Thursday, 20 February 2025

Old Buckenham latest thoughts

 Parish Council February minutes

These notes have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is changed at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish council met on Thursday 6 February in the Village Hall. Those attending were Councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Doug Irons (Vice Chair), Stan Burton, Lesley Evison, Steve Gowers and Pete Twissell. Also attending were Megan Elvin (Clerk) and ten members of the public. Apologies for absence had been received from David Taylor.
The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9 January 2025 were approved (4 in favour).

Financial matters. Payments for approval totalled £2828.74. These included £254.95 to Donna Oakley, £49.96 to Rachel Noyes and £22.50 to the Methodist Church for room hire. Also £120.49 for the community car drivers, £960 to Broadland Trees and £88 to Brett Hibbert.

Quarterly finance audit. This was completed by Pete Twissell, Naomi Bailey and Doug Irons.

Councillors’ reports. Steve Askew that Cake Street ditch work has now been done. The Gypsy Lane manhole cover has been completed. Signs near war memorial have been requested for repair. Hedges on Hargham Road should be organised for cutting but not yet been done. Pot holes have been reported today around the Green. Drainage investigation work has commenced and is undergoing.

The suggestion was made that 30mph should be extended on Fen Street. Highways are happy to do a speed assessment. If they do the assessment and they do agree that this needs to be extended it would need to be funded by the parish or Steve Askew’s council member’s budget. Another question put to Steve Askew was whether we can we ask the highways for a weight limit to be put Fen Street.

Naomi Bailey had discussed parking issues with the schools. There was a positive outcome from meeting with Paul Beale, Headmaster of Old Buckenham High School. Land near the school reception is to be tarmacked to create more parking for staff which will, in turn, allow more parking for parents nearby.

She had been in correspondence with Luke at Highways for the Green pot holes and also with others regarding flooding of Westview Farm. The burst water main at Manor Corner has been fixed. However the pond is still full and Anglian Water did not think to pump this out. Hopefully this will naturally drain with the better weather forecasted. Some sandbags had been removed from Ottomer Pond for a member of public to prevent flooding to his house.

Some emergency tree work had been done to remove some branches on the Green. David Trammer has been contacted concerning payment for Two Wheel Tuesday in 2024. Will know in the next couple of days if the payments have come through.

Doug Irons said that David Tranmer wanted to apply for use of the Green again. An application had now just been received. Soil has been placed on areas that require repair and these areas have been fenced off.

At the Saturday Surgery, the public were asking about maps of drainage. This was spoken of last year and a large map would be divided into sections. The previous Clerk was going to sort this in summer 2024 but never did so anything. Doug Irons will sort this for next parish council meeting. Need to find out which First Aid box would cover us and an email sent to NALC regarding this.

Stan Burton had obtained a quote for chipping up the branches and removing roots left on the Green. This will need to be done before the end of March and the quote was for £380 + VAT. A proposal to approve this was agreed (6 in favour).

Steve Gowers had been finding out about the steps opposite the Stud. Handrails have now been added and that’s all that can be done. We are able to send dashcam footage to the police, so we should be able to send pictures of lorries violating the 7.5 tonne on Hargham Road. Photos of the back of the lorry with number plate are needed. Volunteers for community Speedwatch sessions at the weekends are required. He has been emailing people individually for training on defibrillator training on Saturday mornings. He has put himself down for Playground inspection training with Community Action Norfolk. If you are a member the cost is £40 for the course, if not then £60. A proposal for him to attending the training was agreed (6 in favour).

Planning applications. (All planning applications are available for viewing on the Breckland District Council planning portal. Parish Councillors have been asked by the chairman to view the new applications in advance of the meeting)

New planning applications. 18 Oaklands. Demolition of existing conservatory and replace with side extension - certificate of lawfulness - proposed use (PL/2024/1107/CLOPUD). As this was an issue of lawfulness, no need to consider this.

Field adjacent Old Buckenham High School, Abbey Road. Proposed erection of a single storey stable block, grooming bay, hay barn and tack room to facilitate horse keeping (PL/2024/1194/FMIN). (note: error in Breckland’s published site location which reads Attleborough High School). No issues and proposal to support was approved (6 in favour).

To approve the following policies: Health and Safety and Maternity Leave. Proposals to support both policies were approved (6 in favour).

To vote for the preferred legal structure of NALC. This was approved.

Green Working Committee report. Lesley Evison, Stan Burton and Sally Honour walked around the Green. Various patches of brambles on the Green, particularly on Mill Lane, will be cleared as well as the self-seeding saplings under the trees. Certain areas of brambles will be left alone for nature reserve. Various other spots require clearing are the hedge at The Pound (Green area in front of Almshouses) as it is creeping further over to The Pound. After harvest the farmer will then be asked to trim this back. Walked around the pond outside the village shop – will clean this back and make it a nature area with the potential of adding a bench – there’s a three-year plan for this. By the bus area opposite The Gamekeeper there are more brambles which need clearing.

The ditch that is by the school was originally understood to be the responsibility of Highways. However have now been corrected and that this is the parish council and needs clearing. Branches are getting close to the road near The Bake House and will be cleared by Stan Burton. A silver birch tree also needs cutting back and he will try and get this done by the next week.

Main topic of discussion was cutting of the Green. Intentions were cutting the full Green at the beginning of May. Instead of cutting the full Green back for the summer, to cut a 20metre strip around the outside of the Green and leaving the rest as a nature area. Then in Autumn to cut it all back again fully. The Pound will need to be cut three times a year. Will be getting a quote for this grass cutting.

Want to set up a “Friends of Old Buckenham Green” page/Facebook Group in the hopes to get volunteers with helping clear the Green.

Terms of Reference for Green Working Committee. Doug Irons will organise this.

Green maintenance. In the area outside cottages on Green, near Village Shop, there is erosion from the building work that has gone on. Stan Burton will look at the drain block. Posts and tape has been acquired to corner off the erosion as it is nothing to do with Highways. Water is running out of the potholes into the property. This will need to be filled but will not be a quick fix. The erosion is also on part of a private driveway, so part of the responsibility is not fully on the Parish Council – this will need to be looked into further.

