sun usually shines...
The photo shows a Moulton bicycle outside an appropriately named chapel which was visited by the newsletter editor several years ago when he took part in this sponsored ride around local Norfolk churches.

Monday, 13 July 2009

Miscellaneous concert in church

Midsummer fun for everyone
An enjoyable Midsummer Miscellany took place at All Saints Church on Saturday 4 July. The village concert was designed to bring forth local talent for all to enjoy and it was in abundance from young and not-quite-so-young alike.
More than 120 people packed the Old Buckenham Parish Church in glorious sunshine to hear the Banham hand bells entertain with songs from the shows, the Old Buckenham WI make them laugh with witty poetry and the Old Buckenham Cubs and Beavers delight with weather songs which included sign language, actions and even audience participation. Jordan Bailey, the Old Buckenham High School Poet Laureate, read his own specially commissioned poem, the new Rector David Hill sung for his supper while Annette Winters and Geoff Sankey blew away any summertime cobwebs with trombone and organ accompaniment. The show finale was the Dead Goat’s Appreciation Society (New Buckenham Women’s Drumming Group) beating out the most amazing rhythms.
Everyone then decamped to the churchyard for an early evening barbecue.
The event had a wonderful community feel to it, was greatly enjoyed and, in addition to being lots of fun, the event had the added bonus of raising over £350 for All Saints Church.
The organisers are incredibly grateful to all those who took part in the concert and gave of their time so willingly, all those who attended on a balmy Saturday evening to support the event as well as to those ‘back stage’ including cooks and ticket sellers. A huge thank you to all and there is no doubt that “we’ve got talent in Old Buckenham”

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Al Fresco musical

Crude Apache perform outdoors
Following a rather wet outdoor performance in Norwich the previous evening, the Crude Apache Theatre Group were blessed with a fine evening when they came to Old Buckenham. They performed their play ‘The Chalk Hill Gang’ to an appreciative audience on the Green outside the Ox & Plough pub. Some of the audience had come with a picnic and their own chairs. Others had come for a pint at the pub and decided to stop and watch. All were treated to a large cast of enthusiastic thespians who provided lots of laughs for those watching.
If you missed this performance and want to find out what it was like for yourself, they will be putting the play on in Wymondham on Wednesday 22 July – the location will be the High School, Folly Road and it starts at 7pm. You can ring 01953 861333 for further information.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Police, fire and ambulance

Helping keep children safe
Each year the Child Accident Prevention Trust organises a Child Safety Week during June. The Buckenham Pre-school Group make full use of this time to teach their children many important lessons.
They had visit from local Police Community Support Officers Laura Key and Gary Szarbo with a police car, the St John Ambulance came with a first response vehicle and the Attleborough Fire Service brought their fire engine (even though they did have to leave early when they were called out during their visit). Also road safety officer Ivan Ward brought along Spike the Hedgehog to pass on some road safety tips.
The local lollipop lady, Julie Taylor, called in to control the traffic during the “Beep – Beep” days when the children brought in their own ride-on toys to learn about road safety. At the same time they raised money for both the Pre-school and the road safety charity ‘Brake’.
Overall lots of useful lessons were learnt and great fun was had by all.

Monday, 6 July 2009

More prize winners

Crib and Numbers Club
The numbers of those attending the crib drive at the village hall were a bit lower at the July meeting but a good night was still had by those playing. The prize winners were Julian Goodey, Helga Baggs, Jill Emms, Iris Lancaster and Geoff Rix. Please note that there will be no crib in September because things will be being set up for the Village Fete on the following day.
The prize winners in the July numbers club draw that was made during the crib evening were: £5 each to Geoff Rix, Cyril Dye, Peter Bloom, Denis Burton and John Walker with the £10 prizes going to Barbara Jones and the Luncheon Club.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Earn some extra money

What's hiding in your garage?
You can earn yourself some money without even having to leave your home in Old Buckenham.
The skills required include customer service, stock management and quality control.
Do you think you can handle the pressure? Then you can start today to get yourself ready for the village garage sale on Sunday 27 September. All it will cost you is £6 that will go to help the Recreation Project fund. Your takings will all go to you.
So get sorting out the house, garden and garage now, phone 01953 860709 or 861480 to get hired and find out more about the job!

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Enjoy raising funds for lunch

Cream teas at Eileen’s
If you would like a pleasant afternoon while raising money for the Senior Citizens’ Christmas lunch why not go along to 26 Hargham Road on Saturday 11 July. Eileen and friends will be hosting their now famous cream teas. The garden will be open for you to pop in, look around and just mardle from 2pm. The cream teas will be served from 3pm to ensure you have room for them after your Saturday lunch.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009