Sunnyside Track. Mr and Mrs Ramsey have never claimed ownership to this piece of land and do not wish for ownership. This has always belonged to the Parish Council. There used to be an agreement with the previous owners of the property of a peppercorn rent to allow them use of the land opposite Sunnyside Cottage. It is unfair to set this up with Mr and Mrs Ramsey now after they have lived in the property for 6 years. Agreement is in place that the posts will stay where they are. Paperwork will be sorted before the next meeting. Thanks are given to the residents for footing the bill for the posts and for organising this with Highways with the support of the parish council. Please note that if anyone has a problem with the posts on Sunnyside Track, please come to the Chair of the parish council Naomi Bailey, with their complaints and not to the residents.

More posts will be going in on Reggie’s Way. The parish council is fully responsible for these posts. This will be put in during the schools' half term. Topsoil is needed for either side of the posts. Quotes for obtaining topsoil are being gathered, as well as requests on Facebook.

Speedwatch report. Criteria for setting up Speedwatch is more people for doing it. We currently have seven volunteers but we require more volunteers to come and help. The area has to be safe for the volunteers and also for the motorists. More SAM signs to be distributed to get further information. Norfolk Police will not authorise a mobile speed watch unless we have collected speed data to pass on. If we can get enough volunteers, then a speed watch could be actioned on Fen Street. This will need to be on the 30mph side as we cannot do this in a 60mph area. Steve Gowers is collecting data from the SAM signs and forwarding on to the police.

Review the allotments. The current situation is complicated. There are tenants without any agreements, agreements from others that are no longer with us. Started off with fifteen plots but now, due to flooding, are down to eleven workable plots. Six plots are actually being used at the moment of which three are of good upkeep. Down £235 due to lack of income, to cover rent, water and maintenance. Unused plots will need a skip to clear them out. There is rubbish around the site as well as problems with deer and rabbits. Netting has been erected but this has not been successful in keeping them out, solid fencing would be required. The land that the allotments are on is not good for agricultural growing. The parish council will have to consider if it is worth keeping the allotments. Potentially look to find another bit of land that is smaller. Or negotiate with the farmer to reduce the amount of land we rent. If the decision is to close, will need a consultation agreement for closing the allotment with the tenants. Three months’ notice is required for tenants surrendering a plot. Same period of notice is required for the parish council in terminating contract.

Churchyard update. With everything that had gone on last August the Cemetery has taken a back seat. A company (CDS Group) is the only company in England that specialises in checking whether a site could be suitable. Conversations are required with current farmers who are leasing the land that we are considering to use. Before anything can be done, a ground water assessment is required. Preliminary risk assessment, free of charge has been given.

The cost of full risk assessments will be £17,650. Just the Ground Water assessment will be £5,700. A parcel of land has been identified that may be suitable. Looking at £20,000 an acre to buy land from a farmer and would ideally need to have 1.5 acres. Naomi Bailey to contact them again. Could make money back from burial charges. On an acre plot, you could get around 1,000 graves. Between now and next meeting Naomi Bailey and Pete Twissell will get in touch with Stuart Barker and Steve Askew to go ahead with the first initial test.

Public participation. The next Parish Council 'Surgery' will be on Saturday 29 March at the Village Hall. A member of the public had a query on the drainage of Ottomer pond. The pipe for the pond can be traced but unable to take the lid off the chamber as footing of the wall remains above it. Now been given permission to dig down into the chamber from the other side of the wall to find the outlet from this chamber and to see where the overflow goes out. If the outlet is on private land then what can we do? Not able to comment until know what is on what land and what it was before. Doug Irons and Stan Burton will contact Norfolk County Council to have another survey.

Next agenda. Items to consider for next agenda should include decision on future of allotments, an update on the Solar Farm and the Weather Radar Tower, the Churchyard, training for Councillors, lease agreements, water pump and list of equipment and where it is stored and Trustee appointment.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 6 March 2025 at Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

The Old Buckenham Bible


Restoration and history of the Old Buckenham Bible

An illustrated talk entitled "A Little Bundle of Times" will be given by Jamin Wilson on Saturday 26 April in All Saints Church, Old Buckenham, on the ‘Old Buckenham Bible’ and its conservation.  The talk will be followed by refreshments in the Old School Bookshop  and an opportunity to see the bible displayed alongside other rare and beautiful books restored by Mr Wilson.

This will be the only opportunity to see this beautiful church bible, in use in the church from its publication in 1701 through to the mid-19th century. Recently re-discovered in poor condition, it has been restored by Jamin Wilson and is now in his private collection.  His detailed research has uncovered some fascinating details about this edition of the bible and his dedicated restoration has brought this copy back to life.

There is no formal charge for entrance but donations (suggested £10 per person) towards refreshments costs and in support of All Saints Church are invited. To help with planning please email to reserve a place.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Old Buckenham visits the Broads

 Women' Institute report

Old Buckenham WI had an interesting talk from George Cooper on Thursday 23 January about the social history of the Broads. He is a volunteer at the Museum of the Broads and very enthusiastic about the history from when the Broads were created to the present day. They learnt about the life of boat people in wherries, the Norfolk Barrow, quanting and smuggling. A very enjoyable evening.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Traffic problems in Old Buckenham

 It takes a village…

This email came in for the February village newsletter during the recent difficulties of getting to Attleborough because of problems on the B1077. It is from a group of people living in Fen Street: You may know the saying “it takes a village to raise a child”? Well, we believe “it takes a village to raise concerns affecting the village”.

What used to be. Fen Street is a pretty, single track lane teaming with wildlife. The traffic is sporadically light making it the perfect circular village route for pedestrians, cyclists, dog walkers, horse riders and family walks. At the Hargham Road end it is more densely residential with a 30mph limit whilst at the Puddledock End it is more sparsely residential with an unrestricted speed limit.

Current chaos. However, with the current chaos of road closures and inappropriate diversions in the village, can you even recognise the above description? We are sure that, by now, you have also suffered the inconvenience and frustration of trying to get from one end of Fen Street to the other either on foot or in your car.

Negative impact. The negative impact in terms of traffic, environmental destruction and village cohesiveness has been shocking. There have been queues, frayed tempers and cross words. There has been obliteration of verges, trespassing in driveways, accidents and damage to cars. Worse, the emergency services have been severely restricted in getting to their destinations.

It’s not your fault. The “Road Closed” signage from Attleborough has been inadequate with no indication that the Hargham Road is the alternative route. Keir Highways have somehow managed to divert all forms of traffic off a two-lane B-road onto a single-track unclassified road with no passing places!

Effect on the village. It is obvious to all of us villagers that Fen Street is the width of one car; it is completely unsuitable for two-way traffic; it is completely unsuitable for HGVs; it has blind bends making it dangerous; it has an inappropriate speed limit enabling new or inconsiderate drivers to travel too fast for the conditions; it is structurally inadequate for any vehicle over 7.5 tonnes. Villagers know that Fen Street can never be deemed an appropriate diversion route.

Keeping the village a village. Many of us believe that we need to keep the country lanes in the village pedestrian-friendly. That we need to keep verges for wildlife and pedestrians. That we need to have safe routes for our families to walk around and keep healthy. That we need to have places to walk without HGVs and speeding cars. Let’s come together as a village to ask the authorities to sit up and take note because “it takes a village to raise concerns affecting the village”.

It only takes two minutes. We would like to keep our village safe for families.

If you would like to comment that the speed limit in Fen Street is inappropriate; or that HGVs should take alternative routes; or that Fen Street needs to be kept as a safe walking route; or that Fen Street should not be used as a diversion route (or all the above!), then please spend just two minutes emailing all or any of the following (it is easiest to write one email and copy it to all those listed below!) and let's keep our village a village...together.

Norfolk Highways –

Norfolk Council –

Breckland Council –

Stephen Askew –

Parish Council –

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Old Buckenham Parish Council minutes

 Latest discussions

These notes by the blog editor have been written from the draft minutes and so may contain information that is changed at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 9 January 2025 at Old Buckenham Methodist Church. Present were councillors Doug Irons (Vice Chair), Stan Burton, Lesley Evison, Steve Gowers, David Taylor and P Twissell. Apologies for non-attendance had been received from  Naomi Bailey and Donna Oakley. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk) and five members of the public. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5 December 2024 were approved (4 in favour, 2 abstain).

Financial matters. Payments for a total of £2776.47 were approved (6 in favour). These included £250 to Donna Oakley (RFO), £153.82 to Rachel Noyes as reimbursement for dog bin costs, £148.80 to Online Playgrounds, £264 to Biltons Limited and Stan Burton as reimbursement for digger hire. Payments to the community car drivers totalled £119.10.

VAT reclaim received for 2023/24 financial year was £1474.33.

An invoice had recently been received from Breckland that had not been paid last year. This is for the cutting of grass around St Andrews Close and emptying of dog bin on Harlingwood Lane. A proposal to pay from the remaining balance held by Breckland was approved (6 in favour).

Green Budget. This has been kept the same at £2000 on the draft Precept. Lesley Evison enquired whether we would need more for the maintenance for Prince Harry’s Wood in addition to the Green. Doug Irons explained that once Terms of Reference are completed, then full budget can be planned for the Green. If there is no evidence to need to increase the budget, then we can’t really change it for now. Will review spending at the end of the year.

Precept. The key points included the suggestion as whether the Training budget suggested to be halved to £500. Councillors felt it should stay at £1000 as new Clerk will need training and several councillors need to update their training. There was a query over what the Footpath allocation is for. Would mean a reduction in Precept by £1,067. Proposals to agree the spending breakdown and the  draft Precept were approved (6 in favour).

Councillors’ reports. Lesley Evison hasn’t managed to get to the allotment or look at feasibility. Some allotment holders are not happy as there is poor quality land, break-ins and wildlife damaging crops. She will liaise with Donna Oakley to analyse spending and whether they are economically viable. Rachel Noyes to investigate original agreement with landowner. There will be a Green Working Committee meeting on Monday 13 January.   

Stan Burton reported that the Christmas tree was down and he will collect the lights. Hasn’t had a chance to trim hedging from around 40mph sign but will do so as soon as possible, weather permitting and when safe to do so on the road.

Steve Gowers had had a meeting with Highways Engineer about speeding on Cake Street. Very positive and looking at possible solutions. It could be very expensive to change speed limits. Engineer will come back with some options in the Spring. Meanwhile he will look at funding and gather opinions from Cake Street residents opinions. Looking at new locations to place the mobile SAM sign. Currently have three so this would allow a collection of data to then argue the need for Speedwatch to be able to use those locations. Would require purchasing new bracket to attach SAM sign to poles, which would be approximately £50 and he will collect quotes for purchase. Steve Gowers has got repair kit for hole by playground. Waiting for dry weather to complete repair. He has consulted with the company that provided the repair kit for advice about playground surfaces and they are going to suggest improvements and quotations. There may also be funding available. Will complete research and keep the Council updated.

Rachel Noyes had received thanks from all the village groups that applied for Precept grants. The dog bin for the Recreation Ground purchased and she will arrange installation this month. Has spoken to the Bank about new account. The mandate that was signed after last meeting and posted has not been received. They believe it has been lost in the post. They will resend us another mandate. She will collect signatures s soon as possible and can take to branch to avoid same issue again. This will be the third copy they have sent out as first copy was never received as also lost in the post. The advertisement for a new Clerk was put up in December. Have completed interviews and looking at possible option of Rachel Noyes staying for a short while as a mentor to help in transition of workload and information.

Doug Irons had been approached by parishioner about the area of land off Sunnyside Track that has an area of parking for two cars, which some residents believe they own. However the Parish Council believe it is still part of the Green. Stan Burton explained that the Government website says that a claim of ownership for parking cannot be made on town and village Greens. Posts have currently been placed around it by residents. However they would need to be removed from around it and placed adjacent to the track.

Thanks to Steve Gowers, Steve Askew and Highways for the installation of handrails on steps opposite Stud. However the Parish Council were led to believe that the steps themselves need changing due to differing heights so Steve Gowers is to contact Highways for clarification.

Planning applications received before the meeting. (All planning applications are available for viewing on the Breckland District Council planning portal –  Parish Councillors have been asked by the chairman to view the new applications in advance of the meeting)

New planning applications. Three Ways, Cake Street. A proposal for single storey front, side and rear extensions, increase in roof height to create a first floor and new double garage to the front of the dwelling (PL/2024/0776/HOU). Cannot identify any areas to object to. A resident raised the issue of whether a car can turn around and exit the property on a dangerous bend. No objections from Highways. A proposal to support was approved (6 in favour).

Caldcleugh, Cake Street. Proposed two storey side extension (PL/2024/0781/HOU). No areas for objection and proposal to support was approved (6 in favour).

Posts on the Green. Residents on the top of Sunnyside Track have paid for posts to be installed to prevent parking on the Green. Reg’s Way (track from Abbey Road that is perpendicular to Sunnyside track) has become very busy with parking and is causing severe erosion of the Green. Resident has collected quotes for placing posts along both sides of Reg’s Way and bottom of Sunnyside Track in one order, but would be paid separately. Permission has been received from Highways and consulted about requirements and specifications. The Parish Council would pay for those for Reg’s Way, residents for those at bottom of Sunnyside Track. Resident explained that they would still need to allow a certain amount of traffic to pass through, otherwise it will push the problem elsewhere. Best quote is for £1,920.96. Doug Irons highlighted that all posts will need to have two reflectors per post. The quotes received for posts are 100mm instead of 150mm (size of those already installed). Current posts are also taller than the ones proposed (due to ground conditions). Current ones can be shortened if needs be. A proposal to agree the potential purchase, provided the Green Working Committee approve the installation and location, was approved (6 in favour).

The traffic and parking has been monitored in depth. Teachers parking out on Abbey Road and the Green has reduced as they have given an area of land. This is now boggy with wet weather but it will be tarmacked in the summer This still might not be enough space. Councillors felt that the High School need extra pressure to provide enough spaces for all the staff. Steve Gowers highlighted that it is the school that needs to make more effort to manage the parking/turning of cars.

Documents for approval. (i) OBPC complaints procedure Rev A, (ii) OBPC Grievance Policy rev A, (iii) OBPC Disciplinary Policy rev A, (iv) OBPC Antibullying & Harassment-policy-rev A and (v) OBPC Antibullying & Harassment-Practical Guide notes-rev A. Proposal to approve all above documents was approved (6 in favour). Doug Irons had also sent out an answer to the Freedom of Information Request for councillors to read. All Councillors were happy for the reply to be sent with no changes suggested.

Annual Parish Meeting date. The proposed date was Saturday 7 June starting at 10:30am.

CPR and defibrillator training. Approximately 30 people have shown interest so far. The charity that runs the sessions can do a maximum of 20 people per session so would require two separate sessions. Steve Gowers to organise a date and arrange bookings. Anyone still wanting to express interest to contact him.

Lease Agreement for the Green. Documents for revised versions of the Lease Agreements were sent out. No changes suggested by Councillors. A proposal to agree the revised Lease Agreements for the Green was approved (6 in favour). Doug Irons to liaise with David Tranmer to complete applications for Two Wheel Tuesday and benches. Concern was raised about the fact that repairs have not been made to the Green, despite reminders and attempted help from Pete Twissell. Invoices for TWT events, benches and additional events in 2024 were sent out at the end of November and should have been paid within 14 days but have still not been paid. The Clerk to contact David Tranmer to remind about overdue payments and repairing of the Green.

Electricity payment for Christmas Tree lights. Cost for electricity measured and calculated at £38.49. Proposal to approve payment was approved (6 in favour) and an additional cheque approved for payment of £38.49. Thanks to Harrow and Ferne for providing the electricity for the tree and helping with the organisation of the switch on.

Pipe for West View Farm. At the last meeting, Doug Irons and Stan Burton agreed to investigate where the pipe goes from concrete slab outside West View Farm. Have now got a working endoscope so will complete investigation this month. Resident explained that an engineer from lead Local Flood Authority has stated that if there is proof that the pipe goes in to a (now filled in) ditch outside West View Farm, then it may need to have ditch reinstated.

Public participation. A resident questioned the rules around taking a picture of a lorry and its driver, as there are frequently lorries on Hargham Road that exceed weight limit. Clerk to research the rules. Thanks were also give to Stan Burton for all his work on the Ottomer pond and the overflow pipe.

Items for next agenda. These would include the site of a possible future graveyard.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 6 February at Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.


Monday, 13 January 2025

They are building in Old Buckenham

 Perhaps it's Spring

The rookery along Cake Street is very noisy at the moment. Rooks are pairing up and thinking about the rebuilding of their nests.

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Old Buckenham Parish Council Clerk


Would you like a job?

 Old Buckenham Parish Council is seeking an individual to assume the position of Parish Clerk.

The position involves working 20 hours per month. The role is home based with attendance at Parish Council meetings, which are held on the first Thursday of each month. Duties will include, but are not limited to:

  • Coordinating and clerking council meetings, drafting agendas and recording minutes.
  • Ensuring that any decisions from the councillors are actioned.
  • Maintaining and updating records and documents.
  • Handling all incoming correspondence, including telephone calls, letters and e-mails.
  • Acting as the Data Protection Officer for the Parish Council.
  • Monitoring planning applications and distributing them to the Council.
  • Liaising with the District and County Councillors.
  • Providing advisory support to the Council.
  • Ensuring that the Council’s Policies are up to date.

Further information about the Village and the Parish Council can be found at our website:

The successful candidate should have good IT and organisational skills. Salary will be paid in line with NALC guidelines and according to experience.

To apply, please e-mail your CV to There is no closing date for applications.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Busy Old Buckenham Parish Council

 Parish Council in December

The following report has been written by the village blog editor from the draft minutes so may contain information that is amended at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 5 December 2024 at Old Buckenham Methodist Church. Those present were Councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Doug Irons (Vice Chair), Stan Burton, Lesley Evison, David Taylor (would be late) and Pete Twissell. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk), Donna Oakley (RFO) and three members of the public. Apologies received from Steve Gowers. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7 November were approved after an amendment was made to a Stan Burton report which should read “£110 plus VAT”

Financial matters. Cheques totalling £2081.96 were approved which included Information Commissioners Office £40, West Norfolk Web Design £217.80, Wave Water £15.76, Donna Oakley (3 months pay) £750 and Rachel Noyes (3 months pay) £1058.40. Community car drivers were paid a total of £53.75. These payments were approved (5 in favour).

A £500 donation had been received from County Broadband towards the playground. Also a VAT reclaim submitted. The annual website maintenance cost for the next 12 months is £217.80. This has been paid upfront for the next year as a gesture of good will because of previous late payments. There is no difference in total cost if it is paid monthly or yearly.

External Auditors have issued a Public Interest Report as the Parish Council failed to submit the AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) on time this year. Donna Oakley has now prepared accounts and AGAR for 2023/24. She is concerned whether we can get an internal auditor to review it, so will ask external auditor for advice. Accounts, AGAR and Public Interest Report all need to be displayed on our website. The Minutes reference required for the public interest report and the AGAR.

(David Taylor arrived)

Donna Oakley has prepared the AGAR and sent to councillors to review. The Parish Council shouldn’t have gone overdrawn but it did and this means that our Precept Agreement was broken. As this is now sorted, it will be put in the letter for clarification. A proposal to approve the AGAR was approved (6 in favour). Similarly the 2023/24 Accounts were approved (6 in favour) and a proposal to agree the receipt of the Public Interest Report and to publish it online was also agreed(6 in favour).

Councillors’ reports. County and District Councillor Steve Askew said he has been chasing several issues around Old Buckenham with limited success. This includes the drains on the corner near Fearne and Harrow and the steps opposite the Stud. At recent Saturday Surgery, Stan Burton explained that two residents raised concerns about flooding/ditches on Cake Street as water is running down all of Harlingwood Lane into Cake Street. Steve Askew offered to come and join upcoming meeting with Highways Officer and Naomi Bailey.

On entering village from the New Buckenham direction, the 40mph signs are overgrown and not clearly visible. Stan Burton offered to trim back vegetation. Lesley Evison highlighted that the village has developed since speed limits were initially introduced and so are no longer suitable for the number of cars now using the roads. Steve Askew explained that the change of speed limits is an expensive process and so is difficult to get. A member of the public enquired who manages the hedges on Abbey Road as branches are getting broken by lorries which are then causing issues for drivers. Steve Askew thinks it may be Chapel Green School so will make contact and enquire.

Naomi Bailey reported that a meeting was scheduled for after Christmas regarding the youth club. An item had been posted online about defibrillator training. Appears to have a lot of interest and may team up with New Buckenham Parish Council. The village Christmas tree has been installed and lights are on. Switch on is at 4pm onwards on Sunday 8 December. Highways are aware of the flashing speed sign by memorial needing repairing.

She would like to thank Donna Oakley and Rachel Noyes for returning to the Parish Council and their work over the last few months to rectify issues. As Chair, would also like to thank all councillors for all their work over the last year which has been challenging and when they could have easily stepped down. The councillors all gave their thanks to Naomi Bailey for everything she has done and leading the Parish Council through a difficult year.

Steve Gowers had submitted a report that was read out. They now have another volunteer for Community Speed Watch Team and another volunteer has stepped up to complete much of the administration, moving the SAM sign and downloading data. Enquired about setting up a Speed Watch email address to help with continuity in the future. Have had residents raise concerns about lorries over the weight limit (7.5 ton) using Hargham Road. Could the Parish Council write to the companies involved? We also need to have control over future developments, such as the Solar Farm on Attleborough Road. Naomi Bailey highlighted that the traffic plan for developments will often provide alternative routes and that the Parish Council stipulated this fact in their response to the application. Lesley Evison explained that Old Buckenham is sometimes a diversion when there is an accident on A11 and that there are strict rules about photographing vehicles as evidence. Meeting arranged with Highways on about speeding vehicles on Cake Street. Both Naomi Bailey and Steve Askew will be attending.

Stan Burton apologised for the technical issues for the lack of last post at Remembrance Sunday service. He has collected the wreaths and will keep them for next year. Some groups struggle with this yearly cost but will still make a donation. Last year, wreaths from the Old Buckenham memorial were collected by people outside the village for this reason. A risk assessment has been completed for the sound system for the Christmas Tree Switch-on. Also have some posts to help direct people. Will need contingency in case of bad weather. Naomi Bailey to make a call about weather by 1.30pm.

A drainage company had jetted out the Ottomer Pond drainage pipe. They traced the jet washer down the pipe and found it came to edge of wall by West View Farm but could not go any further. Dug down next to wall and found two concrete slabs. Company believe that it may go in to ditch by West View Farm and there may be a drain that comes down from Sunnyside. Need to dig down with a digger to the concrete slab and find what is below. Don’t know if it goes under the road, pipe must lead somewhere as water level in the pipe decreased. Naomi Bailey will speak to Highways and Lead local flood authority (LLFA) and see what can be done. Doug Irons suggested drilling down and putting an endoscope down to investigate what is under the concrete slab. The drainage company were there about two hours.

Pete Twissell had planted hedge down side of recreation ground with support from High School and Chapel Green School. Did not have any response from the Primary School. Lesley Evison has received contacts and plan for the allotments. One user is still unhappy about the security at the allotments. She raised concerns about whether the allotments are financially viable. Lesley Evison, Doug Irons and Donna Oakley to compile review of allotments.

Doug Irons said the Green Working Committee have identified a suitable seed for the repair of the Green by the Ox and Plough but wanted to highlight the need for soil too. Lesley Evison and Stan Burton (as Green Rights Holders) confirmed that any good quality top soil would be suitable. He had attempted to create a central sharepoint with the Clerk’s laptop but discovered it could not be done for free. Will liaise with David Taylor to try and find a solution. Has a reply prepared to Freedom of Information request. Tried to get NALC to proof read who recommended the ICO who were unable to help as they must remain impartial. Councillors can look at and review his draft reply. He enquired about an update on the Barclays bank account. Donna Oakley explained that they were just waiting for the card reader still. Rachel Noyes said the Lloyds bank account paperwork was delayed. Have chased and now received. Will get councillors to sign forms and send off as soon as possible. Donna Oakley also required to provide ID in branch.

New planning applications. Shardalows Farm, Fen Street. Erection of a new agricultural building for the secure storage of agricultural machinery, hay, straw and haylage (3PL/2024/0503/F). This application was previously highlighted to the Parish Council and due to a lack of information meant it was not discussed. A resident has sent a detailed report as to why they objected to the application. Proposal by Naomi Bailey to object due to volume of traffic and issues with the application and this was approved (6 in favour).

There were no Amended Applications or Planning Decisions by Breckland Council. Breckland Council are changing the system used for planning applications and this is causing issues with communication. Clerk has confirmed new email address with Breckland Planning.

Precept Grant applications. Councillors were reminded that they previously voted to limit the amount given out in Precept Grants this year to £3500. This is to prevent any significant increase in the council tax paid by residents.

Robert Cocks Almshouses: Request £5000 for roofing project that is still ongoing. Last year, they didn’t cash cheque until reminded by a councillor. However due to changes with our bank, the cheque did not cash in. This will have to be re-issued and they will be reminded that the money needs to be spent on the project stated by the end of the financial year. Proposal to give £600 was approved (6 in favour).

Primary School Families Association: Request for £750 towards a school trip to Norfolk Show. Naomi Bailey to abstain from vote due to conflict of interest. Parents will be asked to donate and Families Association will be contributing (through fundraising). Coach costs have increased significantly in recent years but felt it was important to support and educate about our local community. Doug Irons highlighted that this is good value for the number of children that would be attending. Proposal to give £750 was approvd (5 in favour, 1 abstain).

Fawns: Request for £624 for the cost of hiring the hall to enable the group to be free. Member of the public explained that attendees make voluntary donations if they can and that they also hold fundraising events themselves to minimise costs to the families. Councillors felt that with no nursery in the village, it provides good support for young children and new parents. Proposal to give £624 was approved (6 in favour).

Monday Mardle: Request £150 towards running costs and hiring premises. Proposal to give the full £150 was approved (6 in favour).

Old Buckenham Youth Group: Request for £1000 towards set up costs. Naomi Bailey to abstain from vote due to conflict in interest. Group is looking to get running at Easter and will be fundraising some money too. While it is being held at a Methodist Church, it is not anything to do with the Church so the Parish Council is able to accept applications. Councillors felt it was important to support and give it a chance. Proposal to give £500 was approved (5 in favour, 1 abstain).

Village Hall: Requesting £1200 to replace the stage curtains and the curtains in the Memorial Room. PT to abstain from vote due to conflict in interest. They need to be fire retardant and are now out of date. Cost of re-treating them is similar to having new ones. Curtains also offer thermal insulation to the hall. Propose to give £700 (5 in favour, 1 abstain). 

Cricket Club: They had requested £1500 towards furniture and work on their new pavilion. Councillors felt that the Parish Council has given a lot of money in previous years and the Cricket Club has good revenue. Proposal to give £200 was approved (6 in favour).

Precept Grants approved totalled £3,524.

Green Working Party report. The Green Working Committee met in November. A new resident has joined to replace Adrian Joel. Ryegrass seed is needed for the repair of Green by David Tranmer. There are some trees on the Green with silver discs on. This was after every tree was surveyed and all the trees were identified and logged to aid with maintenance. The Clerk to send report to Lesley Evison. Going to look for volunteers to help tidy the Green by clearing branches, etc. Litter picks to also be organised. Possible meeting in June for residents about the Green. Rachel Noyes suggested combining it with Annual Parish Meeting.

Lesley Evison would like a clear list of workers and their contacts. She struggles with IT so would like a paper document. Naomi Bailey highlighted that the Terms of Reference has to be discussed and approved before they can proceed. Doug Irons has drafted a copy on their behalf which can quickly be amended/approved at next meeting. Stan Burton volunteered to keep the footpaths on the Green clear. Next meeting will be on Monday 13 January with plan for grass cutting for 2025 to be discussed.

Dog bin on Recreation Ground. Breckland Council have now confirmed they would collect and dispose of the waste from a dog bin on the Recreation Ground. However as it is not public land, the Parish Council would need to pay for this. Cost of new bin installed would total £253.82. Would also cost £239.78 a year to have this bin emptied. Councillors felt this was a good solution to the problem of dog waste being repeatedly put in the litter bin which is emptied by the Village Hall cleaner. Proposal to go ahead was approved (6 in favour).

Disclosure and Barring Service. It was felt that employees should have DBS checks as an extra level of security for the Parish Council. It costs £53 for an enhanced DBS check. Current Clerk already has one and will provide evidence to Chair.

Register for filming locations. Clerk has been contacted about being added to a list of filming locations by a Norfolk-based filming company who are partially funded by Norfolk County Council. A proposal to agree to be added to this list was approved (6 in favour).

Allotment rent. Discussion on this will be delayed until report about financial viability of allotments is collated.

Community Car Scheme. The village Community Car Scheme is run by volunteers and many appointments are being given at hospitals far afield and at some private hospitals. The Community Car drivers have discussed and have amended the wording of the definition of Old Buckenham community car use to “Only NHS appointments, in a radius of 50 miles of Old Buckenham, including Hospitals, visits to Doctors Surgeries, Physiotherapy Clinics, Opticians and Dental Surgeries”. Councillors felt that if this is what the drivers are happy to do, then the Parish Council should support them. Doug Irons suggested adding the words “at the drivers discretion”. Proposal was approved (6 in favour).

To consider the document: OBPC Financial Risk Assessment Rev AProposal to approve and adopt was carried (6 in favour).

Public participation. None.

Items for next agenda. These will include the precept, the allotments and the date for the Annual Parish Meeting in 2025.

The next Parish Council meeting on will be on Thursday 9 January 2025 at Old Buckenham Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

Friday, 20 December 2024

Changes over Christmas period in Old Buckenham

 Either open or shut

In the run-up to Christmas the village shop has its revised opening hours posted on the front door. On New Year's Day it will be open from 9am to 12 noon.

The Old School Bookshop is opening from 10am to 4pm on both Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 December so that you can buy those last minute books, cards, wrapping paper and other little presents you may suddenly decide that you need. Lucie will then be having a well-earned rest and working on getting the second room open. The bookshop opens again on Friday 10 January when normal service will resume.

The Pop Up Pantry at the Village Hall will start again in 2025 on Wednesday 8 January and its opening hours have changed and will now be 9.30am to 11am. New times to pick up your bargains...

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Carols in Old Buckenham

Go along to the Methodist Church 

Plenty of chances to sing. The Carol Service is at 10.45am, tomorrow Sunday 15 December (mince pies after the service).

Then there is a Christmas Singalong – 7.30pm on Wednesday 18 December – a mix of carols and other well-known Christmas songs. Organ to be played by Sarah Dye. Followed by mince pies, coffee and mulled wine (non-alcoholic).


Friday, 6 December 2024

Festive refreshments in Old Buckenham

Visit the Village Hall on Saturday

Come along and see all the stalls on Saturday 7 December as well as partaking in festive refreshments between 2pm and 4pm. Enjoy yourself and help to raise funds for All Saints Church.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

History of Old Buckenham blog

 When it all started

This blog began on 1st December 2008 which is 16 years ago. According to some not particularly accurate software, it has had 157,460 visits since then and is now getting about 600 visits each month. It may be looked at by people from all over the world but is a pretty small fish in a very large ocean.

Since it started the readership has been around 85% UK, 6% USA, 1% Germany, Norway, France and India with no other country reaching one percent. Recently these figures have changed and over the last three months the UK has dropped to 81%, USA risen to 9% and Germany has reached 6%. There has only been one visit in 16 years from about twenty countries including Gambia, Aruba and Guam.

Long may it continue...

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Opportunity for Old Buckenham learners

Maritime Heroes

Start 2025 by learning about  Norfolk  maritime heroes with this series of three local talks.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Old Buckenham Parish Council minutes

Latest discussions

The following notes of the meeting have been written by the blog editor from the draft minutes and so contain information that may be amended at a later date.

Old Buckenham Parish Council met on Thursday 7 November at Old Buckenham Village Hall. Those present were councillors Naomi Bailey (Chair), Doug Irons (Vice Chair), Stan Burton, Lesley Evison, Steve Gowers and Pete Twissell. David Taylor arrived later in the meeting. Also attending were Rachel Noyes (Clerk), Donna Oakley (RFO)and five members of the public. 

Election of Vice Chair. Ali McWilliam has stepped down from the Parish Council. On behalf of all the councillors, we would like to send many thanks for all of her help over the last few years. It was agreed to appoint Doug Irons as Vice Chair (5 in favour, 1 abstain). The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3 October were approved (5 in favour, 1 abstain).

Declaration of interests. Stan Burton will be receiving payment for his band playing at the Ox and Plough pub.

Financial matters. Payments totalling £1,974.64 were approved (6 in favour). These included room hire, web design, paper for the village newsletter, poppy wreath, defibrillator pads and the community car drivers. As the new Vice Chair, Doug Irons to become internal auditor of finances in place of Ali McWilliam. He requested that any payments/claims are given to Donna Oakley in advance of a meeting otherwise they will not be processed until the following month.

Councillors’ reports. At the Saturday Surgery, four members of public attended with the primary topic of roads and road safety. Naomi Bailey has communicated with Highways Engineer and is now awaiting responses. She has also spoken to Highways about potentially placing posts or a bank along Abbey Road and Sunnyside Track. This will require further research. The ditch alongside footpath to the Village Hall has been cleared by Sapientia Trust. Will liaise with residents about clearing ditch around the back of houses on Sunnyside Track.

There needs to be a big push on getting a replacement for the editor of the village newsletter editor. The current editor will put an advertisement together and the Parish Council will also help to publicise. A Youth Club will potentially be starting in Easter. It will be located in the Methodist Church but run by independent volunteers. Research has also been done about other local Youth Clubs. Have received more feedback from villagers and there seems to be more initial interest from primary school than secondary school children.

There was a recent news article about the village Christmas Tree. Acting on the information given to the Parish Council by the previous clerk, the Parish Council had committed to plans to ensure there would be a Christmas Tree in the village, albeit in a new location. It has come to light that the information given to us from the previous clerk was incorrect. Additionally, it is worth noting that the Christmas Tree has been outside Ox and Plough for seven years and so it is nice to allow other local businesses to benefit from it. As this story was picked up from social media, it highlights the need to raise any concerns or issues with the Parish Council directly rather than on social media.

Doug Irons asked to receive financial information a little earlier as councillors only received data just before the meeting. Rachel Noyes to update Donna Oakley with all contact details so that they can be sent directly, rather than via the clerk, to save time.

The Green needs repairing from Two Wheel Tuesday erosion, as per agreement with David Tranmer, as it is now the end of the season. Peter Twissell volunteered to assist and asked if the Green Working Committee can ensure that the correct type of grass seed and type of soil is identified for David Tranmer. During a recent meeting with David Tranmer, his Christmas Fayre will take place within the Ox and Plough property and not on the Green. As part of this, there will be a Christmas Tree being lit but again located on the property of the pub. The Financial Risk Assessment needs completing. The Clerk has been unable to complete this during the previous month but will be a priority for next meeting. Also the Freedom of Information (FoI) request is still in progress. The Parish Council is collating all relevant information, ready to feed back.

Peter Twissell reported he has had two new keys cut for Village Hall post box, one for the RFO and one for the Clerk. The saplings have arrived for the planting the back hedge of Recreation Ground. He has been in contact with Chapel Green School and first planting session to take place on Tuesday 12 November.

Stan Burton has been dealing with Ottomer Pond. He had hired a digger to get to pipe at a cost of £100 (agreed at previous meeting). Also dug two ditches to look for outlet but couldn’t locate it. Contacted Company A to investigate cost for blasting it clear. They cannot do it all in one go and would charge nearly £1000 for a day. Company B could blast the whole thing at a cost of £110/hour (including VAT) and is predicted to take five to six hours. They will also be able to locate exact locations of blockages within pipe using sensors. Steve Gowers thanked Stan Burton for all his work on the issue and suggested that it might be worth adding inspection chambers for the future. Lesley Evison felt that this will give a clearer picture of the problem (blocked/broken, etc) and location. Stan Burton suspects it is not damaged but simply blocked and suggested building a weir box in the future. Steve Gowers proposed that Company B is asked to blast the pipe and locate any blockages in the overflow pipe from Ottomer Pond. This was approved (6 In favour). Stan Burton has also mowed and tidied the area around the War Memorial in advance of Remembrance Sunday service.

Steve Gowers said the new magnets are now on playground gate. He has been collecting quotes for repair of the surface near roundabout and will complete soon. During a recent Speedwatch event on Cake Street, 14 people were recorded in one hour travelling at speeds ranging from 35-45mph. These speeds are done when they know the Speedwatch are there so there is concern about speeds travelled when no one is there recording. One car was recorded travelling on Hargham Road at 53mph. Sent correspondence to County Councillor Steve Askew about the issue. Steve Gowers  is concerned that there will be a fatality in the village one day and wants to do everything possible to prevent this from happening. He wanted it noted that the Police do not tell them when they’re doing a speed check, they choose the location based on data sent to them by Speedwatch and they’ve been on Cake Street twice in the last month. Lesley Evison asked about a resident’s query at getting the 30mph limit extended (to replace the 40mph) due to popularity of Country Park but after Naomi Bailey raised the issue with Highways, they explained that this would not be possible. Naomi Bailey has also had concern from resident about speed on Hargham Road outside of the main village.

(David Taylor arrived)

Rachel Noyes gave news of arrangements on Remembrance Day. Poppy wreath has been delivered ready for Sunday. Road closure of B1077 was rejected by Highways due to difficulty in closing a B Road and creating a diversion. However, an alternative solution of a TO15 was offered as this would allow us to simply block the road for 15 minutes and not require a set diversion in place. Crown Road would be closed also to prevent drivers travelling straight back down next to the Memorial. The Village Hall has offered to lend us some traffic cones to assist with blocking the road. Councillors volunteered to be in place to put road closure in place and direct drivers. Stan Burton has offered to read the list of names on the Memorial and will be providing a PA system. He is a member of Attleborough British Legion. He discovered that last year, our wreaths were collected without our knowledge after the event and sold this year at a discount price (still for the British Legion). Will be speaking to the group to ensure this is not done again.

Two new sets of defibrillator pads purchased and installed in the defibrillators located at the Ox and Plough and on Fen Street. A Green Working Committee meeting booked for Wednesday 13 November. New Parish Council bank account has been started. Now awaiting mandate and information to be sent in the post. Had expected it to arrive by now so will chase up.

David Taylor had contacted the Tree and Countryside Officer about whether sandbags can be left in place at Ottomer pond and covered with soil. They explained that this would leave the plastic from the bags in place and so is not advised. Would need to remove the bags, but could leave the sand before building up bank. Last meeting, it was agreed that trees on the Green that are over hanging a residents property could be cut back. Wanted to highlight that if any TPOs are in place on those trees, then permission would need to be sought and approved by Breckland Council. Tree surgeons would be able to assist with this.

Planning applications. There had been no new planning applications, no amended applications and no planning decisions by Breckland Council since the last Parish Council meeting.

To consider the document “Terms of Reference OBPC Template rev A”. A proposal to approve was agreed (7 in favour).

To consider the document “Terms of Reference Green Lease Committee Rev A v1.0”. This was previously approved and mistakenly added to agenda. Will require another Terms of Reference for Green Working Committee.

To consider the document “OBPC Grant application 2025-2026 Rev A_Optimized”. A proposal to approve was agreed (7 in favour). Rachel Noyes is to publicise and send out as soon as possible as deadline is Friday 29 November.

To consider the document “OBPC Quotation approval Rev A.pdf”. A proposal to approve was agreed (7 in favour).

Parish Council’s Saturday Surgery. Initially set up for a year’s trial. While there were lots of attendees initially, numbers have dwindled in recent months, with the same people in attendance every month. The approximate cost of renting the room for two hours a month is £240 a year. Councillors highlighted that there are many ways to contact the Parish Council and the councillors: email, phone, the website, the monthly meeting and in person. A proposal by Naomi Bailey to reduce to meeting to every other month and then review after six months was approved (7 in favour).

Defibrillator Training. After recent loss in the village Steve Gowers researched defibrillator training and discovered a charity that offers an hour’s CPR and defibrillator training for free (with donations greatly appreciated). Cost to Parish Council would be rental of the Village Hall for an hour or two. Councillors felt it would be very popular with villagers. Proposal to offer CPR and defibrillator training for the village was approved (7 in favour).

Signage on the Green. As the Parish Council is responsible for leasing out the Green to interested parties, there is a duty to display signs explaining that “Commercial use of the Village Green is not allowed without prior permission”. These have been purchased and will be displayed at prominent locations around the Green.

Prince Harry’s Wood. The Registry Office is processing the Parish Council purchase of Prince Harry’s Wood. They have spotted a small error as there is a sliver of land that was originally included in the agreement that actually belongs to someone else. Will require Parish Council to agree and re-sign relevant documents. Proposal to approve these amendments was approved (7 in favour).

Public participation. Flashing 30mph signs aren’t working. Naomi Bailey confirmed she had already informed Highways about it and will chase up.

Items for next agenda. These will include Green Working Party, Cemetery and DBS checks for Councillors.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday 5 December at the Methodist Church starting at 7.30pm.